Do some French people see what's going on? Yellow Vest Protests

French anti-terror investigators take over knife rampage probe
France's anti-terror prosecutor has taken over the lead in investigating a knife attack in which an IT worker at police headquarters in Paris killed four co-workers before a police officer shot him dead.

The attacker’s wife on Thursday was taken into police custody but not charged. During interviews with police, she described how her husband had heard voices on Wednesday night, according to the source close to the investigation.

A second source informed about the investigation said the attacker was believed to have had an “attack of insanity” that led him to carry out the attack.

The killer, identified by sources close to the investigation as Mickael H., had previously given his employers and co-workers no cause for concern about his behavior, officials said.
During interviews with police, she described how her husband had heard voices on Wednesday night,
I can't find it now, but wasn't this attacker supposed to be deaf? Hearing voices in your head when you are deaf would have to be terrifying, I would think, and

The police officer who halted the attack had recently completed his training and had been in the job for only six days, Paris police chief Didier Lallement told reporters.

this sounds a bit too convenient to me. Hmm, was he there to take out the subject?

There is a lot of logistics going on in the mall #Italie2#ExtinctionRebellion#GiletsJaunes#Acte47
The fact that the organization is planning the management of toilet access is proof that the occupation of #Italie2 is not the initiative of the #GiletsJaunes who, for their part, are unable to organize anything!

While some occupy #Italie2 with #ExtinctionRebellion and #JusticePourAdama , thousands of #GiletsJaunes still marched through the streets of #Paris despite the 7500 police deployed. Another forgotten media day ... #Acte47

AT #Toulouse , the police have swayed so much tear in the last 47 weeks that we feel that everyone is used to it. We will see in a few years the health consequences of these intensive gasses ... #GiletsJaunes#Acte47#DonneTonRIO
Meanwhile, Alain Soral has been sentenced to 18 monthes of prison just because as the editor of ER website, he's said to be responsible of the diffusion of the video "rap of the yellow vests" wich has been qualified as antisemitic by the court.
Do some French people see what's going on? Yellow Vest Protests "This clip of the "yellow vests" could have remained clandestine. Alain Soral, as publication director, gave it enormous visibility by publishing it on his website," says the lawyer.
""This clip of the "yellow vests" could have remained clandestine."Is that why few report on Yellow Vests?

Police PEACEFULLY disperse eco-activists occupying Paris shopping mall mentions:
Among the eco-warriors were several ‘Yellow Vests’ demonstrators, whose own campaign against the government of President Emmanuel Macron has seen the streets of Paris and other French cities flooded with activists every weekend for the better part of a year.

However, while the Yellow Vests’ protests have regularly met heavily armed riot police firing tear gas and maiming participants with sub-lethal munitions, the eco-warriors seemed to be having an easier time, with the streets outside the mall gas-free and the police letting the participants leave peacefully and at a leisurely pace.
I guess their orders are different as Yellow Vests have been going on for longer. If XR will continue and gains popularity like Yellow, we will soon be able to compare. But there was also: Establishment & media sympathize with Greta’s ‘Fridays for Future’ movement… So how is that a ‘protest’ exactly? said:
Among the eco-warriors were several ‘Yellow Vests’ demonstrators, whose own campaign against the government of President Emmanuel Macron has seen the streets of Paris and other French cities flooded with activists every weekend for the better part of a year.
I guess their orders are different as Yellow Vests have been going on for longer. If XR will continue and gains popularity like Yellow, we will soon be able to compare. But there was also: Establishment & media sympathize with Greta’s ‘Fridays for Future’ movement… So how is that a ‘protest’ exactly?
Divide and win, came to my mind, Yellow Vests began protesting against de eco fuel tax! ... it was postponed last year due the protests but, it can be applied if masses fell in the trap, the eco-trap.
The mounting frustrations continue, but the sprites stay high.
The Pyrenean farmers pour their anger and manure in front of the prefecture of Tarbes this morning, It feels good to the Prefecture now.

