DMSA for heavy metal detox - how long available?

Okay! After reading the detoxify thread + this thread + Dr Baker’s book, I will say I have a couple of questions I hope someone can help me out with:

Where can one theoretically and allegedly find DMSA in the US? Has anyone theoretically been successful?

I am going to Mexico in October specifically to get my 11 Amalgam fillings removed because it is exponentially cheaper AND safer than the US. Can I still take Alpha Lipoic Acid in the meantime? I am very interested in it's benefits, but I understand it is also a chelator. I am also considering taking Vit B6 & B12 to supplement with Folic Acid for Methionine support. Also, what do you guys recommend for the most effective binding agent? I currently have activated charcoal that I take daily.
  • I already take Iodine 1-3 drops of Lugols 2% to feed glands. I think I have much too mercury to be supplementing any higher, and it seems rather useless to attempt major chelation when I'm a mercury factory.
  • I take NAC Daily for liver protection and Glutathione production
  • I take B2 and B3
  • 3 grams of Lipo Vit C
  • Magnesium glycinate at night
I was previously on a paleo diet for the past 6 months simply for pleasure but the discovery of my cognitive and compulsive issues led me to seek help only to find out I have had severe ADHD my whole life (also got worse in the military probably from the extreme amount of vaccinations), which brought awareness to the state of my toxicity and lack of ability to detoxify. I immediately started on diet. I am currently on a grassfed omega 3 obsessed carnivore diet, but will be moving to a keto diet this week to introduce some guilty pleasures (a handful of strawberries, and chicken :) ).

Just recently I have thought my whole life that I was just stupid and could never focus or never do anything with any serious dedication, but that was simply not true. I have now been supporting my body with HBOT + Low carb diet and my cognitive ability to THINK CLEARLY and clear my thoughts and stop compulsive actions has improved by at least 20%. I am dead set on detoxifying because I feel like i've been mislead and lied to my whole life. I literally feel more in control of myself will not give that up again. Can't wait for October!
The post right above your post has a source.

I looked at it and there's an English page DMSA . At the checkout page, USA is in the dropdown menu of country of shipment, though I didn't complete checkout.

It will let you place it in the basket, but will give a prompt stating it will not ship to the US. The US url has it removed from their listing. Good ol US government needs to make sure it’s citizens are well microwaved!IMG_4378.jpeg
Years ago, I summed up the research of a jaw dropping Alzheimer's study in terms of results:

I was catching up with their research by searching the main author on pubmed (Dale E Bredesen). They've been busy! They categorized a third type of Alzheimer's disease which is basically a result of chronic inflammatory response (CIRS) either from mycotoxins and/or chronic infections (herpes, tick-borne diseases) and some pretty amazing reversals. The studies are fascinating, and it's all available on pubmed. I just wanted to bring into attention their DMSA protocol :

DMSA Therapy. ​

DMSA has a half life of 4 hours and it is important to keep the drug at a steady state so that the bound metals do not become reabsorbed and deposit in other tissues of the body. It is important to note that the order in which treatment progressed was very slow and chelation of heavy metals was actually one of the last therapies. The patient was treated in a progressive order that the chelation of heavy metals was one of the last things she was treated for in an effort to ensure that her gut health was good and that she was stronger and able to handle the chelation of mercury. With a history of PBC there was concern about her ability to sustain good liver detoxification. She was very sensitive to DMSA and noted a decrease in her cognition when she took a dose for provocation. While on chelation she was given herbs that enhance liver detoxification along with a rigorous nutrient regimen. The chelation protocol is: (1) Low Dose DMSA 10 mg/kg is the dose to be taken every 4 hours around the clock for 4 days drinking at least 8 ounces of water with each dose; (2) 10 days off between each 4 day treatment cycle, and (3) during the holiday between oral chelation we recommended patients replenish minerals and nutrients that have been removed with chelation.

