To build off of what Altair shared regarding Soul Groups, this is from part two of Testimony of Light:
At last came the opportunity to pursue the progress onward which I so eagerly desired. By similarities of mind and aspiration I was “drawn” toward a Group. Eagerly I “communed” with them. My joy was deep and strong when I realized that I had, indeed, found my own Group even though I knew myself to be only on the outer fringe of the their activities. And here may I emphasize the value of the Group consciousness which we had practiced and struggled to attain together. The “groove” which we had forged into our consciousness of Group responsibility at soul level, of unity at the Center, of Group growth of the divine qualities into our composite whole, all this was of inestimable help in my entry into, and understanding of, the Law of Group work.
Gradually I became aware of my fellows as “arrayed” in colors as in garments and by the depth or brightness or soberness or brilliance of their “surround” I came to know not only their characters, but their individual advance into the Spiritual Realms. This was indeed most revealing, yet humbling. I saw that now I must discard the habit to which I had clung. It had served its usefulness. I must wear what I am as a garment. The thought was terrifying. What was I? Dare I stand before my Group companions in the “new habit” of my thought? Would the colors be somber or bright? Long and earnestly I talked with others who were in very much the same predicament, and I meditated earnestly on what I wanted to be that such may be presented in truthful Light about me.
This is a new stage. I am still a neophyte. It is the preparatory stage (concentration before meditation in the earthly technique) of working down into oneself to discover what one really is; the utterly honest summing up of one faculties both mental and aspirational and then “letting forth” of whatever Light had dawned, into a shape. “Let your Light so Shine” has a solid meaning here.
Gradually the garment evolves, the color settles, and you are arrayed as you really are. You have assumed your Light. In other words, the surviving personality is reunited with another least a part of the true Soul body.
Life excites you. Mind grows into clarity, expansiveness, creativeness. YOU ARE. YOU LIVE. You can now take your rightful place in the Group, albeit only on the outer ring. Your ascent into consciousness has begun. You are clothed in raiment of Light as your fellows. Now your Light can mingle with their brilliance and become One in intensity. Thought and aspiration grow into joy and ecstasy. Channels of wisdom and knowledge open to you, beauty becomes a living reality.