17h25: After gassing, beatings and humiliations since 14h, a consequent cortege is formed. Admiring such determination. Our only response to this outburst is to sing. #Acte48#Toulouse#GiletsJaunes#YellowVests

📽 IGNOBLE: a poor grandpa humiliated, no it's not a black block it's not #XavierDupontdeLigonnes ! It's just a PAPY #giletsjaunes who wanted to demonstrate #Acte48 , passers-by are idiomed his yellow jacket confiscated!

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There were obviously whistles on the part of the Turks at the time of the announcement of the French composition. BUT ALSO, leaders of Turkish supporters lamented these whistles and even asked to applaud (blue man here). Fair play. To see at La Marseillaise #FRATUR
Line 2
MAGNIFICENT moment All Turkish fans refused the whistles during the French national anthem and began to applaud La Marseillaise. Long live football, long live the sport. Good game !
A Country is really in distress - when their Police Forces and their Firefighters hold separate protests - both complaining of poor working conditions and a low pay scale. Years ago, these Public Servants would "go-on-strike" and intermediaries would be brought in to negotiate between parties. Do the Police and Firemen belong to a Union, which can file a grievance? Something is really wrong here? All you need is for Public transport (bus-- taxi-train-airport) to hit the streets protesting at the same time and between the three - they could shut a Country down?

Macron wants the 2024 Olympic Games to be held in Paris. To do so, more Police and Firemen will be needed to cover any emergency during the events. Macron better "line up the marbles in his head" and get his act together ... or Paris will be dealing with a "Climate Change" of it's own and it won't be GREEN!

French police march in Paris for better working conditions
French police officers attend the March of Anger to protest against poor working conditions in Paris, France, October 2, 2019.   REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

Thousands of French police officers marched in the streets of Paris on Wednesday, protesting against poor working conditions they say have led to dozens of suicides among their ranks since the beginning of the year.

French police teargas protesting firefighters in Paris
French firefighters demonstrate during a national protest to urge the government to improve working conditions, in Paris, France, October 15, 2019. REUTERS/Charles Platiau
French firefighters demonstrate during a national protest to urge the government to improve working conditions, in Paris, France, October 15, 2019. REUTERS/Charles Platiau

French police fired tear gas and water cannons on Tuesday in clashes with firefighters protesting in Paris over their working conditions.

Thousands of firefighters from across the country attended the protest in the French capital, calling for better pay, guarantees of their pension benefits and greater respect for their profession.

Firefighters tried to climb the steel barriers around France’s lower house of parliament while police officers threw teargas grenades at them, a Reuters journalist reported.

Later the demonstration moved to eastern Paris where firefighters rampaged despite more teargas grenades and faced off against riot police.

“There is real anger and the problem is we’re not listened to. That’s why people are getting more angry and it’s starting to get violent”, said Eric Brezault, a 46-year-old firefighter from Aubagne in southern France.
Firefighters tried to climb the steel barriers around France’s lower house of parliament while police officers threw teargas grenades at them, a Reuters journalist reported.

Geez, police against firefighters...that's totally insane...honestly that doesn't even happen here in the U.S. that I have seen (so far).

Talk about dividing people no wonder some policemen are committing suicide there in France.
Confrontation between firefighters and police: a CRS union presents "a thousand excuses"
The CRS branch of Unsa-Police deplored the confrontation with the fire brigade in Paris and said: "Colleagues are ashamed to have received such pathetic orders... That is the feeling[...] towards the orders received from our senior leaders.

And the statement continued with questions about the merits of the approach favored by the authorities: "OK, order must be restored. But in what way? And what disorder are we talking about? Zero tolerance on the Cours de Vincennes when everything is forbidden to us in the so-called sensitive cities..."

