Earthquakes around the world

Last week saw 3 M6 earthquakes with the highest being a M6.6 south of the Sandwich Islands near the Antarctic.
In the usual area there were 3 out of 80 earthquakes worldwide equal to or greater than 4.5 and 1653 out of 2187 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 75.6%
Last week saw 5M6, with the largest being 6.1 in the Philippines.
In the usual area, there were 2 out of 82 earthquakes worldwide equal to or greater than 4.5 and 1578 out of 2072 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 76.2%
Earthquakes 7 days to April 11th 2021.gif
Last week saw 5M6, with the largest being 6.1 in the Philippines.
In the usual area, there were 2 out of 82 earthquakes worldwide equal to or greater than 4.5 and 1578 out of 2072 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 76.2%
Last week was relatively quite and there were no earthquakes worldwide reaching M6.
In the usual area, there were 0 out of 80 earthquakes worldwide equal to or greater than 4.5 and 1602 out of 2106 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 76.1%
In addition to the 1602 were also 322 quakes in Hawaii, which appears to be getting active again. (This would push the percentage up to 91.4% if we add Hawaii to the North American numbers.)
Earthquakes 7 days to April 18th 2021.gif

5.8-magnitude quake hits 27 km NNE of Bandar-e Genaveh, Iran -- USGS

BEIJING, April 18 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 jolted 27 km NNE of Bandar-e Genaveh, Iran at 0641 GMT on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 29.7874 degrees north latitude and 50.6693 degrees east longitude.

By Henry Batyaev - 18.04.2021
Last night Taiwan experienced two strong earthquakes. The epicenter for them was about 16 km from where we live. We’ve experienced earthquakes before but nothing like this, it was like the earth was undulating like as water, rather terrifying.
East Taiwan was struck by magnitude 6.2 and 5.8 earthquakes three minutes apart on Sunday evening (April 18), according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB).

Edit: I apologize, these earthquakes have already been reported.
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New post from Dutchsinse on April 15th after about a month hiatus. Doesn’t go into details, but sounds like he may have had to deal with YouTube’s “Ministry of Content”. Stand outs for me were - discusses forecasting “mistakes” and the USGS suppressing activity, groups of tremors throughout Pacific Northwest into Vancouver due to pressure coming from Juan De Fuca plate, and a cluster of tremors at the Geysers. Suspects more activity in Northern California (5+ range) and possible 7 or 6.5 range quake around Indonesia. From the video's description:

“A seismic spread is currently taking place in the M5.5 range across the planet, focusing on the West Pacific , spreading East to South / Central America. The west coast of the USA is primed for a M5.0 range quake off the coast.

A possible M4.0 range quake could develop in Virginia on the East coast of the USA this week as well as swarm activity on the New Madrid Seismic Zone.

West Pacific Vanuatu going to Soloman Sea is due for mid range M6, and Indonesia due for M7.0 this week (2-3 more days to go in the warning for them).”

Last night Taiwan experienced two strong earthquakes. The epicenter for them was about 16 km from where we live. We’ve experienced earthquakes before but nothing like this, it was like the earth was undulating like as water, rather terrifying.
I hope all is good with you and your family and that there was no damage to your home.... :hug2:
I hope all is good with you and your family and that there was no damage to your home.... :hug2:
Hi @Mari. Thank you for your kind thoughts and virtual hug. There was no visual damage to any buildings in our neighborhood or our home, thankfully. The only damage was to my nervous system, I was so scared I completely froze, mind and body. I’ve never felt such fear. Afterward I felt so upset with myself that I couldn’t muster enough presence of mind to move to somewhere safer. So I’ll take it as a lesson to move as soon as it begins before the fear takes over. We often have quakes but we just brace ourselves and laugh it off. This was very different, it was like being on a ship, even afterward I felt dizzy, like the world was still moving.

