Do some French people see what's going on? Yellow Vest Protests

Nice telescoping of subjects!

It seems to me that the assertion of white movement is to be greatly nuanced, it is enough to observe the color of some figures of the movement. Then associating suburbs and migrants is more than doubtful because they are very different situations and it is understandable that people in an irregular situation do not go to be spotted on the elysées fields, in moments of celebration like those we have recently experienced.

And finally, should we be surprised or pretend to discover that France, unlike its football team, is rather a country of white people? So should we feel guilty about that too?

I agree with you, this is anyway a tricky situation. You are an immigrant, your situation is fragile, maybe your job is not well paid but it is what you have, even maybe if you go to a manifestation of GJ your boss will put you out... who knows what is the situation and why the GJ does not represent the immigrants of the country. But the GJ in their fight are fighting for everybody, even the immigrants.

Maybe also for the immigrants, illegal or not, these "revolution" does not mean anything at all, coming from countries where war was very present and what they have with money, in France, is to send to their family. Maybe they don't see the point of the GJ. Maybe the GJ did not contact anybody from the immigrants.

I have a friend who is French but his origines are from Guadeloupe. He sees the importance of the GJ. He does some videos and put them on YT. So maybe the immigrants need people like him to wake them up, specially people from Africa.

Also I am thinking about Africa that knows perfectly about revolutionary movements and very strong and how the French crushed them, killing and torturing. So this is something that they have in their collective memory, maybe?
I think we should always be careful with the generalities, but it seems to me that the GJs are largely French (regardless of their colour or origin because I know super-integrated Portuguese people who are demonstrating).

It is first of all the hard-working France, the one that earns too much to benefit from social benefits, which pays everything at the real price, and in addition on which most of the taxes are based since the poorest do not pay them, and the richest, not as they should/could.

They are the people on whom national generosity is based. And indeed, we are not going to say that they see favourably the social largesse that is distributed in the suburbs, and even less so to recent migrants, because they are the ones who demand that we do not close THEIR public services when we open them elsewhere widely and free of charge to people who have never contributed, unlike them who have never stopped doing so and get less and less back. To put it simply. Of course, their sympathy also goes to all those who are struggling around them. This movement is not Parisian: it is, as Holland used to say with contempt, it is those people from France below who are tired of being the main turkeys in this liberal farce.
I think we should always be careful with the generalities, but it seems to me that the GJs are largely French (regardless of their colour or origin because I know super-integrated Portuguese people who are demonstrating).

It is first of all the hard-working France, the one that earns too much to benefit from social benefits, which pays everything at the real price, and in addition on which most of the taxes are based since the poorest do not pay them, and the richest, not as they should/could.

They are the people on whom national generosity is based. And indeed, we are not going to say that they see favourably the social largesse that is distributed in the suburbs, and even less so to recent migrants, because they are the ones who demand that we do not close THEIR public services when we open them elsewhere widely and free of charge to people who have never contributed, unlike them who have never stopped doing so and get less and less back. To put it simply. Of course, their sympathy also goes to all those who are struggling around them. This movement is not Parisian: it is, as Holland used to say with contempt, it is those people from France below who are tired of being the main turkeys in this liberal farce.

I couldn't have said it better. And I recognize myself perfectly in your synthesis.
For example, in 2014, the newspaper Le Figaro published an article on "Visualize if you are rich, well-off, "average", "popular" or poor". This article contains a very interesting INSEE graph, even if it is not recent (2011).

For my part, I'm right in the middle class! We can read that "Still according to the same Credoc study, a large majority of French people (66%) say they belong to this category." And strangely enough, 66% is the percentage of French people who support yellow vests. :whistle:web-201416_categorie_classe.png
I said that the movement of the YV was not Parisian, but I must be more explicit. This movement is not fundamentally urban because, in France, even if Paris captures most of the operating or investment budgets, there are many large cities (from +/- 200,000 inhabitants) where public services operate and not only continue, but even benefit from the closure of public services in rural areas. The main problem is located in this "elsewhere" where 50% of the French population still lives. One elsewhere, inevitably more "white" because immigrants are concentrated around large urban centres, where they can serve the ruling classes. This elsewhere perceived for decades with a very clear contempt for a certain Parisianism, which the elites do not hesitate to express: it means that not only do they press these people to get them all the juice they have earned by their sweat, but in addition, they openly mock them.

I will give an example: my region has carried out a huge communication campaign about the "1 Euro train". But, at exactly the same time, they were eliminating trains! Okay, well, they replaced them with private bus companies that are the first to benefit from regional subsidies, while not solving any problems since no one in my region can consider going to work or school on these buses because the schedules do not correspond to the needs of the population. As a result, at the high school in the nearest town, they finally admitted that the students using these transports could not help but be 3/4 of an hour late every day. As for the workers, they have no choice but to take their car. However, these "false services" are nevertheless paid for by local taxes and are mainly used to fatten up these bus companies, which, we have no doubt, belong to "political friends" of our decision-makers. This is a blatant case of large-scale misappropriation of funds. Impunity, of course.

