EMF Exposure

[quote author=Megan]
[...] Wi-Fi is the bigger problem in this household, though, and I haven't found a solution yet. At least there are no base stations of any kind in the bedroom end of the house, other than the "smart meter," and no regularly-used wi-fi devices in the bedroom area.

Not sure if you have seen this thread - http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,21310.msg222307.html#msg222307

There were a few different wiring options discussed that removed wifi signals.
Megan said:
LQB said:
Good deal on the laptop and bedroom. If you could center that picture up over the meter and back it with foil, you would probably get a reduction in the power density of a factor of 10 (possibly more) in that area of the house.

I took more audio measurements, and if I move the dresser all the way to the left then the mirror and shelves below it will be covering the circuit breakers and smart meter. I can hang a large piece of foil-covered cardboard behind it (grounded). I will also move the vanity well clear of the meter.

The picture will probably move to another wall. It is not going to be a shield. :D

Edit: it moved!
The larger you make the foil/cardboard, the more shielding you will get in that part of the house and the farther it will extend in the direction to the right of the pic. Grounding the foil will do nothing for the RF shielding. Picture lines running from the antenna (in the meter) to the edges of the foil. That cone will sweep out the area of greatest protection. Areas well inside the cone should be down by a factor of 10 to 100 if the foil/cardboard is 2-3 ft on a side (assuming RF of 1800 MHz) - the more, the better.
LQB said:
The larger you make the foil/cardboard, the more shielding you will get in that part of the house and the farther it will extend in the direction to the right of the pic. Grounding the foil will do nothing for the RF shielding. Picture lines running from the antenna (in the meter) to the edges of the foil. That cone will sweep out the area of greatest protection. Areas well inside the cone should be down by a factor of 10 to 100 if the foil/cardboard is 2-3 ft on a side (assuming RF of 1800 MHz) - the more, the better.

Not grounding makes it a little easier. I may be able to finish the shield this weekend; don't know yet. The dresser mirror (see updated photo above) is over the meter area but extends more to the left than the right beyond it. But then the cats will tend to be to the left of it too. Bella is on the dresser in the photo (they check everything out when I move furniture around), but she wouldn't normally be up there and I will do what I can to discourage that, not so much because of microwaves or magnetic fields but because I don't want the cats chewing on my jewelry.

Cassie is acting a little under the (hot) weather and is back in her favored spot in the corner of the bed today, but the corner now is over 10 feet from the meter instead of less than two.

The DECT ECO phones will have to go, but this is yet another expensive and time consuming project for which I had not planned. In the mean time, from the start I located the base station where exposure would be minimized, and there is only one base station.

I have had plans to reduce our wi-fi exposure for some time, but I need to do more reading first. Simply turning off wi-fi would increase our exposure to cellular data microwaves, as things stand.
Megan said:
LQB said:
The larger you make the foil/cardboard, the more shielding you will get in that part of the house and the farther it will extend in the direction to the right of the pic. Grounding the foil will do nothing for the RF shielding. Picture lines running from the antenna (in the meter) to the edges of the foil. That cone will sweep out the area of greatest protection. Areas well inside the cone should be down by a factor of 10 to 100 if the foil/cardboard is 2-3 ft on a side (assuming RF of 1800 MHz) - the more, the better.

Not grounding makes it a little easier. I may be able to finish the shield this weekend; don't know yet. The dresser mirror (see updated photo above) is over the meter area but extends more to the left than the right beyond it. But then the cats will tend to be to the left of it too. Bella is on the dresser in the photo (they check everything out when I move furniture around), but she wouldn't normally be up there and I will do what I can to discourage that, not so much because of microwaves or magnetic fields but because I don't want the cats chewing on my jewelry.
For a limited size foil board you want to center it up as much as possible - the more coverage to the right, the better you will shield the rest of the house.

Megan said:
Cassie is acting a little under the (hot) weather and is back in her favored spot in the corner of the bed today, but the corner now is over 10 feet from the meter instead of less than two.
No mag field threat there. :)

Megan said:
The DECT ECO phones will have to go, but this is yet another expensive and time consuming project for which I had not planned. In the mean time, from the start I located the base station where exposure would be minimized, and there is only one base station.
I think you get corded phones now for about $7 or $8. If you get these cheapies, they will work fine in a power outage.

