DMSO - Dimethylsulphoxide

Gandalf said:
I don't think so either but it might help me to get used to the taste.

I still have the taste in my mouth this morning. :cry:

Could it be the plastic?
Oxajil said:
Gandalf said:
I don't think so either but it might help me to get used to the taste.

I still have the taste in my mouth this morning. :cry:

Could it be the plastic?

No it does not taste plastic.

Maybe, as a working hypothesis, since i have never really smoked, i am a bit more sensitive to tastes.
Laura said:
Guardian said:
Gandalf said:
I have just tried it. I put 1 teaspoon in a glass of water and put it in my mouth. As soon as I tried to swallow it, it went outside and quite fast. :-[ :(

The liquid stuff is definitely an acquired taste. I found that chasing it with a big glass of apple juice is VERY helpful.

Probably is okay to do if that's what it takes. But actually, I don't find it that awful tasting.

I don't think a drop will do anything useful.

Real apple juice (with the mother still in it) is what I use whenever I have to take something nasty...and I'm with Gandalf on the tastes absolutely awful to me too, especially when I burp. Worth it though!! I'm more than willing to drink something that tastes like I chewed on a battery cable and walk around smelling like a giant onion for the pain relief.
Gandalf said:
Laura said:
I don't think a drop will do anything useful.

I don't think so either but it might help me to get used to the taste.

I still have the taste in my mouth this morning. :cry:

Have you been putting it on your skin? (Diluted to 50%) If you do, you will notice the taste in your mouth in just a half a minute after putting it on the skin. That demonstrate's its penetration power. When using DMSO, I'm sorry to say, but you will taste it and smell it until it leaves your system which can be up to 4.5 days later. That's the price, but as far as I am concerned, it's worth it. Besides, I like garlic!
Laura said:
Gandalf said:
Laura said:
I don't think a drop will do anything useful.

I don't think so either but it might help me to get used to the taste.

I still have the taste in my mouth this morning. :cry:

Have you been putting it on your skin? (Diluted to 50%) If you do, you will notice the taste in your mouth in just a half a minute after putting it on the skin. That demonstrate's its penetration power. When using DMSO, I'm sorry to say, but you will taste it and smell it until it leaves your system which can be up to 4.5 days later. That's the price, but as far as I am concerned, it's worth it. Besides, I like garlic!

Yes i have been putting it on my skin (75%). However, I did not notice any specific taste in my mouth after putting it. I was expecting for it, as said in the book, but nothing special. But maybe it was so subtle that I did not notice it or maybe it is going to take more time for whatever reason in my case. I have been using it on my skin since friday and my daughter who has a very fine nose, did not say anything about my body odor up to now.
I had my second dose of DMSO yesterday. I took two teaspoons this time. Almost immediately I felt weird, for lack of a better term. It was a feeling of a sort of floating detachment. It lasted for about an hour.

In the past two days I have experienced dreams which have related to some past feelings of guilt, albeit seemingly minor issues, given the width and breadth of my other past not-so-minor guilts. It did give me an opportunity to re-examine these things in perspective. I do not know if this is relative to the DMSO or simply the result of attempting to focus on dream work.

I then remembered that the Cs had once related some info on DMSO. Off to the transcripts...


Q: (L) We have one other question that is personal. Can you describe the action of DMSO on the body tissues, and can it be detrimental?

A: Please define "detrimental."

Q: (L) Just leave it and describe the action on the tissues.

