Do some French people see what's going on? Yellow Vest Protests

"there is nothing you can do about it"
"save whoever can".... good translation?
it can be frustrating, and motivating in terms of research;
a definition:
"The psychological feeling of frustration corresponds in man to an outcrop of repressed desire, of the unconscious zone in the subconscious zone, where it conflicts with the instincts of the self. These, whose functioning consists in "adjusting" as much as possible, in the event of a crisis, the principle of pleasure to the principle of reality (...) react in various ways, ranging from outbursts of anger "inconsequential" to neurosis... Legrand1972."

It's an interesting situation because we have one foot in and one foot out. But, in the end, it's just as usual, except that we usually notice it less. Nothing is more harmful than the daily routine. In addition, we are clearly facing the eternal play of human theatre: it is almost an archetype. When you see situations like this in American series or films, you think, "Damn, they didn't exaust themselves at the script level! Well, OK, now this is for real! But why are we in this real as a hamster in its wheel? If that's karma, then we can drop it right now, this thing was thought of by someone who has absolutely no imagination!
Is it in our DNA? As a mandatory, unavoidable level of programming? Or just because, collectively, we have never been able to exceed this threshold? You will tell me: there is always a first time! But it is precisely because of this idea, this crazy hope, that we go back every time. As the other one said: the truth is elsewhere! Any ideas?
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A column of bikers passing through the street in yellow vests. 🇫🇷 #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests

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PARIS #22decembre-The #GiletsJaunes arrive at #Montmartre for Act VI

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Since dawn les #GiletsJaunes de Haute-Savoie is blocking the access of heavy goods vehicles to the Mont-Blanc Tunnel #Chamonix. #ActeVI #22Decembre Bravo to them 👏👏👍

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🇫🇷 PERPIGNAN-Hundreds of #GiletsJaunes mobilized at the tollbooth #Boulou, on the Franco-Spanish border, near #Perpignan. Very strong mobilization in this region since the beginning of the movement. #ActeVI

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The police ask to remove them #GiletsJaunes by passing before the Elysée on the day of #Macron!
But that being said, I know that it is a great classic, in almost all traditions or most spiritualities, when it comes to action, there is no one left on the phone, and for a good reason, it is that in this story, we are the ones who are incarnated. "Father, why did you abandon me? "Jesus himself complained about it in his desert. So, forgive my minute of wickness ! :-)

Beautiful programming, by the way, if we stick to this story of Jesus as a fable tor the grown-ups.
Jesus being the ultimate archetype of sacrifice. We can't say that things turned out well for him, and despite that, he remains top selling, , 2000 years later. So, we are at least mentally programmed to believe that the best we can do is to die for the cause.

Well, that’s done
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🔴🇫🇷 Urban guerrilla scenes at the toll #Boulou-free level, near the Franco-Spanish border. #GiletsJaunes they set fire to barricades and threw cobblestones. Traffic is cut in both directions on the A9. #Perpignan #ActeVI #22Decembre

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🔴🇫🇷 Alert-Tensions are increasingly intense #Paris between the forces of law and order #GiletsJaunes. Garbage cans are burned, a car from the town hall #Paris has been returned. The ferry intervenes. Ongoing clashes. #ActeVI #22Decembre

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🚧🚨 deployment of smoke bombs in downtown #Toulouse currently 🚨🚧 #Manifestation #France #Direct #GiletsJaunes #ActeVI

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🇫🇷 Company: An investigation was opened by the prosecutor #Angouleme after the staging of a guillotine and a decapitation of a puppet representing Emmanuel #Macron. A French flag adorns the guillotine on which #GiletsJaunes they wrote "1789-2018". #ActeVI

Another Saturday in Paris: Smoke & scuffles, 65 Yellow Vests detained (WATCH LIVE)
Edited time: 22 Dec, 2018 14:13 Video Tweet's
The atmosphere at the Yellow Vest protests in the heart of the French capital has become more strained as demonstrators engage in scuffles with police officers.

