Eric Pepin - Higher Balance Institute - Discussion

Yes, interesting indeed, and if one links to it, at the end of that article, one notices this:

Disclaimer: WWRN does not endorse or adhere to views or opinions expressed in the articles posted. This is purely an information site, to inform interested parties of religious trends.
Just a thought, but I wonder if Laura and the site wouldn't be under such attack if a disclaimer like this is included with many of the posts that appear here, only instead of "religious trends", it would say "trends of the signs of our times", or something like that. long as YOU'RE not saying it.... Naahhh, they can't be that nutty, or can they?
There is a disclaimer in the rules, but we have added another to the bottom of each page in the forum.

Meanwhile, a reader sent this info on Pepin's "psychic pills":

Review Summary
Magneurol 6-S was developed by RemCure Enterprises™, which is a very new company; although they indicate on their website that they have been developing this product for “20 years”. There are many products on the market which are aimed at stress and mood issues, because more and more consumers are looking for holistic answers to these problems. Magneurol 6-S is advertised on this website as being a cure-all for stress and mood issues. It is purported to be able to give users “enhanced Focus, Optimized Memory, Relief of Depression, Stress Reduction and Heightened Immune System”.

However, the real question many consumers will be asking themselves is this – can it really work? We have found that the answer to this question is almost always in the formula, so we always encourage consumers to do a thorough review of a formulary before deciding on a product; although that can clearly be an arduous and frustrating process. In order to expedite this we will methodically review this formula to see what it can deliver.

Ingredients at a Glance
Magneurol 6-S contains the following ingredients: Magnetitum Proprietary Blend, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium, Folic Acid, Inositol and Choline Bitartrate.

Ingredients In Focus
When we reviewed this formula we realized fairly early on that it is basically a B complex vitamin, with one unusual element thrown into the mix. B complex vitamins have been shown to have an effect on overall health, and to be able to boost energy and various systems in the body, which is why health care practitioners often suggest supplementation with B vitamins. Also, B Vitamins are commonly found in many formulas which target reducing stress related issues, boosting mental functioning and memory, however, be advised it may little direct affect on these issues.

That said, the ingredient that is not commonly found in any supplements on the market is Magnetitum, which is a little known element. It is made out of Magnetite a mineral that mostly is comprised of ferroferric oxide, which is one of the most magnetic minerals found on the earth.

Historically, Magnetitum has been used in Chinese “medicine” to treat dizziness, palpitation, insomnia, blurring of vision, tinnitus, and stomach issues and hearing problems. As you may note, it has not been used to relieve mood related issues, boost mental functioning or to increase memory. There is little research available regarding this ingredients effectiveness. In fact, we would have liked to have seen some research data posted regarding this element, especially regarding its effectiveness and safety.

Some consumers may look at this formula and be cautious about trying it, because of the lack of verifiable information regarding Magnetitum available on this website or anywhere else for that matter, and frankly we would not blame them. Nevertheless, they may be happy to note though that there are formulas on the market which use technology and ingredients, which have been proven to be effective.

Technology based on Lithium Orotate has become very popular with consumers. Lithium is a naturally occurring mineral, which is already present in the human body. Supplementation with this mineral has been shown to be able to help users boost mood and relieve stress, as well as enhance memory and mental functioning.

• May boost energy because of B -Vitamins

• Uses unproven technology
• Expensive
• Does not use Lithium Orotate

Final Thoughts
Consumers who are interested in a formula which uses B-vitamins to boost energy and overall health may be interested in Magneurol 6-S; while others may not feel comfortable with the inclusion of Magnetitum, because of its foreign and untested nature. For those who are interested in giving Magneurol 6-S a try, it is currently on sale for $49.99 on this website.

