Do some French people see what's going on? Yellow Vest Protests

c.a. = A LaREM member would like all French to pay income : The whole problem is there: the girl hovers at an altitude of 10,000m : she has absolutely no idea what it means to live on a minimum income, and unfortunately this is the case for most representatives of the people, or senior officials in this country. Anger doesn't come from nowhere, it's been more than 30 years since we've been led by people who live in another world.
the difference with the life of a norvegian minister :

Irreproachable elected officials: This Norwegian minister walks to her office (it is -15°C outside) without a guard, she returns to her office herself when she has to change and above all she has lunch in the canteen with the rest of the staff, like here the cleaning lady who takes care of the toilets. Here there is no fuss, no expensive car or apartment, no fabulous salary, not just a government official working for the people and not to fill her pockets.
When Macron plays the mimicron:
"Dear Madam"... Macron invites himself to the site of the "yellow vests" petition
"I answer you directly: you are right," wrote the head of state to the author of the petition against the rise in fuel prices.

1,158,461 of them have signed the petition entitled "For a reduction in fuel prices at the pump! Emmanuel Macron chose to answer them directly, by expressing himself on the Change.Org website.

"Dear Madam, dear everyone," the head of state begins by addressing the author of the petition, Priscillia Ludosky, and all the signatories.
"You have been hit hard by the rise in fuel prices, and have decided to react by signing this petition." "Your message, I heard it." "I answer you directly: you're right."

Emmanuel Macron, who recalled that he had "declared a state of economic and social emergency", went back at length to the measures already announced in favour of purchasing power.

The President also referred to the "gradually widening gap between the people and their leaders":
"My political commitment comes from the will to close this gap. I have to admit that I have not yet succeeded in doing so. And after 18 months of actions, the changes we are making are far from being sufficiently noticeable," he writes.

"The government has therefore announced the cancellation of the increase in the fuel tax and that no increase in gas and electricity prices will take place during the winter," he recalls.

Taking up the register of empathy that he had in his televised speech on December 10, he invited Priscillia Ludosky to leave him her e-mail address "to exchange more regularly on the subjects that[her] touch".

The Elysée authenticated this message. "The President wanted to address the French directly in this way," explains the Palais.

This very substantiated petition, which suggests several ways to fight pollution without increasing fuel taxes, is currently the second most signed petition on France
, behind the one entitled "Loi travail, non merci". (1.3 million) against the Labour Act of François Hollande.
"Chère Madame"… Macron s'invite sur le site de la pétition des "gilets jaunes"
A slight look back at the 6 main figures of the yellow vests movement:

You must know their faces. For weeks now, they have been appearing in the media to express their anger, their general frustration with the fuel tax increase. These big mouths embody, sometimes clumsily, the movement of "yellow vests", with its contradictions and excesses. Portraits of six "yellow vests" who have not given up on being heard in front of Emmanuel Macron.

Jacline Mouraud, the icon that is beginning to annoy
His video about the rise in fuel consumption has been seen more than six million times on Facebook. In a few days, Jacline Mouraud became the darling of "yellow vests" thanks to her presence in the media and on social networks. At Hanouna's where she has her napkin ring, as well as at the microphone of BFMTV, which loves her outspokenness, this hypnotherapist, accordionist musette in her spare time, curse the government and the elites "disconnected from the people".

What does she want? Jacline Mouraud, who hardly mentions the issue of fuel in her speeches, is now calling for the dissolution of the National Assembly. Just that! Her overexposure in the media and her inaccuracies are beginning to annoy some "yellow vests" who no longer want her to present herself as their spokesperson. The one that defines itself as "the spokesperson for France that suffers" now receives as many threats as support on social networks.

France 3 Occitanie investigated the past of this commercial framework, a rather atypical profile for the movement. And his favourite themes (tax break, purchasing power) resonate with his political experience, as he was elected UMP in Laon. But that's not all. France 3 Occitanie also discovered a proximity with the ultra-right. A small group that he categorically denies knowing when, according to police sources, he was seen several times with several of his members. Perhaps as a result of these political differences, he was not designated as the official spokesperson for the movement. A snub that, he promises, will not silence him: he will launch a parallel group called the "lemon" movement.

