DMSO - Dimethylsulphoxide

For the database from "Pharmacology of dimethyl sulfoxide in cardiac and CNS damage" published by Stanley Jacob and de la Torre in 2009.

The pharmacological effects of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) administration include some desirable properties that may be useful in the treatment of medical disorders resulting in tissue injury and compromised organ systems.These properties include the reported effects of DMSO on impaired blood flow, suppression of cytotoxicity from excess glutamate release that may result in lethal
NMDA-AMPA activation, restriction of cytotoxic Na􀀀 and Ca􀀀 entry into damaged cells, blocking tissue factor (TF) from contributing to thrombosis, reduction of intracranial pressure, tissue edema, and inflammatory reactions, and inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation that can lead to atherosclerosis of the coronary, peripheral, and cerebral circulation. A review of the basic and clinical literature on the biological actions of DMSO in cardiac and central nervous system (CNS) damage or dysfunction indicates that this agent, alone or in combination with other synergistic molecules, has been reported to neutralize or attenuate pathological complications that harmed or can further harm these two organ systems. The effects of DMSO make it potentially useful in the treatment of medical disorders involving head and spinal cord injury, stroke, memory dysfunction, and ischemic heart disease.







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Found this interesting article by an MD who suggests trying DMSO+Vitamin C and applying it a few times a day to the area. So we tried this, but feel that DMSO will take up a lot of Vit C if allowed to sit over night. Our DMSO/VitC mix was a solution rather than a paste. It ended up being sort of thick, but stays on just fine. After appyling 2-3 times/day for almost a week, the growth is definitely receding in size and not looking like it's gonna pop anymore.

For anyone wanting to mix some up, a little ingredients will go a long way. I started with 1 teaspoon of DMSO and 1 teaspoon of ascorbic acid powder and it didn't seem like it was dissolving so added another teas. of DMSO. It still didn't seem to be going into solution, but the next day found that the solution was clear and thick.
I might give this a try. Did you use 2 teaspoons of vitamin C and 1 teaspoon DMSO? I think I'm going to try to sodium ascorbate form instead of the ascorbic acid form.
I myself use DMSO when pain, it works instantaneously. It is really a miracle formula, as Doctor Gaby says.

You say that you drink for other reasons DMSO with water, can you tell for what ? and how is the pourcentage of DMSO with the water?


For pain and hay fever relief; I started with a solution of roughly 20-25ml DMSO to 75-80ml distilled water for internal and external use, adding more distilled water as and when.
I started with 1 teaspoon of DMSO and 1 teaspoon of ascorbic acid powder and it didn't seem like it was dissolving so added another teas. of DMSO.
I misread this yesterday. You used 2 teaspoons DMSO and 1 teaspoon ascorbic acid vitamin C.

I was thinking of trying rose cream DMSO and sodium ascorbate.
Is one of these DMSO products preferable or are they all fine? They all advertise 99.9% DMSO but I'm not sure about trustworthiness. 99.9% (cheapest)

Nature's Gift 99.9%

Jacob Lab 99.98% (very expensive)
I don't think we have shared this one here just yet.
Meanwhile, in Houston, Dr. Eli Jordon Tucker, an elderly and highly respected orthopedic surgeon, was treating cancer with a combination of DMSO and hematoxylon, a non-toxic dye sometimes used as a medicine. In experiments in cancerous mice conducted by Thomas D. Rogers, PhD, under the supervision of Vernon Scholes MD at North Texas State University, the mixture was seen to go directly to tumors and nowhere else, where it effectively starved them.
Wow. Another miracle substance hidden in the forbidden knowledge category.

Dr. Tucker told her that since she was on DMSO, the radiation would not hurt her, a fact well established by clinical studies in various countries and virtually ignored in the United States.
It looks like DMSO provides protection when using radiotherapy treatment of cancer.

