Earthquakes around the world

Strong earthquake in Tonga

M 6.0 - south of Tonga
2023-06-25 07:16:59 (UTC)
24.032°S 175.626°W. 7.1 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

Estimated energy release 15080 tons of TNT or 0.9 atomic bomb

Data for the same earthquake reported by different agencies​

6.07.1 kmTonga: New ZealandUSGS
6.010 kmSouth of Tonga IslandsGFZ
6.07.1 kmSouth of Tonga IslandsRaspberry
6.431 kmSouth of Tonga Islands [Sea: Tonga]INGV
6.210 kmSouth of Tonga IslandsGeoAu
5.433 kmSouth of TongaGEONET (NZ)
6.010 kmSouth Of Tonga IslandsIRIS
Last week saw 1 M7, a M7.2 in Tonga and 4 M6 earthquakes worldwide.
In the usual area, there were 4 out of 100 earthquakes worldwide equal to or greater than 4.5 and 1445 out of 1756 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 82.3%
Last weeks saw 2 M6, a M6.4 in Mexico and a M6.0 in Tonga.
In the usual area, there were none out of 112 earthquakes worldwide equal to or greater than 4.5 and 1829 out of 2119 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 86.3%
Earthquakes 7 days to June 25th 2023.gif
Edit: I overlooked a M6.0 in Tonga, which happened in the last couple of hours and I have added it above.
Last edited:
M 6.0 - south of Tonga
June 25 (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck south of Tonga, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) reported on Sunday.

The quake was at a depth of 40 km (25 miles), EMSC said. EMSC had first reported a magnitude of 6.1 for the earthquake.


The eruption produced 2,600 flashes per minute at peak intensity. Scientists used the lightning to peer into the ash cloud, teasing out new details of the eruption’s timeline. These findings demonstrate a new tool we have to monitor volcanoes at the speed of light and help the USGS’s role in informing ash hazard advisories to aircraft.
The January 15, 2022, eruption of Hunga Volcano in Tonga continues to break records.

According to a new study, the eruption created a “supercharged” thunderstorm that produced the most intense lightning ever recorded. There were nearly 200,000 lightning flashes in the volcanic plume throughout the eruption, peaking at more than 2,600 flashes every minute, the researchers found.

When the submarine volcano erupted in the southern Pacific Ocean, it generated a plume of ash, water and magmatic gas at least 58 kilometers (36 miles) high. The towering plume gave scientists useful information about the scale of the eruption, but it also obscured the vent from satellite view, making it more difficult to track changes in the eruption as it progressed.

High-resolution lightning data from four separate sources — never previously used all together — have now let scientists peer into that plume, teasing out new phases of the eruption’s life cycle and gaining insights into the weird weather it created.

“This eruption triggered a supercharged thunderstorm, the likes of which we’ve never seen,” said Alexa Van Eaton, a volcanologist at the United States Geological Survey who led the study. “These findings demonstrate a new tool we have to monitor volcanoes at the speed of light and help the USGS’s role to inform ash hazard advisories to aircraft.”

The study was published in Geophysical Research Letters, which publishes high-impact, short-format reports with immediate implications spanning all Earth and space sciences.

The storm developed because the highly energetic expulsion of magma happened to blast through the shallow ocean, Van Eaton said. Molten rock vaporized the seawater, which rose up into the plume and eventually formed electrifying collisions between volcanic ash, supercooled water and hailstones. The perfect storm for lightning.

Combining data from sensors that measure light and radio waves, the scientists tracked lightning flashes and estimated their heights. The eruption produced just over 192,000 flashes (made up of nearly 500,000 electrical pulses), peaking at 2,615 flashes per minute.

Some of this lightning reached unprecedented altitudes in Earth’s atmosphere, between 20 to 30 kilometers (12 to 19 miles) high.

“With this eruption, we discovered that volcanic plumes can create the conditions for lightning far beyond the realm of meteorological thunderstorms we’ve previously observed,” Van Eaton said. “It turns out, volcanic eruptions can create more extreme lightning than any other kind of storm on Earth.”

