Do some French people see what's going on? Yellow Vest Protests

In spring 2018, French GI activists – frustrated by the French government’s inability or unwillingness to get the migrant crisis under control and prevent illegal immigration into their country – decided to take matters into their own hands with symbolic but effective nonviolent action.

Police clear major migrant camp in northern France

Northern France has long been a magnet for people seeking to smuggle themselves to Britain. (File/AFP)

September 17, 2019 - GRANDE-SYNTHE, France: French police began clearing around 1,000 migrants from a gymnasium near the northern port of Dunkirk on Thursday after a court ruled it was a health and security hazard.

The mayor of Grande-Synthe in December 2018 opened up the sports hall to migrant families seeking shelter from the cold.

Since then, it has grown into a makeshift camp, with around 800 people sleeping in tents pitched around the crammed gymnasium where around 170 people, mostly Iraqi Kurds hoping to reach Britain, had been sheltering.

Thursday’s clearance operation began shortly after 8:00 am (0600 GMT).

Young men traveling alone were the first to board buses that will take them to shelters around the region, where they can apply for asylum. Families were to be moved later.

Northern France has long been a magnet for people seeking to smuggle themselves to Britain in the tens of thousands of trucks and cars that travel daily between the countries on ferries and trains.

The area around Grande-Synthe has traditionally drawn Iraqi Kurds and has been repeatedly cleared in recent years.

A court in the regional city of Lille ordered the gymnasium shut on September 4 following complaints from local authorities and residents about violence, garbage and the presence of people-smugglers among the migrants.

French authorities have had a policy of trying to prevent migrants forming camps since 2016 when they razed a notorious illegal squat nicknamed the “Jungle” near the port of Calais which was home to 10,000 people at its height. But rights groups have criticized police tactics.

In December, the country’s human rights ombudsman denounced the “extreme destitution” suffered by people camping out or sleeping under bridges in the area.

The ombudsman, Jacques Toubon, accused the authorities of “trying to make (migrants) invisible” by regularly tearing down their camps without providing them with viable alternatives.

French President Emmanuel Macron has pledged to speed up the asylum claims process for people deemed to be bona fide refugees, while vowing to accelerate the deportation procedure for so-called economic migrants.
Paris Tutankhamun show sets new record with 1.42 million visitors

Organizers had to extend opening hours to 9:00 p.m. at the giant la Villette venue in the north of the French capital to try to cope with the numbers. (File/AFP)

September 22, 2019 - PARIS: A blockbuster Tutankhamun show set a new all-time French record Sunday, with 1.42 million visitors flocking to see the exhibition in Paris, the organizers said.

The turnout beat the previous record set by another Tutankhamun show billed as the “exhibition of the century” in 1967, when 1.24 million queued to see “Tutankhamun and His Times” at the Petit Palais.

“Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh” — which has been described as a “once in a generation” show — will open in London in November.

The last time a show of comparable size about the boy king opened there in 1972 it sparked “Tutmania,” with 1.6 million people thronging the British Museum.
More than 150 treasures from the monarch’s tomb — including 60 which have never left Egypt before — have been assembled for the show.

The Egyptian Ministry for Antiquities said this was the largest number of Tutankhamun artefacts ever to have left Cairo.

Almost all of the 3,400 exhibits come from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, and are never likely to leave the country again.

Its unparalleled collection is being transferred to the enormous new Grand Egyptian Museum near the pyramids at Giza, which is due to open next year.

French drugmaker, watchdog on trial over weight loss pill deaths

French doctor Irene Frachon shows a box of Mediator to the media during the trial in the Mediator drug case at Nanterre courthouse. (Reuters)

* At least 500 people are thought to have died of heart valve problems in France after taking the drug Mediator

* Initially intended for overweight people with diabetes, the drug was widely given to healthy individuals as an appetite suppressant

September 23, 2019 - PARIS: France’s medicines watchdog joins pharmaceutical firm Servier in the dock Monday on fraud and negligence charges linked to the deaths of hundreds of people who were prescribed a diabetes pill for weight loss despite safety concerns.

