DMSO - Dimethylsulphoxide

Je viens de recevoir un pot de DMSO, je me demande comment bien la conservée, à température ambiante ou au réfrigérateur ?...
Depuis quelques mois, j'ai été percluse de douleurs qui me sont arrivées par hasard sans que je me sois fait mal, maux de dos( bien bloquée en septembre et octobre 18, côtes droite , coude droit, genoux gauche, cheville droite, genoux droit et mes yeux rougissent février/mars 19... J'ai donc utilisé cette crème DMSO en en mettant même sur les paupières de mes yeux... Les douleurs sont passées au bout de quelques jours, mes yeux sont un peu gonflés...

I have just received a jar of DMSO, I wonder how to store it properly, at room temperature or in the refrigerator?...
For a few months now, I have been suffering from pains that happened to me by chance without my back hurting, back pain (well blocked in September and October 18, right ribs, right elbow, left knee, right ankle, right knees and my eyes blush February/March 19... So I used this DMSO cream by even putting it on the eyelids of my eyes.... The pain passed after a few days, my eyes are a little swollen....
Merci 3DStudent pour ta réponse, je ne l'vais pas encore mis au réfrigérateur donc je vais donc la garder à température ambiante...

Thank you 3DStudent for your answer, I will not put it in the refrigerator yet so I will keep it at room temperature...
For a few days, I had a shooting pain from my head down to my arm, which was the most intense in my neck and shoulder. I think this pain has arisen from sleeping too elevated with too many pillows. The MSM and Lugol's has been misplaced in our household so I decided to get some DMSO. It has been on my list for a long time.

It turned out to be really effective. There is an ~50% improvement and I applied very little, being precautious. For now, I plan to use it on alternate days for this pain and review in a week.

And for other purposes, drinking it with distilled water where and when possible to deal with the sulfur odour.
I've recently had an interesting experience with DMSO. I can't get the rose cream mentioned in this thread delivered to where I live so I purchased 99.99% pure DMSO with the intention of making my own face cream with it.

I have a wisdom tooth that gives me trouble on and off. Usually for weeks at a time. Coincidentally, a couple of days after the bottle arrived last week it started to hurt really badly and by the end of the day it was very swollen. I was sure I was going to have to have it removed this time becuase it had never been that bad. Something I've been reluctant to do due to the position of the roots. I was told it would require a very good jaw surgeon to remove it properly.

When I got home from work, I applied lots of DMSO on the entire area surrounding the tooth. I then put iodine on it. I also took quite strong painkillers before bed, quietly hoping the below session quote would apply to me:

A: Not true, S, sometimes pain killers cure cause as well as symptom. This is simply reversal of therapy. The symptom dies, thus cutting off the energy flow of the causative problem. Then the root cause dies if its "fuel supply" is interrupted for an adequate duration.

The next morning the swelling was gone and the pain felt more mechanical than inflammatory, if it makes sense. I continued to apply DMSO and Lugol on it twice a day, morning and evening, and by day 3 the tooth was completely "back to sleep". I put iodine on it before and it never solved the problem so quickly. I also used the same painkillers before and the problem persisted for a longer while, which has has led me to conclude it was most likely DMSO that did the trick.

I'm not a dentist but I thought wisdom teeth are something mechanical rather than something needing detox so I didn't think DMSO would actually work. Last time I had a problem with that tooth I noticed it slowly get better with Quinton rinses for a couple of minutes per day. It might have been a coincidence of course, I cannot know that. But when combined with the recent DMSO+iodine combo I do wonder what's up with that tooth.

If someone here happens to have wisdom tooth issues and decides to use the above approach, I'd love to hear if it worked for you too. There's always a possibility the improvement was psychosomatic but if it was, I'm actually quite happy with my psychosomatic power in this specific area :-)
Ant22, je me demandais si vous aviez mis sur votre dent la "crème" ou un bain de bouche ?... Merci pour votre réponse.

Ant22, I was wondering if you had put on your tooth the "cream" or a mouthwash?.... Thank you for your answer.
Ant22, je me demandais si vous aviez mis sur votre dent la "crème" ou un bain de bouche ?... Merci pour votre réponse.

Ant22, I was wondering if you had put on your tooth the "cream" or a mouthwash?.... Thank you for your answer.

Hi Perlou, it put undiluted 99.99% DMSO on the tooth. Not the cream. Right after that I put Lugol iodine on that tooth too.

I spent some time reading about wisdom teeth, trying to figure out why DMSO would stop a toothache. Many sources say that food can gather around emerging wisdom teeth and cause infections. Although I brush that tooth just like any other and it doesn't look like there's space for food to gather around it, maybe there really was an infection. That's seems to be the most logical explanation. It that was the case, then it was sorted in a truly seedy manner :-)
Merci Ant22 pour les explications, j'ai trouvé ce lien sur Amazon France, est ce bien ce produit ? Sinon as-tu un lien ? Merci pour la réponse...
DMSO Diméthylsulfoxyde 99,9% pureté 1000 ml dans verre brun hydrolytique - Fabriqué en Allemagne: Gateway

Thank you Ant22 for the explanations, I found this link on Amazon France, is this product good? If not, do you have a connection? Thank you for the answer....

