Earthquakes around the world

A strong earthquake just shook southern Peru

The epicenter was located 23 km SW of Chala, Caravelí. Arequipa, at a depth of 19.5 km. According to the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) it had a preliminary magnitude of 6.3 which was already updated to M6.0 by USGS.​

● M 6.0 - 23 km SW of Atiquipa, Peru
2024-06-16 14:47:31 (UTC)
15.919°S 74.539°W. 19.9 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

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Two M6.0 earthquakes have occurred in the last 24 hours. The last one as already reported occurred in Peru. The Peruvian National Institute of Civil Defense mentioned in a press release that no material or human damages were reported, however, in Arequipa a landslide was recorded that did not cause any major damage.
● M 6.0 - west of Macquarie Island
2024-06-16 00:27:56 (UTC)
60.999°S 154.255°E. 7.0 km depth

● M 6.0 - 23 km SW of Atiquipa, Peru
2024-06-16 14:47:31 (UTC)
15.919°S 74.539°W. 19.9 km depth

According to Volcanodiscovery in the past 24 hours, there were 818 quakes of magnitudes up to 6.0:
  • 2 quakes above magnitude 6
  • 3 quakes between magnitude 5 and 6
  • 40 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 108 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 218 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 447 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.

On june 16 Mercury and Venus will be involved again. So let's wait and see if there's a significant event.

Sun, Mercury, Venus occurred at 02:11 UTC on June 16. According to PhD Richard Cordaro:
THE #magnetic #precursor for M 6.0 #earthquake near coast of S Peru (14:48 UTC) was detected at Vassouras, Brazil at 11:23. Since precursors travel at 30 km/min, and Saint Helena is 4,000 km farther, we expect the precursor 2 h 13 min later at St Helena It showed at 13:46.

In addition to the magnetic precursor in Brazil the IMF component which is the strength of the solar magnetic field recorded 13nT on June 15 (When this value is higher than 10nT, significant climatic or geophysical events usually occur on Earth, although it is also possible that these events are aggravated due to the weakening of the Earth's magnetic field)​
This unexpected CME impact caused the solar wind stream to reach 457km/sec which is an elevated level, while IMF: Bt (strength) reached 13nT.

On June 17 we will again have the planets Mercury and Venus involved in geometry with the Earth according to the SSGEOS forecast.

Let's wait and see what happens in the next few days.​

Moderate levels of seismic activity occurred in the past 24 hours. A cluster of magnitude 5+ earthquakes occurred in Southeast Asia between Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

● M 5.3 - 229 km SE of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea at 08:40:35 UTC USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.5 - 76 km ESE of Neiafu, Tonga at 14:05:14 UTC USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.5 - 76 km ESE of Neiafu, Tonga at 14:05:14 UTC USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.6 - 93 km SSE of Lata, Solomon Islands
at 14:09:44 UTC. USGS earthquake alert

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Let's see what happens with this new cluster. It should be remembered that the last cluster concluded with an M6.0 earthquake west of Macquarie Island which coincided with planetary geometries that included Mercury and Venus.

According to Volcanodiscovery in the past 24 hours, there were 888 quakes of magnitudes up to 5.6:
  • 4 quakes above magnitude 5
  • 30 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 110 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 231 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 513 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
Significant planetary & lunar geometry occurred on June 17

○ Earth, Venus, Neptune at 03:33 UTC
○ Venus, Mercury, Earth at 12:35 UTC
○ Moon, Earth, Mars at 18:27 UTC

"The second convergence, as discussed in the latest video, will probably result in stronger seismic activity" said researcher Frank Hoogerbeets via X

SSGEOS updated its seismic forecast for the next few days:​


HERE you can see the Regions with Atmospheric Anomalies. (China, Sumatra region, Indonesia region, South Indian Ocean and Alaska)

Let's wait and see.​

A strong magnitude 5.9 earthquake occurred in the South Pacific Ocean 217 km from Tonga.​

● M 5.9 - 64 km S of Hihifo, Tonga
2024-06-18 06:40:36 (UTC)
16.535°S 173.831°W. 35.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

The fifth M5+ earthquake to occur in this region in the last few hours.​
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After the M5.9 quake the energy moved to the Kermadec Islands where an M5.2 quake was recorded and in Vanuatu with M5.0.