Okay for the apologies ; but then, why didn't you disobey? This will all end badly....:cry:
Qu’aurions-nous dit si nous avions été gazés et matraqués, il y a 3 ans ?
The VIGI union has just published a statement on yesterday's repression of firefighters by the police. In particular, they stress the lack of coherence between the various law enforcement agencies involved.
This press release is not addressed to the police officers, who were satisfied with the management of the demonstration of our 10,000 firefighting colleagues in Paris on 15 October 2019, who came to defend their working conditions, which were as catastrophic as ours.
This press release is addressed to the peacekeepers who reported that they were ashamed of the orders received and the zealous repression of some law enforcement officers, eager to please their superiors.
Three years ago we too were in front of the National Assembly, without a declaration of demonstration to defend our working conditions and were subjected to the same contempt from the then Minister of the Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve.
We still depend today on the same minister, Christophe CASTANER, who once again is conspicuous by his absence. If he had been at his post in Place Beauvau and received the firemen, they would never have gone to the National Assembly. Once again, the source of yesterday's spills is rooted in the incompetence of our common minister.
The firefighters, like us three years ago, were not intended to invade the National Assembly, but to be heard peacefully.
If the firefighters had wanted to, they could have taken the deployed colleagues backwards without coherence. If the fire brigade wanted to fight it out, the Paris Police Commissioner knowingly put us in danger. Especially since if the firemen are not there, who would have evacuated our wounded?
In fact, on the spot, the firefighters provided care to a colleague who had experienced discomfort. Her unit had such confidence, which left her just with another colleague to accompany her.
In the end, the fire brigade was "flooded" on the bridge linking the National Assembly to the Place de la Concorde, taking with full force the water cannon and tear gas without being able to disperse. The young commissioner replied that his orders came from above. No discernment, just the mechanical application of instructions of repression inconsistent from an operational point of view, especially since the mobile gendarmes guarding the access to the bridge to Place de la Concorde were gassed by the police across the street. Tomorrow, how will we intervene together and trust each other?
Finally, when the mobile gendarmes decided to accompany the demonstrators to the nearest metro station so that they could disperse, the police were ordered to load them.
At VIGI. we defend our police colleagues who want to guarantee individual freedoms, such as the right to demonstrate and not to repress them. We defend the meaning of our missions and our working conditions because we were present in the parades of angry police officers three years ago, despite the fact that nothing was achieved because of yet another betrayal by the so-called representative unions.
While our employer opposed us externally to each other for not giving additional funds to essential missions, MPs voted internally to increase their housing allowance by 33%.

"When in a kingdom there is more advantage to court than to do your duty, all is lost. "Montesquieu

Small bonus image to show the cynicism of the @prefpolice
and @CCastaner.
The revision of the water cannon, which is well served, is undergoing revision.
(At the Paris fire brigade, which are military and could not demonstrate yesterday).

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Shame shame! To attack firefighters, the most gentle men in this planet! How come this is possible? because of the nauseabundus Macron. But never mind, all this is showing things, clarifying things. And the chaos is becoming everyday bigger and bigger.

France, now Catalonia, what's next? The spectacle is fascinating.


French Yellow Vest Protesters Were Right About Rising Inequality
October 16, 2019, 6:00 PM GMT+2
Statistics office says inequality and poverty rose in 2018
Cuts to housing benefit pushed more people below poverty line

The French Yellow Vest protesters who took to the streets in 2018 alleging rising inequality and slamming Emmanuel Macron as a president of the rich had a point, according to data published Wednesday.

An estimate from national statistics office Insee shows inequality, as measured by the so-called Gini coefficient, last year registered its sharpest increase since 2010. The poverty rate -- the percentage of the population with a living standard below 60% of the median -- rose to 14.7% from 14.1% in 2017.

The study is a blow to Macron, who began his presidency in 2017 promising that cuts to taxes on capital and wealth would bolster France’s economy by making it a more attractive place to do business.

Insee said the increase in inequality in 2018 was linked to a sharp rise in investment incomes, which benefited from Macron’s introduction of a flat tax the same year. Cuts to housing benefits were the main reason for the rise in the poverty level, although Insee’s calculation doesn’t take into account a fall in regulated rents.

The Yellow Vest movement forced the president into a u-turn on fiscal policy that included raising pensions and cutting taxes for low earners. Those measures aim to boost the incomes of poorer households, but are only kicking in this year.

What being poor really means @ATDQM presents an original report, elaborated with people concerned by exclusion, proposing a new definition of poverty, which has eight dimensions.

Meanwhile in
Tarbes (after a complete renovation a year before), the positions are shutdown with only limited ambulance service.
Looks like a fusion center is being positioned IMLHO!