Yes Perlou, this product looks very good :-) It is the same purity as mine and it is delivered in a glass bottle - which is great.

But you already have the rose cream, yes? I think for detox/preventative use the rose cream is better. From what I've read in this thread, it isn't as harsh and smelly as pure DMSO. 99.99% DMSO smells like garlic, asparagus and sweetcorn blended together and it's quite harsh on the skin. If I could get the rose cream delivered to London I'd totally buy it instead of the DMSO bottle and I will try to make my own DMSO cream this weekend.

That said, pure DMSO may be a better heavy duty help and I will use my DMSO+iodine combo if something requires a more drastic intervention - like my wisdom tooth did.
Merci ANT22, voici le lien chez Amazon France où je l'ai acheté le 5 mars dernier :
Nature's Gift DMSO - Rose crème parfumée - 4 once.: HygiÚne et Soins du corps

Thank you ANT22, here is the link to Amazon France where I bought it on March 5th:

They don't deliver to London I'm afraid :-( And this product isn't available in the UK.

But I was wondering if you could help me Perlou? Could you write down the ingredients of this cream? I can't find them on the Amazon website but I guess they are listed on the jar/box the cream comes in?
Voici ce qu'il y a d'écrit sur ma boîte, tout en anglais :
99.9% Pure DMSO - Nature's Gilt - TM
70% DMSO in a Cream Base - Net WT. 4 OZ

May cause skin irritation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, clothing. Washthoroughly after handing.
In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with water. Call a physician.

Sold as a solvent only
This product is intended for use as a solvent only. The choice of the process used in the various application is the sole responsability of the user. It is unlawful to represent in any way that this product is useful or sale to use medicinal purposes.

Keep out of reach of Children

DMSO, LLc, 206 Ferry Street, Ghent, KY 41045

This product was delivered to me from the United States within a few days, you should try to see if it would deliver to England...

99,9% DMSO Pur - Nature's Gilt - TM
70% DMSO dans une Base Crème - Net WT. 4 OZ

Mise en garde
Peut causer une irritation de la peau. Éviter le contact avec les yeux, la peau et les vêtements. Laver à fond après la manipulation.
En cas de contact avec les yeux, rincer immédiatement les yeux avec de l'eau. Appeler un médecin.

Vendu comme solvant seulement
Ce produit est destiné à être utilisé uniquement comme solvant. Le choix du procédé utilisé dans les différentes applications relève de la seule responsabilité de l'utilisateur. Il est illégal de déclarer de quelque manière que ce soit que ce produit est utile ou qu'il est vendu à des fins médicales.

Tenir hors de portée des enfants

DMSO, LLc, 206 Ferry Street, Gand, KY 41045

Ce produit m' été livré des Etats Unis sous quelques jours, tu devrais essayer pour voir s'il te livrerait an Angleterre....

Traduit avec
Je m'en sers pour mes douleurs dans mon dos, mes genoux, mes chevilles, mes coudes et mon cou... Ça me soulage...
J'en ai mis un tout petit peu sur ma petite York Hella hier sur un petit bobo, ça n'a pas eu l'air de lui faire du mal...
J'espère que j'ai pu t'aider...

I use it for my back pain, my knees, my ankles, my elbows and my neck... It makes me feel better....
I put a little bit on my little York Hella yesterday on a little boo-boo, it didn't seem to hurt her...
I hope I was able to help you....
For a few days, I had a shooting pain from my head down to my arm, which was the most intense in my neck and shoulder. I think this pain has arisen from sleeping too elevated with too many pillows. The MSM and Lugol's has been misplaced in our household so I decided to get some DMSO. It has been on my list for a long time.

It turned out to be really effective. There is an ~50% improvement and I applied very little, being precautious. For now, I plan to use it on alternate days for this pain and review in a week.

And for other purposes, drinking it with distilled water where and when possible to deal with the sulfur odour.

I myself use DMSO when pain, it works instantaneously. It is really a miracle formula, as Doctor Gaby says.

You say that you drink for other reasons DMSO with water, can you tell for what ? and how is the pourcentage of DMSO with the water?

Here's some pretty amazing research in cancer patients. They used DMSO in an IV with the idea to relieve pain in advanced biliary cancer and instead, they reported regression of major signs and symptoms including liver damage and enlarged organs.

Palliative Treatment for Advanced Biliary Adenocarcinomas With Combination Dimethyl Sulfoxide–Sodium Bicarbonate Infusion and S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine
Ba X. Hoang, Hung Q. Tran, Ut V. Vu, Quynh T. Pham, and D. Graeme Shaw

Ba X. Hoang, MD, PhD, is a medical consultant with the Department of Oncology, and Hung Q. Tran, MD, PhD, is head of the Oncology Center, 198 Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam. Quynh T. Pham, MD, is with the Departments of Internal Medicine and Palliative Care, Labor Medical Center, Hanoi, Vietnam. Ut V. Vu, MD, is with the Departments of Surgery and Oncology, Hospital of Traditional Medicine, Hanoi, Vietnam. D. Graeme Shaw, MD, is an internist in private practice in Los Altos, California, USA.


Adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder and cholangiocarcinoma account for 4% and 3%, respectively, of all gastrointestinal cancers. Advanced biliary tract carcinoma has a very poor prognosis with all current available modalities of treatment. In this pilot open-label study, the authors investigated the efficacy and safety of a combination of dimethyl sulfoxide–sodium bicarbonate (DMSO-SB) infusion and S-adenosyl-L-methionine (ademetionine) oral supplementation as palliative pharmacotherapy in nine patients with advanced nonresectable biliary tract carcinomas (ABTCs). Patients with evidence of biliary obstruction with a total serum bilirubin ≤300 μmol/L were allowed to join the study. The results of this 6-month study and follow-up of all nine patients with ABTC indicated that the investigated combination treatment improved pain control, blood biochemical parameters, and quality of life for the patients. Moreover, this method of treatment has led to a 6-month progression-free survival for all investigated patients. The treatment was well tolerated for all patients without major adverse reactions. Given that ABTC is a highly fatal malignancy with poor response to chemotherapy and targeted drugs, the authors consider that the combination of DMSO-SB and ademetionine deserves further research and application as a palliative care and survival-enhancing treatment for this group of patients.

Nine patients with nonresectable ABTC with symptoms of obstructive jaundice with no prior specific
treatment were enrolled in the study over a period of 6 months.

All nine patients were treated with infusion of 25 mL of 99.9% DMSO solution mixed with 500 mL of
sodium bicarbonate (SB) 1.4% solution and the equivalent of 1000 mg of potassium chloride and
1500 mg of magnesium sulfate. The infusions of DMSO-SB were performed by giving a continuous 5-
day infusion with a 2-day break for a total of three cycles of 20 treatments.
Thereafter, the patients continued with two infusions in 5 days with a 2-day break for 24 more treatments. The mean speed of drip was 60 drops per minute.

The positive progress in the level of total serum bilirubin and liver enzymes shown in Table 4 indicates
that treatment with DMSO-SB infusion plus ademetionine oral supplementation is effective in the
improvement of the disease control rate and possible tumor reduction, since it reversed the bile obstructive
syndrome and liver damage caused mainly by tumors in the biliary system metastases to the liver
. The
clinical symptoms of the patients with ABTC also improved throughout the 6-month period of treatment,
as shown in Table 5.

The surprising findings in monitoring the clinical symptoms such as abdominal pain, weight loss, weight gain, jaundice, hepatomegaly, total serum albumin, and liver enzyme elevations showed that all the subjects achieved stabilization of their disease.

The clinical endpoints were achieved in all nine investigated patients. The treatment with DMSO-SB infusion
and ademetionine oral supplementation not only showed that this combination effectively controlled
pain, but also released the bile obstructive symptoms that enhanced quality of life for the patients. The
PFS6 showed improvement to 100% compared with the historical PFS6 of 57.1%

The treatment was well tolerated by all patients. There were a few cases of diarrhea and nausea during the initial 2 weeks of treatment. These were controlled by appropriate medication or resolved without any specific treatment. There was no toxicity observed clinically and in monthly monitoring of blood analysis and biochemistry parameters. The pH of blood remained within normal levels with maximum of 7.6 and minimum of 7.45 during the 6-month treatment.

In our previous publications, we proposed the concept of cell membrane hyperexcitability through sodium channel activation and glutamate-induced N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor stimulation
as a significant causal factor in carcinogenesis
.15 We have published research regarding the role of
dimethyl sulfoxide as a dual-inhibitory agent, which inhibits both voltage-gated sodium channels and glutamate receptors.16

This inhibitory property may have neuromodulatory effects on the physiological functions of the central
nervous system (CNS) and peripheral organs.18 Not only do ademetionine and DMSO have complementary
functions, but because of its ability to enhance membrane transport, DMSO also may have a synergistic
effect on ademetionine by increasing its cellular levels.

Here's the compatibility of DMSO with the various materials needed for the IV infusion:

Compatibility with various materials (DMSO / sodium bicarbonate intravenous cancer therapy)

Compatible: LDPE, HDPE, polypropylene, polypropylene copolymer, polymethylpentene, nylon, teflon FEP

Moderately compatible: polystyrene, ECTFE/ETFE

Incompatible: polysulfone, flexible and rigid PVC tubing, polycarbonate

Via this website, a conversion of the Hoang formula to more international units:


42 mL 8.4% Bicarbonate

208 mL Sterile Water

25 mL 99% DMSO

10 mL Magnesium Sulfate

4 ml (8 mEq) Potassium Chloride


83 mL 8.4% Bicarbonate

417 mL Sterile Water

40 mL 99% DMSO

10 mL Magnesium Sulfate

6 ml (12 mEq) Potassium Chloride

Pretty fascinating publication, even though we don't know what happened to the participants of the study and/or if they continued their DMSO infusions.


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