● M 5.2 - south of the Kermadec Islands at 09:51:20 UTC/ USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.0 - 84 km NNW of Isangel, Vanuatu
at 21:42:33 UTC/ USGS earthquake alert

In the Americas, the energy of the M6.0 earthquake off the coast of Peru moved northward across the plate boundaries connecting the Nazca and Cocos plates. An M5.5 earthquake occurred in Alianza Cristiana Peru, near the border with Ecuador, and an M5.0 off the west coast of Mexico, near Manzanillo, Colima. In neither event was any property or human damage reported, nor was a special alert issued.

●M5.0 - 188 km SSW of Cuyutlán, Mexico at 01:10:10 UTC/ USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.5 - 56 km SSW of Alianza Cristiana, Peru at 02:22:09 UTC/ USGS earthquake alert

According to Volcanodiscovery data in the past 24 hours, there were 979 quakes of magnitudes up to 5.9:​
  • 5 quakes above magnitude 5
  • 31 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 99 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 266 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 578 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.

According to SSGEOS there is still the possibility of an M7 event in the next few hours or tomorrow.​
On 17 June Earth will be in a right angle with Venus and Neptune (counterpart occurred on 14 June) and also in a conjunction with Mercury and Venus. This can result in strong seismic activity, potentially reaching magnitude 7.​

On June 19 a single earthquake with M5.7 was recorded in the South Sandwich Islands and so far, June 20, only two earthquakes, one of magnitude 5.0 in Vanuatu and another of M5.2 in the Sandwich Islands, possibly aftershock of yesterday's earthquake. Seismic energy remains concentrated in the Indonesian region. Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, and the islands of Tonga, while in the South Sandwich Islands region the energy will move again towards the South Atlantic Anomaly and towards south-central Chile.


● M 5.7 - South Sandwich Islands region
2024-06-19 10:08:01 (UTC)
56.642°S 25.466°W. 15.8 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.0 - 60 km NNE of Isangel, Vanuatu
2024-06-20 03:22:53 (UTC)
19.035°S 169.508°E. 245.8 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

● M 5.2 - 258 km southwest of Bristol Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.
2024-06-20 13:30:45 (UTC)
60.825°S / 29.533°W 10.0 km depth
EMSC earthquake alert

So both days, June 19 and 20, we have had low levels of seismic activity. This is not going to stay that way so a significant event could happen in the next few hours. SSGEOS detected the following atmospheric fluctuations


These atmospheric fluctuations had already been detected last June 10 and 8 days later a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Kashmar in northeastern Iran.​
At least 120 people have been injured and four killed after strong earthquake of magnitude 5 struck Iranian province of Razavi Khorosan. Video can be seen here.
Most of the earthquakes in Iran are caused by the collision of the Arabian plate against the Iranian plate.

According to Volcanodiscovery in the past 24 hours, there were 831 quakes of magnitudes up to 5.2:​
  • 2 quakes above magnitude 5
  • 31 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 89 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 191 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 518 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.

Despite the presence of Venus and Mercury in the planetary geometries of June 19 no M6 or higher events have occurred. Possibly this is due to the absence of an important factor which is the strength of the interplanetary Magnetic Field which has registered values Bt lower than 10nT. (IMF reached 5nT on June 19 and 20)
IMF remains below 5nT at this time and solar activity is at moderate levels with only two M class flares and several minor C class flares.


