DMSO - Dimethylsulphoxide

Hi tempest0822,

Thanks for the information. :)

It's customary for new members to post an intro in the newbies section. It doesn't have to be long, just a little something about yourself and whatever else you're comfortable with.
A very dear patient of mine recently came in for an exam, I was saddened to see her moving slowly and using a cane. I asked what happened. She was involved in a farming accident that broke both of her legs just above her knees back in June. She now has titanium rods in both legs with pins at the knee.

Her left leg is doing well, even though the break in the left was more severe than the right. Her right leg is still inflammed and quite swollen. I suggested 70% DMSO to combat the inflammation. Now, thinking about it, I am wondering if the metal rods will have any reaction with DMSO appled topically.

I do have to walk a fine line while practicing and would certainly never make any suggestions (knowingly) that would cause harm. Now I'm wondering, if suggesting DMSO was a bad idea. Any thoughts? She does not take any medications and has only used a pain med prescribed by the ortho surgeon occasionally since her accident. The surgeon is now suggesting a steroid injection for her. But she has refused - so far.
From what I can find about DMSO and metals, it takes a high temperature of at least 80C to corrode stainless steel and titanium, which I think is what most implants are made of. With soft metals, like mercury and lead it may be lower. Not sure if corrosion is what allows DMSO to help eliminate heavy metal toxins, or the Sulfur itself helping our body's elimination?

Here is the chart that shows corrosion/reactivity of DMSO to various materials.
Thanks divide-by-zero, your post makes me feel better about my suggestion. I'll have a look at the link you posted as well, but have to go to work. I'm late! :scooter:
Yeah, DMSO cream applied a couple times daily would really take that swelling and inflammation down.
Considering the huge diet changes I made a month ago, is it even advisable for me to begin DMSO detoxing yet, or should I wait a little longer for my body to do the "fat exchange" and purge more of the gluten out before beginning? From what I have read in this thread, one must be careful in doing detox too fast, and it has only been about a month of being on the HF/LC diet. I know I probably have a serious heavy metal problem due to excessive fluoride treatments as a child and having accidentally swallowed a couple of amalgam fillings that came loose over the years. Since heavy metal chelation protocols can be dangerous if done improperly or too quickly, I thought it would be better to ask before beginning this regimen.
Read all of the Life Without Bread thread before you do anything.
I will- thanks Laura. I had gotten up to page 53 of the thread when I abruptly stopped to read the most recent pages of it along with the LWB book. In continuing where I left off, only a few pages later was a similar question asked by another member which was answered by you. So I will wait to change anything else until I am finished reading the thread. I must admit that I am anxious to begin the detox process, but if it is going to possibly make me very sick it is better to wait and learn more.
QL, I think that would be a prudent approach. I understand the desire to jump right in, especially when we are concerned about the dangers of delaying things that could reduce, neutralize the effects of harmful things in our system.

But there are so many variable that can be introduced, it's best to run approach things one at a time. Otherwise, you will never be able to attribute an effect, whether positive or negative, to any specific approach.

Slow and steady wins the race.

It is just so difficult knowing all of this garbage is in my body now. I am up to pg.70 in the LWB thread, and am absolutely fuming after reading about gluten. I realize I have work to do on myself concerning buried emotions and traumatic events, but to know now that the food I ate for all those years was a chemical contributor to my anxiety and depression just takes the cake. On top of that, after reading that today when home for lunch, I know what has been causing the recent problems with my daughter- gluten. And I was the one who pushed the whole grain and fiber diet starting a couple years ago. I am angry at both the psychopaths that are doing this and myself for being stupid enough to subscribe to their ploy. Now I really have something to work for....

Sorry about the above rant, but I am just sickened by this whole mess. I just hope I have not caused unrepairable damage to my daughter.
It's an appropriate response, I'd say. We can be angry with those who intentionally deceive us and angry at those whose lack of practicing a modicum of due diligence, put ourselves and our family's health at risk. Which is why we should be angry both at those who have used their position of authority or credibility to deceive us and angry towards ourselves for investing absolute trust in them. But the anger at ourselves should be shortlived, ending the moment we start practicing appropriate diligence.

Developing the capacity to discern science from pseudoscience requires time and effort. We need to be gentle with ourselves as we grow into awareness. As long as we do everything without our capacity at any given time, we cannot fault ourselves. So, try to cut yourself a little slack if you agree that you were doing your best with what you had to work with. That was then and this is now. The only thing you should be asking youself is what you will do next.