And this is just one example among many. In July, a brand new, and very poorly designed hospital was opened. Inaugurated in September, Closed in October because totally flooded, since it was built in a perfectly known and identified floodplain area. Fortunately, the newly expanded private clinic was located in a protected area, and since most physicians practiced in both facilities, the only inconvenience for patients was to change facilities and obtain an even longer waiting time. Imagine for a moment the colossal investments in a public institution since, politically, we have to show that we are doing something, but in the end, all the profits go to this private clinic.

This is only the ordinary corruption of which the population is perfectly aware; it can be found in all areas of society, a society that has nevertheless inherited locally a quasi-political monopoly of the so-called socialist left, but this corruption at all levels is only growing. People who only have to wear a yellow vest to hope to be heard by a political class totally deaf to them.
Council of Europe concerned about the repression of yellow vest demonstrations

Seriously, can we still talk about France as the homeland of human rights?

The French government has been put on the spot for its operations against the yellow vests by the Council of Europe, which has expressed concern "about the large number of people injured, some of them very seriously" and has invited it "to give priority to the channels of dialogue and to guarantee respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms".

The Council of Europe has tackled the French government for operations launched against the yellow vest demonstrations, which have been continuing for 11 weeks. The Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic, who visited Paris on 28 January to discuss human rights issues in the context of the Yellow Vests movement, expressed her alarm at the "high level of tension currently prevailing in France".

She said she was "particularly concerned about the large number of people injured, some very seriously, in or outside demonstrations, including by so-called intermediate defence weapons projectiles such as the defence bullet launcher", according to a Council of Europe statement.

During her visit, Dunja Mijatovic heard the concerns expressed by her interlocutors about the violence.

"The police, among which many wounded are also to be deplored, operate in difficult conditions, particularly linked to the hostility of some demonstrators", she noted, but expressed concern "about the number and severity of injuries resulting from the use of force by the police".

Dunja Mijatovic also believes that "the proposed law to prevent violence during demonstrations and punish perpetrators, currently under discussion in the National Assembly, must not lead to any restriction of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly and the right to freedom and security", the statement added.

"The Commissioner is particularly concerned about the provision to prohibit preventively, by an administrative decision and without prior review by a judge, from taking part in a demonstration," the document further notes. It is also concerned about the criminalization of the deliberate partial or total concealment of the face within or in the vicinity of a demonstration."

"In such a delicate context, I call on the government and legislator not to move in this direction and to favour the paths of dialogue and to guarantee respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms," Dunja Mijatovic said.

Act 11 of the Yellow Vests mobilization brought together some 69,000 demonstrators on Saturday throughout France, including 4,000 in Paris, according to the Ministry of the Interior. These figures are the subject of controversy. In some cities, particularly in the capital, demonstrations have once again created tensions that have injured people. Jérôme Rodrigues, one of the figures in the Yellow Vests, was seriously injured in the eye by the police.

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After the Ministry Of Truth in 1984:
The Ministry of Truth (Newspeak: Minitrue) is the ministry of propaganda. As with the other ministries in the novel, the name Ministry of Truth is a misnomer because in reality it serves the opposite: it is responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events.
As well as administering truth, the ministry spreads a new language amongst the populace called Newspeak, in which, for example, "truth" is understood to mean statements like 2 + 2 = 5 when the situation warrants. In keeping with the concept of doublethink, the ministry is thus aptly named in that it creates/manufactures "truth" in the Newspeak sense of the word. The book describes the doctoring of historical records to show a government-approved version of events.
Winston Smith, the main character of Nineteen Eighty-Four, works at the Ministry of Truth.[5] It is an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete rising 300 metres (980 ft) into the air, containing over 3000 rooms above ground. On the outside wall are the three slogans of the Party: "WAR IS PEACE," "FREEDOM IS SLAVERY," "IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH." There is also a large part underground, probably containing huge incinerators where documents are destroyed after they are put down memory holes. For his description, Orwell was inspired by the Senate House at the University of London.[6]
Role in information
The Ministry of Truth is involved with news media, entertainment, the fine arts and educational books. Its purpose is to rewrite history to change the facts to fit Party doctrine for propaganda effect. For example, if Big Brother makes a prediction that turns out to be wrong, the employees of the Ministry of Truth correct the record to make it accurate. This is the "how" of the Ministry of Truth's existence. Within the novel, Orwell elaborates that the deeper reason for its existence, the "why", is to maintain the illusion that the Party is absolute. It cannot ever seem to change its mind (if, for instance, they perform one of their constant changes regarding enemies during war) or make a mistake (firing an official or making a grossly misjudged supply prediction), for that would imply weakness and to maintain power the Party must seem eternally right and strong.
Minitrue plays a role as the news media by changing history, and changing the words in articles about events current and past, so that Big Brother and his government are always seen in a good light and can never do any wrong. The content is more propaganda than actual news.
Ministries of Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia

We had now in 2019 with Macron
The Presidency of Truth, or in Newspeak Presitrue or in french Manutrue:

Yellow vests, big debate, European: what to remember from Emmanuel Macron's confidences
February 1, 2019
ParThomas Liabot

In a long informal interview with several journalists on Thursday, Emmanuel Macron reviewed his start of his mandate and the yellow vest crisis.
More than two months after the start of the Yellow Vests movement, Emmanuel Macron delivered his analysis of the situation on Thursday morning in front of five journalists gathered at the Elysée. For more than an hour and a half, the President of the Republic reviewed the first twenty months of his term of office, during which he said he had learned "a lot", and outlined the main lines he intended to follow to overcome the crisis in the country. He also spoke about his way of embodying the presidential office and the upcoming European elections.

