E said:Quote from: DanielS
My friend and I thought that it was most definitely a take on prejudice and segragation and a very accurate representation of pathology in action.
District 9 was inspired by Neill Blomkamp's short film Alive In Joburg. But what many people don't realize is that he created Alive In Joburg's footage of people being interviewed about aliens, by using real interviews.
Thanks for the link. A very interesting read, some of the interviews in District 9 itself seemed so realistic, I couldn't help but think he was taking actual interviews and putting them into the movie. Yet changing the theme being people to aliens. Did you happen to read that article link 'Is District 9 Racist?'
http://io9.com/5340409/is-district-9-racist said:It may be an alien-disguised apartheid allegory according to some (Okay, many), but does that mean that District 9 isn't racist itself? And no, this is more than metaphor.
Blogger Nicole Stamp risked the wrath of the internet by writing an essay called, bluntly, "District 9 is racist." Her reasoning, however, goes beyond the portrayal of the aliens in the movie - although she has problems with that, too:
The aliens are loathsome, trash-eating vermin who fight endlessly, destroy property for no reason, and piss on their own homes, which isn't a truthful or flattering allegorical comparison for actual black South Africans under apartheid. Apartheid is terrible because humans were denied rights. The "apartheid" of these aliens isn't that terrible — it's kind of justifiable, because they're actually dangerous, violent and destructive. I think it would be a better allegory, and a more sophisticated movie, if the aliens weren't unpleasant. If they were peaceful and kind, but the humans still demonized them, the film would be much more chilling; the horror would be "man's inhumanity to lobster-man", not "eew gross they eat pig heads!
But the allegory has little, if anything, to do with why she's convinced that Neill Blomkamp's critically-acclaimed movie is racist. No, that comes from its treatment of the humans in the movie:
The Nigerian gangsters are bloodthirsty, dishonest thugs, which is not a big deal — they're gangsters, I get it. They see the aliens as mere cockroaches with money, so they don't treat them well, and that makes perfect sense. They're just cruel, self-interested mercenaries, and in this, they're no worse than the film's (mostly white) government officials, who cold-bloodedly torture and murder the aliens. So far no racism, just characters with motivations.
The Nigerians have a wailing "witch doctor". Who instructs them to eat the aliens. And they do it. Bloody, wriggling, and raw, of course. We're told that the black prostitutes "service" the aliens sexually. ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME??! And when Wikus' arm grows a claw, the Nigerian gang boss starts licking his chops, eager to commit cannibalism.
Yup, that's Hollywood's Africa the Africa we get from the media, isn't it. Black Africans shown as degenerate savages who'll have sex with non-humans and are pretty damn eager to eat people.
The blog's readership is split between those who agree, and those who don't, even for the most random of reasons ("The director is from South Africa and is not racist, just an FYI," being my favorite).
What gibberish is this woman talking about? She is offended by the fact that the Black Gangsters are cannibalising aliens because they somehow believe it will give them power, and is declaring this to be racism in the movie, yet in the blog, she states that treating the alien race as mere cockroaches with money makes perfect sense, and that the White MNU Officials using them for torture and murder is just character motivation and no trace of racism is involved in these actions what-so-ever.The Nigerian gangsters are bloodthirsty, dishonest thugs, which is not a big deal — they're gangsters, I get it. They see the aliens as mere cockroaches with money, so they don't treat them well, and that makes perfect sense. They're just cruel, self-interested mercenaries, and in this, they're no worse than the film's (mostly white) government officials, who cold-bloodedly torture and murder the aliens. So far no racism, just characters with motivations.
She also seems to be offended by the fact that they piss on their homes and destroy property for no reason, which isn't a truthful or flattering allegorical representation of Apartheid. Now unless I'm mistaken, those houses were REAL, and maybe I'm wrong in my observation, but I didn't see those houses with the potential for properly running bathrooms or indoor plumbing or anything of that nature, so where exactly would they go to the bathroom? Maybe it's not a flattering representation, but people living under subjugation or poverty don't exactly have the luxury of indoor plumbing, and don't often respond to this type of oppression in peaceful ways.The aliens are loathsome, trash-eating vermin who fight endlessly, destroy property for no reason, and piss on their own homes, which isn't a truthful or flattering allegorical comparison for actual black South Africans under apartheid. Apartheid is terrible because humans were denied rights. The "apartheid" of these aliens isn't that terrible — it's kind of justifiable, because they're actually dangerous, violent and destructive.
I find it utterly incredible what she believes to be okay, tolerable and justifiable in this movie, as opposed to what she finds offensive, distasteful and out-of-line.