The study used one application or two at the most for week because it was a study about interval doses of DMSO as opposed to daily ones. They have good results with this interval dose and actually some people responded better this way.
Topical DMSO to the two insulin-treated diabetics was associated with a forced reduction in insulin dosage
Good to know it can help diabetics.

When you use iodine and DMSO together, you can actually mix them and the DMSO will carry the iodine into the cells.
I'm going to try topical DMSO and iodine on a large dark skin spot on my leg that is occasionally itchy, as well as topical DMSO and sodium ascorbate vitamin C.

I've emailed to order their DMSO.
Meanwhile, in Houston, Dr. Eli Jordon Tucker, an elderly and highly respected orthopedic surgeon, was treating cancer with a combination of DMSO and hematoxylon, a non-toxic dye sometimes used as a medicine. In experiments in cancerous mice conducted by Thomas D. Rogers, PhD, under the supervision of Vernon Scholes MD at North Texas State University, the mixture was seen to go directly to tumors and nowhere else, where it effectively starved them.

Since last few weeks I have a very dire situation with my father's health, I've reread part from Dr. Walker's book regarding DMSO and cancer treatment and found about DMSO+hematoxylon infusion as a potent cancer killer treatment. My father was diagnosed with pelvis tumor (osteo sarcoma) but biopsy came out with sarcoma as secondary process, so we are still waiting for additional results for acctual cancer origin. My father was hospitalised for few days to treat some mild leg trombosis and to run some additional test, but he was released from hospital with doctors advice for paliative care, no chemo or radiation due his poor condition. We've considered using IV vit C infusions, but his ferritin is at 500, and his veins weak, so it looks like DMSO + hematoxylon infusions are only option available at a moment. It seems that today's nomenclature have changed from hematoxylon to hematoxylin (Natural black 1) and we have obtained enough of it to make initial doses. First try samples came out as described by Dr. Tucker. Of course part of the family opposed at first, but since we are running out of time and illness is spreading it looks like whole family is ready for consesus about treatment. We've covered most of the logistics and could be ready for infusions in the next few days. We've even found nurse to help us with inserting IV needle. It's still not done deal yet, but will keep you updated for news.
More information on DMSO IV and cancer and many other conditions.

Everything You Need to Know About DMSO IV Therapy
By Michelle Stimak, RN
This week we are diving into a substance called DMSO, and yes, I need to get scientific for just a moment. Dimethyl Sulfoxide (aka DMSO), is a simple sulfur compound first discovered in 1866, as an accidental byproduct of pulp and paper manufacturing. It then sat on the shelf for over 100 years before its many uses were recognized.

DMSO is used extensively in veterinary medicine as an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever and even in IV form on horses for brain swelling. So why are we not using it more for humans? Especially when some of our main chronic illnesses today have to do with inflammation and pain?

Good question. . .
In fact, it is being used all over the world for many serious illnesses and right here in Idaho at the Karlfeldt Center for these exact problems. I must say, it is one of my favorite IVs to give as results are seen rapidly and are long-lasting.

If you want even more validation, check out this interesting old production of “60 Minutes” from 1980 when Dr. Stanley Jacob was promoting its many uses and effectiveness.

DMSO uses are extensive
My favorite DMSO property is that it opens up the floodgates of our cells allowing other medicinals to enter and become much more effective. Even topically, DMSO has this property.

Imagine the possibilities!

When used in conjunction with other antibiotics, for example, they have found that DMSO can actually make antibiotic-resistant bugs, not resistant anymore. This is a big deal with all of the resistant bugs going around these days.

DMSO can also reach the microcirculation level, meaning that it can easily treat eye and lung issues as well as infiltrate tumors in hard to reach places. This is why it’s used all over the world for cancer treatments.

Currently, DMSO has been proven to effectively treat inflammation in the body, which includes arthritis, atherosclerosis or clogged arteries, chronic pain, stroke, head injuries, sports injuries, cataracts, cancer, and burns. DMSO decreases pain by blocking the nervous system, reducing swelling and decreasing inflammation.

