EMF Exposure

Has anyone come across the EMF mitigation system called ”SPIRO” (an acronym for Spin Radiation Organizer technology)?
OUR TECH - NOXTAK® Technologies

Hi Hiker, I looked a little into their product line.

What I noticed about their dirty electricity products, the company offers filters, which seem to resemble the DIY dirty electricity filters that Scottie introduced, built and shared on this thread. OSIT.

On the level of appliance and filtering results, their filters are similar to Scottie´s filters. Also they recommend to use the technically same EMI meter to measure and both filters get similar mV filtering results:
~52 mV vs. Scottie´s filters: ~ 40 mV (slightly better)

This is their appliance video:

And Scottie´s video:

From min 13:00 on Scottie`s filter is measured.
Does anyone have any thoughts about DefenderShield EMF Radiation-Free Air Tube Over-Ear Headphones? I'm thinking about getting a couple for my kids. This is the only one that meets our requirements of being both (1) over the ear as well as (2) air tubes.
Does anyone have any thoughts about DefenderShield EMF Radiation-Free Air Tube Over-Ear Headphones? I'm thinking about getting a couple for my kids. This is the only one that meets our requirements of being both (1) over the ear as well as (2) air tubes.
Don't buy these from the company directly, at least initially. The company makes customers pay for return shipping. Buy it from Amazon to try it out to make sure you like it. Sizing runs small, and there's a ball shape that protudes out of the headphone putting uncomfortable pressure on the ears.
I tested Huawei B1310-s22 router and discovered that it have RJ-12 connector that allow to connect landline copper wire oldschool telephone.

In this way people who need to have mobile phone in their home, office, summer house can reduce exposure. It can also send and receive text messages but you have to login to router using wifi or ethernet cable. USSD codes are also supported.
I discover that there are industrial version of wifi with very high prices.

There are also very cheap version CPE (point to point) with 2 km or 5 km range (outside) with I believe 5 watt power devices.

There are also 10 km and 20 km point to point devices with dedicated antenna.

Most of home wifi 2.4 GHz routers use 100mW, wifi 5 Ghz 200mW (lowband) and 1000 mW (highband). Industrial devices use much higher power and will be cheaper with each year.

I find this article and here are my conclusions:

1. There can be LED lightbulbs that creates dirty electricity, but some LED lightbulbs can work as dirty electricity filters.

2. I believe this famuse blue light problem is not corelated with blue color, but with light temperature. In other words, the more natural light (more simmilar to this outside your window), the healthier for your eyes.

3. Dirty electricity from LED lightbulb, I belive, is only 1% of your electric bill or less. There can be cases when dirty electricity from photovolaic instalation create big electricity bill. People with electric motor in home can also have this problem.

4. Cataract can be prevented if you exposure your eyes everyday to daylight. Your eyes don't regenerate if not exposured to daylight everyday.

5. Small incandescant bulb can be good when you read books. It's warm light that don't make your eyes tired.
I'm currently reading "The Invisible Rainbow" from Arthur Firstenberg and i have a question regarding the flu.

The book is convincting enough to state that the flu is not transmissible !
My first wondering is that I haven't read it here on the forum, stated clearly. Is it discussed somewhere here on the forum ? After 10+ years browsing the forum, as i like to click on the "latest posts" threads, i should have fallen on such important topic without understanding it only now by reading the book ... i mean, it's big ! :wow:

And my main wondering, at least from where i arrived in the book is what is the "thing" (they say virus) they find in people who are ill and for which they say that it mutates all the time ? I do not know well the terms in english, but when they "sequence a virus" and see the variations of it, like it was for the covid with its many mutations, what is it exactly when the illness is the flu ? Is it in fact a consequence of the illness but not the cause ? If yes, question remains : what it is then ? from where does it come ? Is it a retro-virus which was activated by the environmental factor ? Or it's fake ? it's like the "AIDS virus", an invented/virtual virus ?
Maybe the answer is later in the book. If this is explained in another thread please reference it here, or move this post to it.
I'm currently reading "The Invisible Rainbow" from Arthur Firstenberg and i have a question regarding the flu.