Those who want to continue looking for a more effective supplement may want to look into the above mentioned Lithium Orotate, because of its ability to be a catalyst for serotonin in the brain; which has a direct and clear effect on stress and mood related issues, as well as memory and mental functioning. Lithium Orotate has been shown to be able to relieve melancholy, restlessness, anxiety, sleeplessness and reduced mental functioning; as well as giving users a new found serenity and calm.
Well, well Magnetitum or psychic pill,
a sure way to get some buck from New Age sheeple-
the basic premise is - quote: "Unique Magnetic Properties have been found in the cell and brain tissues of all animals including humans, explaining Extraordinary Animal Sixth Sense"
pity nobody can explain what magnetitum really is ...Shish - If you took your psychic pill and it is working then you know what I am thinking ;)

Its not really clear from the quoted bit how does lithium connects to this, yes lithium is naturally occurring mineral, but how come they forgot to mention it is used to treat severe psychiatric disorders and it has extremely toxic side effects
NB: poster CarpeDiem is the sole responsible for posting this material

Considering ole Grandiose Revolutionary Trailblazers, here are snippets from the chapter on Narcissistic Vampires from
Emotional Vampires: Dealing with People Who Drain Your Dry by clinical psychologist Albert Berstein

Narcissistic vampires have a disorder that is both psychological and cosmological. They believe the universe revolves around them. Unlike Antisocials, who are addicted to excitement, or Histrionics, who crave attention, Narcissistic vampires just want to live out their fantasies of being the smartest, most talented, and all-around best people in the world. Some Narcissistic vampires turn out to be little more than legends in their own minds, but a surprising number are adept enough to turn some of their grandiose fantasies into reality.

Considering themselves is what Narcissistic vampires do best. The trait they most conspicuously lack is concern for the needs, thoughts, and feelings of other people.

These vampires have tendencies in the direction of Narcissistic personality disorder.

More than loving themselves, Narcissists are absorbed with themselves. They feel their own desires so acutely that they can't pay attention to anything else. Imagine their disorder as a pair of binoculars. Narcissists look at their own needs through the magnifying side, and the rest of the cosmos through the side that makes things small to the point of insignificance. It's not so much that these vampires think they're better than other people as that they hardly think of other people at all. Unless they need something. Narcissistic need is tremendous. Just as sharks must continually swim to keep from drowning, Narcissists must constantly demonstrate that they are special, or they will sink like stones to the depths of depression. It may look as if they are trying to demonstrate their worth to other people, but their real audience is themselves.

Narcissists are experts at showing off. Everything they do is calculated to make the right impression. Conspicuous consumption is for them what religion is for other people. Narcissists pursue the symbols of wealth, status, and power with a fervor that is almost spiritual. They can talk for hours about objects they own, the great things they've done or are going to do, and the famous people they hang out with. Often, they exaggerate shamelessly, even when they have plenty of real achievements they could brag about.

Nothing is ever enough for them. That's why Narcissists want you, or at least your adulation. They'll try so hard to impress you that it's easy to believe that you're actually important to them. This can be a fatal mistake; it's not you they want, only your worship. They'll suck that out and throw the rest away.

To Narcissistic vampires, the objects, the achievements, and the high regard of other people mean nothing in themselves. They are fuel, like water forced across gills so that oxygen can be extracted. The technical term is Narcissistic supplies. If Narcissists don't constantly demonstrate their specialness to themselves, they drown.

To know how Narcissistic vampires experience life, imagine playing golf, tennis, or some other competitive sport and having the best day of your career. You feel great, but the mental wall between confidence and fear is thin as tissue paper. Everything is riding on the next shot, and then the one after that. For Narcissists, the game encompasses the whole world, and it is never over.

Imagine the pressure should the only meaningful goal in your life be proving that you are something more than human. Narcissistic vampires' greatest fear is of being ordinary. They can't feel connected to anything larger than themselves, because in their universe there is nothing larger. Beyond their frenetic attempts to prove the unprovable lies only a dark, unexplored void. You might be tempted to think of them as tragic figures if they weren't so petty and obnoxious.

Narcissistic vampires are usually talented and intelligent. They are also among the most inconsiderate creatures on earth. You'd think that such smart people would recognize the importance of paying attention to other people. Dream on.

Well-Advertised Talent and Intelligence
The first thing you'll hear about Narcissistic vampires is that they are extremely intelligent and talented. You'll probably hear this from the vampires directly, since they are not the least bit shy in saying good things about themselves. A surprising number of Narcissistic vampires know their numerical IQ scores and share them with new acquaintances. You may also hear about famous people whom these vampires have met and in some way impressed. At seminars and meetings, Narcissistic vampires often have their hands in the air, but they never ask real questions. They make comments to demonstrate to everyone that they know at least as much and probably more than the person at the front of the room.
The pattern of trying to dazzle you with their talent and intelligence persists with Narcissistic vampires long after they make their first impression. They'll keep on until you're no longer visibly awed, then they'll ignore you completely.