Megan said:
I have had plans to reduce our wi-fi exposure for some time, but I need to do more reading first. Simply turning off wi-fi would increase our exposure to cellular data microwaves, as things stand.
Then you need to get hardwired for all the spots you want to be in. You know though, once you get rid of all these sources, you may find your health issues resolving. It will probably take a while just like it takes a good while to come back from a poor diet or toxic exposure.
LQB said:
Megan said:
The DECT ECO phones will have to go, but this is yet another expensive and time consuming project for which I had not planned. In the mean time, from the start I located the base station where exposure would be minimized, and there is only one base station.
I think you get corded phones now for about $7 or $8. If you get these cheapies, they will work fine in a power outage.

But that won't meet my business needs. A wired solution is complex and expensive. I had a wired PBX for years, but there is more than one person involved here and the PBX didn't work for my housemate. The house is wired for PBX, but I haven't been able to find the right equipment at a reasonable price. The DECT ECO phone was a workaround, one that reduced the number of base stations to one from four (my housemate had three).

Megan said:
I have had plans to reduce our wi-fi exposure for some time, but I need to do more reading first. Simply turning off wi-fi would increase our exposure to cellular data microwaves, as things stand.
Then you need to get hardwired for all the spots you want to be in. You know though, once you get rid of all these sources, you may find your health issues resolving. It will probably take a while just like it takes a good while to come back from a poor diet or toxic exposure.

Again, there is more than one person involved. I am installing another ethernet jack right now, which will eliminate nearly all of my direct wireless use at home. In the mean time, I am having more success identifying my primary health issues. Without resolving those, there is no way to even tell if EMF reduction helps.
Megan said:
LQB said:
Megan said:
The DECT ECO phones will have to go, but this is yet another expensive and time consuming project for which I had not planned. In the mean time, from the start I located the base station where exposure would be minimized, and there is only one base station.
I think you get corded phones now for about $7 or $8. If you get these cheapies, they will work fine in a power outage.

But that won't meet my business needs. A wired solution is complex and expensive. I had a wired PBX for years, but there is more than one person involved here and the PBX didn't work for my housemate. The house is wired for PBX, but I haven't been able to find the right equipment at a reasonable price. The DECT ECO phone was a workaround, one that reduced the number of base stations to one from four (my housemate had three).

Megan said:
I have had plans to reduce our wi-fi exposure for some time, but I need to do more reading first. Simply turning off wi-fi would increase our exposure to cellular data microwaves, as things stand.
Then you need to get hardwired for all the spots you want to be in. You know though, once you get rid of all these sources, you may find your health issues resolving. It will probably take a while just like it takes a good while to come back from a poor diet or toxic exposure.

Again, there is more than one person involved. I am installing another ethernet jack right now, which will eliminate nearly all of my direct wireless use at home. In the mean time, I am having more success identifying my primary health issues. Without resolving those, there is no way to even tell if EMF reduction helps.

On the PBX - I understand the problem now ...
On the health issues, taking as many variables out of the equation as possible can only help - and compromises always seem required.

Added: I meant to suggest also that the foil board will work even better if you can snug it up on the outside wall around the meter. You might have to cut the board in half and join the two ends in the middle. The issue with this is weather conditions out there.

Megan said:
But that won't meet my business needs. A wired solution is complex and expensive. I had a wired PBX for years, but there is more than one person involved here and the PBX didn't work for my housemate. The house is wired for PBX, but I haven't been able to find the right equipment at a reasonable price. The DECT ECO phone was a workaround, one that reduced the number of base stations to one from four (my housemate had three).
I'm not such much acquainted with telephone systems but I don't think there is no wired solution out there that fits your needs. It depends rather on how much money you're ready to put on the counter. Search specifically for enterprise solutions. Shielding isn't cheap either.

Relocating wireless transmitters such as routers and cordless phones within a house won't offer a reduction of radiation great enough to be considered safe. Those few walls usually won't work as a sufficient barrier. Even if shielded, sometimes you will nonetheless use them, right?

Especially if you have business needs, a well-working system that doesn't impact your health will be the better way to go.
It took the entire afternoon, but a pair of ethernet jacks have appeared on the living room wall.


And Cassie is happy with her "new" corner-bed (she yawned just as I took this photo).

Did you experience or measure positive changes with that black pad under the laptop?
Sirius said:
Did you experience or measure positive changes with that black pad under the laptop?

It doesn't block low frequency electrical noise as much as I would like, and there is no place to attach a ground strap. It is very good for blocking heat. I need to try grounding the notebook's case.