At least 500 people are thought to have died of heart valve problems in France after taking the drug Mediator, in a major health scandal that was the subject of a 2016 French movie called “150 Milligrams.”

The film is based on the work of real-life pulmonologist Irene Frachon who was instrumental in bringing the alleged wrongdoing to light through her campaigning and investigation.

She is expected to testify against the company and the medicine, which was on the market for 33 years and was used by about five million people.

Experts have projected it may cause as many as 2,100 deaths in the long term. The criminal trial against Servier, nine subsidiaries, and the ANSM medicines watchdog — known at the time as Afssaps — is expected to last six months.
It will focus on 91 victims, four of them deceased, for whom lawyers believe a link can be shown between their illness and Mediator.

Twelve individuals in the dock will include former Servier number two Jean-Philippe Seta, doctors who were members of Afssaps commissions while also being paid as pharma company consultants, and former senator Marie-Therese Hermange who produced a report said to be favorable to Servier.

Initially intended for overweight people with diabetes, the drug was widely given to healthy individuals as an appetite suppressant.

Safety alerts were first flagged in the mid-1990s, but Mediator was banned in France only in 2009 — long after being outlawed in the United States, Spain and Italy.

Victims “want to understand how this medicine could have been left on the market for so long,” said Charles Joseph-Oudin, who will represent about 250 complainants in the trial in the Paris criminal court.

Servier, one of France’s biggest pharma firms, is charged with fraud for allegedly concealing Mediator’s risks, while the ANSM is being pursued for negligence and allegedly dragging its feet in suspending the drug. They risk a fine or an order to compensate victims.

“Servier knew that it was selling poison,” said 71-year-old Joy Ercole, who took Mediator for six months 10 years ago, and said she suffered heart damage as a result.

“The unlucky ones, like me, are condemned to a slow death. My life is ruined.” Servier says it did not know about the risk before 2009.

Frachon had alerted French health authorities of heart problems among patients who had taken the drug. She published a book in 2010, which became the basis of movies made about her.

The ANSM in 2010 linked at least 500 deaths to Mediator. In 2015, a civil court found Servier negligent for having left “defective” medicine on the market.

Victims have submitted nearly 10,500 claims for compensation from Servier, and many have accepted payment in return for not taking part in criminal proceedings.

Servier’s website states it has made offers of compensation to more than 3,700 sickened people for a total amount of 164.4 million euros ($182 million), of which 131.8 million euros have been paid out.

About 100 witnesses are expected to take the stand, including Frachon.
It was battle royal in many parts of France, as Act45 took the streets. Police brutality was at an all time high.
Le Général

Anarchists were evident, marring the French perception with the media in collision. Also seeing less, and less of dashboard yellow-vest support now. With some visceral reaction's with my display, as small as it is.

"When we talk to you, you're (..) you have understood now "I present you the police exemplary and professional according to Castaner! #GiletsJaunes#Macron#France#acte45#Paris#YellowVests

Today 7500 security forces will be mobilized in Paris alone in view of the #Acte45 of the #GiletsJaunes . Suggestion for
@CCastaner : Allocate these 7500 forces every weekend for 1 year, divided into battalions of 250, to dismantle drug trafficking networks!

Here Vichy, dial 17 to report the identity of your neighbor. During that time

The founder of Leetchi, militant LREM who zealously blocked the boxer's jackpot Yellow Vest #Dettinger , kept the money from the donors and sent their names to Castaner, was chosen by Macron to distribute public money to 120 "start-ups"

Former French President Jacques Chirac has died at the age of 87, it was announced on Sept. 26, 2019. (File/AFP)

PARIS: Jacques Chirac, a two-term French president who was the first leader to acknowledge France’s role in the Holocaust and defiantly opposed the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, has died at age 86.

His son-in-law Frederic Salat-Baroux told The Associated Press that Chirac died Thursday “peacefully, among his loved ones.” He did not give a cause of death, though Chirac had had repeated health problems since leaving office in 2007.

Chirac was long the standard-bearer of France’s conservative right, and mayor of Paris for nearly two decades. He was nicknamed “Le Bulldozer” early in his career for his determination and ambition. As president from 1995-2007 he was a consummate global diplomat but failed to reform the economy or defuse tensions between police and minority youths that exploded into riots across France in 2005.