The yellow vests of the "roundabouts" and "those who come to protest on Saturdays

When asked about the Yellow Vests, Emmanuel Macron considers that they are "a social and political movement without a fixed demand, without a leader, outside the company and which has undergone several changes", according to the statements reported by Paris Match. "I can tell the difference between roundabouts and those who come to protest on Saturdays," he adds, targeting "40 to 50,000 ultra activists who want institutions destroyed.

"With Eric Drouet, in the security services[yellow vests, editor's note], there are real fascists," he says, according to LCI. "Yellow vests is France that does not make a good living from its work," says the head of state, who says that "if being a yellow vest means that we are in favour of making work pay more and Parliament work better, then I am a yellow vest".

People who are overinvested in networks are the two extremes. And then it's people buying accounts, trolling

The President of the Republic also pointed out the role of the media in the development of the movement. He criticizes the continuous news channels, in particular: "Jojo with a yellow vest has the same status as a minister or a deputy!" According to Le Point, Emmanuel Macron states that "there has been a form of accelerated legitimization of what this movement has been, which is a problem". He regrets that journalists did not mention the "external influences" that would weigh on the yellow vests.

"Authoritarian structures look at us with a laugh," he says. "People who are overinvested in networks are the two extremes. And then there are people who buy accounts, who troll. It's Russia Today, Sputnik, etc. Look, from December, the movements on the Internet, it's no longer BFM that's in the lead, it's Russia Today."
The great national debate can bring "the new breath"

Emmanuel Macron considers that he has already provided the economic response to the yellow vests' demands after his announcements on December 10. But the head of state notes that "there is a form of almost physiological devitalization of democracy" and that "we have entered a society of permanent debate".

The Prime Minister is not intended to be a fuse

Thanks to the great debate, he believes that France can find "the new breath" that will "change the way of governing", he says, according to Libération. The referendum "is one of the subjects on the table" to get out of the crisis, he also explains, but not the RIC, which would oppose "deliberative democracy" and "representative democracy": "France is not made for the Swiss model."

He added that he had not thought of dismissing Edouard Philippe despite the crisis: "The Prime Minister is not intended to be a fuse". "If I wanted to do as we always do to solve a crisis, I would do a "Grenelle", a dissolution and a change of government," he says ironically according to Le Figaro. But "playing on the traditional institutional keyboard is to discard responsibility. In conscience, I won't do it. An immediate expedient is not a response to a crisis that will last."
He admits to having "made mistakes"

"I have learned a lot from these twenty months. It scarified me," says Emmanuel Macron. The Head of State also referred to the short sentences he had been accused of: "I have always been sincere and I never wanted to hurt." "I'm much more careful. It's a work on me," he explains. "When you're President, there's a symbolic part of it." He continues: "I think I made mistakes myself. When people see distance, arrogance, disconnection... I would be wrong not to think that it does not require work on oneself."

What I say in the Council of Ministers, it shouldn't be in Le Canard enchainné but should be passed on to the services.

He assures that Angela Merkel raised this subject with him when they met in Aachen in mid-January, explaining that it was "crazy" to answer people who quote him in the street. "Perhaps the chancellor is right," says Emmanuel Macron, who believes that he must "give meaning" to his position in the coming weeks.

Emmanuel Macron is no more tender with his government, given his early five-year term: "People's lives have not changed enough," he regrets. He wants his ministers to run their administrations better: "What I say in the Council of Ministers must not be reflected in Le Canard enchainné but must be passed on to the services. However, "The government does not put enough force and pressure on the subject", while "the country must know that it is in control".
European women in the spotlight

Emmanuel Macron finally mentioned the European elections that will take place at the end of May. The LREM list "will be the only list that will be clear" for "changing Europe", he said, referring to his "Sorbonne speech". He also considers that the record of the National Rally at the Strasbourg Parliament is "lamentable".

"Unlike my predecessors, I make European proposals. I'm taking my share of the risk. France must be the one proposing. This is our great strength," he continues, referring to "an initiative" for the elections before the end of February.
Gilets jaunes, grand débat, européennes : ce qu'il faut retenir des confidences d'Emmanuel Macron
I am reading volume 7 of "The Wave", "Almost Human". I'm at chapter 63. As a result, I'm more aware of the signs of psychopathy. So, when I read this article, Macron : les autres c’est l’enfer ! I immediately made the connection: "It's the fault of others"; "He regrets the little sentences, but they have been taken out of context" and at the same time he pronounces others, contemptuous "Jojo and yellow jackets" or racist "Christophe Dettinger who doesn't have the words of a gypsy".
I know that knowledge protects and I think it's never been so true, but... it's scary.:scared:

This guy is definitely wonderful!