The lightning provided insight into not only the duration of the eruption, but also its behavior over time.

“The eruption lasted much longer than the hour or two initially observed,” Van Eaton said. “The January 15 activity created volcanic plumes for at least 11 hours. It was really only from looking at the lightning data that we were able to pull that out.”

The researchers saw four distinct phases of eruptive activity, defined by plume heights and lightning rates as they waxed and waned. The insights gained from linking lightning intensity to eruptive activity can provide better monitoring and nowcasting of aviation-related hazards during a large volcanic eruption, including ash cloud development and movement, Van Eaton said. It’s a significant challenge to get reliable information about volcanic plumes at the beginning of an eruption, especially for remote, submarine volcanoes. Harnessing all the long-range observations available, including lightning, improves early detection to keep aircraft and people out of harm’s way.

“It wasn’t just the lightning intensity that drew us in,” Van Eaton said. She and her colleagues were also puzzled by the concentric rings of lightning, centered on the volcano, that expanded and contracted over time. “The scale of these lightning rings blew our minds. We’ve never seen anything like that before, there’s nothing comparable in meteorological storms. Single lightning rings have been observed, but not multiples, and they’re tiny by comparison.”

Intense, high-altitude turbulence was again responsible. The plume injected so much mass into the upper atmosphere that it sent out ripples in the volcanic cloud, like dropping pebbles in a pond. The lightning appeared to ‘surf’ these waves and move outward as 250-kilometer-wide rings.

As if all that weren’t enough to make this eruption fascinating, it represents a style of volcanism known as phreatoplinian, which occurs when a large volume of magma erupts through water. Previously, this eruption style was only known from the geological record and had never been observed with modern instrumentation. The Hunga eruption changed all that.

“It was like unearthing a dinosaur and seeing it walk around on four legs,” Van Eaton said. “Sort of takes your breath away.”
Earthquake at the top of the world

Earthquakes in this region of the world are very rare. It is possible that this is due to the fact that it is a remote area and there are only records from 60 years ago and earthquakes greater than M4+. It is known that a magnitude 5.6 earthquake was recorded in February 1963, while the largest earthquake occurred on March 6, 2005 with a magnitude of 6.3, 18 years ago.

The USGS does not have data on the tectonic characteristics of the region.

M 4.5 - north of Severnaya Zemlya
2023-06-25 10:53:14 (UTC)
85.017°N 96.907°E
10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert
Nearest volcanoEast Gakkel Ridge at 85°E (124 km / 77 mi)
Estimated energy release equivalent to 84.8 tons of TNT

Found just one of those earthquakes at SSN, though.

Magnitude 3.2
10 km west of ATLIXCO, PUE.

2023-06-24 22:20:58 (Tiempo del Centro)
Latitude: 18.91° Longitude: -98.53°
Depth: 2 km

During last night 4 earthquakes were registered (reported today by SSN) in the area of Atlixco, Puebla, with magnitudes of 3.2, 2.9, 3.1 and 2.7.

-There were no reports of perception in nearby localities.
-Despite its proximity to Popocatepetl, Cenapred did not report these earthquakes, so their origin would not be volcanic.

So far, the Mercury, Sun, Venus conjunction of the third convergence has coincided with a M6.0 earthquake south of Tonga. A region that has had great seismic activity in recent days.