Most Narcissistic vampires have achievements to back up their high opinion of themselves. Unlike other vampire types who are just as happy to pretend, Narcissists are quite willing to work hard to glorify themselves. In their careers, these vampires are usually focused and goal-directed. Many are workaholics, but unlike Histrionic people pleasers who'll work themselves half to death for approval and love, Narcissists take on only those tasks that pay off in money, fame, or power.

Narcissistic vampires are absolutely shameless in their fantasies about how great they are and how much everybody admires them, or should. If you press them, they'll admit that they consider themselves the best in the world at something. Actually, you won't have to press very hard.

Narcissistic vampires believe they are so special that the rules don't apply to them. They expect the red carpet to be rolled out for them wherever they go, and if it isn't, they get quite surly. They don't wait, they don't recycle, they don't pay retail, they don't stand in line, they don't clean up after themselves, they don't let other people get in front of them in traffic, and their income taxes rival great works of fiction. Illness or even death is no excuse for other people not immediately jumping up to meet their needs. They aren't the least bit ashamed of using other people and systems for their own personal gain. They boast about how they take advantage of just about everybody.

Narcissistic vampires love to compete, but only when they win. Usually, they'll do whatever it takes to win, whether it be practice or stacking the deck in their favor. Narcissistic vampires are obsessively concerned with status and power. They'll fight to the death over a corner office, not because they want a nice view, but because they know what a corner office means in the organizational hierarchy. They know what everything means in every hierarchy. What they wear, what they drive, where they live, and who they're seen with are not random choices based on something so silly as what they like. Everything Narcissistic vampires do is a move in the great game of self-aggrandizement, which is their main reason for living.

Conspicuous Boredom
Unless the subject of the conversation is how great they are, Narcissistic vampires will become visibly bored. One of the main reasons Narcissists wear expensive watches is so they can look at them when someone else is talking. Besides boredom, Narcissistic vampires have only two other emotional states. They're either on top of the world or on the bottom of the garbage heap. The slightest frustration can burst their balloon and send them crashing to the depths.

Lack of Empathy
To a Narcissistic vampire, other people are either prospective purveyors of Narcissistic supplies or invisible. More than any other vampire type, Narcissists are incapable of seeing their fellow humans as having wants, needs, talents, and desires of their own. Needless to say, this lack of empathy is the source of untold amounts of pain to the people who love them. But for their lack of human warmth, there is a lot about these vampires to love. Many people destroy themselves by believing that it's their fault that Narcissists don't love them back. They will work hard and long, some times for their whole lives, without realizing that these vampires can't give what they don't have. A particularly scary trait that Narcissists share with Antisocials is the ability to feign empathy when they want something. Narcissists are the best flatterers on the planet. They give great ego massages even as they're draining people dry. Needless to say, this talent makes them great at politics. Even though Antisocials and Histrionics can be sexy, all the best seducers are Narcissists.

Inability to Accept Criticism
Narcissistic vampires' greatest fear is of being ordinary. God forbid they should do something as mundane as making a mistake. Even the smallest criticisms feel like stakes through the heart. If you reprimand Narcissistic vampires, the least they'll do is explain in great detail why your opinion is wrong. If you're right, the situation will be much worse. They will melt before your eyes into pitiful, dependent infants who need enormous amounts of reassurance and praise just to draw their next breath. You can't win. There's no such thing as a Narcissistic vampire being objective about his or her faults.

Ambivalence in Other People
Other people usually feel strongly about Narcissistic vampires. They either love them for their talents or hate their guts for their blatant selfishness. Or both. It's hard to say what does most damage - the selfishness, the hatred, or the love.

Narcissistic vampires always know what they want from you. They won't be the least bit reticent about asking for it or just taking it. To deal effectively with these self-absorbed children of the night, you must be equally certain about what you want from them. Always drive a hard bargain, and always make them pay before they get what they want from you. Remember this rule, and there's not much else you need to know.

Well, maybe one more thing: Unless you want your heart broken, never make Narcissistic vampires choose between you and their first love, themselves.


