DMSO - Dimethylsulphoxide

Shijing said:
Thanks LQB -- the psyllium so far seems to, if anything, have had the opposite effect on me, but I will keep this in mind in case things turn around.

Hi Shijing,

The psyllium husks we have specifies that they are gluten free. I'm not sure about other psyllium products that don't specify its purity. It seems that cross contamination is an issue. A heads up, just in case.
curious_richard said:
Now I am reading about DMSO, and it is also supposed to be good at fighting germs. And it can get into more parts of the body, like the skin and nails. So I am wondering if a mixture of DMSO and coconut oil might be really useful in treating fungus in the nails and the toes ("athlete's foot"). And maybe the mixture would be good for many other uses, as the DMSO might help the coconut oil get deeper and help more.

I plan to try this out when I get my order of liquid DMSO in a couple days. I already have a gel, but I think the liquid DMSO would be easier to mix with coconut oil.

Yeah, the DMSO has antimicrobial properties and will also make the coconut oil work and penetrate better the nails.
Data said:
Have also a look at this post, "The Enema Within". It is a detailed and quite funny report about colonic cleansing. Notice also the following mention and thread on the "Blessed Herbs Colon Cleansing Kit". It could be that you need a more intense intestinal cleansing. I tried this product and I was amazed what came out of me, to say the least!

Thanks for both references, Data -- I hadn't run across that post/article yet, and I have the Blessed Herbs kit up in a window now to read more about -- I may end up giving it a shot.

Nathan said:
So it seems to me that it's very important to really go after the heavy metals in order to finally address any persistent symptoms of remaining toxicity. Now, I should mention that I have never used colonics (except the oral, herbal variety) or any sort of enema, so I completely understand your reluctance. But the more I read through this thread, the more I'm thinking if we really want to beat this thing completely and not have it continually coming back to bite us, we need to get serious.

I agree -- I'm actually not that reluctant per se, as much as not in a position to do everything all at once, so I have to take it one step at a time. I am going to the the first coffee enema today though, so that is one more step in the right direction I presume! I agree completely about the heavy metals, and as I mentioned above, I am going to order DMSA at the same time I order DMSO to try to start working on that.

Psyche said:
The psyllium husks we have specifies that they are gluten free. I'm not sure about other psyllium products that don't specify its purity. It seems that cross contamination is an issue. A heads up, just in case.

Thanks, Psyche -- I hadn't thought of that. I just took a look at my bottle of psyllium, and it says "gluten free". I hope that means that they control for cross-contamination!
Ya'll don't be going after the metals until you are wheat and dairy free for awhile and have had time to get your colon cleaner and build up your body's resources so that the detox pathways won't be overwhelmed! Detoxing metals is very demanding on the body!
Laura said:
Ya'll don't be going after the metals until you are wheat and dairy free for awhile and have had time to get your colon cleaner and build up your body's resources so that the detox pathways won't be overwhelmed! Detoxing metals is very demanding on the body!

Thanks for the tip, Laura -- I don't think I realized that, so I will be focusing on the colon for now, and will put the DMSA on the side until I feel like I've done all that I can reasonably do in that area.
Laura said:
Ya'll don't be going after the metals until you are wheat and dairy free for awhile and have had time to get your colon cleaner and build up your body's resources so that the detox pathways won't be overwhelmed! Detoxing metals is very demanding on the body!

I'd also like to thank you for the tip; that could've been a disaster. I'm also going to give the coffee enema a spin - twice a week (as suggested in the anti-candida thread) and will re-evaluate metals a few months down the track.

Since the side effects listed for DMSO include skin rashes and itchiness, I'm going to steer clear of it for now just to be safe. But it's really fascinating that DMSO has such a wide array of applications both inside and outside the body.
So far, our experimentation with DMSO is that it, too, is a strong detoxing element. That means that, if you are toxic, (and about everybody is), you can't be taking it orally every day because the unloading of toxins just overwhelms the body's detox pathways. So, I'm taking it a couple days on, a couple days off. It really is remarkable stuff.
Laura said:
So far, our experimentation with DMSO is that it, too, is a strong detoxing element. That means that, if you are toxic, (and about everybody is), you can't be taking it orally every day because the unloading of toxins just overwhelms the body's detox pathways. So, I'm taking it a couple days on, a couple days off. It really is remarkable stuff.

I'm also doing this, because the detox reaction is already strong. I was also applying DMSO cream in my back and legs at night, and feeling pretty bad the next morning. I stopped, and it seems that applying it in the morning instead, and only when really needed, is better.