Published on Sep 26, 2019 (1:25 min.)

Former French president Jacques Chirac dies, aged 86

FILE PHOTO: Former French President Jacques Chirac arrives to attend the award ceremony for the Prix de la Fondation Chirac at the Quai Branly Museum in Paris November 21, 2014.  REUTERS/Patrick Kovarik/Pool/File Photo
Former President Jacques Chirac, a political chameleon who dominated French politics for decades and strived to make France's voice heard in Europe and beyond, died on Thursday at the age of 86.

'Chameleon Bonaparte' Chirac dominated French politics for decades
FILE PHOTO: France's President Jacques Chirac delivers a speech as he presides over a French citizen naturalization ceremony in Tours, France, June 29, 2006.  REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer/File Photo

Former French President Jacques Chirac, who died on Thursday aged 86, dominated French politics for decades and stirred national pride with his opposition to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Meanwhile, Alain Soral has been sentenced to 18 monthes of prison just because as the editor of ER website, he's said to be responsible of the diffusion of the video "rap of the yellow vests" wich has been qualified as antisemitic by the court.

If you listen the thing, here for example
, I bet, like me, you will have a hard time to understand what is antisemitic in this. Hopefully, the medias are here to explain it to us :

[…] En cause dans cette affaire, certains passages qualifiés d’antisémites tel que cet extrait : « Ce n’est qu’en virant les Rothschild que l’on pourra sauver la France. Il faudra virer Attali et BHL aussi ». Ces paroles sont illustrées par les portraits des concernés jetés aux flammes. Celui de Patrick Drahi le sera lui aussi.

« C’est très violent. C’est une utilisation du rap pour distiller des messages de propagande, faisant référence à un "complot juif". On trouve dans ce clip tous les poncifs antisémites », dénonce Ilana Soskin, avocate de la Ligue internationale contre le racisme et l’antisémitisme (Licra), partie civile aux côtés de l’Union des étudiants juifs de France, J’accuse, le Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peuples, la Ligue des droits de l’homme et Sos racisme. Les références aux « Rothschild » et aux « parasites » sont récurrentes et parfois simultanées. Emmanuel Macron apparaît lui aussi à plusieurs reprises, notamment lors de son discours au 33e dîner du CRIF, le 7 mars 2018. « Une référence antisémite de plus », selon Ilana Soskin.


« Ce clip des "gilets jaunes" aurait pu rester clandestin. Alain Soral, en tant que directeur de publication lui a donné une énorme visibilité en le publiant sur son site », indique la juriste.

[...] At issue in this case are certain passages qualified as anti-Semitic such as this excerpt: "It is only by firing the Rothschilds that we can save France. Attali and BHL will have to be fired as well. These words are illustrated by the portraits of the people concerned thrown into the flames. Patrick Drahi's will be too.

"It's very violent. It is a use of rap to distill propaganda messages, referring to a "Jewish plot". In this clip, we find all the anti-Semitic clichés," denounces Ilana Soskin, lawyer of the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (Licra), a civil party alongside the Union of Jewish Students of France, I accuse, the Movement against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples, the League for Human Rights and Sos Racism. References to "Rothschilds" and "parasites" are recurrent and sometimes simultaneous. Emmanuel Macron also appeared several times, notably during his speech at the 33rd CRIF dinner on March 7, 2018. "Another anti-Semitic reference," according to Ilana Soskin.


"This clip of the "yellow vests" could have remained clandestine. Alain Soral, as publication director, gave it enormous visibility by publishing it on his website," says the lawyer.

Translated with

More details here : https://www.egaliteetreconciliation...oral-condamne-a-deux-ans-de-prison-56308.html

Now, I ask you, who is really obsessed ???
Now, I ask you, who is really obsessed ???