A: Pores of the skin are stimulated to open up in ways in which they do not normally open up, due to chemical reaction that is taking place between the oils that are normally present on the skin, and the chemical
compound in the DMSO, which allows for rapid absorbing of the chemical compounds into the skin, to such an extent that nerve endings are equally stimulated to produce the desired result that is what could be
described as numbness. But, one must remember that this numbness is merely a result of deadening the nerve endings as opposed to any medicinal treatment of the cause of the discomfort. Therefore, it is not particularly
helpful for one to use the product described if the desired result is long term treatment and healing. It is merely short-term comfort on a temporary basis, then this is feasible, however, it is not advisable for long term

Q: (L) The studies done on DMSO say that it bonds with the water molecules and passes quickly through the cells, forcing the cells to restructure in their original pattern, and that also it can carry into the tissues any other
agent that is put with it. So, if you wish to apply an antibiotic to a specific area of the body, you mix it with the DMSO and apply it there and then do not have to treat the entire body with the antibiotic just to get it to a
particular area. Is any of this correct?

A: Well, we choose to pose the question to you: Such intricate processes as described, makes one wonder how such a compound would be widely available, given the nature of political and economic restrictions in your
3rd density environment.

Q: (L) Well, it is sold for veterinary use...

A: Again: How could such a compound be available for your use, if indeed, it has the results that you describe? We have answered the question. And, it is possible for you, given your inquisitive nature, to come up with a
reliable and trustworthy chemical analysis through efforts of your own which would verify our statement: it is merely the result of nerve endings being numbed, as it were, which eases the pain. Now, we ask you to reflect
upon this for a moment, again not merely to answer this one simple question regarding one relatively minor subject, but rather also to answer the entire nature of things in your environment. Would you expect anything that
produces the results that you describe, to be readily available to you?

Q: (L) Well, I don't know. One does have to buy it from a veterinary source... so it is not exactly in the supermarket!

A: Then why can't you buy, for example, plutonium from such sources?

Q: (L) Well, plutonium is more rare.

A: But we are not discussing rarity of a substance, we are discussing results purported to arise from the use of DMSO. And you describe rather fantastic results involving some rather fantastic chemical reactions which
begs the question "why would such a compound such as this be even remotely available to the average individual in your environment, when other compounds that are KNOWN to produce various chemical reactions
that would be beneficial are NOT available. Again, we refer back to the economic and political structure of your third density environment when posing such a question.

Q: (L) Are you saying that it is almost impossible to get anything that is good or useful in this environment? Are there no "good guys" out there putting things out that are good for us?

A: What do you think?

Q: (L) I certainly hope so!

A: Remember, for quite some period of time now, as you measure time, we have tried to inform you to the effect that your third density environment has been completely controlled and will be controlled by forces that
seek only to serve themselves for a period, as you would measure time, exceeding 309,000 years. And, many, many times in your current life existence, you have reflected upon the questions involving the beneficial or
otherwise existence of individuals or an individual IN this environment, the pros and cons of continuing such existence, and what is involved with it. And, you have correctly perceived the conclusion that this is, primarily, a
negative experience. But, not that good things do not come from a negative experience, but that the basic indicator that it is a negative experience, should also indicate to you that it is an experience related to a chain of
command involving Service to Self. And, therefore, Service to Self is a manipulative action rather than a openly beneficial action. It is a withdrawing and taking motion rather than an expanding motion. And these
statements can answer for you, not only simple questions about one chemical compound, but the very nature of your existence to begin with as well.

Hey Rabelais --

Rabelais said:
I then remembered that the Cs had once related some info on DMSO. Off to the transcripts...

I had come across this before and wondered about it too. One thing I noticed is that this particular session was a "direct channeling session," which if I remember correctly was suspect of having more "noise" because it was being done through the filter of an individual, not through the spirit board. It would be good to know more about the context of the session, of course -- perhaps Laura will be able to provide her own perspective when she has a chance to do so.
Rabelais said:
I had my second dose of DMSO yesterday. I took two teaspoons this time. Almost immediately I felt weird, for lack of a better term. It was a feeling of a sort of floating detachment. It lasted for about an hour.

DMSO is a really powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. It's like putting roto-rooter in your system. Parts of you can come back online that haven't been operational for years! That's why I only take it one or two days, and then several days off. Even after two years of detoxing, I know I'm still carrying a toxic load and I know detoxing too fast is not a good idea.