And, because DMSO is a free radical scavenger, it can be used to detoxify the body by essentially dumping toxins from inside the cell. Nothing else does this.

Aesthetically, DMSO has been used to soften and stimulate collagen production, decreasing fine lines and stretch marks. It can diminish a bruise or a varicose vein and speed wound healing following a surgery.

DMSO, a Powerhouse IV Booster
The Karlfeldt Center offers DMSO IVs with magnesium for the relief of inflammatory disorders and DMSO with Vitamin C that’s a 1-2 punch for eliminating toxins from the cell and neutralizing them. I have personally seen DMSO/Vitamin C IVs eliminate gout in two to three treatments and decrease 20 years of arthritic pain in a few weeks. And by the way, you can ask the wonderful RN’s to add DMSO to an IV for further treatment boosting. You may smell like sulfur for a few short days, but trust me, it’s definitely worth it!

DMSO is an alternative cancer treatment. Years of research studies have proven it is safe and effective. It is legal. But because it has to be prescribed “off label,” (the FDA approved it, but not as a cancer treatment) patients’ insurance companies cannot be billed for it. It is not available through most cancer treatment centers for this reason.

1. What is DMSO?

Short for Dimethyl Sulfoxide, DMSO is a natural substance; a byproduct of the lumber industry, which supplies it to the pharmaceutical industry for veterinary and human use. In its crude form, this carrier solvent is often used by veterinarians and athletic coaches in the treatment of muscle sprains and various injuries. It promotes healing by increasing the blood supply to the area of the injury. The pure pharmaceutical grade is FDA approved for treatment of interstitial cystitis (bladder inflammation.) DMSO is a gentle but powerful healing substance.

2. Are there any side effects associated with DMSO treatment?

A few patients have reported a mild headache or a spell of chills. This is rare, and disappears when the IV drip rate is slowed. DMSO has a slight odor like garlic and oysters. This fades away within two days after the final treatment. DMSO is gentle and non-toxic. It does not ordinarily cause nausea and vomiting, nor does it routinely destroy healthy tissue or blood cells, unlike standard chemo. It won’t cause anemia, except in cases where disease progression has damaged the pancreas or gallbladder, or in cases where prior standard chemotherapy and/or disease progression has damaged the bone marrow's ability to regenerate replacement red blood cells. When this side effect arises in a patient receiving DMSO (anemia) it can be offset with a blood transfusion, or the patient may be switched over to another alternative treatment. Patients who are warned of the risk of anemia are often willing to accept the trade-off and the possibility of a transfusion becoming necessary, when weighing it against the likelihood that the DMSO is also working to destroy their tumors. Despite occasional anemia, DMSO has none of the miserable side effects common to most standard chemotherapy agents. Research indicates that it protects against common side effects of standard chemo and radiation. It also protects against blood clot formation; a serious complication risk of surgery.

3. Is DMSO effective as a cancer treatment?

YES. In the documented research literature and in actual cases we have witnessed firsthand, evidence shows that it has brought about total remission on many high grade, aggressive tumors which had progressed (metastasized) to the lymph nodes and other areas of the body. Our greatest success has been against the lymphomas, glioblastoma, melanoma, prostate and colon cancer.

4. How does DMSO work?

According to the Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments (published by Medical Research Associates LLC) DMSO was known as a medical wonder product, “the aspirin of the 21st century,” before briefly falling out of favor with the FDA—which ultimately approved it, but limited its treatment usage. DMSO has a molecular bond with water that is 1.3 times stronger than water’s molecular bond with itself. Because of it, this unique solvent substitutes for water as it moves through the cell membranes; pulling substances through cells that ordinarily would not penetrate them. Some believe its basic therapeutic principle is its ability to alter and restore damaged cells by hydrating them, changing their water structure, and increasing cellular permeability—which allows cells to nourish themselves and dispose of wastes more easily.