M 6.0 - south of Tonga
2023-06-25 07:16:59 (UTC)

Two aftershocks have occurred

● M 5.4 - south of Tonga
2023-06-25 00:58:35 (UTC)
24.221°S 175.490°W. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.4 - south of Tonga
2023-06-25 08:26:33 (UTC)
24.061°S 175.758°W. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.0 - 114 km SSE of Lata, Solomon Islands
2023-06-25 15:30:07 (UTC)
11.651°S 166.263°E. 87.3 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.3 - Izu Islands, Japan region
2023-06-25 01:17:22 (UTC)
29.891°N 140.045°E. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.0 - Izu Islands, Japan region
2023-06-25 01:12:51 (UTC)
29.915°N 139.991°E. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● Summary

Seismic activity level has been at moderate levels in the last 24 hours. This is the last chart posted by Volcanodiscovery at 23:40 UTC on Jun 24 Global seismic activity chart
  • 1 quake above magnitude 6
  • 5 quakes between magnitude 5 and 6
  • 34 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 79 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 181 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 454 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
~754 earthquakes in the past 24h (799 earthquakes in the 24 hours prior to this report) Estimated combined seismic energy release: 24742 tons of TNT or 1.5 atomic bombs
Volcanodiscovery earthquake report 24h

After the three periods of planetary convergence we seem to have reached a pause. The past 24 hours seismic activity has been low with only three M5+ earthquakes, two of which occurred at the boundary of the Australian Plate (Tonga and Kermadec Islands) , as previously mentioned, the Australian Plate boundary has been very active.

The highest magnitude earthquake occurred in Indonesia with a magnitude of 5.2

● M 5.2 - 58 km NW of Sibolga, Indonesia
2023-06-26 10:12:35 (UTC)
2.171°N 98.478°E. 85.9 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.2 - Tonga region
2023-06-26 12:36:07 (UTC)
23.928°S 175.962°W. 35.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.0 - Kermadec Islands region
2023-06-26 00:36:43 (UTC)
28.927°S 176.582°W. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

Earthquakes in the Andaman Sea region

● M 4.9 - 264 km SSE of Port Blair, India
2023-06-26 13:32:04 (UTC)
9.416°N 93.573°E. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 4.7 - 221 km N of Bamboo Flat, India
2023-06-26 12:52:59 (UTC)
13.705°N 92.687°E. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● Summary

Seismic activity level has been at  low levels in the last 24 hours. This is the last chart posted by Volcanodiscovery at 23:40 UTC on Jun 24 Global seismic activity chart
  • 3 quakes above magnitude 5
  • 32 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 109 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 269 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 520 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
~933 earthquakes in the past 24h (754 earthquakes in the 24 hours prior to this report) Estimated combined seismic energy release: 4874 tons of TNT or 0.3 atomic bombs
Volcanodiscovery earthquake report 24h

● M 5.8 - 91 km S of Preobrazheniye, Russia
2023-06-27 23:38:21 (UTC)
42.087°N 134.055°E. 442.6 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.1 - 4 km SE of Muisne, Ecuador
2023-06-27 14:07:28 (UTC)
0.579°N 79.994°W. 36.6 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.0 - Kepulauan Babar, Indonesia
2023-06-27 16:55:18 (UTC)
7.046°S 129.890°E. 125.1 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 4.5 - northern Colombia
2023-06-27 10:55:56 (UTC)
6.838°N 73.156°W. 152.1 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● Summary

Seismic activity level has been at moderate levels in the last 24 hours. This is the last chart posted by Volcanodiscovery at 23:40 UTC on Jun 24 Global seismic activity chart
  • 3 quakes above magnitude 5
  • 39 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 88 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 202 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 550 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
~ earthquakes in the past 24h (933 earthquakes in the 24 hours prior to this report) Estimated combined seismic energy release: 7498 tons of TNT or 0.5 atomic bombs.
Volcanodiscovery earthquake report 24h

● M 5.6 - 87 km W of Labasa, Fiji
2023-06-28 04:21:29 (UTC)
16.298°S 178.559°E. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.4 - 87 km NW of Fangale’ounga, Tonga
2023-06-28 10:54:13 (UTC)
19.231°S 174.950°W. 113.3 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 4.5 - Auckland Islands, New Zealand region
2023-06-28 11:40:12 (UTC)
49.944°S 163.708°E. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.1 - South Sandwich Islands region
2023-06-28 22:41:53 (UTC)
58.976°S 26.078°W. 117.2 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 4.6 - Iran-Iraq border region
2023-06-28 19:08:38 (UTC)
32.598°N 47.373°E. 17.1 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

In its latest analysis SSGEOS mentions that the critical planetary geometry did not trigger significant seismic activity (above M7+). As mentioned in the last week, there were three M6+ earthquakes and three periods of seismic clustering.
After the planetary conjunction of Venus (june 21-24) the strongest earthquakes stopped, then on June 25 a M6.0 earthquake was recorded.

