This post I’m unsure where to post it. My apologies if I'm mistaken
Recently Klinghardt had a webinar about the coronavirus (March 9th). Mentions a lot of things so I’ll post the essential in terms of treatments:
- Claims he’s treated SARS patients back in the day, no one died.
Used the herb Andrographis [@ 14:40 min]
Andrographis fantastic for lung complications, like in COVID-19 [@ 31:10 min]
- Can be taken for many months
“If you have money for one thing take Andrographis. If you have money for two things, add Vitamin C (liposomal or IV)” [@ 39:30 min]
IV Vitamin C, 4g - 15g per day 3 days in a row, the earlier the better. Even the people that have the G6PD enzyme deficiency can tolerate 7.5 grams [@ 23 min]
Nitazoxanide (Alinia) antiviral effects. Very well tolerated. Inexpensive in Mexico and South America and in China, India; expensive in the US.
If suspicious of COVID use 1000mg twice daily for 10 days [@ 17:40 min and @ 27:30 min]
- Chloroquine is not as well tolerated. People usually throw up.
- Use either Nitazoxanide or Chloroquine.
This coronavirus, like the flu, probably will be active for a few months and as the weather changes it will disappear. Don't think it's the big one yet [@ 43:25 min]
Things he mentioned: Reducing electrosmog (EMF), taking vitamin C, vitamin D3, Herbs (Skullcap, Licorice, …), Hypochlorous acid spray for cleaning objects and your nose, skin, hands and propolis vaporizer excellent for air purification. It also neutralizes mycotoxins in people infested with mold in their homes.
Now on his Q&A (March 10th)
Mentions that Nitazoxanide can take on the severe form of COVID
“Alinia has dramatic effect on treating COVID-19. I have on the ground information from the people in China having successfully survived the severe form of this illness” [@ 9:30]
He has given Nitazoxanide for up to 3 to 6 months for people with severe parasite infestation. For babesia and other Lyme co-infections. Don’t see a problem in using prophylactically.
Use Andrographis for the cytokine storm and lung complications.
- Selenium can use from 800mcg up to 2,000 mcg.
[Personally, I’m unsure about this large doses]
For example in acute Epstein-Barr aggravation or Herpes Zoster, we use up to 2mg for 2-3 months. At that level, it works like ‘birth control’ for viruses including coronaviruses [@ 16:00 min]
Waiting for nature to clear this virus. Like with the flu, SARS, MERS, these illnesses didn't go away because of a clever intervention by the US government. These illnesses came and stayed for a month. The same for Ebola. There's no great treatment for that. Most of us wait for this thing this to go away, hoping it’s not man-made groomed for destruction. If it’s something nature has created it, nature will also take it back. [@ 28 min]
Kresser had a webinar on March 14th. Highlights:
Great emphasis on lowering stress, specially since that what most people struggle with.
He doubled his meditation practice, for example.
He thinks it’s gonna last months, not weeks -- 'a marathon not a spring'. Hence the need of stress management.
For that recommends: Mindfulness, Meditation apps (Headspace), Deep breathing, Yoga youtube videos (yoga with kassandra), Play time.
Mindset — Positive attitude (Hardwiring happiness book)
Laughing is the antidote for stress — cant have both. So movies, quality time with kids, roughhousing, whatever brings you joy and laughter.
Connection - walks outside, video chat to stay connected
Play time - combats stress hormones
Purpose and service - critical to cultivate resilience
Important to stay grounded - youtube videos learning a musical instrument, a language, reading books fiction and non-fiction, cooking, slow down, napping more, sleeping well.
Find opportunities to laugh and joy find time to play and stay connected with people that you love. Cultivate that resilience.
- Be of service to the community. Crisis can bring the good or bad in humanity; let’s bring on the best in us.
Cod Liver Oil or Liver for Vitamin A. If you feel like you’re catching something, you can take very high doses of vitamin A for a short period. 50,000 IU, for example, twice a day for up to five to seven days.
Vitamin D3 10, 000 - 50,000 UI a day for a few days.
Zinc lozenges “Zinc lozenges support immune function and have also been proven to be effective in blocking coronavirus and other viruses from multiplying in the throat and nasopharynx. And you can use these several times a day as soon as you begin to feel symptoms. It’s best to lie down and let the lozenge dissolve in the back of your throat and the nasopharynx, so it really penetrates to those areas.”
Propolis spray
“You can spray it in the back of your throat several times a day at the first sign of symptoms. I will also use it prophylactically when I travel, even when I am not experiencing symptoms”
Bone Broth for the gut and especially since a good part of our immune system is there
- and
various herbal formulations (Cordycepts, Rhodiola, Astragalus, Angelica sinensis, Ginger and Shuang-Huang-Lian Antiviral Formula)
- At the Q&A section,
people asked about the concerns on taking the elderberry due to the cytokine response. He answered that in Facebook Stephen Buhners said its a immunemodulator… [@ 1:23:24]
For reference this is the elderberry question:
Tracy Scott 04:44 PM
This information has been circulating about elderberry and would love your take on it as I advise many of my patients to take elderberry - is it good or not for this particular virus. See below:
"Since Covid-19 is IL-6 mediated I would suggest avoiding remedies, such as elderberry, that boost these levels. Recent research by the Medical Science Advancement Program In Wuhan have determined that IL-6 levels appear to be 10x the normal amount in Covid-19 critically ill patients. This is why China is experimenting with rheumatoid arthritis medication as treatment because they brings these affected cytokines down. According to an expert colleague of mine, Dr Gail Clayton DCN, CNS, MS, RPH says:
“It will further increase the inflammatory cytokine IL-6 that combines with the high TGF Beta in the cytokine storm to damage the lung, kidney, and heart vasculature. If you are taking it for flu prevention then stop it now! When this pandemic is resolved and no longer a danger then you can resume it.”