Powerful stuff, that video. No wonder Macron and co are in fits. I'm sure the reference to Palestine just made things worse. Alain Soral deserves a medal for spreading it far and wide. From the French link (google translate)
Alain Soral sentenced to two years in prison and 171,000 euros to be the president of Equality & Reconciliation and because of a rap Yellow vests
Today, September 19, 2019, the Criminal Court of Bobigny sentenced writer Alain Soral to two years imprisonment including six months suspended with probation for a period of three years. The test consists of three measures: 210 hours of community service, either for a full-time one and a half months of hard labor, removal of the incriminated publication under penalty of 1,000 euros per day of delay and compensation for "victims ". [WHAT victims???] The total of the pecuniary sentences could exceed the 171 000 euros: 45 000 euros of fine, publication of the judgment in the newspaper Le Monde during 15 days (estimating at 4 000 euros each publication, because the price of the character, spaces included, is astronomical) and especially 10,000 euros to pay compensation to each civil party whose legal costs are borne by Alain Soral up to 1,000 euros (the civil parties were six (Licra, Uejf, SOS Racism, J ' accuses, Mrap and Ldh).

The writer is condemned only because as founder and president of the association Equality & Reconciliation he is held to be the director of the publication of the eponymous site, responsible for the offending publications. In fact of publication it was about a rap clip, rap yellow vests . A rap in which nothing appeared to be objectionable at first. But the associations that had launched the lawsuits on direct quotation claimed to decode the words and images: the brazier of a roundabout Gilet yellow became in their eyes " a pyre ", the word parasite was translated as will to total extermination and the pictures of Rothshild, Attali, BHL and Drahi that were thrown into it became " the Jewish oligarchy " whose " project of domination " appeared by reference to Palestine and the i24news channel. Fifteen seconds of images on a clip of four minutes and thirty-two seconds convinced the magistrates of Bobigny. Isolated and, above all, decoded, these images and words had magically become the defamation of the Jew, an insult to the Jew and a provocation to hatred against the Jew.
(emphases added)

Looks like the France's version of the ADL has things well in hand. :headbash:
Former president Jacques Chirac gets full military honors as France bids him farewell

French President Emmanuel Macron, right, walks behind as French Republican guards carry the flag-draped coffin of late president Jacques Chirac during a military tribute on Monday, September 30, 2019. (AFP)

French President Emmanuel Macron presides over the ceremony near the site of Napoleon’s tomb in the courtyard of Les Invalides.

France bids farewell to ex-President Chirac
French President Emmanuel Macron stands in front of the flag-draped coffin of late French President Jacques Chirac during a military funeral honors ceremony at the Hotel des Invalides during a national day of mourning in Paris, France, September 30, 2019. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

World leaders, past and present, stood in silence in Paris on Monday at a funeral service for Jacques Chirac, the French leader remembered at home for his folksy charisma and abroad for opposing the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Slideshow (13 Images)
France bids farewell to ex-President Chirac

Mourners say goodbye to late French President Jacques Chirac

A woman pays her respect as she touches a portrait of late French President Jacques Chirac displayed at the Invalides monument in Paris. Chirac will lie in state during a public ceremony, where France honors its heroes. September 39, 2019 (AP)

France's far-right Marion Marechal convinced of rising to power one day
Marion Marechal, former far-right lawmaker delivers a speech during the Convention de la Droite meeting in Paris, France, September 28, 2019. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

The niece of French far-right leader Marine Le Pen said on Saturday she was convinced her ideas would carry her to power in the future, though she did not declare herself officially as a candidate for the next presidential election in France in 2022.

France expands rape probe against Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan

Tariq Ramadan was taken into custody in February 2018 and held for over nine months before being granted bail. (File/AP)

September 29, 2019 - Ramadan has already been charged in France with raping a disabled woman in 2009 and a feminist activist in 2012.

The French authorities have expanded an investigation against Tariq Ramadan, a leading Islamic scholar already charged in France with raping two women, to include evidence from two more alleged victims, judicial sources said Sunday.

Paris prosecutors earlier this month instructed the investigating magistrate handling the case to look into the evidence from “two new potential victims” over incidents that took place in 2015 and 2016, a judicial source told AFP, confirming a report in Le Journal du Dimanche newspaper.

Investigators took witness statements from the two women after they were identified from documents found on his computers. The women themselves have not filed a criminal complaint.