Two reports, on Paris-Match and Le Point, of the audience that His Augustus Jupitude deigned to grant to a handful of journalists reveal a paranoid man who is completely freewheeling, an unfiltered consplotist who sees Russians hidden almost everywhere, incapable of really questioning anything, of linking causes and effects other than according to outdated assumptions, incapable of the shadow of an analysis of the situation, just driven by his obsession to mould reality into his failed and childish assumptions.

"It's the fault of others."
This may be the essential element, the common thread, the spine. Enemies are everywhere: inside and outside. The russosphere, the gauchosphere, the fachosphere, the complosphere, all the imaginable chosospheres, filled with people with sad passions, factious impulses and nauseous smells, plot against him and instrumentalize the weak spirits of these brave good Frenchmen to whomever he wants so much good. And when it is not "the fault of" one or the other sphere, it is then the fault of the press, which wants, follows, resigns, which no longer fulfils its mission of educating the masses too rustic to distinguish by themselves Good (him) from Evil (the others). A press at the wheel of social networks - of which we can never say enough how much they are manipulated by Russians and other spheres - or even outright Russian propaganda media themselves. In short, a press that has become incapable of showing beggars the right way, the right way: the Jovienne.

Perhaps he remembers with nostalgia that blessed time when the press, then incorruptible and incorruptible, spread in covers and thunderous investigations on the new little prodigy that he was, on his prowess, on his genius, on his incredible loves and the sweet intimacy of his fairy couple?

Two long articles, therefore, to unroll the Master's thought scattered with some snoring clichés (we learn that "this movement is polymorphous": let's go well, but where will he get all this?), managerial or philosophical-cuculist aphorisms (from the very impressive "quasi-physiological devitalization of democracy" to the very approximate "dissolution of minds as Blum would say", a small historical reference in order to tick the essential box "historian thinker", even at the cost of arrangements that are at least bold with the historical context), free statements and statistics that are as magical as they are woozy.

Ah, but, we are told, he also acknowledges his mistakes!
Phew! For a moment, we were afraid. So yes, he "regrets". There are even some, he admits, "scarified". Nothing less! He regrets these little sentences that hurt, without his knowledge. He regrets and will now be "very careful". He regrets that he did not realize how vulnerable his function made him. Because if they have hurt, these little sentences are "misinterpreted". Here we are again: misinterpreted... by "others", of course. The "others", these indescribable bastards! He also regrets his spontaneity, this excessive sincerity - it is a classic: "what is your greatest flaw? Kindness, honesty and courage" - which makes him pronounce ingenious "truths" that then malicious spheres take out of their context and highlight with the sole aim of harming him and, consequently, harming the whole of France. Come on, you probably know it: "celézautres! ».

He regrets, he is sincerely contrite of the malevolence of "others".
These same "others" who, let us not doubt it, will not fail to brocade him for having, during this same interview (where he promises, therefore, to be very careful from now on), sincerely paid the head of "Jojo with his yellow vest" or of this "gypsy boxer", necessarily manipulated (by the far left or by the Russians, I do not know, in any case they are the same) since he "does not have the words of a gypsy". Will Jupiter want to enlighten us: is it supposed to be about which sabir, exactly, a Gypsy? And a boxer, too?
Bastards of "others", I tell you!

Let us agree, however, that under such conditions, it must be very difficult, indeed, to preside over a country populated by hordes of "others" who understand nothing of us.

Mathieu Morel

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I am reading volume 6 of "The Wave", "Almost Human". I'm at chapter 63. As a result, I'm more aware of the signs of psychopathy. So, when I read this article, Macron : les autres c’est l’enfer ! I immediately made the connection: "It's the fault of others"; "He regrets the little sentences, but they have been taken out of context" and at the same time he pronounces others, contemptuous "Jojo and yellow jackets" or racist "Christophe Dettinger who doesn't have the words of a gypsy".
I know that knowledge protects and I think it's never been so true, but... it's scary.:scared:
Christophe Dettinger known as "le Gitan de Massy", born on May 3, 1981, is a former French professional boxer, French champion in 2007 and 2008.
Christophe Dettinger, born into a Yenish family
Christophe Dettinger — Wikipédia
The Yenish (German: Jenische; French: Yéniche) are an itinerant group in Western Europe, living mostly in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and parts of France, roughly centered on the Rhineland. They are descended from members of the marginalized and vagrant poor classes of society of the early modern period, and emerge as a distinct group in by the early 19th century.[1] In this regard and also in their lifestyle, they resemble the Scottish and Irish Travellers. Most of the Yenish have become sedentary in the course of the mid-19th to 20th centuries.
Yenish people - Wikipedia
I am reading volume 6 of "The Wave", "Almost Human". I'm at chapter 63. As a result, I'm more aware of the signs of psychopathy. So, when I read this article, Macron : les autres c’est l’enfer ! I immediately made the connection: "It's the fault of others"; "He regrets the little sentences, but they have been taken out of context" and at the same time he pronounces others, contemptuous "Jojo and yellow jackets" or racist "Christophe Dettinger who doesn't have the words of a gypsy".
I know that knowledge protects and I think it's never been so true, but... it's scary.:scared:

You can watch this

The blurb :
Emmanuel Macron, a child, was raped and hijacked by his 39-year-old teacher, Brigitte Trogneux, at the age of 15, we are dealing with a perverse narcissist who is a real danger for France, this video presents in part the new book by essayist Jean-Michel VERNOCHET on the role of puppet and trustee in the bankruptcy of the character-Maron, fed by the enarchy and the billionaire-fraud-mobile. He also followed the Jesuit education in Amiens for "the soul" and the Masonic lodge for "the conscience", here is the real constitution to which he is subject: ART 547 of the Jesuit Constitution : "We will obey all that is commanded of us with great readiness, spiritual joy and perseverance, persuading ourselves that everything is just, and renouncing, by a kind of blind obedience to every opinion and every personal right and everyone will be convinced that those who live under obedience must let themselves be led and lead by their superiors, as if they were a corpse who lets himself be led anywhere and treated anyhow."

Translated with
A very good analysis by the philosopher Michel Onfray on the violence made by Macron and his government on the yellow vests. A real plea that highlights how the system does everything it can to make yellow vests look like the dregs of humanity.
The Brute
"I am the fruit of a form of historical brutality."
Macron, February 13, 2018, in front of the presidential press.

Certainly, the State defines this Moloch who has a monopoly on legal violence: but for what purpose? Except for radical irenicism, human nature being what it is, there is no question of imagining a world in which we no longer need an army or police, courts or prisons, law and law. If we consider that a rapist is not a raped, an aggressor an assaulted, a thief a robbed, a looter a looted, a batter a hit, a series of social mechanisms must be in place to apprehend the rapist, the aggressor, the robber, the batter in order to refer him to the courts, which judge facts in accordance with the law and the law, and send the person found guilty to serve his sentence in the name of repairing the raped, assaulted, stolen, looted, hit, but also in order to protect other citizens from the dangerousness of these offenders. Whether there are aggravating or mitigating circumstances, whether everyone, whatever they are accused of, has the right to a defence and then to compensation once the sentence has been served, all this is a given.

Legal violence implies that it can be used to maintain legality - it should be a truism... However, when, in mid-September 2018, yellow vests indicate, at the beginning of their anger, that their purchasing power will not allow them to pay the additional taxes that the government imposes by increasing the price of fuel at the pump, they do not endanger democracy and the Republic since they call for articles 13 and 14 of the Declaration of Human Rights and, let us not forget, of the citizen. Through their movement, they claim one of the rights that this major text grants them. I have already mentioned this, but let us remember that Article 13 of the Declaration of Human Rights states this: "For the maintenance of the police force, and for the expenses of the administration, a joint contribution is essential; it must be equally distributed among all citizens, because of their faculties." And the next article, this: "Citizens have the right to determine by themselves or their representatives the necessity of the public contribution, to freely consent to it, to monitor its use and to determine its amount, basis, recovery and duration." Yellow vests have not refused taxes, as media propaganda has been saying for weeks to equate them with fascinating populisms, but they just let it be known that they can no longer afford to pay them! From a government perspective, an appropriate response would have nip anger in the bud. Instead, the response was immediately bellicose: this is the origin of the violence.

This bellicosity took the form we know: elements of Macronian power language were provided and then abundantly relayed by the "elites": the yellow vest movement was an extreme right-wing jack-knife movement, a populist claim that smelled like his brown shirt, a movement that smelled like a "facho". BHL made this known immediately at the same time as... Mélenchon and Clémentine Autain, Coquerel and the CGT, who thus joined in their populicide concert all the editorialists of the Maastricht press.

Macron was not very clever, because Pompidou ended May 68 with a cynicism that could have inspired him: two unknown people at the time, Henri Krasucki of the CGT, and therefore of the PCF, and Jacques Chirac, then Secretary of State for Employment to the Minister of Social Affairs, met in the office of a communist lawyer. Chirac would say that it was a maid's room and claim that he had gone there armed... There would be several meetings before the Secretary General of the CGT, Georges Séguy, and the other unions officially met Chirac and... Balladur, then Chirac's advisor, to prepare what would become the Grenelle Agreements. Negotiations have paid off: spectacular wage increases, unprecedented increases in the minimum wage, reductions in weekly working hours, expansion of the right to organise, a boost to family allowances, an increase in benefits for the elderly, payment of strike days, lower social security contributions. The CGT returns to its base with these proposals: the workers refuse; the agreements signed unilaterally by the government are still being implemented - already the collusion of government and union powers, the famous intermediate bodies. Work resumed a few days later. Power plays on inflation: two or three years later, the benefits granted disappear with the increase in the cost of living. Exit May 68! A lesson in political cynicism, but also a lesson in the cynicism of what are therefore called intermediate bodies: neo-Gaullist and neocommunist power were less divided on their political options than they were on the cheese that is always representation, which allows the people to believe that we work for them when we often work at their expense for their sole shop.