The book is convincting enough to state that the flu is not transmissible !
My first wondering is that I haven't read it here on the forum, stated clearly. Is it discussed somewhere here on the forum ? After 10+ years browsing the forum, as i like to click on the "latest posts" threads, i should have fallen on such important topic without understanding it only now by reading the book ... i mean, it's big ! :wow:

And my main wondering, at least from where i arrived in the book is what is the "thing" (they say virus) they find in people who are ill and for which they say that it mutates all the time ? I do not know well the terms in english, but when they "sequence a virus" and see the variations of it, like it was for the covid with its many mutations, what is it exactly when the illness is the flu ? Is it in fact a consequence of the illness but not the cause ? If yes, question remains : what it is then ? from where does it come ? Is it a retro-virus which was activated by the environmental factor ? Or it's fake ? it's like the "AIDS virus", an invented/virtual virus ?
Maybe the answer is later in the book. If this is explained in another thread please reference it here, or move this post to it.
You may be interested in this.
(L) Okay, we have a question that Psyche and I have been thinking about. After reading this book about viruses, we have the idea that viruses may be the means by which genetic manipulation {as in intentional coming from other densities} has taken place on this planet for millions, if not billions, of years.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Does that mean that a virus is a transdimensional manifestation?

A: Yes. Thoughts made manifest! Compare to some crop circles!

Q: (Psyche) Some viruses in the atlas DO look like crop circles. [wind noise muffles Ark's question] (Ark)...of course virus is just pure DNA, or what? (Psyche) It can be both DNA or RNA depending on the type of virus, and usually coated to protect itself. There are so many types of viruses; it can be just a piece of genetic code. (Ark) Okay, so my question is whether there is a particular part of the virus that has the property that is not just described by normal quantum physics or quantum chemistry and so on, or its the whole organization of virus that has this property?

A: Yes. Information field aggregates matter.

Q: (talk of thought vs. information) (Belibaste) Does information command or direct the aggregation of different proteins or amino acids to form a virus? Materialization?

A: Yes.

Q: (Psyche) It's very interesting because they have found in our "junk" DNA, properties of viruses that are close in location to those of stem cells, and also cells that end up producing cancer. It is quite interesting. (Perceval) That means our DNA is thought made manifest?

A: More or less!
I found one interresting PDF while re watching a french conference, here's the link but i also directly attach it to this post, it's not big

The website is an interresting one, at least i suppose from what the guy says in the conference.

My problem while looking at these table is "how to use it" ? or even, how to interpret it in practice, what can we do with such a table + a spectrum analyser ?

About a spectrometer i still haven't bought one, i would like to buy something professional and there's one german manufacturer who create high quality stuff, this is Aaronia, here's their website :
... but the price goes with it.

What i fear is that i may be enable to well use such professional devices, I dont know. Anyone here has one of their products ?


The paper sorts research results by SAR which means Specific Absorption Rate. It means how much energy is absorbed per kg of mass.

I don't think SAR is terribly useful because it makes the assumption that the effect of the field is proportional to how much energy it loses in your body. However it can also just trigger things to happen, like pushing a rock that was already about to fall. Energy in electronics and in the body is regulated by setting up potentials and triggers, so beyond the complexity of water in a microwave the effect is not necessarilty a linear relationship with power or exposure.

I think the sensible way to sort the research is by the measured field strength at the subject or by the field shape, distance from transmitter and transmitter power. Using SAR for this is very obfuscating and convoluted. Most of the time SAR is only determined by estimation based on past research anyway because it is so hard to determine. However transmitter power and distance are easily understood by the layman who just wants to avoid EMF.
I see that only the last part of the PDF is sorted by SAR, the beginning is uW/cm^2. uW/cm^2 is a measure of the field intensity at the subject and should be provided by any handheld meter. A spectrum analyzer could in theory plot cumulative power over a board range of frequencies and that would be useful information, in combination with data about adverse effects for each frequency and power level.

For electronics we have emissions standards that constrain how much radiation we can produce from a device so we don't make things that interfere with other equipment. Because standards only matter if they can be followed, easy to understand charts have been created to aid with this process. This is a conducted noise test with limit lines overlaid:

View attachment 105723
I started the day digging a little bit on the EMF topic, watching 2 vids of Scottie (the one with the shungite and the q-link one), then i remembered that i saw recently a nice "table", or summary of the EMF spectre. I tried to remember and hopefully i found it out, it was a table that we showed in the french video i posted here (in the french dedicated section)

I made a screenshoot of it, edited it and here is the results :

Ok it's french but understandable by all. I attached the original PNG file for those who want to save it locally in their "EMF file".


  • TableauSpectreDesOndes.png
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