But they both say they were led into a brutal sexual relationship with Ramadan, one from November-December 2015 and the other in March 2016.

“It was something other than physical rape, it went beyond that... there was a moral rape,” one of the women said in her testimony seen by AFP.

“He had such a hold on you that you did everything that he demanded. But this relationship was consensual, yes,” she said.
“I asked him to be milder, but he said ‘it is your fault, you deserve it’ and that he needed to be obeyed, which is what I did,” the other said.

Le Journal du Dimanche said prosecutors believe the two testimonies contained “serious and concurring” evidence that could incriminate Ramadan.

Ramadan was taken into custody in February 2018 and held for over nine months before being granted bail.

Authorities in Switzerland are also investigating him after receiving a rape complaint in that country while two other criminal complaints of rape have been filed relating to incidents in March 2018 and July 2019.

Ramadan has in the last week gone on a media offensive to deny all the allegations against him, publishing a book called “Duty of Truth” and insisting all his relationships have been consensual.

Ramadan was professor of contemporary Islamic studies at Oxford University until he was forced to take leave when rape allegations surfaced at the height of the “Me Too” movement in late 2017.
French ex-president Sarkozy to face campaign finance trial
French ex-president Sarkozy to face campaign finance trial

France’s highest court ruled that former President Nicolas Sarkozy will stand trial on charges of illegally financing his 2012 presidential campaign. (File/AFP)

October 01, 2019 - A French court on Tuesday ordered Nicolas Sarkozy to stand trial for illicit campaign financing, adding to the ex-president’s legal woes as he also prepares to answer charges of exerting pressure on a judge.

Sarkozy, 64, lost his final appeal to France’s highest criminal court, and risks a year in prison and a fine of 3,750 euros ($4,085) if found guilty.

The ruling came the same day as another court ordered a trial for ex-prime minister Edouard Balladur on charges of campaign finance violations in an unrelated case.

Sarkozy is not the country’s first former president to be prosecuted — Jacques Chirac, who died last week, was given a two-year suspended sentence in 2011 for embezzlement and misuse of public funds during his time as mayor of Paris.

Prosecutors say Sarkozy spent nearly 43 million euros ($40 million) on his failed 2012 re-election bid — almost double the legal limit of 22.5 million euros — using fake invoices. He has said he was unaware of the fraud by executives at the public relations firm Bygmalion, who are among 13 others being pursued in the case.

Sarkozy’s lawyer Emmanuel Piwnica called the appeals court ruling a “disappointment.”

Since losing the election to the Socialist Party’s Francois Hollande and leaving office, Sarkozy has fought a barrage of corruption and campaign financing charges, all of which he rejects.

The former Republican party leader faces another trial on charges of corruption and influence peddling over his alleged attempts to try to get information from a judge about an investigation focused on him. And he has been charged over accusations he accepted millions of euros from the late Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi toward his first presidential campaign in 2007.

Sarkozy will face a standard criminal court, while Balladur, 90, will be tried by the Court of Justice of the Republic, a tribunal set up to hear cases of ministerial misconduct. The court has no jurisdiction over heads of state, except in treason cases.

Balladur and former defense minister Francois Leotard, 77, were charged in 2017 with “complicity in misuse of corporate assets” over the sale of submarines to Pakistan when Balladur was prime minister, from 1993 to 1995.

The kickbacks are estimated at some 13 million francs (almost two million euros in today’s money), which are suspected of including a cash donation to Balladur’s 1995 presidential campaign of a little over 10 million francs, prosecutor Francois Molins said in a statement.

Balladur also has to answer to a charge that he concealed the crimes. The claims came to light during an investigation into a 2002 bombing in Karachi, Pakistan, which targeted a bus transporting French engineers. Fifteen people were killed, including 11 engineers working on the submarine contract.

The Al-Qaeda terror network was initially suspected of the attack, but the focus later shifted to the arms deal as investigators considered whether the bombing may have been revenge for the non-payment of promised bribes after Chirac pipped Balladur in the vote and canceled the payment of commissions.

Balladur’s lawyers said Tuesday that he was “confident” he would be cleared of any wrongdoing, “given that he never committed any of the acts of which he is accused.”