Back to yellow vests: Macron had his Prime Minister announce a moratorium on gas prices in early December. But a moratorium is the formula that makes it possible to go backwards and jump better - in this case: to jump over the European elections for which, as everyone has now understood, the President of the Republic is campaigning. This is why he uses the yellow vest crisis for his own account and that of the Maastricht camp. There are no other reasons for its Great National Debate, since it has taken great care to give it the rule of the game from the outset: we talk - well, it talks - but there is no question of changing course. Why are you talking? What's the point? For what purpose?

After the announcement of a moratorium to indicate that a delay was granted before the guillotine, the first symbolic violence, was activated, the President of the Republic likened the yellow vests to "a hateful crowd" made up of anti-Semites, homophobes and racists during the 2019 vows, this was the second symbolic violence. It was followed by a third with this announcement of THE solution with a Great National Debate coupled with the refusal of a change of course. Further violence has since been regularly inflicted. So with this series of slaps distributed at the discretion of his public appearances: a fourth to the galette des rois when the prince announces that not all French people have a taste for effort by suggesting that this is the case with yellow vests (11 January 2019); a fifth at a meeting presented as a debate, when he affirms that, among some who touch the social minima, "there are some who screw up" (15 January 2019), not ignoring that this sociological category is over-represented among yellow vests; a sixth by making it known in a somewhat contemptuous way, still at one of these Maastricht campaign meetings, that "the real reform goes with coercion, children! It's not an open bar. The bar is ours." (24 January 2019 in Bourg-de-Péage) -the real reform is therefore his own, not that of the yellow vests; the "children" who are looked at in a contemptuous way are the same yellow vests; and the mention of the bar is still addressed to the GJs, the image is still addressed to them, one could not better say that, for the Head of State, the yellow vests are false reformers who think like children assimilated to pillars of a bar...

These symbolic violences are copiously multiplied by the Maastricht media power. We have seen it. It is a question of assimilating yellow vests to violent people and everything that can illustrate this thesis is skilfully put into images and words by the media, which are content to relay the elements of language from the Elysée's communication unit, from Matignon's or even from the Ministry of the Interior. Macron is an angry child king and intolerant of frustration, Edouard Philippe a cold-blooded animal well tied, clean on him and polite, Castaner a cheeky man who has kept some of the habits of his former acquaintance in Marseille, but it is the same speech: yellow vests are violent, they attack the Republic, even with a pallet truck smaller than a car without a license, they endanger democracy, they announce a neo-fascist revolution... BHL lends its shirt to these speeches. Editorial writers think like this shirt. Other "intellectuals" offer part of their anatomy to this same shirt.

This symbolic violence, whose armed arm is made up of the system's media, is coupled with police violence. We know that words kill, but to do so, they need violent actors: the government has them with a certain number of justice and police people who, knowing that they benefit from a cover from the Ministry of the Interior, therefore from Matignon, therefore from the Elysée, therefore from Emmanuel Macron, give it their all.

I found myself on a television set with Jean-Marc Michaud, who lost an eye due to a flash-ball shot. He said all his anger against the shooter - and I understand that. It is the first movement, when you have been abused, to want to retaliate in the same way. You get a blow, you don't want anything else but to give it back a hundredfold. The reptilian brain makes the law until the cortex does its job.

Certainly, there is a responsibility on the part of the shooter: but if this shooter knows that he will have to answer to justice if his hierarchy accuses him of misbehaving by not respecting procedures - including the major one of never aiming at the head... -, then he will probably behave differently.

But, when we know that we can benefit from the impunity of the government, then we shoot or beat without any state of mind and, having seen it for myself in Caen, with some spectators of these operations, a jubilation not pretending to hit, hit, beat, throw violently on the ground, handcuff, but also, in some cases on which I am focusing these days: stripping and palpating...

I have already said elsewhere that I assumed that some police officers were drowning the breakers to support the power thesis that all yellow vests are violent. After I gave this information, none of the yellow vests informed me by mail that they had the evidence. I will come back to this subject when the time comes.

But without focusing on this particular case, it is enough to read, in the pen of the mayor various right, so not a leftist, Xavier Lemoine, an interesting information. He states in Le Figaro that as mayor of Montfermeil, he found that "the police repressed riots in the suburbs in 2005 less than the Yellow Vests" (29 January 2019). That's all said and done.

The mayor notes that in 2005 there were no deaths and few injuries among the rioters, although they chose violence as their only means of expression. He gives the reason for this: the police then chose a policing operation and not, like Macron, a logic of repression. However, maintaining order is not repression. These are two extremely different political choices ideologically, politically, strategically, strategically, tactically - and also morally. Emmanuel Macron knowingly chose to repress and not to maintain order. The head of state did not therefore want to contain the violence against workers but to unleash state violence. It's by design.

Xavier Lemoine notes that the choice of policing aims, as the words indicate, to seek above all to maintain order, and therefore to avoid disorder. I come back to this point: I will not be led to believe that letting the Avenue des Champs-Elysées run below the lenses of BFMTV cameras for almost an hour does not testify to the fact that the police were not instructed to prevent disorder, it was easy to do without violence, but on the contrary, to promote it by letting these paving stones become projectiles waiting for their human or material targets...