Thanks, Gonzo. It was just an emotional moment when I read the gluten material. It made me realize- truly and completely for the first time- what kind of world we are living in. After a couple hours of analysis, I came to the conclusion that although we cannot stop them from doing this to us, we can keep learning and surviving against all odds. IMO, the greatest victory we can have is learning everything they do- and somehow survive it. Obviously this body of existence is not all there is, but it is what we are at the current moment. If anything, this has given me an even greater strength and clarity of purpose to push on as long as I can- learning and doing the right things.
Gonzo said:
I'd like to echo Laura's comments on the poultice/compress, diet and heat.

After nearly 20 years suffering from several disk herniations, surgery and the various drugs the specialists kept feeding me, I found the greatest relief from serious dietary change (the modified ultra-simple diet, modified again to increase meat and animal fat, reducing carbs) and heat. DMSO seemed to help calm the inflamed nerve and surrounding muscle tissue. And not enough can be said about the kinesio taping that seems to have helped so many people.

I also found the FIR blanket to be helpful when my back was causing me problems.

Gonzo said:
Healing a disk might not necessarily be one's ultimate goal. There's been a lot of evidence through studying cadavers that many people have significant herniation but are symptom free. Neurologists and back specialists are starting to rethink disk herniations and wondering if something else is at play (e.g., hypersensitivity in nerves, dysfunctional pain response, etc.).
This has given me pause and I hope more specialists pick up on this. It is my experience that surgical solutions are considered far to soon and far too often when so many other factors should be taken into consideration.

This is what I read.

Acupressure Taping said:
Most human beings have functional disorders in various sections of the spine, but in many cases such disorders do not cause pain because the body can well compensate for them.
However, if the bodily compensation becomes inadequate, the result is a discompensation and this is associated with pain.

Gonzo said:
For me, breaking the pain cycle stopped a chain reaction of muscle tension and both physical, mental and emotional exhaustion that seemed to reduce the episodes of flareups and re-injury. Whatever healthy way of breaking the pain cycle one can muster might be the first prong of a multi-pronged approach.

However, I am not a doctor nor do I play one on television, but I do suggest reading as much as you can on the dietary connection (both to neuropathies, connective tissue as well as mental state, since pain perception is deeply influenced by mood), stretching, ice or heat therapy, natural pain relief, stress reduction (I should have mentioned how the EE breathing program afforded my great relief, especially on my bad days), exercise and taping as you deal with this excruciating and disabling condition.

I concur.
I have become more sensitive to my own signal system. When I think about stressful events I immediately feel pain in my neck, head, shoulders and back. But when I do something else I feel no pain or only if I make the wrong movement.
The other day I had to answer a not so nice telephone call that I couldn't avoid. I was boiling with rage (silently), but my whole body was completely free of pain. I actually felt very well, because of the outrage that I was allowing myself to feel and making sure that this outrage could not cause a blockage somewhere. Despite the stressful telephone conversation I felt physically wonderful. :O

I used some DMSO and the medical tape, but the pain is still excruciating at times, but I somehow seem to be able to handle it better.
I think my pain is caused by old psychological trauma, hence the fact that the medical tape and DMSO do not provide a lot of relief. So I have started the Redirect writing exercises and Peter Levine's exercises and see how that goes together with everything else that I am doing ATM.

A: Think of the most efficient conductor of chemical compounds for low wave frequency charge.

charge -> electrons
electron donor - anti-oxidant

'the most efficient conductor of chemical compounds'
DMSO conducts chemical compounds throughout the body more efficiently than any compound I am aware of.
It is a naturally occurring combination. Millions of tons are created annually in algal blooms in the oceans or by DMS, DMSP, chemical interactions in the atmosphere.

Perhaps we do not make our own vitamin C, because at one point in our genetic history we had something better and more efficient, before it was truncated?

Question - Is DMSO the chemical compound that was truncated by biogenetic engineering?
I've been using DMSO for a little while now, about two years or so I think. I wanted to share what has been most effective for me. I've tried the various kinds, 100% pure liquid, 100% pure gel, 70/30 DMSO/aloe gel, and 70/30 DMSO/water gel. What I do now is get preservative free aloe juice from the fillet (flesh) and pure liquid DMSO. The aloe is almost 100% pure except for citric acid, as a pH balancer; the purest I could find. I put them both into spray bottles and will spray some aloe first, then DMSO. Then I alternate back and forth as long as I can take it. Which is typically about 10 - 15 minutes. Then I will use coconut oil or lotion afterwards to help the skin heal a bit. Doing it this way, I don't get any burns at all, and can usually do DMSO treatments every other day if I feel like it. This is pretty good for me considering DMSO even at lower concentrations would burn like the dickens. Using it with aloe in this way, it is uncomfortable, but not painful really.

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