Priscillia Ludosky, the initiator of the famous petition
His petition, launched on 29 May, "For a reduction in fuel prices at the pump", has almost a million signatures. Priscillia Ludosky, 33, had no idea that the "yellow vest" movement was going to grow to such an extent. Overtaken by the success of her petition, this former BNP employee, now converted to the online sale of cosmetic products, deplores the government's lack of listening to the government, which "does not give legitimacy to the voice of the people". According to this resident of Savigny-le-Temple (Seine-et-Marne), the executive is now opting for a rotting strategy to undermine the movement's credibility. The violence on the Champs-Elysées? It was the government's fault, she swears: "The police let the thieves do their job and I was made clear that the decisions came from above."

Priscillia Ludosky, who has been part of the "delegation" of eight "official communicators" of the "yellow vests" since Monday, now wants to make her anger heard until the Elysée.

Franck Buhler, the figure that even the FN no longer wanted
Suspended from the FN for racist remarks, current leader of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan's party "Debout La France" in Tarn-et-Garonne, Franck Buhler, 53 years old, assumes his sulphurous past. Beyond his role as a mere spokesman, he is one of the influential members of the movement: he was at the origin of the Paris demonstration on 24 November and his video calling for the movement to continue quickly became viral on Facebook.

He claims that he was never excluded from the FN. In fact, he left his position just before the sanction fell. As reported in the articles in "France 3 Occitanie" and "Libération", racist tweets referring to the "QI of Arabs" or describing Africans as "black plague".

Laëtitia Dewalle, conspirator and anti-media
This spokeswoman for the "yellow vests" in the Val-d'Oise region saw the movement emerge on Facebook. A 37-year-old self-entrepreneur, Laëtitia Dewalle has not taken off since Saturday. She accuses the government and the media (which give her a lot of voice) of having overmediated the violence on the Champs-Elysées. "When a government attacks its citizens, it's dictatorship," she dares to go live to an LCI journalist, forced to remind him that "naming things right is just as important".

His Facebook page, which relays several intoxicants, illustrates a conspicuous and anti-system vision that would not deny the fachosphere ("don't listen to the media", "it's the suburbs that are in Paris and that screw everything up!"). Laëtitia Dewalle is now calling for "a referendum on the legitimacy of Emmanuel Macron".

Eric Drouet, the angry truck driver
It's another face of the slingshot. Eric Drouet, a 33-year-old truck driver, was behind the first call to demonstrate on 17 November and the Facebook event entitled "Act II: All France in Paris! ! ! ! !", which led several thousand "yellow vests" to converge on the Champs-Elysées on Saturday 24 November. Together with Priscillia Ludosky, he is one of the initiators of the movement and the surge of "yellow vests" on social networks.

Member of an association of car enthusiasts, Muster Crew in Seine-et-Marne, Eric Drouet regularly expresses himself in the evening on live Facebook from his truck to motivate the troops. Aware of the limits of a fragmented movement, he has worked in recent days to structure the "yellow vests", of which he was just propelled on Monday "official communicator" with seven other comrades.
"Gilets jaunes" : ce que cachent ces 6 figures qui incarnent le mouvement

By Alexandre Phalippou and Guillaume Stoll of the French newspaper L'Obs.
L'Obs - Wikipedia
[QUOTE]Macron's "Great National Debate": What to Expect?

The machine is running. Emmanuel Macron and the government on Tuesday 18 December outlined the main lines of the "great debate" which should provide a political solution to the "yellow vest" crisis. What will this famous "great national debate" look like?

A two-phase debate

The Head of State indicated that "the major national consultation" will take place in two phases:

"The first, which has already begun and will last until mid-January, should make it possible to nurture the momentum generated by the mayors, who have already begun to report the results of their exchanges with their constituents," explained the Elysée at the end of the meeting.
The second phase will start in mid-January and will last "two full months". It will focus "on the themes announced by the Prime Minister, around specific questions on which the French will be invited to debate". The consultation should therefore be completed by mid-March, and not by 1 March 2019, as has been done so far.

