Greetings! thanks for bringing up this topic, I've been thinking about it too.
Q: (L) So in other words, what you're seeing in your environment is what you're used to, what you like, what you imagine Heaven to be like. Is that it?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
If density is related to the level of consciousness, it makes sense to me, that if you leave your body in 3rd density, in 5th density your environment will adapt to your "last" state of consciousness. That's what comes to mind because practically seeing things that he has liked makes me remember to see your own reality, only without a state mostly controlled by an STS state, it seems like a state of adaptation.
Q: (L) We had in mind to try to communicate with Pierre. Is that possible or advisable?
A: Let him rest a bit.
Cass has mentioned it on several occasions. Something about a "rest" period upon reaching 5th density. The adjustment of the soul must be something incredible for those parts that also need to be merged, it's as if you were a hard drive to which you are loading fragmented information.
Q: (irjO) Can a soul or being, be still at 5th density contemplating, while at the same "time" part of its consciousness reincarnates and lives in one life or multiple ones?
A: Yes
It makes sense to me, at least as I interpret it. If we are "Multidimensional" beings it is difficult to understand how the mechanics works, but the fact that you are in one density but at the same time another part of you is also somewhere learning and that all these parts of yourself converge at the same time but being in 5th density is even more interesting, because it is as if you are waiting for another part of you to finish its work in order to completely unify or be aware of how many parts of those other existential states of you have joined and that others, it is incredible to try to contemplate that even for each of these lives, there is an individual process that cannot be interrupted by a single life, that is, you are not the "unique and real" one now as we linearly believe, and that predominates over the rest of your divided parts, but certainly at some point all that accumulated knowledge leads to a result for everyone when they are unified.
that the dead relatives can't communicate easily but try to do any type of signals like using objects or animals sometimes to send signals to the living relatives.
Could be a reason of why communication between 5th density and 3rd density is not that easy
it creates layers of obstacles for communication between 3rd and 4rth 5th and 6th density realities.
If I don't understand this, there are beings who do harm with or without permission. Reminds me of the Ghost movie, the ghost wanderer who learned to move cans, "like a spirit learns to move cans" he says:
"It's all in the mind! your problem is that you keep believing that you are alive, you think that you are wearing clothes, etc. Now everything is here in the mind (pointing to his head)."
We are thought forms too and in a certain way we "become thought" when we leave physicality completely or partially, as we go up densities.
This part is very interesting too for me:
"You have to project, I don't know how it's done, but you have to concentrate all your emotions, all your anger, all your love, all your hate."
Isn't that what we see with the souls left here? isn't it practically a bunch of souls always moved by their basest instincts that seems to only do conscious harm or not, to other people??
If when we think about them, we establish a bridge... how do they communicate in dreams? what emotional resources of us may be available to them to use as possible signals?What is the unconscious blockage that we generate that prevents them from doing so?
Therefore, I think that because we are not connected in that way by the same lack of necessary awareness, in addition to the frenetic overwhelming field between the two dualities of thought that blocks the earth, it is that it is difficult, but not impossible.
The thought is much stronger than we think.
Controlling our mental state has been a fundamental part of this process as well. In 4D it was commented, "you create what you think" right?. But you don't arrive directly, you go through 5D first and contemplate, somehow, I think that some other part of you that stores the knowledge in part of 4D also helps you, prepares you, for the next path in that density, because otherwise I wouldn't understand how something as unstable as our mind could keep reality stable in an environment precisely where what you think, manifests. And the same thing happens here too, only in another way and we just can't see it or at least not the "how" is its manifestation/projection in a clearer way as we could experience it in higher densities.