Narcissistic Superstars play the lead in their own life story, which, to them, is indistinguishable from the history of civilization. These vampires believe at the depths of their souls that they are the most important people on earth. If you understand and accept this one central fact, Superstars cease to be a danger and become merely an annoyance. If the fact that they believe themselves to be the crown of creation offends you and makes you want to point out to them that they're not so great as they think they are, get away quickly, because they will destroy you.

Everything we've learned until now about Narcissistic vampires is also true of Superstars, except that, unlike Legends in their own minds, they know how to work and they know how to sell. These vampires are willing and able to do what it takes to turn their grandiose dreams into reality. Superstars' dreams are always beyond their grasp. Whatever they are and whatever they have is never enough. They always want more. Narcissistic Superstars' abilities, coupled with their tremendous hunger, may bring them success, but never satisfaction. They build empires, lead nations, create great works of art, and amass huge sums of money for one purpose only: to prove how great they are. Superstars may boast incessantly about what they have and what they've done, but once they have it or have done it, whatever it is loses value in their eyes. They always need more. Whether it's money, honors, status symbols, or sexual conquests, Superstars always want something. They get what they want too. Every one of them has a trophy collection. Adding to it is the sole purpose of Narcissists' existence; there is no higher goal.

Superstars love expensive toys. They have to have the best, because it shows that they are the best. An unrelenting drive to achieve and acquire is the center of their personality. There is no point in asking Narcissistic Superstars why they need to have so much and do so much. They don't know, any more than a flower knows why it turns toward the sun. Don't waste your time trying to figure it out. Use it. For all their talent, intelligence, and temporal power, vampire Superstars are pathetically easy to manipulate. Here's how.

First, Kiss Up. There is no way around it. If you want to maintain any sort of relationship with Narcissistic Superstars, you have to admire them, their achievements, and their toys incessantly. Typically, it won't take much effort on your part to kiss up to Superstars. They'll be more than happy to come up with reasons to congratulate themselves. All you have to do is listen and look interested.

Know Your Needs. It's important to know what you want for yourself as clearly as Superstars know what they want for themselves. Superstars always know what they want, and they're always trying to figure out how to get it. If your own needs are unclear to you, or you wait for these vampires to give you what you deserve, you'll never get anything.

Tie Your Needs In with Theirs. Superstars are going to get what they want whether you're a part of it or not. Make yourself a part of it. To get even slightly reasonable treatment from vampire Superstars, you'll have to play all the angles, just as they do.

Narcissistic Superstars always consider whatever they do to be the most valuable part of the process. They are also sophisticated enough to have all the votes they need before they bring up a motion.

Superstars' flagrant disregard of the rules of fairness can enrage the people who work with them, but the anger generally plays right into the Superstars' hands, at least in the short run. To the builders of the system, who are mostly Superstars themselves, impertinent upstarts who get angry about how it operates are simply demonstrating that they aren't smart enough to use it. Most Superstars see political savvy as the most important trait an individual can possess. Over the long run, these vampires’ value systems tend to distort the organizations they work in to the point that internal politics becomes more important than the product or service the company sells.

Superstar endeavors have a way of drifting away from being driven by product or service toward being driven by politics. These vampires don’t always do the best job, but they do give the best ego massages. If their clients are also Superstars, that’s that matters most.

No amount of negative press will change Narcissistic Superstars. They always have glee clubs of-self-interested supporters to sing their praises. Narcissists prefer sucking up to reasoned criticism every time.

Superstars create an alternate universe in which they are special, and your success and happiness is contingent upon indulging their every whim. If you work for them, their power over you may be sufficient to turn their alternative universe into the one you have to live in. To make things more confusing, these managerial vampires often create systems that they themselves don't understand, because they don't design them. Everything is jury-rigged by employees to compensate for deficiencies in the manager's personality. There is only one rule in such systems: Humor the boss. Superstar vampires like to spout off about teamwork, empowerment, and flattening the organization, blissfully unaware that when they're around all real work stops because job number one is entertaining the boss. The comic strip Dilbert is a far better guide to this kind of organizational structure than any management text.