What to expect next week?
▪︎Venus: Earth Uranus on June 30
▪︎Mercury: Sun, Earth on July 01
▪︎Mercury: Venus, Neptune on July 02
▪︎Venus: Mercury, Neptune on July 03

Generally when Uranus is involved the planetary geometry becomes critical. On the other hand, Lunar geometry is marked in green as follows

▪︎Earth: Moon, Mars on June 30
▪︎Earth: Moon, Saturn on July 01
▪︎Earth: Moon, Mars on July 03
▪︎Earth: Moon, Saturn on July 04
▪︎Moon: Earth, Mars on July 06

The positions of Mars and Saturn will become more critical as the Earth approaches their line. As the Planets move counterclockwise the Earth approaches the Mars-Saturn line. An earthquake of M7 and at worst M8 could be recorded after conjunctions or right angles with the Moon, Mars and Saturn. This as we move through the month of July and into August.

August will be really critical because Neptune is incorporated into the geometry. When Neptune gets involved with Mars an M8.5 earthquake can easily be reached.

On April 09, 2012 for example, the Earth was almost between Mars and Neptune and the moon was forming a right angle with them. Two days later there were two M8 earthquakes on the Sumatran Coast.

The 2012 Indian Ocean earthquakes were magnitude 8.6 and 8.2 Mw  undersea earthquakes that struck near the Indonesian province of Aceh on 11 April at 15:38 local time. Initially, authorities feared that the initial earthquake would cause a tsunami and warnings were issued across the Indian Ocean; however, these warnings were subsequently cancelled.[5][6] These were unusually strong intraplate earthquakes and the largest strike-slip earthquake ever recorded. Wikipedia

Similarly on October 25, the Earth was almost between Mars and Jupiter and two days later there was a M7.8 earthquake in Haida Gwaii.

The 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake occurred just after 8:04 p.m. PDT on October 27. The shock had a moment magnitude of 7.8 and a maximum Mercalli Intensity of V (Moderate). The earthquake's epicentre was on Moresby Island of the Haida Gwaii archipelago (formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands). This was the second largest Canadian earthquake ever recorded by a seismometer, after the 1949 Queen Charlotte Islands earthquake, about 135 kilometres (84 mi) away.[4] One person died due to a car crash related to the tsunami in Oahu, Hawaii.[3] Wikipedia

● Earthquake Forecast: Following the lunar conjuctions with Jupiter and Uranus on the 29th, a seismic increase is likely to occur, potentially reaching higher 6 to 7 magnitude.

In July lunar geometry with Mars and Saturn is becoming more critical increasing the possibility of a high 7 magnitude earthquake.


updated 28 June 2023, 15:11 UTC


● Summary

Seismic activity level has been at moderate levels in the last 24 hours. This is the last chart posted by Volcanodiscovery at 23:40 UTC on Jun 28 Global seismic activity chart
  • 3 quakes above magnitude 5
  • 34 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 99 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 233 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 539 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
~908 earthquakes in the past 24h (933 earthquakes in the 24 hours prior to this report) Estimated combined seismic energy release: 10799 tons of TNT or 0.7 atomic bombs
Volcanodiscovery earthquake report 24h

● M 5.2 - 97 km ENE of Pilar, Philippines
2023-06-29 11:30:20 (UTC)
10.222°N 126.915°E. 37.9 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.1- South Pacific Ocean, Norfolk Island,
2023-06-29 07:01:42 (UTC)
30.86971°S 171.2377°E 750 km depth
GEONET earthquake alert