I don't have a way yet to measure high frequency emissions. The Lap Desk may or may not be blocking those.
Make sure that WiFi and Bluetooth are switched off in case you no longer rely upon these.

The Mac has from what I could determine a neglectable electric field in conjunction with its power adapter. However, there is a significant field while running on battery.
The magnetic field is rather strong at the centre of the keyboard but only in closeness.

The real danger is RF not LF in this case though.
Sirius said:
Make sure that WiFi and Bluetooth are switched off in case you no longer rely upon these.

The Mac has from what I could determine a neglectable electric field in conjunction with its power adapter. However, there is a significant field while running on battery.
The magnetic field is rather strong at the centre of the keyboard but only in closeness.

The real danger is RF not LF in this case though.

I have been keeping wi-fi off most of the time, and with the addition of the living room jack I don't ordinarily need it at all now at home or work. I am still using Bluetooth at times, so I can't always turn it off. That's another expense to deal with.

If I commute to work on the bus, I end up doing part of my work there, on battery, to make up for the longer commute. I also sometimes do work while traveling on light rail, on battery (and I don't even want to think about the magnetic fields from the motors beneath the floor). The main problem while commuting on public transit, though, is cell phone exposure, and it probably doesn't matter much whether I am using mine (for data, not calls) or not. I could turn it off completely and I would still be heavily exposed.
You are right LQB and Sirius that evidence is clear that industry is the main disuptive factor in obfuscating and derailing studies and guidelines on EMF. I had been reading too many official, seemingly objective but cautious surveys of the kind you suggest LQB. 'Living Safely with Electromagnetic Radiation' gives a good picture of that. I agree it's a fine book giving you a good laymans-term picture of EMF definitions, studies, industry control and workarounds.

Cellular response to EMF:
LSwEMR said:
The cell senses electromagnetic radiation from a cellphone or a wireless device of a frquency that does not occur in nature and considers itself to be under attack.

The cell adopts a defensive posture and proceeds to close down the active transport channels that allow nutrients in and waste out.

The cell becomes nutrient deficient, which leads to energy deficiency and the inability to communicate with the cells around it, resulting in a disruption of intercellular communication, impairment of the immune system and acute symptoms.

The cell is unable to expel waste material and a buildup of highly reactive moelcules, known as free radicals, develops.

Free radicals disrupt the functioning of the mitochondria (where respiratory functioning of the cell takes place) and the cell is unable to do it's job properly. For example, dysfunctional cells in the blood-brain barrier protecting the brain cause leakage of toxins into the brain's pristine habitat.

Free radicals then interfere with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) repair inside the cell and micronuclei are formed from the pieces of DNA, which then form membranes around themselves and have no further purpose.

Micronuclei are not harmful if they are kept within the cell; however, if during programmed cell death the cell membrane collapses, the micronuclei are expelled into the interstitial fluid between the cells.

If everything were working as it should and intercellullar communication was good, the immune system would be able to deal with the wild DNA.

With the intercellular communication disrupted the micronuclei are free to clone and proliferate in the nutrient-rich interstitial fluid, whic is the mechanism for the formation of a tumor, chronic disease and cancer.
Yes, Waugh's book is very good and comprehensive - he hits all the key areas and people as far as I have seen. So often you will read that pulsed RF damages DNA but all the between steps are left out and confused by all kinds of studies. Many other things must also happen to some people based on the ES symptom list. Magda Havas has made heart rate measurements on some people that show a near doubling of heart rate when a DECT phone is turned on. A challenging research field on all fronts ...
As history goes, this is interesting:

Although German scientists and doctors have lead the way in identifying pulsed RF exposure as a cause for human illness, Germany, today, is no better off with regard to the proliferation of pulsed RF communications. In October 2002 a large group (now 3000 endorsements) of German physicians and medical professionals signed and endorsed the Freiburger Appeal23. This was prepared, in part, to address irresponsible “safety limits policy” (pulsed RF communications) of the German Government, and the fact that the German courts regarded the danger as “purely hypothetical”. Reproduced in full, the Appeal states:

Out of great concern for the health of our fellow human beings do we - as established physicians of all fields, especially that of environmental medicine - turn to the medical establishment and those in public health and political domains, as well as to the public.