Speaking of his city, Xavier Lemoine said: "In 2005, all the demands were expressed through violence. However, at the time, the police adopted the most appropriate method of intervention to bring this violence to an end. From a technical point of view, their attack was flexible and remarkable. While they were targeted by the rioters, police and gendarmes showed great restraint in the use of force. Today, on the contrary, no one can claim that all the claims of the "yellow vests" are expressed through violence. In addition, in 2005, there were no women among the rioters, while women are massively present in the ranks of the "yellow vests". To ignore it is to deprive oneself of a fundamental element of analysis. Contrary to what the power of the images may suggest, the majority of "yellow vests" do not participate in the reprehensible violence committed during this movement. However, since Saturday, December 8, the police have been focusing on repression, not policing." To the journalist who asked him to clarify what distinguishes policing from repression, Xavier Lemoine replied: "Policing consists, on the one hand, in allowing a demonstration to run as peacefully as possible and, on the other hand, in containing violence in order to reduce it. This objective does not prevent the police from intervening against people determined to commit acts of violence" - I am thinking of those who take over the Avenue des Champs Elysées... He continues: "But it is still left to peaceful demonstrators to get out. This allows interested parties to leave the premises when things get out of hand. Repression, on the other hand, consists in fighting groups without necessarily distinguishing between violent individuals and peaceful demonstrators, who may be far from them. However, in the current crisis, the police too often resort to "traps", which prevent the people surrounded from leaving the area. It is then easy to confuse very different demonstrators. Among the ebony, how many had broken windows, turned cars over, robbed shops? Similarly, the concern to differentiate between "confirmed" breakers and first-time offenders should be much clearer." For Xavier Lemoine, the police obey a power that has chosen repression and brutality. They obey. The person in charge, therefore the culprit, is the one who gives the order. And, as we cannot imagine that Castaner or Philippe would take the decision alone, it is the Head of State who must be held responsible for the choice of repression, and therefore each wound inflicted. When this same head of state blatantly claims in Egypt that the police have not caused any deaths, whereas we owe them Mrs Redoine's in Marseille, he is lying. And he is personally responsible for this death[1]. He's the bully.

Let us read Xavier Lemoine again: "I do not incriminate the police, who obey, as is natural, the instructions of the Minister of the Interior. But I blame these instructions, which I believe reflect a desire to go to extremes, to increase violence to justify repression. I have no complacency about the premeditated violence of extremist breakers or small groups. But the responsibility of the politician is also to know how to defuse a cry of distress, instead of feeding it by demonizing the "yellow vests". Never before in 2005 did the rulers say such contemptuous things about the rioters of the time. Currently, a significant part of the violence comes from demonstrators without criminal records, desperate and blank-heated. They feel provoked by the rigidity of the police response. With the dynamics of the crowd helping, they are becoming more radical. Their vital reflex is expressed in a brutal way. In 2005, no demonstrations were declared in the prefecture and all of them turned into riots. However, at the time, in Seine-Saint-Denis, there was no charge of CRS or mounted police officers. Today, it is. Fourteen years ago, law enforcement did not use tense, horizontal, man-on-man and short-range fire. Today, it is. Why these two weights, two measures of the state between the urban riots of 2005 and the scenes of riots of the "yellow vests"? I don't think the police were lax in 2005; I say they are too "hard" today."

It is therefore a fact that President Macron has chosen the hard line of repression against the republican line of policing. It therefore has at its service the Maastricht press, in other words the dominant media, including those of the public audiovisual service, it has put at its service the police, the army, and therefore the police forces, and it has also tried to add the judicial system. This is reflected in an article in Le Canard enchainné (30 January 2019) entitled "Les incroyables consignes du parquet sur les villette jaunes", which details how the Ministry of Justice communicated by e-mail with the magistrates of the Paris Public Prosecutor's Office on how to handle vest jaunes: after an arrest, even if it was made by mistake, it is still necessary to maintain registration in the criminal record processing (RJP) file, including "when the facts are not established". The letter also states that it is necessary to file, even if "the facts are tenuous" and even in the proven case of "a procedural irregularity"! In such cases, such as arrest by mistake, unmotivated offence, procedural irregularity, it is advisable to keep police officers in custody and to lift them only after Saturday demonstrations in order to prevent citizens who have been wrongfully arrested from exercising their right to strike, it should be recalled, a right guaranteed by the Constitution? Preambular paragraph 7....

In addition, Macron's so-called "anti-breaker" bill proposes to introduce a presumption of guilt against anyone suspected of being sympathetic to the cause of the yellow vest. Suspected by who? By the same justice to which the authorities ask, first, to keep in custody a person arrested in error, second, to release him only after the end of the demonstrations, third, to do the same, including in the case of a procedural error, fourth, not to worry about the fact that the facts are proven, the sufficient tenuousness provided that the Macronian justice supported by the Macronian police itself at the level of the Macronian ideology, which is purely and simply that of the Maastricht State, have decided that this is so. Mélenchon was able to talk about the return of the letter of seal, he is not wrong on this subject.

