Eric Pepin - Higher Balance Institute - Discussion

Money raising idea to wipe the smile off Eric Pepins face

Well mister rabbit, I for one think this an excellent idea. Listened to some songs on the site and I must say you guys rock! Lyrics are also awesome. Does the paypal thing work yet?
Money raising idea to wipe the smile off Eric Pepins face

Hi Mr Mechanic
Glad you think its one small way of contributing to getting mr Pepin out of our hair.Yes the paypal thing is working fine , just ran a check on it.

If any one has any problems they can contact me via the contact us thing at the bottom of the page.

It is possible to set up ones own blog site if you sign up for a listener account , one can adjust the templates for sure in the sage template given i.e. change its colour and look.

If some one wants to set one up as a small base for organising events to raise cash for this court case , then i can throw extra tools at them , tv station calendar , ticket maker with demonic bar codes , if any ticket event ever gets planned.Basically many things.

You may have noticed the site can run flv video also.

I am involved with some very time consuming projects at the moment so I know I couldnt co-ordinate anything , but if any one was up to it , please make use of the tools available.

A forum at a set up blog page can be set up which i think is much better than the one the admin gets for the front page.

Of course I know many folks here in this forum , but any one interested in blog site etc i would have to ok before access is aproved.Dont want any trolls etc getting in.

Still trying to work out how to get rid of the "advertise with us templates" and maybe put a red pill press banner up there.

Its css script and smarti templates which im having a very hard time understanding.

Any way any one interested just drop me a line here or over there.


mr rabbit :)
Mods delete my post if needed?

I find this "unease" to be quite interesting. Perhaps people are aware that the part of them that loves to ramble and wiseacre will be taken to task for that here, and thus they have to interact in a considerate way that they are otherwise completely unused to?

The responsibility-shifting thing is also a part of this. Seriously, if you're that worried about posting something on an internet forum, probably better that you don't do it rather than try and "hedge your bets" by pushing the responsibility onto the mods.
Mods delete my post if needed?

If in case of copyrights infringement the complaint will be filed against John Doe, an author of the post, and demand to reveal his/her identity to web provider to bring a civil suit against that poster ... Just ask for more money! like 5 million :D i'll give it all and more of that!
edit: i changed the headline of my post on Pepin's thread
mods please feel free to remove my post if necessary
N.B. user CarpeDiem is the sole responsible for content of this post

Well, that applies to ALL posts.
Money raising idea to wipe the smile off Eric Pepins face

Hey Mr Rabbit..
your songs.. plus your idea of doing fundraising through it.. real good stuff indeed !!!
I esp. like The Fools Little Journey and The Good The Bad And The Fencesitters.
Just another quick note....I posted a request for help on another forum, and so far they have suggested EFF

About EFF

From the Internet to the iPod, technologies are transforming our society and empowering us as speakers, citizens, creators, and consumers. When our freedoms in the networked world come under attack, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the first line of defense. EFF broke new ground when it was founded in 1990 — well before the Internet was on most people's radar — and continues to confront cutting-edge issues defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights today. From the beginning, EFF has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting digital rights.

Blending the expertise of lawyers, policy analysts, activists, and technologists, EFF achieves significant victories on behalf of consumers and the general public. EFF fights for freedom primarily in the courts, bringing and defending lawsuits even when that means taking on the US government or large corporations. By mobilizing more than 50,000 concerned citizens through our Action Center, EFF beats back bad legislation. In addition to advising policymakers, EFF educates the press and public.

EFF is a donor-funded nonprofit and depends on your support to continue successfully defending your digital rights. Litigation is particularly expensive; because two-thirds of our budget comes from individual donors, every contribution is critical to helping EFF fight —and win—more cases.
Laura, this looks like it may be some help! (mods, can you let Laura know about this?)
Ah, thanks Norma...I did a quick search of the forum before posting that....a more detailed one shows laura posted items from EFF 3 pages back...the links started heh, guess I missed that
Still good to know they've been informed
Eric Pepin Video's on Youtube

So I was browsing around the net looking where Eric Pepin has spread his new age mumbo jumbo and he seems to have a plethora of videos on youtube which describe various 'techniques.' I tried to post a comment on the video to expand any viewers awareness that he may be a sexual predator and is suing SOTT for talking about it and I noticed the comment won't post. I tried it a few times on different days and it just won't go through. I've posted comments on several on vid's and they work fine.

I just tried it again leaving out a link to the sott story and the button fades and changes to 'comment pending approval'. I guess one can moderate comments on video's they post?

Just thought it was worth bringin up.

Edit: So i went to play with the add video options and you can moderate comments on your videos. Guess that means he can upload videos, have his pepinites post positive reviews and then screen out anything that doesn't fit. For a guy who sells this crap that's shady - there should be a disclaimer on his videos: only positive reviews allowed.
Eric Pepin Video's on Youtube

Maybe make a video, similar title so it comes up on a search, and post it, explaining in the video (with screen shots) exactly what you explained here? I'm no expert, but there are some here that can figure these things out.
Eric Pepin Video's on Youtube

It is possible for the one who sends a video to YouTube to set it so that he/she is always asked for approval of every comment made on that video.
Narcissists and Conflict
by Kathy Krajco

One simple but easy-to-forget thing about narcissists is that, unlike normal people, they don't mind conflict. They enjoy it.

Conflict makes normal people uncomfortable. We try to minimize it in our dealings with others. Oddly, we love it in fiction (Conflict is the gunpowder of fiction, and it's near relative - controversy - is the gunpowder of journalism. Maintaining constant conflict is the secret to storytelling success). But note that this is "safe" conflict. In real life we hate what we love to see characters go through in fiction.

Narcissists have a whole different attitude toward conflict. They use it strategically to manipulate. They seek conflict. They become impossible people, flying into conflict with you over anything you think, say, do, feel, or wear. As if THEY have the right to determine what you say, think, do, feel, or wear.

This isn't just arrogance. It's a game in which you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, because they are being deliberately impossible to please.

When this is the motive, what happens when you try to defuse conflict, when you try to appease? The narcissist sees that as a sign of weakness, as sign of backing down. It just makes him bolder. This is no testing run at you anymore: now he is serious about running you over. He sees your "weakness" as REASON to come on stronger = to get madder and even more impossible. It's how he's controlling you.

In other words, trying to smooth it over, trying to appease the narcissist just backfires, making him more aggressive, not less aggressive.

So, don't do it.

This is just one of many examples of how normal human behavior backfires in Wonderland, simply because of a narcissist's alien mentality.
Eric Pepin Video's on Youtube

Yeah, when you upload a youtube video there is the option to moderate comments. For some videos it is downright necessary (anything that portrays Israel in a negative way being a case in point) as there are some truly terrible comments left on some videos.
Laura said:
There is a disclaimer in the rules, but we have added another to the bottom of each page in the forum.
Came across this site: _ concerning Auch Cathedral, who have the following disclaimer about links to external sites:

The following external links open in a new window. Structurae is not responsible for their content nor endorses it.
Might it be worth adding a similar disclaimer to the forum and/or SOTT pages, to avoid any suggestion that SOTT endorses content to be found at external links?
Mods delete my post if needed?

Could it be worth adding to a disclaimer on the bottom of each sott page something like this: pages may contain copyrighted material under ‘fair use’ conditions as provided in article 17 U.S.C., section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Copyrighted material is made available here exclusively for research and educational purposes. In accordance with article 17 U.S.C., Section 107, the material on is distributed without profit to our readers who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for their research and educational purposes.
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