Moderate levels of seismic activity occurred in the last 24 hours however a seismic silence for activity above magnitude 5.5 still remains. We had four M5+ earthquakes in the last 24 hours.
● M 5.0 - 137 km SW of Abepura, Indonesia
at 00:11:17 UTC/ 75.5 km depth
USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.0 - 202 km WSW of Adak, Alaska at
12:12:36 UTC/10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.1 - 283 km WSW of Sigatoka, Fiji at
19:14:24 UTC/ 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.5 - central Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2024-06-21 20:53:10 UTC/10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

Frank Hoogerbeets discusses in his latest VIDEO the absence of earthquakes greater than magnitude 6.5 since April
The Moon is in opposition with Jupiter and the Sun (full Moon) on June 20-22. This geometry follows on the very crítical geometry that occurred on June 14-17 As a result, there is the potential for a major seismic event possibly later on June 21 or 22​
Last time a magnitude 7 earthquake occurred was on April 2 in Taiwan. Since early April no earthquake occurred with a magnitude higher than 6.6. Most earthquakes reached higher 5 magnitude and some low 6 magnitude​
In the solar system we see the full Moon and the geometry with Venus and Mercury, this could cause some seismic rise. Around the time of the full Moon is a possibility.​

From June 11 to 20, we had an M6.0 earthquake west of the Macquarie Island and another one of the same magnitude in the Macquarie Islands.

● M 6.0 - west of Macquarie Island on June 16
● M 6.0 - 23 km SW of Atiquipa, Peru on
June 16

What planetary and solar conditions prevailed? Venus, Earth, Mercury and Mercury, Sun, Earth on June 14, then Sun, Mercury, Venus on June 16. Moreover the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) recorded a Bt value of 15.76 nT on June 15.

Next planetary and lunar geometries from june 20-29

● Planetary geometries
○ Mercury, Venus, Mars/ June 21 at 15:21 UTC
○ Venus, Mars, Saturn/ June 22 at 23:22 UTC
○ Mercury, Mars, Neptune/ June 24 at 04:15 UTC
○ Mercury, Sun, Saturn/ June 28 at 23:11 UTC

● Lunar geometries

○ Moon, Earth, Jupiter/ june 20 at 02:40 UTC
○ Moon, Earth, Sun/ june 22 at 00:21 UTC
○ Earth, Moon, Saturn/ June 27 at 14:18 UTC

For the time being, solar activity remains at a low level with several minor class C flares and an IMF below 5nT. NOAA forecasts that activity will be moderate with slight chance of an X-flare on June 22
Let's wait and see.

So far no earthquake greater than M5.5 has occurred. The M5.1 earthquake in Peru was probably an aftershock of the 6.0 earthquake 23 km SW of Atiquipa on June 16. This energy is moving towards Central America as well, Mexico recorded an M5.1 earthquake in the Gulf of Tehuantepec.​

● M 5.2 - 173 km NE of Neiafu, Tonga at 00:34:09 UTC/ 10.0 km depth/ USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.1 - 67 km ENE of Gigmoto, Philippines
at 00:41:54 UTC/ 10.0 km depth/ USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.1 - 95 km SSW of La Gloria, Mexico
01:07:00 UTC/ 54.7 km depth/ SSN earthquake alert
● M 5.0 - 214 km ENE of Georgetown, Saint Helena at 07:46:03 UTC/ 10.0 km depth/ USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.0 - South Sandwich Islands region at 15:35:08 UTC/ 117.4 km depth/ USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.1 - 13 km SW of Atiquipa, Peru at 20:46:45 UTC/ 29.3 km depth/ USGS earthquake alert

According to Volcanodiscovery in the past 24 hours, there were 826 quakes of magnitudes up to 5.2:
  • 6 quakes above magnitude 5
  • 41 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 100 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 189 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 490 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.

