Jedi Council Member
So far I am only using vitamin C + baking soda = ascorbate. No problems for me and I do not perceive it as harsh. But, as we already know from this thread, this is a highly individual matter.Which ones have you used or prefer? I am interested, if there possibly are different health benefits in the salts, as I noticed that adding this one made a difference for me, (could be individual, like with supplements :)
I searched for science based articles on their medicinal properties. Up to now I only found "tasty" viping descriptions.
Do you know if this topic is less researchd?
A good candidate for you(and possibly Chu, Scottie and...) could be malic acid/malate as you describe it as mild and tolerate it well. Nicotine binds to malic acid in tobacco leaves.
As for medicinal and other properties it is easier to find information by looking up the acids, not the salts, e.g. malic acid instead of malate. All the nic salts from your earlier post have acids that play a role in our body chemistry. However, I would not expect any remarkable positive health effect from any of these as the liquids are heated which will lead to some degradation.
Salicylic acid is not for everybody. Some people do not tolerate it well, according to the Weston A. Price foundation. malic acid = ÄpfelsäureGood to know. Could you please post links?
Do you have a lab coat?! It would be great to find out more for all about healthy mixtures. How can I be of help?