One symptom I had from too much detoxing was vertigo. It goes away if you slow things back down. Psyche had the same thing.

Rabelais said:
In the past two days I have experienced dreams which have related to some past feelings of guilt, albeit seemingly minor issues, given the width and breadth of my other past not-so-minor guilts. It did give me an opportunity to re-examine these things in perspective. I do not know if this is relative to the DMSO or simply the result of attempting to focus on dream work.

Could be both... the DMSO crosses the blood/brain barrier and reduces swelling and plaque in the brain.

Rabelais said:
I then remembered that the Cs had once related some info on DMSO. Off to the transcripts...

I've posted the entire session here: with commentary. As Shijing noted, it was one of the "direct channeling" with Frank sessions. Best to read it with commentary.
psyche said:
Yeah, but be ready to have an "asparagus" smell emanating from your body Wink DMSO can last for days, it takes 120 hours or so in order to be eliminated from the body, so that is another thing that can be considered when taken orally. But FWIW:

Well, there's been a lot of hearsays around this asparagus thing. Indeed DMSO can have some minor side effects including some slight genetic mutations but nothing to really worry about... ;)

Laura said:
I've posted the entire session here: with commentary. As Shijing noted, it was one of the "direct channeling" with Frank sessions. Best to read it with commentary.

That really helps. I have always been skeptical of the early Frank sessions, but reading it with the perspective of the commentary points out the different flavor of the answers coming from the Frank trance sessions.
Belibaste said:
psyche said:
Yeah, but be ready to have an "asparagus" smell emanating from your body Wink DMSO can last for days, it takes 120 hours or so in order to be eliminated from the body, so that is another thing that can be considered when taken orally. But FWIW:

Well, there's been a lot of hearsays around this asparagus thing. Indeed DMSO can have some minor side effects including some slight genetic mutations but nothing to really worry about... ;)


LOL!! :) The smell usually goes away in a day or two.
Laura said:
One symptom I had from too much detoxing was vertigo. It goes away if you slow things back down. Psyche had the same thing.

I also had the same side effects of DMSA when taking about 2 tsp of DMSO, for example anxiousness that later on gets relieved and improved. Well, it does cross the brain barrier, and:

DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is another excellent chelator developed back 1866 by a Russian chemist. DMSO is one of the most potent free radical scavengers ever discovered.
Laura said:
One symptom I had from too much detoxing was vertigo. It goes away if you slow things back down. Psyche had the same thing.

Aha! That could be what was going on with me. I quit doing saunas after I started feeling like I was floating away at odd times. Like when I was driving to work... :scared:
Rabelais said:
I had my second dose of DMSO yesterday. I took two teaspoons this time. Almost immediately I felt weird, for lack of a better term. It was a feeling of a sort of floating detachment. It lasted for about an hour.

I've just taken my first dose of DMSO and I too felt a floating sensation! It wasn't unpleasant though. I'm looking forward to seeing what this treatment can do for me.

My housemate has just announced that he wants to go on the detox diet! One of the things that concerns him is a red eczema-like mark on his hands. He has only recently developed it. He wonders if this is from an allergy or possibly from using industrial chemicals for cleaning at his workplace. I've applied some liquid DMSO (pure solution) to a portion of his red mark to see what happens. So far he has reported a burning sensation.

Should this be diluted down for him? And how best to apply it to the skin? I used some cotton wool for the moment.
Mrs. Peel said:
Laura said:
One symptom I had from too much detoxing was vertigo. It goes away if you slow things back down. Psyche had the same thing.

Aha! That could be what was going on with me. I quit doing saunas after I started feeling like I was floating away at odd times. Like when I was driving to work... :scared:

Odd that I haven't noticed anything but near instantaneous pain relief. I always react poorly to drugs, in fact, I'm usually the poster child for contraindications. Strange...kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop, like tomorrow I'll notice there's a second head going out from under my armpit or something like that LOL
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