The modernization of the Toulouse-Tarbes line continues. A huge factory train is currently renewing rails, ballast and ties between Muret-Boussens. In total it is 450 million € who are invested on this line!

Tarbes. Pompiers : le coup de chaud
Publié le 31/07/2019 à 03:48 Video

Dramatic headline but short on details and script. The main theme seems to be that Macron and his toy soldiers are worried that many of their paid mercenaries in Syria will be headed back to France, since Trump started pulling Troops out? Now, might be a good opportunity to address some of the MAJOR concerns and complaints "of the protesting Police Force" and start negotiations with the Firemen?

France says foiled September 11-inspired attack
FILE PHOTO: French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner speaks during a joint news conference with Ivory Coast Security Minister Sidiki Diakite in Abidjan, Ivory Coast May 20, 2019. REUTERS/Luc Gnago

FILE PHOTO: French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner speaks during a joint news conference with Ivory Coast Security Minister Sidiki Diakite in Abidjan, Ivory Coast May 20, 2019. REUTERS/Luc Gnago

October 17, 2019 - PARIS - France’s interior minister said on Thursday that intelligence services had arrested a man for planning an attack inspired by plane attacks on the World Trade Center in New York in Sept. 2001.

France has for several years grappled with how to respond to both homegrown jihadists and foreign militants following a series of attacks across the country. French officials say the threat of attacks remains very high.

On Oct. 3, an IT specialist with suspected Islamist sympathies, who had a security clearance, killed three officers and one civilian employee before he was shot dead by another police officer.

“Just before (that attack) there was a 60th attempted attack since 2013,” Christophe Castaner told France 2 television.

“An individual, who was inspired by the events of Sept. 11 and the planes which destroyed the World Trade Center towers, was arrested by our intelligence services.”

France has seen more than 230 people killed in the last four years on its territory from Islamist militant attacks, notably in Nov. 2015 after coordinated strikes across the capital.

The attacks were claimed by Islamic State in Syria, and were carried out in part by French-born fighters.

Officials now fear dozens of their nationals held in Kurdish-controlled camps in prisons could escape and return home following a Turkish offensive in northern Syria that is targeting Kurdish militias guarding them.

France's Le Drian to go to Iraq to discuss trials for jihadists from Syria
FILE PHOTO: French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian speaks during a news conference at the Itamaraty Palace in Brasilia, Brazil July 29,2019. REUTERS/Adriano Machado

PARIS Oct. 16, 2019 - France’s foreign minister will travel to Iraq on Wednesday to discuss a judicial framework that would enable jihadists being held in Syria to face trial in Iraq, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said.

European states are trying to fast-track a plan to move thousands of foreign Islamic State militants out of Syrian prison camps and into Iraq, after the outbreak of fresh conflict in Syria raised the risk of jihadists escaping or returning home, diplomats and officials have told Reuters.

Foreign Minister Jean-Ives Le Drian will discuss with the Iraqi government “measures to be set up and possible support that could be put in place, particularly in the field of judicial cooperation,” Philippe told French Senators in a weekly question and answer session.

“A number of those who are detained in Syria by the Kurds have committed crimes in Iraq and may therefore, if necessary, be judicially tried on the spot,” he said.

Europe does not want to try its Islamic State nationals at home, fearing a public backlash, difficulties in collating evidence against them, and risks of renewed attacks from militants on European soil.

Several European nations have been working on a framework since June and holding talks with the Iraqi government, which is also seeking millions of dollars in financial compensation for taking European fighters.

“The subject with the Iraqi authorities is to find a judicial system that could try all these fighters, including the French ones,”
Le Drian told BFM television on Wednesday, referring to Islamic State militants held in Kurdish-controlled camps in northeastern Syria.
Iraq saw some of the bloodiest battles against Islamic State and its government is already conducting trials of thousands of suspected Islamic State insurgents.

Le Drian said nine French women had escaped on Sunday from the Ain Issa camp in northwestern Syria. Kurdish officials have said almost 800 people fled that camp after the Turkish offensive into northern Syria targeted the area.

Le Drian said women who had joined Islamic State should also face justice in the region, although Paris would look to bring back children.