● M 5.0 - Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region
2023-06-29 04:57:59 (UTC)
37.230°N 71.790°E. 128.2 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● Summary

Seismic activity level has been at  low levels in the last 24 hours. This is the last chart posted by Volcanodiscovery at 23:59 UTC on Jun 29 Global seismic activity chart
  • 3 quakes above magnitude 5
  • 42 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 113 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 266 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 558 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
~982 earthquakes in the past 24h (908 earthquakes in the 24 hours prior to this report) Estimated combined seismic energy release: 5242 tons of TNT or 0.3 atomic bombs
Volcanodiscovery earthquake report 24h

So far, the Venus, Earth, Uranus alignment has coincided with a M5.8 earthquake originally reported by BMKG as magnitude 6.4 then adjusted by other seismological agencies such as USG to M5.8.

It is also worth mentioning that the number of earthquakes in the past 24 hours, according to Volcanodiscovery data, increased to 1036 after 800 to 900 earthquakes were recorded in the past few days.

598 earthquakes with a magnitude of less than 2 were recorded. This activity is commonly associated with volcanic activity around the world. Here is Volcano earthquake report for Friday, 30 Jun 2023

Solar System Geometry Index so far

Data for the same earthquake reported by different agencies
6.425 kmIndonesia: Di Laut 86 Km BaratDaya BantulBMKG
6.010 kmIndonesia: Near SemarangRENASS
5.886 kmJava, IndonesiaRaspberry
5.964 kmJava, IndonesiaGFZ
5.889 kmJava, IndonesiaGeoAu
5.810 kmJava, IndonesiaIRIS
5.886 km84 Km SSW of Bambanglipuro, IndonesiaUSGS

● M 5.8 - 84 km SSW of Bambanglipuro, Indonesia
2023-06-30 12:57:42 (UTC)
8.674°S 110.041°E. 85.7 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 4.7 - Colombia
2023-06-30 01:52:28 (UTC)
2.982°N 73.626°W. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 4.1 - 0 km SW of Čibača, Croatia
2023-06-30 03:54:20 (UTC)
42.625°N 18.163°E. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● Summary

Volcanodiscovery has not updated its data and continues to record a M6.4 earthquake with an estimated combined energy release of 62769 tons of TNT or 3.9 atomic bombs, therefore its seismic activity graph records a high value. From past records I consider that the seismic activity in the past 24 hours was moderate.

Seismic activity level has been at moderate levels in the last 24 hours. This is the last chart posted by Volcanodiscovery at 23:50 UTC on Jun 30 Global seismic activity chart
  • 1 quake magnitude 5
  • 33 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 135 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 269 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 598 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
~1036 earthquakes in the past 24h (982 earthquakes in the 24 hours prior to this report) Estimated combined seismic energy release: ? Data update required
Volcanodiscovery earthquake report 24h

So far, the Mercury, Sun, Earth alignment and the Lunar Geometry with Saturn have coincided with a M5.8 earthquake in Indian Ocean which was reported by GFZ as magnitude 6.0 then adjusted by other seismological agencies such as USG to M5.8.

● M 5.8 - South Indian Ocean
2023-07-01 07:29:40 (UTC)
0.148°S 88.717°E. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.3 - San Juan, Argentina
2023-07-01 03:29:25 (UTC)
31.770°S 68.781°W. 30.3 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.1 - 121 km SW of Severo-Kuril’sk, Russia
2023-07-01 09:15:01 (UTC)
49.853°N 155.003°E. 136.9 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.0 - 105 km NNE of Neiafu, Tonga
2023-07-01 22:21:29 (UTC)
17.780°S 173.587°W. 44.8 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● 5.0 earthquake - Flores Sea, 72 km north of Sumbawa Besar, Indonesia,
2023-07-01 18:44:18 (UTC)
7.89°S 117.66°E. 31 km depth
BMKG earthquake alert

The latest atmospheric fluctuation points to the Macquarie Islands region, the Papua New Guinea region and the Kamchatka Peninsula region as the areas most likely to record a strong earthquake.