Tensions rose hours into the rallies and police resorted to force against the rioters near the artistic Montmartre district in the north of the capital.

Scuffles also broke out near Madeleine Church, some 2km from Montmartre. Protesters were also seen near the iconic Louvre Museum and Sacre-Coeur Basilica. 65 people have been detained, according to RT France.

As of noon on Saturday, some 800 people in fluorescent vests – clothing usually worn by drivers that has now become an emblem of the rallies – were marching in the capital. The number of participants in the streets has notably diminished, however. At this stage of the protests some weeks ago, the numbers had already surpassed several thousand.
it would not be a matter of making it a personal story; however, it seems to me that, in terms of lessons, our fall is about "all for one", and that our succession is about "one for all". The human problem is that not everyone will have the choice to take the STO turn, or not, because of a lie that hinders free will in a kind of "temporal stasis", or karma.
autrement, j'aime bien l'idée d'être "à cheval", to allow a link, maybe.
I agree with you. I don't know who or what is accountable for these options, but I know that if this free choice is impossible because people are under influence: accounting despite everything would seem to me as an absolute "sacred" dishonesty.

But maybe that's how it actually works.
I think I have understood that justice in the sense that it is commonly understood is not such a significant cosmic concept. This is probably why, in the tarot, there are two distinct blades to differentiate them. I can accept that utility or necessity may be more appropriate "natural" concepts in the context of a horizon not limited to birth and death, but for me, the fact remains that, as long as human consciousness has not reached this level of reality, the human being remains a relative actor, (more a symptom of his world than a pathology) who cannot be assigned a responsibility that is not fully his own. And yet, the so-called "karma" makes him fully accountable for faults or merits that he has not performed in full consciousness.

Who can claim that this accounting, if not fair, might be useful or necessary? (to whom? to what?), as long as the memory is erased at each life cycle. At least the tree remembers being a tree when spring returns. Man does not remember ever having been. How could he learn?
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"the memory is "erased?_feeling" at each life cycle"
gravity and compensation, to reconcile sincerity and trust ?
de quoi se dégourdir !
"une pratique du mariage qui doit dégourdir mon innocence de célibataire"(Maupass., Bel-Ami,1885)
... a STO practice that should stretch my innocence as a STS ?
Agents provocateurs:

"Yellow Vests" - a policeman pulls out his gun to avoid being lynched

The scene lasted less than a minute but was extremely violent. Three motorcyclists probably positioned at the beginning of George-V Avenue, at the corner of the Champs-Elysées, were attacked this Saturday by a large number of yellow vests thugs from the banlieues / black blocs / agents provocateurs (notice that many of them wore hoods) who wanted to fight with the police. A video relayed on social networks shows the scene, taking place when the Yellow Vests went down the Champs-Elysées at around 5:30 pm.

You can see a longer clip here.
in terms of lessons, our fall is about "all for one", and that our succession is about "one for all". .

I can hear that, but unfortunately I have always had trouble with this notion of STO/STS, because I can't imagine a single second that we could only be one or the other. For me, it's a question of proportion, we're necessarily both at the same time. Even Hitler loved his dog and knew how to take care of him. I also suppose that for any great saint, when hunger comes, he must eat for himself. So, the real subject could be the side that the scales are leaning towards most of the time, or something like that.

In this world, we are dealing with psychopaths, therefore, with sick people whose pathology results in a lack of empathy, which makes them good STS. OK, they piss off everyone, good people as well as selfish people, idiots and awakened people; a whole world that is not strictly or totally STS either.

All these people, sick or healthy, should simply convert to an STO way of life: does it only make sense? I know it's almost Christmas and it's time to make wishes, but still, we all know it's not going to happen. So my question is: what could be the determining factor, already to heal those who are sick, and then to bring about a general awareness of the population for more empathy and compassion?
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