Notice it was the last thing treated and only because it was strictly necessary.
@Keyhole I saw your video the other day about lead chelation, why use use EDTA instead of DMSA, isn't it supposedly also good for chelating lead?
It can be used to chelate lead, although it has a higher affinity for mercury and some other metals.

I like EDTA because it is generally safe to take orally longterm, without having to worry about timing and the hassel that comes with DMSA/DMPS
everyday i click in the forum new things just surprises me. in poland lots of option to buy. so i need now money only :)
I'll be reading this thread in a few days Once I'm done the iodine thread. I found a source for DMSA, $150/100grams plus 50 for shipping (USD).

I'm looking at living supplements as well but it's literally twice the price. It does however have vitamin c which according to google, actually increases the efficiency of DMSA. For whatever reason though, living supplements claims that vitamin C is just for shelf life.

A KG of DMSA Is ridiculously cheap but I couldn't possibly use it all myself and I'm not sure about receiving that amount either lol.

I emailed the company that Joe used for HM testing; awaiting a response.

The bulk source does apparently have 5ppm heavy metals, I've asked living supplements how many ppms their DMSA has. I have a feeling that the HM's are contaminating most things as a rule


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It can be used to chelate lead, although it has a higher affinity for mercury and some other metals.

I like EDTA because it is generally safe to take orally longterm, without having to worry about timing and the hassel that comes with DMSA/DMPS
There's also this interesting peculiarity about EDTA in this article shared by Gaby:
The researchers that tested nicotine, also tested vitamin C with EDTA and this last cocktail was able to dissolve all nanoparticles as well:

Calcium Disodium EDTA plus Ascorbic Acid Completely Inhibits Microchip And Nanoantenna Development In Dental Anesthetics Articaine Epinephrine, Known To Contain Graphene

Calcium Disodium EDTA plus Ascorbic Acid Completely Inhibits Microchip And Nanoantenna Development In Dental Anesthetics Articaine Epinephrine, Known To Contain Graphene
I've recently found out about OSR, which should be the safest chelator I guess. I know @Keyhole you asked on your lead chelation video in the comments about it, there's a group on facebook called Mercury Heavy Metal Chelation and they reccomend and do it with OSR, there's a lot of information there. Here's a document from the group on OSR, if someone wants to try it would probably be the best to join the group and read up on it. And @Keyhole there was a post about your video and it was said:
Elliot obviously doesn't realise he is transporting his lead burden and other metals into the mitochondria and other areas of his body which actually lowers blood metal levels but doesnt remove metals from the body and redistributes them deeper. I recently developed an inflamed sore right wrist from taking 600mg of ALA 2-3 times a day for 3-5 months without taking OSR every day with it. I thought I would be able to easily get away with doing this having done 2.25 years of ACC and 5.5years with OSR and later on incorporating ALA, DMSA and DMPS with OSR. I have come to the realisation to properly remove metals it takes many years and probably something many of us have to do regularly through our lives and OSR is the only effective compound at this point that can safely remove metals without causing to much redistribution. My wrist is slowly improving again with taking OSR most days.
I don't know if this is true or not, I'm just sharing information.


I've recently found out about OSR, which should be the safest chelator I guess. I know @Keyhole you asked on your lead chelation video in the comments about it, there's a group on facebook called Mercury Heavy Metal Chelation and they reccomend and do it with OSR, there's a lot of information there. Here's a document from the group on OSR, if someone wants to try it would probably be the best to join the group and read up on it. And @Keyhole there was a post about your video and it was said:

I don't know if this is true or not, I'm just sharing information.

I am somewhat skeptical about anyone who claims to have one single solution for a widespread/complex problem.

OSR is relatively new and was not available to the public for the longest time. Does this mean that well-established methods of heavy metal detoxification were not effective? -- I highly doubt that.

EDTA has long history of use in chelation/heavy metal detoxification. Is it the best? Probably not. But does it work? I think it does.

I am very interested in OSR.

However, there is almost always more than one way to "skin a cat".
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