Seismic activity level has been at moderate levels in the last 24 hours. This is the last chart posted by Volcanodiscovery at 23:50 UTC on July 01 Global seismic activity chart
  • 5 quakes above magnitude 5
  • 41 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 112 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 249 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 554 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
~961 earthquakes in the past 24h (1036 earthquakes in the 24 hours prior to this report) Estimated combined seismic energy release: 14528 tons of TNT or 0.9 atomic bombs
Volcanodiscovery earthquake report 24h
Last weeks saw 2 M6, a M6.4 in Mexico and a M6.0 in Tonga.
In the usual area, there were none out of 112 earthquakes worldwide equal to or greater than 4.5 and 1829 out of 2119 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 86.3%
Last week saw just 1 M6, which was a M6.9 in Tonga (just happened).
In the usual area, there were 2 out of 75 earthquakes worldwide equal to or greater than 4.5 and 1919 out of 2219 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 86.5%
Earthquakes 7 days to July 2nd 2023.gif
Strong earthquake in Tonga

M 6.9 - Tonga
2023-07-02 10:27:43 (UTC)
17.853°S 174.937°W. 225.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

Estimated energy release 392 gigawatt hours, equivalent to 3.4 x 105 tons of TNT or 21.1 atomic bombs

Data for the same earthquake reported by different

6.9225 km134 Km NW of Neiafu, TongaUSGS
6.9240 kmTonga IslandsGFZ
6.9212 kmTonga IslandsGeoAu
6.9225 kmTonga IslandsRaspberry
6.5244 kmTonga: Near NouméaRENASS
6.910 kmTonga IslandsIRIS
6.8212 kmTonga Islands [Sea: Tonga]INGV

Atmospheric fluctuation detected 5 days ago

At 10:27 UTC on July 02 an M6.9 earthquake occurred in Tonga. This earthquake occurred hours before the Mercury, Venus, Neptune alignment (23:21 UTC) and after the Lunar geometry with Saturn on July 01st

As SSGEOS mentioned after June 29th we would see an increase in seismic activity.
● Earthquake Forecast: Following the lunar conjuctions with Jupiter and Uranus on the 29th, a seismic increase is likely to occur, potentially reaching higher 6 to 7 magnitude.

Seismic activity continues along the eastern boundary of the Australian Plate. This time with seismic activity in the Tonga region and towards the Kermadec Islands. A M4.5 earthquake occurred in the Solomon Islands, while earthquakes M4.9 and M4.6 hit Fiji

M 6.9 - Tonga
2023-07-02 10:27:43 (UTC)
● M 5.6 - 252 km SSW of ‘Ohonua, Tonga
2023-07-02 02:41:17 (UTC)
23.539°S 175.594°W. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.2 - Kermadec Islands region
2023-07-02 19:31:59 (UTC)
29.363°S 176.989°W 42.1 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.2 - Kepulauan Batu, Indonesia
2023-07-02 18:13:19 (UTC)
0.107°S 97.346°E. 9.7 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.0 - 28 km NW of Atico, Peru
2023-07-02 01:25:00 (UTC)
16.020°S 73.804°W. 43.5 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 3.8 - 19km SSW of Malibu, CA
2023-07-02 09:29:48 (UTC)
33.843°N 118.889°W. 29.7 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● Summary

Seismic activity level has been at high levels in the last 24 hours. This is the last chart posted by Volcanodiscovery at 23:50 UTC on July 02 Global seismic activity chart
  • 1 quake above magnitude 6
  • 4 quakes between magnitude 5 and 6
  • 41 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 123 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 257 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 550 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
~976 earthquakes in the past 24h (961 earthquakes in the 24 hours prior to this report) Estimated combined seismic energy release: 402 gigawatt hours, equivalent to 3.5 x 105 tons of TNT or 21.6 atomic bombs
Volcanodiscovery earthquake report 24h
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