I would recommend to read more about activated charcoal before taking it. I read an article about it that said that although it doesn't deplete you of minerals and vitamins when they are in natural form, some supplements may lose theyr efficiency. I hope I can dig it up and paste it here. They point is, then, that when you take a lot of other supplements, it may not be good to take charcoal.

I do use it to brush my teeth, and that's great! It has whitened them and they feel clean in the morning too, fresh.

My 2 cents,
Earlier today I found a website in Aus that sells DMSO, MSM, colloidal silver, hyaluronic acid and other preps at wholesale prices.

I don't know how to link but the site address is

First I called the (03) number to ask a couple of questions and the gentleman was so helpful and pleasant that we spoke on the subject for about a half hour.He asked where I was getting all of my information (and it was pretty much what he was saying) so i directed him to and suggested to look into the forum.

He also gave me the address for water filters which have a branch in every capital city.

Most likely I will receive my order by friday but I have a feeling it will be sitting in the cupboard until I get a colon cleanse and some more solid info on how to use it with confidence. So here's hoping for the best.

Oh, and he is also mailing me some more info on other products so if I could I would love to mail you a copy to be posted in the forum, if it is not info that has already been posted.So I need a mailing address because as I mentioned linking/pasting/etc is not in my forte - yet.

(If the mods are agreeable to this offer,that is.)
curious_richard said:
Now I am reading about DMSO, and it is also supposed to be good at fighting germs. And it can get into more parts of the body, like the skin and nails. So I am wondering if a mixture of DMSO and coconut oil might be really useful in treating fungus in the nails and the toes ("athlete's foot").

I mixed about half DMSO with half coconut oil. At first it seemed to mix up okay. But later it later started separating. I found this interesting paper on which substances will mix with DMSO, and how well:

According to this paper, coconut oil does not dissolve very well in DMSO, only about 0.3% at room temperature. I will still try this mixture, shaking it well just before each use (like salad dressing).

I am also thinking about mixing in some ethyl alcohol (grain alcohol) as an emulsifier. This is not expensive when bought as a gel type hand sanitizer, and I think it should be harmless to the skin.
curious_richard said:
I mixed about half DMSO with half coconut oil. At first it seemed to mix up okay. But later it later started separating.

I have some coconut oil for cooking and I think it said that it melts at 76 degrees F. Depending on the room temperature it may be solid or slightly slushy. I think this might be why it won't mix, maybe it is hardening and clumping up.
3D Student said:
curious_richard said:
I mixed about half DMSO with half coconut oil. At first it seemed to mix up okay. But later it later started separating.

I have some coconut oil for cooking and I think it said that it melts at 76 degrees F. Depending on the room temperature it may be solid or slightly slushy. I think this might be why it won't mix, maybe it is hardening and clumping up.

They don't mix at any temperature because oils and fats are non polar sustances while DMSO is very highly polar liquid, In chemistry there is an empirical law that said "simililar dissolves similiar" (in structure) and due a this difference in polarity they won't mix. I don't think that adding an emulsificant (as alcohol) improve the sistem in a synergistc way significantly (I guess you want to take advantage of the high penetration capability of DMSO to raise the benefical effects of coconut oil) but if you manage to form the emultion the ingredients will act separately, which is good too.
Alcohol is not a good emulsificant for this kind of mix but it can work as preservative
Galaxia2002 said:
Alcohol is not a good emulsificant for this kind of mix but it can work as preservative

Okay, thanks for that information. Maybe I should be thinking of a soap instead? Forgive my ignorance, but if I made a soap out of coconut oil, wouldn't it then be water soluble and (I assume) DMSO soluble? If this sounds silly, please don't laugh too hard. :)
Why mix the DMSO with coconut oil? What's the objective? Remember, DMSO will carry whatever is mixed with it through the cells. Do you really want to be impregnating your body with a plant oil in that way without allowing it to be processed by the digestive system as is natural?

I DO mix a bit of DMSO with Emu oil and have even put some neem oil with it to put on my toes, but that is small quantities. I don't think I'd feel quite so comfortable doing it with coconut oil.
Laura said:
I DO mix a bit of DMSO with Emu oil and have even put some neem oil with it to put on my toes, but that is small quantities. I don't think I'd feel quite so comfortable doing it with coconut oil.

This reminded me that about a month ago, my boyfriend was having a little trouble breathing (he had a cold), and I mixed DMSO with 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to give him a massage. Don't do that! It gave him a burning sensation for about 4 hours! Lesson learned. :-[
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