What is holding back the M6.5+ earthquakes? Possibly the solar factor given that the Sun's activity has remained at low to moderate levels and as mentioned, the low strength of the interplanetary magnetic field which has not exceeded 5nT in the last four days.
Past week: Mag. 6.0 on Sunday, Jun 16, 2024 – 23 km SW of Atiquipa, Peru
Past month: Mag. 6.6 on Monday, May 27, 2024 – 70 km NW of Fangale’ounga, Tonga
Past 90 days: Mag. 7.4 on Wednesday, Apr 3, 2024 – Philippine Sea, 18 km S of Hualien City, Taiwan​
Last week saw 2 earthquakes worldwide reaching M6, with the highest being a M6.2 in the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge.
In the usual area, there were 2 earthquakes equal to or greater than 4.5 and 1645 out of 2066 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 79.6%
Last week saw saw 2 earthquakes reaching M6, both were M6.0 (one in Peru last Sunday and one today in Venezuela).
In the usual area, there were 2 out of 78 earthquakes worldwide equal to or greater than M4.5 and 1649 out of 2026 quakes of all sizes.
Percentage: 81.4%
Earthquakes 7 days to June 23rd 2024.gif

Moderate levels of seismic activity occurred in the past 24 hours. A 6.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in Venezuela, fortunately for the Venezuelan population near the epicenter this earthquake occurred in the Caribbean Sea at an intermediate depth of 87 km. So the quake was felt very lightly according to users on social networks. USGS issued a Green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses.

The earthquake M6.0 occurred at the Caribbean plate boundary and as seen in the hours after, the energy migrated towards the Nazca plate and towards the Cocos plate, thus, for the moment Panama and Mexico have registered responses. Mexico with almost simultaneous 5.2 and 4.0 magnitude earthquakes while Panama recorded a 4.6 magnitude earthquake.​

● M 5.0 - 34 km E of Iwaki, Japan at 03:12:07 UTC/ 55.7 km depth/ USGS report

M 6.0 - 29 km NE of Yaguaraparo, Venezuela at 03:58:00 UTC/ 87.4 km depth/ USGS report

● M 5.2 - 42 km NNE of Yelizovo, Russia at 07:45:40 UTC/ 131.1 km depth/ USGS report

● M 5.1 - 21 km SSE of Hualien City, Taiwan at 14:27:09 UTC/ 22.7 km depth/ USGS report

M 5.2 - 11 km SE of Llano de la Puerta, Mexico at 17:16:17 UTC/ 14.4 km depth/ SSN report

The M5.2 earthquake off the coast of Guerrero was felt in Mexico City and other states such as Veracruz, Morelos, State of Mexico and Puebla. No damage has been reported.​

According to Volcanodiscovery in the past 24 hours, there were 836 quakes of magnitudes up to 6.0:
  • 1 quake above magnitude 6
  • 4 quakes between magnitude 5 and 6
  • 23 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 121 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 238 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 449 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.

It is worth mentioning the non-geophysical events that occurred prior to the M6.0 quake

●The lunar geometry Moon, Earth, Sun at 00:21 UTC june 22
● The IMF Bt value progressively jumped from 2nT at 14:05 UTC to 6nT at 15:38 UTC. June 22
●The planetary geometry Venus, Mars, Saturn at 23:22 UTC june 22

Due to a M9.2 flare the Bt value of the IMF jumped to 12nT let's see what effects this event has in the next days​
Solar activity has been at high levels for the past 24 hours thanks to the M9.2 flare. The geomagnetic field has been quiet to unstable for the past 24 hours and FMI total reached 12 nT at 07:30 UTC on June 23, after several days of staying below 5nT.

High levels of seismic activity occurred in the past 24 hours. A very strong magnitude 6.3 earthquake occurred in the Coral Sea near Gaua Island island, Vanuatu. The earthquake occurred at an intermediate depth of 156 km so people could feel it moderately. USGS issued a Green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses. Subsequently, two earthquakes occurred next to the epicenter of the M6.3 earthquake, one in Indonesia with magnitude 5.3 and the other near the island of Fiji with magnitude 5.1.