“The French women who went to this region in 2015 knew what they were doing. They aren’t tourists. They are fighters against France and must face trial (in Iraq) if possible,” he said.
An acute distinction between - "the have's" and "the have-not's" in France.

A Country is really in distress - when their Police Forces and their Firefighters hold separate protests - both complaining of poor working conditions and a low pay scale.

The 'yellow vest' movement explained

French police march in Paris for better working conditions

French police teargas protesting firefighters in Paris

Remolding workers' rights; French plastics maker puts Macron reforms to the test

France's LVMH seeks to buy Jeweler Tiffany for $14.5 Bin
France's LVMH seeks to buy jeweler Tiffany for $14.5 bln

PARIS October 28, 2019 — French luxury group LVMH is making a play for the iconic blue box.

The conglomerate said Monday it has offered to buy Tiffany & Co. for $14.5 billion in cash, sending shares in the New York jeweler soaring.

The purchase would add another household name to LVMH's plethora of upscale brands such as Christian Dior, Fendi, and Givenchy as well as watchmaker Tag Heuer. It would also give LVMH a much broader foothold in the United States and broaden its offerings in jewelry.

Tiffany, which is trying to transform its brand to appeal to younger shoppers, could use a company with deep pockets to help expand its business. The New York-based luxury retail said Monday that it was considering the offer for $120 a share, which is about $14.5 billion. The Wall Street Journal first reported on the offer over the weekend. Its shares jumped nearly 30% or $28.81, to $127.37 in early morning trading.

LVMH cautioned in a brief statement that "there can be no assurance that these discussions will result in any agreement."

The offer comes as luxury goods companies have been wrestling with changing habits of shoppers who are increasingly buying online. They're also purchasing second-hand luxury items from places like The

In addition, luxury companies are facing fears of an economic slowdown in China, a key area of business, while they're already dealing with a slowdown in international tourism in the U.S.

Under its CEO Alessandro Bogliolo, Tiffany is trying to appeal to younger shoppers with more modern takes on jewelry. Earlier this year, it launched a men's jewelry collection, and it's increasing its marketing to a more diverse customer base like same-sex couples. It's also been renovating its flagship store in Manhattan.

Still, Tiffany's U.S. sales have been stagnating as China's slowing economy has weighed on spending by Chinese tourists, who make up a substantial portion of luxury spending. The strong dollar has also made Tiffany products more expensive for consumers outside the U.S.

"We believe Tiffany has many characteristics that are difficult to replicate and represent competitive advantages," wrote Oliver Chen, luxury analyst at Cowen & Co., an investment research firm. He noted Tiffany's diamond polishing facilities and long-term relationships with diamond mines; bridal expertise and long-term growth potential with China.

LVMH competes with the Kering Group, which owns Gucci and Saint Laurent, and Richemont SA, which owns Cartier.

Louis Vuitton owner confirms takeover talks with US Jeweler Tiffany
Louis Vuitton owner confirms takeover talks with US jeweller Tiffany
People walk past the headquarters of luxury jewelry and specialty retailer Tiffany & Co on 5th Avenue in Manhattan on October 27, 2019 in New York City. - LVMH, the French owner of Louis Vuitton, is exploring a takeover of Tiffany & Co to expand in the US jewelry market, according to reports. (Photo by Johannes EISELE / AFP) (Photo by JOHANNES EISELE/AFP via Getty Images)

October 28, 2019 - The French owner of Louis Vuitton has confirmed talks are underway with US jeweler Tiffany & Co about a possible takeover.

The LVMH group (MC.PA) announced preliminary talks had been held about a “possible transaction” with Tiffany (TIF) as it looks to expand in the US market.

LVMH acknowledged recent “market rumours” in the announcement, in an apparent reference to reports of an £11.3bn ($14.5bn) preliminary non-binding offer earlier this month.

Paris-listed LVMH shares were trading 1.2% higher at around 8.30am in London, with the deal reported to be potentially its biggest acquisition to date.

The multinational, which owns Christian Dior, Givenchy, Fendi and other brands, is run by the business magnate Bernard Arnault, one of the richest individuals in the world.

New York-listed Tiffany, famous for its diamond engagement rings, is said to have hired advisers to review the offer.
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