E-cigarettes: research - experiments - ideas

The result was excellent! Really smooth, a very reduced throat hit, probably due to the water content and pure vg. Importantly, it was clear that our mix packed with a good amount of nicotine because it gave a head feel similar to the 20mg/mL salt that I vape, although the homemade juice was a little stronger.

That's awesome and quite promising!

I feel like a slacker now. :lol:
I also ordered the XRos Pro (25 W, 0.4 ohm coil). I just didn't like handling the bigger model. It came with an extra container/coil) . Both of them leak liquid, through the mouth piece and on the bottom. On top of that it makes a bubbly noise and didn't produce any vape. I couldn't find any explanation or solution when searching online, I was wondering if any of you vape enthusiasts noticed something similar? Or is it just bad luck and I got damaged pieces? The liquid was 50 %VG with nicotine (20 mg) +50%water.
Last week, I bought XROS 4. Had 3 puff's until now. I bought 50/50 (VG/PG nicotine liquid ) as a test until home making merchandise arrives. I was scared to put it in mouth, as it leaks.

Some articles say if it is over saturated with the liquid, liquid comes into mouth. Article suggested to blew air into air path way. I did it and got some liquid on the face. :-P Leakage might have reduced little less.
Ok the vape arrived today and I had 3 atomizers to try out with distilled water. Sadly, none of them work with pure water. I purchased a standard 18mg/ml liquid and mixed it 50/50 with distilled water and such a mixture does work very well. It is a temporary solution till I purchase a better base liquid (50/50 VG/PG) to mix with pure nicotine and water. So, for the next 2 weeks, I will mix 20mg/ml and dilute it to 10mg/ml and use this. I guess it is a good start.
Well, after a few days, both Chu and I ended up with a sore throat - again! :umm:

Not as bad as last time, but still there.

We also heard from a few other who also abandoned water due to the harshness.

So, for now, we are puffing 50/50 PG/VG with 6mg/mL nicotine. I ordered some nicotine salts and more 50/50 PG/VG since what we have was stolen from Elliot at the Farm.

Even with slightly sore throats, when we puff on the PG/VG stuff, it's almost soothing rather than irritating... So we are starting to conclude that maybe water in e-liquid for vaping is just a bad idea all around. It might be healthy, but if we're any indication, it's not easy!

We're gonna try nic salts, which only come in 50/50 PG/VG. But that means we have more experimenting ahead since we could mix it like so:

- 2 x 10mL nicotine salt (50/50 PG/VG)
- 50 mL VG

That would give 70mL of 6mg at 85% VG, 15% PG.

And variations thereof (point being, we could still minimize propylene glycol if desired/possible)

It's possible the alkaline nicotine is just too harsh for both of us, so we'll see how the nic salts work.

Incidentally, the French web site where I bought the nic salts has a lovely explanation of "nicotine base" vs "nicotine salts". It appears there is no magic involved. It's basically just nicotine (which is very alkaline) and either they plop it in a bottle and you get "nicotine base", or they add benzoic acid to pH balance it, and that's what they call "nicotine salts".

That's what the Frenchy site claims, anyway.

So technically, our pH-balanced solution with Vit C should be as gentle as "nicotine salts", but maybe not... Benzoic acid vs ascorbic acid?? Maybe it's not JUST about the pH.

Anyway, just wanted to give a heads up in case some of you out there are experimenting and having similar issues!
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