Superstars are famous for making fools of themselves over sex. People marvel at how such bright people can act like such complete idiots when their pants are off. Why do they do it? Sex is just one of the many forms of adulation that Narcissistic Superstars expect from other people. Superstars are major-league seducers and world-class adulterers, but absolute rookies when it comes to love. They don't see sex as related to love, at least when they do it. It's not so much the sex that Narcissists like; it's the keeping score. Antisocials pursue sex because it's fun. If a relationship gets too difficult, they tend to move on because there are other fish in the sea. Not Superstars; as a matter of principle, they want every fish, in every ocean, all the time. Sex for Narcissistic vampires is more important as a token of obeisance because it feels good or is a form of human closeness. The problem is that the people they get the sex from don't always feel that way. Superstars are most stupid about using their power as a kind of foreplay. They can delude themselves into thinking that office romances are perquisites of their jobs. There are, of course, legal and political implications to the [example of Superstar vampire luring his office employees into sexual relationships, omitted here].

When Superstars want something from people, they actually see them as great and wonderful. That’s why their hypnosis is so effective. Once Superstars get what they want, their perceptions return to what, for them, is normal – seeing ordinary people as inadequate. The problem is that the people they seduce may still be laboring under the delusion tat they are as special as the superstars said they were.

Everyone is affected adversely by Superstars’ peccadillos: the people they seduce, the coworkers who feel they were passed over for promotion, and all the other folks standing on the sidelines watching this soap opera [of office seduction] proceed to its unhappy conclusion so they can get on with their jobs. And that’s even before the lawyers arrive.

Despite the best efforts of consultants, therapists, and significant others, many Superstar vampires never seem to grasp the idea of connecting to something larger than themselves. It is that lack that ultimately makes their lives unsatisfying. Yes these vampires invariably believe that their lack of satisfaction results from other people criticizing them unfairly or just not making enough effort to please them.

Vampire Superstars tend to experience two different kinds of anger that may be indistinguishable to the outside observer.
In the world of Superstars, incompetence is the gravest crime. Their standards for themselves are high, and even higher for the little people around them whose job it is to keep everything running smoothly so that the Superstars can do their jobs. Needless to say, Superstars get angry quite often, especially if other people's mistakes cause even slight inconvenience. These vampires' favorite tantrum is the condescending lecture on standards of minimal competence. Such lectures seldom have the desired effect of inspiring people to work harder and be more careful. Often Superstars feel, correctly, that the little people around them are purposely ignoring their requests and instructions. This usually leads to more tantrums. The other kind of anger that Superstars experience is at themselves when they don't win. Their spirits can drop like a stone at the slightest evidence that they've made a mistake. Superstars are their own severest critics, but when they begin criticizing themselves, they always seem to find things to criticize about other people as well. Being angry at everybody else tends to divert Superstars from their disappointment in themselves. It's hard to say whether Superstars get angry because they're depressed or get depressed because they're angry, but it's absolutely certain that when Narcissistic vampires get depressed, everyone gets drained. If you're close to a Superstar, rather than cringing in fear at his or her irritability or retaliating, it's more helpful to try to find out what the real problem is and discuss it.

Passive-aggressive behavior enrages Superstars, yet they draw it like a magnet. It makes sense. The way they whack people over the head with blunt criticisms, who could blame anybody for retaliating? Superstars, that's who. Narcissistic Superstars and Passive-Aggressive Histrionics are a match made in hell. Each can cause the other to escalate into spasms of self-destruction.

If you ever have to deal with Superstar anger, the most important thing to remember is not to respond the way a Passive-Aggressive Histrionic would.

Understate Superstars' transgressions rather than exaggerating them, even slightly. Annoying as they are, Narcissists aren't sadistic like Antisocial Bullies; they don't enjoy inflicting pain for its own sake. Superstars are just a bunch of insensitive babies throwing very creative tantrums. Call them irritable, call them obnoxious, call them SOBs, but don't call them abusers. Abuse is a crime. If you use that word, all you'll get from Superstars is defensiveness. If you impugn their reputations, they'll be more interested in proving you wrong than in hearing what you have to say.
Money raising idea to wipe the smile off Eric Pepins face

OK. Ive not got round to responding to the Eric Pepin situation until now because to tell the truth im totally Gobsmacked by the cheek of this geezer. I feel he is being put up to this , I mean he must be , surely?

Applying to go to court in a case he surely has no way of winning.

Anyways the challenge is on and I really want to contribute with this one where I can. As like most folks I am financially embarrassed , so the only way that I can even try to help is via what ive done in the past.

Ive not used my website domain name for quite some time now as ive been getting my head around some new projects which is taking up my time. None music writing related.

