Earthquakes around the world

San Andreas fault active this morning

National Seismological Service of Mexico
Magnitude: 4.1
Epicentral region: 71 km NORTHEAST of SANTA ROSALIA, BCS
Date and time: 2021-07-18 3:08:56 (Central Mexico time.)
Epicenter (latitude and longitude): 27.94 °, -112.03 °
Depth: 3 km

Last week saw 2 M6 (1 M6.1 in Indonesia and 1 M6.0 in California)
In the usual map area there were 6 out of 102 earthquakes worldwide equal to or greater than 4.5 and 2254 out of 2690 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 83.8%
Last week saw just 1M6 (a 6.1 in Panama).
In the usual area, there were 1 out of 82 earthquakes worldwide equal to or greater than 4.5 and 2554 out of 2936 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 87.0%
Earthquakes 7 days to July 18th 2021.gif
Bismark sea earthquake

The Bismarck Sea is located between the island of New Guinea, to the south-west, and the arc formed by the Bismarck archipelago, which separates it from the Pacific Ocean, from north to south-east. It is connected by a passage to the south with the Solomon Sea, between New Guinea and New Britain.

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