Mayors at work

The executive had already indicated that this debate should be strongly supported by mayors, on a voluntary basis. "Mayors who so wish - they will not be obliged to - will be able to participate in the organisation of this debate", said Edouard Philippe, on 21 December, during a trip to Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche (Haute-Vienne).

The ministers will also be in the front line, as shown by the trip, starting this Monday, of the Secretary of State to the Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, Brune Poirson, to Vaucluse.

The objective is to allow "each Frenchman to share his testimony, to express his expectations and his proposals for solutions", explains the executive. The government still says:
"This nationwide consultation aims to give the French back their voice in the development of public policies that concern them."

The debate sought by the executive is intended to be "abundant" and closer to an "English garden" than a "French garden", Edouard Philippe metaphorically stated on 12 December, citing the debate on national identity in the Sarkozy era as a counter-example.
"I have too many memories of a very organized debate "jardin à la française" a few years ago, which had not been a success. I don't know if you remember, it was about... well, you remember."

Then citizens drawn at random

The second phase of the "major debate" will consist of "conferences" organized at the level of each region. They will have one particularity: they will be composed of about a hundred citizens drawn at random. "They will be asked to discuss the results of these debates," explained Edouard Philippe. Why draw lots?
"The idea is to ensure that the French, who are not necessarily the most involved in public life and debate, can give their opinion on the debate and on the proposals," according to the Prime Minister.

A debate led by Chantal Jouanno

Ironically, at the national level, the consultation will be coordinated by the National Commission for Public Debate, chaired by... Nicolas Sarkozy's former minister, Chantal Jouanno. Initially invited to the December 18 meeting, the former Senator did not come. The CNDP is already concerned that this "great debate" will appear to be government-led and will turn into pro-Macron "political meetings". She warned Edouard Philippe in a letter revealed by Franceinfo.

Replica of Benjamin Thrushes:
"I'm sick and tired of this generalized suspicion. If we wanted to corrupt the debate, corset it, it would be done in the prefecture with the prefect as master of ceremonies."

Throughout the period of the debate, an independent college will also be responsible for ensuring the proper conduct, transparency and authenticity of the consultations, the executive said. In addition, the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESC) and the Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Councils (ESER) will participate in the discussions, in particular to formulate proposals on the themes proposed to the French.

Four main themes

The debate focuses on four main themes: ecological transition, taxation, state organisation, and democracy and citizenship.

On December 12, the Executive presented these themes in the form of questions:
"How can we better support the French in their daily lives to move, heat and insulate their homes?"
"How can the link between taxes, spending and public services be improved to better meet the needs of the French?"
"How to make the organization of the State and other public authorities evolve to make them closer to the French and more efficient?"
"What does it mean to be a citizen today? How can the practice of democracy and citizenship be developed?"

A fifth question has since been withdrawn. It concerned immigration: "What are the expectations and concerns of the French regarding immigration, in a context of globalization and secularism that is sometimes shaken up?

But this fifth theme caused a real outcry, including among the majority, as shown, for example, by the outraged reaction of the Member of Parliament for Maine-et-Loire Matthieu Orphelin:
The #GrandDébat sur les territoires decided by the PR in response to the crisis #GiletsJaunes is an excellent idea to discuss housing, mobility, transition, purchasing power, public services, taxation, democracy. I think the issue of immigration has no place in it.

The Elysée's backpedaling was finally very rapid, with the presidency assuring that "the issue was discussed in the Council of Ministers" and that "some pleaded for a fifth pillar devoted to immigration", explains the head of state's entourage in "The World". But that "after debate, it was finally decided that there would only be four and that migration issues would be included in the theme of citizenship".

And then what? New measures!

At the end of this major debate, the government undertook to take new measures, in particular concerning the ecological transition or a more direct involvement of citizens in the democratic debate.

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has already declared himself in favour in principle of a citizens' initiative referendum ("RIC"), one of the main demands of the "yellow jackets".