So ive been pointing my domain name elsewhere , but that doesnt add to search engine positioning and so other sites carrying my name have gone higher. That has now been reversed as of today.

All the songs on the page are 1 dollar each and "All" the money goes to fight this twisted man. Im still uploading songs now so they are not all there yet.

I know paypal is no ones friend , but I hope there is still one knocking about in the QFG realms somewhere, maybe we could utilise it.

I will type in this address for the place for any payments to go to instantly if the said paypal account still exists.

I dont mind Jason or some one of the QFG ´ s recommendation having administrator access to the site, so they can overlook things.

The site can also operate a physical store , as well as a digital store . Meaning any one interested can sell items they may wish to contribute in raising cash.

The possibility to upload ANYTHING digital PDF, DOC ebooks ,wav . mov , flv , .gz .zip whatever can be uploaded for customers to purchase and download immediately without links ever given away.

So if this is of any use please take advantage of the sites capabilities and let me know , and if the paypal account is in existence and its a goer could some one let me know what it is so i can type it in as the address to where all monies go instantly.

Also let others know of the sites existence so maybe we can get some money raised.

I promise that im not after fame nor money to buy an an observatory with giant telescope to swing around to search for U.F,O.s or any other such decadent things :)

Oh just click on "my website" in my profile.

4 million plus for printing the truth tut tut , he is definitely living some type of warped American dream .Dream on Eric Pepin
Money raising idea to wipe the smile off Eric Pepins face

the rabbit said:
... he is definitely living some type of warped American dream. Dream on Eric Pepin
I wouldn't be surprised if the American Dream as such is inherently warped - simply because it's not based on reality. It's exactly what it says on the tin, i.e. a "dream", and therefore not a reality.

It's an idea that unfortunately is well embedded in the American psyche. Gavin Esler's book "The United States of Anger" (1997) is an excellent summary of widespread American disenchantment with the American Dream, once US citizens woke up to the fact that factors like your race, how much money you started with, what social and business contacts you had access to, and educational opportunities were included in the equation.

In short, if your family had money, and maintained their patronage of you, then you could live the American Dream. If not, then tough luck. This had a background, presumably, in the Protestant work ethic - which again was actually all about maintaining the power of those who were already rich. It dangled a carrot in front of those who were poor, by suggesting that anyone could "make it".

The psychological damage has been profound - partly also because of the way in which the poor are actually treated in America. They are treated as effectively unAmerican, because they haven't - after maybe a lifetime trying - managed to "live the Dream". America makes a great show of being a classless society, but I don't think that's true. There are "winners" and "losers". Those are the two classes. Furthermore, as a third class in the US, homeless people are thought of, not so much as merely unAmerican, but as actually Untermenschen. Hence the fact that preachers will actually refer to the homeless as the worst of sinners, i.e. they've brought their situation entirely on themselves because they didn't embrace the American Dream. There are no excuses in the American Dream. According to the American Dream, it's all there for the taking. You just have to work hard. Therefore, if you don't make it, then you're lazy - and, as well as that, you've failed the rest of society. Hence the resistance to State support of homeless people. Hence the abandonment of New Orleans' poor after Katrina. Hence the lack of any real free healthcare. Basically, if you're sick, and you can't afford a doctor, then you deserve to suffer and die. You brought it on yourself.

Esler pointed out that this caused many Americans to become angry: they wake up to the fact that the Dream is false, and yet their neighbours would still look down on them if they didn't do well in life. Plus, there's all this propaganda from the TV, Hollywood, school, etc. reinforcing the American Dream as the foundational myth of the USA.

It's not nice to bandy this word about. But, frankly, because it's rejected the truth in favour of a dream, I think the USA is essentially a dangerous cult.
I am new to posting on, if this in inappropriate please delete.
I penned a few late night thoughts on the “Matix” attack on
The status of the legal firm and method of attack indicate coordination and
direction from high levels of the PTB. The legal system is highly ponerized as the
case of Eric Pepin vs State of Oregon indicates. That the prosecutor and/or judge
could not establish the age of the victim at the time of the crime is beyond belief.
The “fix” was in! To expect justice in the US Courts is wishful thinking .
This court system selected the President of the US in 2000 in violation of the
Constitutional remedy for contested electors. Where has the court system buried
the case of the AIPAC spies, Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman? These are only
two of thousands of cases of abuse of power in the courts and media. The legal,
economic, and media control system is used to crush citizens and organizations
who point out the true nature of reality on this planet. The real battle will be
fought in the public arena with the court as theatre. This attack has
the potential to emerge into a broader arena. The battle cry of
“Free Speech” will attract support from diverse interests. The situation
is fraught with DANGER and OPPORTUNITY. might consider
approaching an attorney of the caliber of a Gerry Spense. A lawyer must be
choosen and handled with care, as they are officers of the Court and bound
by these restrictions and their own programming.

