DMSA for heavy metal detox - how long available?

Video about mercury amalgams:

Holy smokes :scared: that’s extremely frightening.

My partner has just been diagnosed with achalasia, he’s really been suffering for some time, saying crazy things like he wants to die and asking me to kill him.
He had his lifelong mercury fillings removed about 7 years ago with no detox follow up.

His diet has been very good for months as he can only really eat wet slow cooked food. We’ve ordered some heavy metal testing and dmsa, already have most of the other supplementations to assist.

It’s the first point of call for us to see if the toxic mercury has affected his nervous system causing the achalasia, he’d rather not go down the surgical route if it can be avoided.

This is horrendous to see him suffering so badly. I hope that we can help him recover. He has watched the introduction video to EE and will hopefully begin practicing it regularly.

Here’s the dmsa we ordered.

Interesting. One likes to think that 'natural is better,' but that isn't always the case. Not sure if that applies here for certain since I didn't take any tests for toxicity before or after the courses, but the symptoms of this past weekend do indicate some detoxification taking place. Thanks for the tips, Psyche. :)

Sorry if this info has been posted, I’m rereading this thread for my partner.

DMSA or DMPS has a double thiol group so it is able to strongly bind to heavy metals and therefore, excrete them from the body.4 However, cilantro and chlorella only have a single thiol group so they don’t bind to heavy metals as strongly.5

The danger behind using weak heavy metal chelators that have a single thiol group is that they redistribute heavy metal throughout the body and oftentimes, deposit higher concentrations of heavy metals into the brain, causing neurotoxic consequences.
It can be used to chelate lead, although it has a higher affinity for mercury and some other metals.

I like EDTA because it is generally safe to take orally longterm, without having to worry about timing and the hassel that comes with DMSA/DMPS
Hi Keyhole, I also saw your video recently, and was wondering how it's going? Have you done another heavy metal test to see if levels have decreased?

I'm looking to do one myself to see if a heavy metal detox is needed after a few years of occupational exposure.
Sorry if this info has been posted, I’m rereading this thread for my partner.

DMSA or DMPS has a double thiol group so it is able to strongly bind to heavy metals and therefore, excrete them from the body.4 However, cilantro and chlorella only have a single thiol group so they don’t bind to heavy metals as strongly.5

The danger behind using weak heavy metal chelators that have a single thiol group is that they redistribute heavy metal throughout the body and oftentimes, deposit higher concentrations of heavy metals into the brain, causing neurotoxic consequences.
I'm not convinced that this is the case. It could be a hit piece on naturals to push synthetics. Laura consumed large amounts of spirulina years before starting the iodine therapy and she thinks that's why she tolerated Lugol's so easily. I know she's busy but let's see what she thinks. @Laura do you think the above is true? Sorry to bug you
I'm not convinced that this is the case. It could be a hit piece on naturals to push synthetics. Laura consumed large amounts of spirulina years before starting the iodine therapy and she thinks that's why she tolerated Lugol's so easily. I know she's busy but let's see what she thinks. @Laura do you think the above is true? Sorry to bug you
Well, I must admit I didn’t read the scientific studies cited in the article I posted until just now, I can’t see anywhere where it’s says anything similar to chlorella, spirulina or cilantro being unable to hold onto metals because of a single thiol group…. unless I’m blind or don’t know how to interpret information, from what I can see these studies show quite an affinity for metals binding and being excreted from the body, with chlorella and spirulina.

Sorry for the noise and not doing my homework thoroughly.
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