It is worth mentioning that the M5.3 earthquake in Indonesia was reported by Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia (BMKG) with a Magnitude 6.0

● M 6.3 - 51 km NNE of Port-Olry, Vanuatu at 08:03:38 UTC/156.7 km depth/ USGS report
● M 5.3 - Kepulauan Babar, Indonesia at 09:55:02 UTC/103.2 km depth/ USGS report
● M 5.1 - Fiji region at 13:36:06 UTC/ 588.5 km depth/ USGS report
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The energy of the M6.3 earthquake will move eastward toward the New Zealand region and toward the Pacific Ocean ridge region, Chile, Peru and Ecuador to a lesser degree. While to the west Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippine Plate boundary.​

According to Volcanodiscovery in the past 24 hours, there were 926 quakes of magnitudes up to 6.3:
  • 1 quakes above magnitude 6
  • 2 quake between magnitude 5 and 6
  • 33 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 103 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 223 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 564 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
Planetary geometry Mercury, Mars, Neptune occurred at 04:15 UTC on June 24 PhD Richard Cordaro detected a magnetic precursor at 06:16 UTC

In the past Laura mentioned to us that there are cosmic cycles and the Cs said that these were like Biorhythms. Earthquakes seem to be another type of biorhythm certainly proper to this living planet.

Low levels of seismic activity have been recorded over the past 48 hours. In the last 24 hours alone, only two earthquakes of magnitude 5 have occurred.

● M 5.6 - Nicobar Islands, India region at 01:24:13 UTC/ 10.0 km depth/ USGS report
● M 5.1 - 84 km NW of Sola, Vanuatu at 12:57:50 UTC/ 192.6 km depth/ USGS report

The Biorhythms comment is because of this, on June 25 and 26 there was no critical planetary or lunar geometry and seismic activity decreased.


Today the lunar geometry Earth, Moon, Saturn will happen. Let's see what happens June 27 and 28 to give way to the planetary geometry Mercury, Sun, Saturn.

Not so common earthquake occurred a few minutes ago in Germany with magnitude 4.2 the quake hit 34 km away from Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, in the early morning of Thursday, Jun 27

● M 4.2 - 3 km SSW of Todtmoos, Germany
2024-06-27 01:06:51 (UTC)
47.708°N 7.988°E. 10.0 km depth
USGS earthquake alert

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EMSC recorded this event as Magnitude 4.4 The earthquake occurred within the Eurasian Plate (intraplate) According to Volcanodiscovery data the strongest-ever (since 1900) recorded quake in this area measured magnitude 5.8. It had occurred 81 years ago earlier, on Friday, May 28, 1943.​

Moderate levels of seismic activity occurred in the past 24 hours. Earthquake Commission and Geological Survey of New Zealand (GeoNet) reported a preliminary M6.3 earthquake 620 km north-east of Whakatane, which was updated by EMSC, USGS and GFZ to magnitude 5.9. No special alert was issued for this event and USGS issued a Green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses. For this strong earthquake, 2 aftershocks have been detected so far. The strongest was a magnitude 4.5

An M5.2 earthquake struck southwest Papua New Guinea and this earthquake as well as the M5.9 earthquake in New Zealand are a response to the M6.3 earthquake in Vanuatu and to planetary and crustal conditions.

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● M 5.2 - 34 km SSW of Kandrian, Papua New Guinea at 10:42:02 UTC/22.9 km depth/ USGS earthquake alert
● M 5.9 - south of the Kermadec Islands at 16:37:51 UTC/ 32.3 km depth/ USGS earthquake alert

The energy of the M6.3 earthquake will move eastward toward the New Zealand region and toward the Pacific Ocean ridge region, Chile, Peru and Ecuador to a lesser degree. While to the west Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippine Plate boundary.

This same energy has also moved to neighboring regions such as Philippines M4.8, Indonesia M4.7, Vanuatu M4.8, Japan M4.6, M4.8 & M4.9, Fiji M4.5, Chile M4.5 & M4.8

According to Volcanodiscovery In the past 24 hours, there were 862 quakes of magnitudes up to 5.9
  • 2 quakes between magnitude 5 and 6
  • 45 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 98 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 197 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 520 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.

On June 27 Lunar geometry occurred at 14:18 UTC Earthquake M5.9 occurred at 16:37 UTC interplanetary magnetic field reached 12 nT at 03:29 UTC on June 26.Mercury, Sun, Saturn will happen on June 28​
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