Although all of the mechanisms of this substance are not fully understood (neither was aspirin, until fairly recently), it is known that DMSO, acting as a carrier solvent, mixes readily with dextrose, and acts as a “Trojan Horse,” when pulled across the cell walls of tumors, which feed upon the dextrose (Sugar.) The DMSO then destroys the cancer cells without affecting normal tissue.

“Supporters believe that DMSO can cut through a protein shell surrounding cancer cells and so may assist medications and the immune system in attacking cancer cells. It is also believed that DMSO can decrease the energy level of cancer cells and cause them to become benign.”1

“DMSO stimulates various parts of the immune system and scavenges hydroxyl radicals, the most potent of free radicals. Since free radicals promote tumor growth, this may be one of the mechanisms by which DMSO interferes with the development of cancer. It may also explain why patients who receive DMSO while undergoing either chemotherapy or radiation (both of which generate free radicals in order to kill cancer cells) are far less prone to such side effects as hair loss, nausea and dry mouth.”2 “There is evidence that DMSO can also protect against radiation damage.”3

1. Guide to Unconventional Cancer Therapies 1st ed. Toronto: Ontario Breast Cancer Information Project, 1994:271-274
2. Diamond WJ et al. An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer. Tiburon: Future Medicine Publishing Inc, 1997: 111,866-67
3. Dunlop M. Understanding Cancer: An Invaluable Book for Patients and Their Families. Toronto: Irwin 1985: 108-110
Further extensive research and evidence is in the book “DMSO: Nature’s Healer,” by Morton Walker, M.D.
5. Why isn’t DMSO available through most cancer treatment centers?

Two reasons: Medical bureaucracy and economics. They fear that offering it could make them vulnerable to attack (AMA, FDA) also, institutions cannot bill patients’ insurance companies for DMSO treatments. The claims would only be denied, because, even with the evidence that DMSO is an effective cancer treatment, the FDA never approved it for that purpose. It must be prescribed “off label.” The information on effective, natural, non-toxic alternative cancer treatments is “out there,” but it is not widely available. Other alternative cancer treatments (besides DMSO)—available by doctors order through Camelot Cancer Care in Tulsa, Oklahoma—can be read about on the following internet web sites:, and (“Foundation for Alternative Cancer Therapies.”) There are others, which keep such a low profile they declined a link. This confidential information is made available to our patients on an as-needed basis.

Your oncologist (perhaps fearful of political repercussions) may not feel comfortable endorsing DMSO, but will generally respect your decision to receive it. This treatment choice is ultimately the patient’s decision.

No one has the right to discourage a patient from an alternative treatment choice that could save his life. But many doctors are either uninformed or misinformed about DMSO—or they are quick to emphasize its only drawback. It does have a slight odor, like garlic and oysters, or clams. There is no denying the fact that DMSO DOES make the patient smell slightly like “the beach at low tide.” Most, who are educated, regard it as the smell of life. (Which sure beats the smell of death.) The odor from DMSO is temporary. It passes within two to three days at most after the intravenous treatments are completed. Most patients agree that the odor is a small price to pay for an effective, non-toxic cancer treatment which does not cause nausea and vomiting and only rarely causes anemia.

6. Will DMSO conflict with my standard chemotherapy?

No, not if it is scheduled properly. DMSO, being a carrier solvent and also a chelating agent, (helping cells to rid themselves of waste, by making the cell membrane more porous) increases the effectiveness of whatever else is given in combination with it—but can also “chelate OUT” and diminish the effectiveness (or damage!) from standard chemo. To avoid any conflict between the two, it is best not to receive a DMSO infusion in the same day as standard chemo. We recommend a 48-72 hour safety margin for patients who have opted to receive both.

7. What is meant by the medication must be prescribed “off label?”

The FDA approved DMSO for another medical purpose; treatment of Bladder inflammation, but not as a cancer treatment—even with all the research evidence proving its safety and effectiveness.