Six others facing trial in the case include Balladur’s campaign manager Nicolas Bazire; Thierry Gaubert, who worked for Sarkozy, who was budget minister at the time; and a Franco-Lebanese middleman, Ziad Takieddine.

They will go on trial this month in a Paris criminal court. Other senior French politicians charged with financial misconduct include the former prime ministers Francois Fillon and Alain Juppe.

Fillon crashed out of the running for the presidency in 2017 after being charged with using public funds to pay his wife for a fake job as his assistant. Juppe, a prime minister under Chirac, was given a suspended jail sentence in 2004 over a party funding scandal.

On Monday, ex-justice minister Jean-Jacques Urvoas was given a suspended month-long sentence for passing on secret details of a tax fraud and corruption investigation to the politician targeted, the rightwing MP Thierry Solere.

Top French court rejects bid by Sarkozy to avoid trial over 2012 campaign
FILE PHOTO: Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy attends the MEDEF union summer forum at the Paris Longchamp racecourse in Paris, France, August 29, 2019. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

France's highest appeals court on Tuesday rejected a bid by former President Nicolas Sarkozy to avoid facing trial over the alleged illegal financing of his failed re-election campaign in 2012.

Ex-French PM Balladur to face trial over 1990s Pakistan submarine deal - source
FILE PHOTO: Edouard Balladur, former French prime minister, attends an event in Paris February 8, 2011. REUTERS/Charles Platiau

Former French prime minister Edouard Balladur and an ex-defence minister will face trial over the so-called "Karachi affair", an inquiry related to alleged kickbacks in a mid-1990s submarine deal with Pakistan, a judicial source said on Tuesday.

France's Macron meets freed Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov
French President Emmanuel Macron speaks with Ukrainian film director Oleg Sentsov at the Permanent Representation of France to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France, October 1, 2019. Frederick Florin/Pool via REUTERS

French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday met Oleg Sentsov, the Ukrainian filmmaker freed in a prisoner swap last month after four years in a Russian jail.
Now, the same French Police who have brutally treated peaceful YV demonstrators - are the one's marching in peaceful Protest ... should Macron employ the Military - to beat them back?

French police march in Paris for better working conditions
French police officers attend the March of Anger to protest against poor working conditions in Paris, France, October 2, 2019.   REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

French police officers attend the "March of Anger" to protest against poor working conditions in Paris, France, October 2, 2019. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

Thousands of French police officers marched in the streets of Paris on Wednesday, protesting against poor working conditions they say have led to dozens of suicides among their ranks since the beginning of the year.

They also denounced what they described as a rising anti-police sentiment in the wake of the “Yellow Vest” violent protest movements, during which some officers have been accused of using excessive force.

Also among the grievances aired by protesting police officers was a plan by French President Emmanuel Macron to reform pensions.

Several professions, including public transport workers, doctors, lawyers and pilots have already voiced their discontent over this planned reform, fearing they will lose out.

According to the latest numbers given by police unions, 52 police officers have committed suicide so far in 2019.

"I'm clean", Macron's EU candidate says over corruption claims
European Internal Market Commissioner-designate Sylvie Goulard of France attends her hearing before the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium October 2, 2019. REUTERS/Francois Walschaerts

Sylvie Goulard, France's choice to be the next head of European Union industrial policy, on Wednesday denied wrongdoing during her time as an EU lawmaker, the latest candidate to face a hostile reception in confirmation hearings for the EU executive.
"Yellow vests" in Montpellier: The observer of the League for Human Rights was released

Camille Halut was released by the Montpellier criminal court this Thursday morning. This activist of the League of Human Rights was prosecuted for "obstructing traffic" during a demonstration of "yellow vests" where she was leading an observer mission.

In his judgment on Thursday, President Philippe Tremblay stated that "on the merits, the court questions the entire procedure", adding that the police officers had sought an offence a posteriori, when the defendant was already identified. "Your presence did not change anything to the situation that was already blocked," he told the young woman, who was the only one being prosecuted when some 300 people had blocked the A709 motorway near Montpellier on April 6. "You have not committed any act outside your observation mission," he concluded.
"Muzzle" observers

On that day, the demonstrators had gone down the tracks, paralysing traffic for several tens of minutes. Signed Ligue des droits de l'homme, the young woman, who had already made several reports to the police, had followed the group, in order to continue her observations of the interventions of the police.