We have observed, in recent years, a dramatic rise in severe and chronic diseases among our patients, especially:

• Learning, concentration, and behavioural [sic] disorders (e.g. attention deficit disorder, ADD)
• Extreme fluctuations in blood pressure, ever harder to influence with medications
• Heart rhythm disorders
• Heart attacks and strokes among an increasingly younger population
• Brain-degenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s) and epilepsy
• Cancerous afflictions: leukemia, brain tumors

Moreover, we have observed an ever-increasing occurrence of various disorders, often
misdiagnosed in patients as psychosomatic:
• Headaches, migraines
• Chronic exhaustion
• Inner agitation
• Sleeplessness, daytime sleepiness
• Tinnitus
• Susceptibility to infection
• Nervous and connective tissue pains, for which the usual causes do not explain even the most conspicuous symptoms

Since the living environment and lifestyles of our patients are familiar to us, we can see especially after carefully-directed inquiry a clear temporal and spatial correlation between the appearance of disease and exposure to pulsed high -frequency microwave radiation (HFMR), such as:
• Installation of a mobile telephone sending station in the near vicinity
• Intensive mobile telephone use
• Installation of a digital cordless (DECT) telephone at home or in the neighbourhood [sic]

We can no longer believe this to be purely coincidence, for:
• Too often do we observe a marked concentration of particular illnesses in correspondingly HFMR-polluted areas or apartments;
• Too often does a long-term disease or affliction improve or disappear in a relatively short time after reduction or elimination of HFMR pollution in the patient’s environment;
• Too often are our observations confirmed by on-site measurements of HFMR of unusual intensity.

On the basis of our daily experiences, we hold the current mobile communications technology (introduced in 1992 and since then globally extensive) and cordless digital telephones (DECT standard) to be among the fundamental triggers for this fatal development. One can no longer evade these pulsed microwaves. They heighten the risk of already-present chemical/physical influences, stress the body’s immune system, and can bring the body’s still-functioning regulatory mechanisms to a halt. Pregnant women, children, adolescents, elderly and sick people are especially at risk.

Our therapeutic efforts to restore health are becoming increasingly less effective: the unimpeded and continuous penetration of radiation into living and working areas particularly bedrooms, an essential place for relaxation, regeneration and healing causes uninterrupted stress and prevents the patient’s thorough recovery.

In the face of this disquieting development, we feel obliged to inform the public of our observations especially since hearing that the German courts regard any danger from mobile telephone radiation as ”purely hypothetical” (see the decisions of the constitutional court in Karlsruhe and the administrative court in Mannheim, Spring 2002).

What we experience in the daily reality of our medical practice is anything but hypothetical!
We see the rising number of chronically sick patients also as the result of an irresponsible ” safety limits” policy, which fails to take the protection of the public from the short- and long-term effects of mobile telephone radiation as its criterion for action. Instead, it submits to the dictates of a technology already long recognized as dangerous. For us, this is the beginning of a very serious development through which the health of many people is being threatened.
We will no longer be made to wait upon further unreal research results - which in our experience are often influenced by the communications industry while evidential studies go on being ignored. We find it to be of urgent necessity that we act now!

Above all, we are, as doctors, the advocates for our patients. In the interest of all those concerned, whose basic right to life and freedom from bodily harm is currently being put at stake, we appeal to those in the spheres of politics and public health.

Please support the following demands with your influence:

• New health-friendly communications techniques, given independent risk assessments before their introduction and, as immediate measures and transitional steps:
• Stricter safety limits and major reduction of sender output and HFMR pollution on a justifiable scale, especially in areas of sleep and convalescence
• A say on the part of local citizens and communities regarding the placing of antennae (which in a democracy should be taken for granted)
• Education of the public, especially of mobile telephone users, regarding the health risks of electromagnetic fields
• Ban on mobile telephone use by small children, and restrictions on use by adolescents
• Ban on mobile telephone use and digital cordless (DECT) telephones in preschools, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, events halls, public buildings and vehicles (as with the ban on smoking)
• Mobile telephone and HFMR-free zones (as with auto-free areas)
• Revision of DECT standards for cordless telephones with the goal of reducing radiation intensity and limiting actual use time, as well as avoiding the biologically critical HFMR pulsation
• Industry-independent research, finally with the inclusion of amply available critical research results and our medical observations.

This is a powerful statement made more powerful by the 3000 German physicians and medical professionals that have endorsed it since October 2002. Here the German doctors have outlined the major diseases they have encountered as well as a host of symptoms that have (since) been clearly identified with EMF as at least one cause.
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