Genealogical violence, the one that is at the root of the first claims of yellow vests, is first and foremost that imposed by the liberal political system imperiously installed by the Maastricht State since 1992. When Macron says that the roots of the evil are old, he knows it all too well, because he is one of the men whose short life was entirely devoted to the establishment of this liberal program, which has been strong with the weak, as we have seen in the streets for the past twelve weeks, and weak with the strong, as we see with the legislation that is favourable to them - from the abolition of the wealth tax rate to the refusal to attack tax havens and the tolerance that the GAFAs escape tax.

The violence of this Maastricht state on the weakest, most unarmed, least qualified, most distant from Paris or the French megalopolises; the violence of this Maastricht state on the most precarious in everything, on the modest people who carry alone the weight of a happy globalization for others who conchy them all the time through media appearances; the violence of this Maastricht state on the forgotten of the new compassions of political correctness; the violence of this Maastricht state on single women, single mothers, widows with amputated retirement pensions, women forced to rent their uterus to deposit mercenary sperm, victims of domestic violence arising from poverty, young boys or girls who prostitute themselves to pay for their studies; the violence of this Maastricht state on rural private individuals day after day of the public service that their indirect taxes finance; the violence of this Maastricht state on the peasants who hang themselves every day because the ecological profession of faith of the urban Maastricht masters is not encumbered by ecology when it comes to the French people's plates, which they fill with rotten meat, toxic products, carcinogenic chemistry, food from the end of the planet without concern for carbon footprint and which can even be organic; the violence of this Maastricht state on generations of children made fools of by a school that has ceased to be republican and that leaves only daughters and sons the opportunity to get by not thanks to their talents, but with the help of the piston of their well-born families; the violence of this Maastricht state, which has proletarianized young people whose only hope is that the job security of the police officer, gendarme, soldier or prison guard will be their only hope, and whose job is to manage the waste of the liberal system through legal violence; the violence of this Maastricht state on small bosses, shopkeepers, artisans who ignore holidays, leisure, weekends, outings - these violences, yes, are the first violence. These are the ones that did not generate violence, but just a first demonstration against the increase in fuel consumption.

The response of the government, and therefore of Macron, to this admission of poverty of the poor was immediately the ideological criminalization. The media at the orders cried out for the fascist wolf. For several months, this has been their daily bread: according to the rich who govern them, the poor are therefore anti-Semitic, racist, homophobic, violent, conspiratorial - "bastards", says BHL himself at Ruquier. It's the old variation on the theme: working classes, dangerous classes. It is the antiphon of all bourgeois powers when they are afraid.

The power of the Maastricht state operates well enough that, to this day, its responsibility is never called into question! Yet he is the problem! This is so much the problem that Macron wants to solve it by explaining that the problem of liberal Europe is that there is not enough of it, whereas the yellow vests tell him that there are too many - not Europe, but liberalism.

From then on, the Head of State mobilizes the media who misinform, the police who hunt down the demonstrator, the judiciary who severely arrest them, the prison who park them when the hospital does not treat them after beatings. When will it be understood that we have here the pieces of a despotic puzzle?

Michel Onfray

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On Saturday Feb the 2th 2019, Vincent Lapierre's Média pour Tous team was in Toulouse to follow the Yellow Vests' Acte XII rally.
"But a band of antifas, apparently very hostile to freedom of information (in any case, our freedom, not the freedom of the mainstream journalists who were also there but were spared by these antifas), brutally put an end to our reporting."

On Saturday Feb the 2th 2019, Vincent Lapierre's Média pour Tous team was in Toulouse to follow the Yellow Vests' Acte XII rally.
"But a band of antifas, apparently very hostile to freedom of information (in any case, our freedom, not the freedom of the mainstream journalists who were also there but were spared by these antifas), brutally put an end to our reporting."
Curious, I watched this video about 10 minutes ago and there are 0 "like" and 103 "unlike".
In a commentary, Vincent Lapierre says:
FOR INFORMATION: The counter of this video has stagnated at around 80,000 views for several hours, which is considerably lower than our average of other reports on Yellow Vests and contrasts with our growing audience. We are facing these kinds of problems for every video we have released in the last few weeks, more precisely since we have repeatedly found ourselves number 11 in the trends. Even more striking: the number of anches up in this video plunges at a glance, from 8000 to 4000 in a few hours, towards zero! We have taken screenshots and we will not stop there. YouTube and the government are blocking the broadcast of information from different alternative channels. Is it any wonder that this particular video, where our censors-aggressors appear in the field, is also subject to the biggest blockage here in the virtual world? #Democracy

If you see just one "like", it's mine. How long will it stay?
Curious, I watched this video about 10 minutes ago and there are 0 "like" and 103 "unlike".
In a commentary, Vincent Lapierre says:

If you see just one "like", it's mine. How long will it stay?
Not long, I see. I just went to youtube and there are 0 likes and 104 dislikes. Seems that they could be flipping the "likes" to "unlikes".
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