What we want, had hammered at the hearing Michel Tubiana, one of his two lawyers, is to "muzzle" the observers. The former president of the association even saw it as an attempt at "intimidation". "We want to say everywhere: "Beware, if you take on this role of observer, you will not only be hit or insulted, but also condemned," he said. "We want to silence Camille Halut, we consider that the police must have their hands free," his colleague Alain Ottan, who spoke of a "test case", pointed out at 20 Minutes after the trial.

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Examples of divide and conquer via Frances MSM. And more of Macron's SS tactics on the GiletsJaune.
A very serious admission on Canal + yesterday, the spokesperson of the union Unit SGP Police FO, questioned about the Black Blocks "there is a laissez-faire, and I take my responsibility ..." to discredit the #GiletsJaunes #castaner is able to tt! #Macron#marchedelacolere

Canal + Linda, unionized policewoman ".. to call out the Blackblocks we know how to do, if we do not do it, it's because the orders do not come .. "-You can be punished for saying that? ".. Of course, we make the choice to get out of our reserve duty.

Line 1
Seems that Gege #Darmanin intends to relaunch the hunt for tax evaders on social networks. Another nice progressive idea. So like any good French, I do my part of the job. #delation#balancetonfraudeur
Line 2
I would like to report to the FISC this unemployed person who struts for a year on the networks in Dior dress, tailor Chanel and Cartier jewelry in the largest restaurants in the world. Thanks for straightening. Tired of these parasites who live above their means!
Attacker fatally stabs officer in Paris police station, is then shot dead
French police secure the area in front of the Paris Police headquarters in Paris, France, October 3, 2019. REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer

An assailant fatally stabbed a police officer inside the Paris police headquarters on Thursday then was shot dead by another policeman, a police union official said.

There was no word on the motive for the attack, which took place in the heart of the French capital near Notre-Dame Cathedral.

The area around the police headquarters was sealed off and the nearest metro station was shut for security reasons, the transport authority said.

“As we speak, one colleague is dead following a knife attack. Another colleague is in a state of shock...and the person behind the attack has been shot by another colleague,” Loic Travers, local head of the Alliance police union, said on BFM TV.

A police spokesman said he had no comment on the incident.

Police sources told Reuters the attacker was believed to have been a member of staff at the headquarters but there was no immediate confirmation of this.

Four people killed in Paris police HQ knife attack: police source
Four people have been killed in an attack on the police headquarters in Paris on Thursday, a police source told Reuters.

One victim of Paris police attack has died: police union
One of the victims of the knife attack in the headquarters of the Paris police on Thursday has died, a police union official told French television.

Attack at Paris police HQ carried out by staff member: sources
The man behind a knife attack on police officers at the Paris police headquarters is believed to be a member of staff at the headquarters, a police union source and a police source told Reuters.
Paris police employee stabs four to death in force HQ before being shot dead
French police and firefighters are seen in front of the Paris Police headquarters in Paris, France, October 3, 2019. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann
A 45-year-old IT assistant at the police headquarters in central Paris went on a knife rampage inside the building on Thursday, killing three police officers and an administrative worker before he was shot dead by an officer, French officials said.

Paris police HQ attacker recently converted to Islam: BFM TV
The police employee who killed four of his colleagues at the Paris police headquarters was a recent convert to Islam, French television BFM TV said on Thursday.

One woman, three men killed in Paris police HQ attack: prosecutor
One woman and three men were killed in a knife attack at the police headquarters in Paris on Thursday, Paris prosecutor Remy Heitz told reporters.

Heitz said that the home of the attacker was being searched and that anti-terrorism prosecutors were evaluating the situation. He did not elaborate on the attacker’s possible motives.

Paris Metro closes station near scene of knife attack
The Metro station near the scene of a knife attack in the Paris police headquarters on Thursday has been closed for security reasons, the RATP public transport authority said on Twitter.
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