8. Is it legal for a doctor to prescribe a drug off label?

YES, it is done all the time. Once a drug is FDA approved for any purpose, It may then be written off label for any condition. For example, hormone replacement therapy was originally developed for contraception. But it has long been prescribed to regulate menstrual periods and to control excessive monthly bleeding. That is just one example of many drugs which have beneficial off label uses. The point being that a patient does not need to be suffering from a bladder inflammation in order to legally receive DMSO, which may put his cancer into remission (But no medical facility can bill a patient’s insurance company for a drug treatment which has been administered off label.)

9. Why hasn’t the FDA approved DMSO for cancer treatment?

It would take pages to try to speculate why the FDA does what it does, and neglects to do what it arguably should have done. One possible reason is because DMSO is a natural substance, not patentable by big pharmaceutical interests, which would not gain huge profits by its approval as a cancer treatment. To quote Dr. Stanley Jacob, the foremost researcher and authority on DMSO, “There is no placebo effect in dogs or horses!” There is undeniable evidence that DMSO is a powerful, effective tool against cancer in both animals and humans.

10. Are there any other DMSO clinics in the United States?

Only one. The most well known operates at the University of Oregon Health Sciences Center. That’s where we found Dr. Stanley Jacob, Professor Emeritus and co-discover of DMSO. He dictated the treatment protocols. That clinic declines to treat cancer patients. Camelot Cancer Care LLP is the only dedicated DMSO clinic in the country which accepts cancer patients, as far as we know.

The full story of DMSO and Dr Jacob's research can be found here: DMSO: Many Uses, Much Controversy

11. How do I make arrangements to receive DMSO treatments?

The process begins with signing and faxing an Informed Consent Waiver/Records Release to us at Camelot Cancer Care. Our fax number is 918-493-2216. The form may be found by going back to our home page and clicking on “Getting Started.” When we receive your faxed form, we will send for a copy of your medical records and schedule an appointment for you with our supervising physician. As soon as he reviews your case history and sees you, your treatment can be authorized and we can then proceed.

12. Can you guarantee a cure?

NO, that would be irresponsible. Many patients have experienced tumor regression and even remission after receiving the series of 20 intravenous treatments, but each case is different, depending on staging or progression of the disease and many other factors. Cancer is not just one disease, it is many, and DMSO may not be effective against all forms of it. The medical research evidence indicates it is most effective against hard tumors and lymphomas. We have also had great success against glioblastoma, melanoma, prostate cancer and colon cancer.

We do our best to ensure that the patient has the best chance for survival, but we cannot guarantee a cure. No reputable doctor or clinic can. There are charlatan cancer clinics out there, which are really in the business of offering cruel false hope to desperate people. We welcome questions and can show the medical evidence that DMSO is an effective cancer treatment. Our patients are monitored by an excellent supervising physician, overseeing their progress. He is readily accessible to respond to any crisis. Our patients receive complete and comprehensive care, including periodic lab work and diagnostic imaging scans to gauge their response to treatment.

Camelot Cancer Care offers DMSO as a complementary, off label treatment. Although it is a powerful weapon, it shouldn’t be regarded as a sole substitute for the arsenal of cancer weapons. Some conventional treatments have merit and should be continued. We also offer bio-oxidative therapy, given alternately with DMSO. Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment. We hope to offer patients “an edge;” an extra treatment that may help make the difference in their survival. But we make no claims that DMSO or intravenous oxygenation therapy are cancer “cures.” They are effective treatments, known to bring about remission in many, but not all cases.

13. When I tried to research DMSO on the Internet, I found some bad information claiming it to be harmful How do you explain this?

You can “google” any treatment on the Internet: either orthodox or alternative medicine, and find posted entries both pro and con. The simple truth is that anyone, however unqualified or mistaken, can post without proving accuracy of his source. A lot of disreputable critics post false or misleading information—sometimes out of spiteful or political motives. Scientists who know better can sometimes challenge and rebut to clarify and set the record straight, but egos get involved, and no one has the authority to delete the false postings.