In fact, this consultation should delay the examination of the constitutional revision, so that it can "take into account" the feedback from the national debate, said government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux on December 12:
"The President of the Republic has expressed the wish that a reflection on the timetable for constitutional revision may begin so that the work of Parliament can take full account of the ideas that will emerge from the great national debate on democratic action, on the question of citizenship."

"These elements will obviously be part of the debate on the constitutional revision" and Emmanuel Macron wished "that we start thinking about this timetable in order to be able to take into account what the French will tell us in the context of this long debate". Not taking their "aspirations" into consideration would be like "being very deaf and very blind" and "missing an important moment for them", the spokesman said.[/QUOTE]
"Grand débat national" voulu par Macron : à quoi faut-il s'attendre ?
I am very suspicious of this police manifestation. The real reason I think so is as you said, Gwelan, to have better equipment, better guns, etc. It is the same everywhere, the poor police feel "insecure", poor guys. Same here, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. They feel in danger. So I think it is difficult to compare the manifestation of the cops to the manifestation of the Gilets jaunes. One thing: now people are talking about the cops. A new reason also for the government to spend money on new police equipment. To control better who? us.

I disagree Loreta. Not talking about all cops of course. In some districts they are really in danger, and can't help the population because if they use the little power they have, it's them who end up in troubles. I will say, don't think so black and white (or in a too leftist way), there are a lot who enroled themselves with the higher goal to protect people and find themselves in danger, under paid (if not paid at all) and submit to orders and laws which contradict that (there is also a lot of suicide amongst police). Of course, there is also some who are like you said. And if the government gave in very fast to the little demands of police, I may think it's because of the fear that police joins YV.
"because of the fear that police joins YV" ... the police, maybe even the army, are in choir with "the people". the question is who can afford to buy loyalty. basically, it would be a form of blackmail based on the belief that you can't live without money... so funky.
What really frightens me for the yellow vests are not those police officers who have mostly chosen this profession by vocation, then have disillusioned, or have found a reason to continue, I think there is a lot of suicide among members of the police force. And even if their coat of arms is not very bright among the population, these police officers have a family to support and remain French and French citizens.
It's not such an easy job, and it is better not to put them all in the same "salad basket".

What may worry me, then, about the yellow vests is the establishment of a militia made up of mercenaries in CRS uniforms, and other police forces, applying very violent reprisals without paying the consequences, and on top of that not only they will be paid, but it will be a pleasure for them.
Of course, this is only one possibility among many.
What really frightens me for the yellow vests are not those police officers who have mostly chosen this profession by vocation, then have disillusioned, or have found a reason to continue, I think there is a lot of suicide among members of the police force. And even if their coat of arms is not very bright among the population, these police officers have a family to support and remain French and French citizens.
It's not such an easy job, and it is better not to put them all in the same "salad basket".

What may worry me, then, about the yellow vests is the establishment of a militia made up of mercenaries in CRS uniforms, and other police forces, applying very violent reprisals without paying the consequences, and on top of that not only they will be paid, but it will be a pleasure for them.
Of course, this is only one possibility among many.

Like some forces coming from other countries of UE, the UE police, yes :rolleyes:. I'm not a very optimistic person, but still, the other countries suffer the same from UE (and all the other things), and YV inspires others as we have seen. And the army begins to groan too... interesting times, indeed !
On the other hand, I follow some YV lists on facebook, and I see that there is a generation of young men who now, are just in the will to make war. It may just be the testosterone that speaks to them, but it's quite frightening because their desire to fight is so strong. It's always the same young guys who serve as cannon fodder, no matter what the wars. No matter how much you talk, you watch helplessly a macabre destiny unfolding before your eyes and you understand that there is nothing you can do about it.

The state knows this and is preparing for it.

Those who are going to die are greeting us.
"fear of missing" / self-knowledge and "drama of separation" / law of one.
sex and money are two ways to fuel jealousy and veneration... what we are going through may only be the fruit of a great frustration, since the famous apple.
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