But these things are to be expected as we live on a fault line, this is our choice and we should be better prepared.
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Hi @Mari. Thank you for your kind thoughts and virtual hug. There was no visual damage to any buildings in our neighborhood or our home, thankfully. The only damage was to my nervous system, I was so scared I completely froze, mind and body. I’ve never felt such fear. Afterward I felt so upset with myself that I couldn’t muster enough presence of mind to move to somewhere safer. So I’ll take it as a lesson to move as soon as it begins before the fear takes over. We often have quakes but we just brace ourselves and laugh it off. This was very different, it was like being on a ship, even afterward I felt dizzy, like the world was still moving.

But these things are to be expected as we live on a fault line, this is our choice and we should be better prepared.

If somebody never experienced "Frozen in fear"

- I believe it is difficult to really understand. (Please don't beat yourself up about it :hug2:). Personally I have never experienced an earthquake. But one time in my life, a situation occurred out of the blue without warning - which made me literally freeze. A friend and I were out on ice in the center of Stockholm on 20 March 2005 (which is a rather late date) - but there was truly thick ice everywhere, (and we still had freezing nights) - so, the ice was very stable, many people were out and about that day, everywhere.

As we walked towards the area under a major bridge - one of the couples; she went though the ice with one foot in front of our eyes perhaps 50 meter ahead of us. You could not see anything particularly that would indicate "holes" or rotten ice really. My friend who stood closer, rushed to her, and helped together with the other person to get her out (and it went smooth, she was unharmed).

I on the other hand, totally froze - just couldn't get myself moving. (By instinct I remember that I didn't know where to go, and every direction going to land, felt suddenly highly treacherous. It was an honest fear - not something silly. It was totally unknown to me to find myself in such a frozen state - nor could I understand why it took such a grip over my body. Apparently ice under a bridge is highly treacherous and should always be avoided, I later read.

When somebody says "Frozen in fear"

writes or talks about it - it suggests for an unexperienced mind, that it would be a little "absurd" to freeze like that. No, it isn't. Not at all. It can literally happen out of the blue to anyone (I think)

But @Candice, next time, you will likely remember your experience by instinct - and roll into cool action without freeze. I believe that trusting in your abilities (to know that you are able to act, when it matters) is the ticket. To remember that you already have the abilities, in a crucial future moment. :wizard:

* * *

P.S: I found a photo, from a moment before - which shows the couple walking ahead of us, being close to the aforementioned (Västerbro) bridge and the rotten ice area. Johannes was already a bit ahead of me, closer to the couple. And you must remember other people before, had passed the very same area (under the bridge), without accident. So, it all happened really in a flash.

Thank you @XPan for sharing your experience. Today I was thinking that maybe that is how the covid zombies (as I call them) feel about covid. Lately I was feeling so angry about how irrational they are which is so unlike me. I didn’t want to feel this way because even though they act as zombies, they’re still human but each day I was getting angrier. But now after my “fear” experience I feel compassion for them again, it’s put everything in perspective. Reminds one that everything is lessons.
Isn't it strange - and wonderful ?

That when you sometimes experience something very strong or harsh - it is as if life is throwing you a vital aspect into your way - and it can be scary (at first)... but then also has the potential to resurrect a sense of better understanding, with renewed empathy (understanding) towards other people. (i like the "slaps in my face" despite being harsh or nasty - because, I often gain back my humbleness. It's restoring quality keeps a healthy balance to my ego's fuzzing thoughts)

Maybe these "slaps in our faces", are deeper than expected at first sight... because in the core of them, lies something with a restoring, high quality. Which often isn't seen or understood at first - may even have an opposite effect - but can be understood when exploring deeper... Then all of the sudden, something happens. The renewed restoration to soul nature.

Fascinating phenomena, isn't it ? And as you say @Candice... it must be it - what has been said so many times here before in the forum:

Everything is lessons !
Today I had 2 small earthquakes in the area where I live (Austria, Neunkirchen). One during the night (4,4) , the next in the morning. It was not too bad, but the house was shaking a little bit, the floor and the walls trembling slightly. 2 weeks ago there was another one with similar impacts. It was not a big one, but one feels strange. And I feel like there would be more to come. Obviously there have been more little quakes today but I only recognized this two. There is a link to show the region - it is supposed to be situated on a seismic line.


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