One such entry cites that DMSO causes hemolysis—breakdown of red blood cells, also liver damage. Etc., according to “the Donnsbach booklet.” We contacted the medical researcher who had been hired to write that booklet (FOR Donnsbach), and the author himself (Dr. Morton Walker) said that the cite simply doesn’t exist—someone made it up. Yet the bogus cite remains posted online, causing needless worry and discouraging patients who could benefit from DMSO, despite the risk of anemia--which is easily manageable, if it happens.

One oncologist, newly hired at a well known Tulsa cancer treatment facility, actually told a patient the preposterous falsehood that DMSO would indeed dissolve his tumor—but would then spread it to other parts of his body! That doctor may be sincere in her erroneous belief. (Who knows where she read such a wild, scary claim, and chose to believe it.) We have put that doctor on notice that if she can prove that charge to be true, we will absolutely cease our operations immediately. (So far, there has been only silence in response, leading us to conclude that “the evidence” does not exist.)

Many proactive patients, distrustful of mainstream medicine, have ordered the book by Kevin Trudeau: Natural Cures “they” Don’t Want You to Know About. Here is a direct quote from page 407, what Mr. Trudeau has to say about our treatment:

“I encourage you to go to the Internet and type in DMSO and start reading about its powerful effects. Also type in hydrogen peroxide and start reading about how it is used to cure and prevent all types of diseases. Please know that most of the information is being suppressed, and the pharmaceutical industry has set up a host of front web sites talking negatively about these two products. I can assure you that all of the negative discussion is misleading and untrue. These are miracle products. They can help you cure and prevent cancer and virtually all types of medical diseases. They must be used correctly, and I advise you to use them under the supervision of a licensed alternative health care practitioner. … They are also very effective in helping to get rid of candida throughout your entire body, as well as detox your body from toxins. These are miracle products. Let me say it again, these are miracle products. Proper use can change your life.” [...]
I received my supplies and hope to start tomorrow topical 50/50 DMSO/sodium ascorbate vitamin C on the skin spot. I guess I'll use a cotton q tip to apply the mixture.

On a unrelated note, does DMSO help with recovery after recently completed radiation therapy for cancer? From what I read, DMSO helps during radiation therapy.
I received my supplies and hope to start tomorrow topical 50/50 DMSO/sodium ascorbate vitamin C on the skin spot. I guess I'll use a cotton q tip to apply the mixture.

On a unrelated note, does DMSO help with recovery after recently completed radiation therapy for cancer? From what I read, DMSO helps during radiation therapy.

I use small sterile gauze pads, it's safer at the disinfection level of the product.
On top of that, organic cotton might be even better, if available. I'd think there would be some glyphosate on conventional cotton.


You mentioned the glyphosate and cotton cloth and that is something I had never considered but I guess it is something to think about along with all the other toxins in our environment (it's a wonder we aren't all dead I guess).

From Textile World:

OEKO-TEX® New Regulations 2019
Glyphosate under observation

In 2019 two new product groups will be under observation: glyphosate and its salts as well as the carcinogenic N-nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable substances.

Glyphosate products in particular, currently the quantitatively most important ingredient in herbicides, received a lot of media attention during 2017 and 2018 and were the subject of fierce controversial debates around the world. At the end of 2017, approval for glyphosate and for further use was only temporarily extended by the EU to five years – under protest from different consumer groups and environmentalists. With the “Under observation” action, the Oeko-Tex Association is now looking more closely at the substance group in relevant textile materials and is analysing the situation in more detail.

Expanded product portfolio for sustainable production conditions

The STeP assessment will be extended to leather production facilities in 2019. The name will also be changed in the course of this integration: “Sustainable Textile Production” will become “Sustainable Textile and Leather Production” – the product name STeP remains the same.

Posted January 3, 2019
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