Today I will reread The Mystic vs Hitler.

King James Bible
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12

But he said, "Woe to you lawyers also! because you load men with oppressive
burdens and you yourselves with one of your fingers do not touch the burdens."
"Woe to you lawyers! because you have taken away the key of knowledge; you have
not entered yourselves and those who were entering you have hindered."
Luke 11:46-52
Mods delete my post if needed?

In the past week or so there seems a lot of these messages popping up in posts:

Mods: In case this post is redundant, feel free to delete it.
I am new to posting on, if this in inappropriate please delete.
Mods, please feel free to remove the post, if necessary
(Mods: delete this post if inappropriate)
Since this trend appears right after the Pepin lawsuit, I wonder if there might be a connection. While I don't intend to speak for the moderators, I don't think holding them accountable for the content of posts is at all what the forum is about. It's stated in the rules and now at the bottom of all the forum pages: and Quantum Future School do not necessarily endorse or adhere to views or opinions expressed in the articles or comments posted on this forum. This is purely an information and research discussion forum and the opinions of each participant are their own.
Perhaps the Pepin lawsuit is creating some fear in what we say? I noticed I felt it on a couple of occasions. The pathological influence of the lawsuit may be having some effect on corrupting the free will to work towards objectivity. Passing on our responsibility onto others is unfair and not inline with The Work. Learning to see if and how our behavior is mechanical and ponerized is a necessary step, so even if a particular post is indicative of such behavior, it's important to learn from it and not just have it erased so we can deny its existence. And we should feel free to go through that process without fear of reprisal - all the more reason to contribute to the SotT defense fund where this battle is being fought.
Mods delete my post if needed?

I'm fairly new to posting on this forum though I've been reading it as a guest for some time and since the Pepin fiasco I've noticed a certain number of new users springing up recently with the same or very similar grammatical usage...just an observation fwiw
Mods delete my post if needed?

I have just used one of your quoted statements in a post today, Shane.
As far as I`m concerned, it had nothing to do with the Pepin case but rather with the possibility of posting
something which has already been discussed, thereby creating noise. I might be wrong, but I think this trend startet a lot earlier.
After reading your comments it became quite clear how utterly redundant these "disclaimers" are.
If the Moderators want to delete inaproppriate posts they`re certainly free to do so, with the superflous disclaimer in place or not.
Mods delete my post if needed?

Ya'll don't need to be worrying because you are protected under the 1st Amendment and several specific laws relating to internet communication. Thanks to the help of readers, our atty is "on top of things," shall we say.
Mods delete my post if needed?

I submitted a post a couple hours ago, which just had been deleted.
This is not a complaint. For all I know that post had been redundant/noise/been already discussed.
Or did I state something inappropriate?? In this case, would you let me know,
so I don`t repeat same mistake again? You don`t have to do it on the forum;
let me know by email. Am slightly confused. answer?
Mods delete my post if needed?

yeap, i wrote a note to mods because uncertain of copyright laws on books and my biggest secret desire is to bring more flames

Overhelming majority of books:

except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed [+or utilized] in any form or by any means,[+ electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilm and recording] or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher

Example: Lynne Maggart's Field. How much can be cited from it? I'm a bit paranoid now

some (very very few on my bookcase) books have a slip:
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical artyicles and reviews

How 'brief' should be a quotation to conform with the copyright?
Words / letters / sentences count?
Mods delete my post if needed?

I think the point is that one should not leave the responsibility to others. If one is uncertain about the ramifications of what one writes - then they should find out what those ramifications are and be responsible for what they write and say.

I too noticed an increase of this lately and agree with Shane that it seems linked to the law suit nonsense - quite a chilling effect indeed so little Eric has already achieved part of his goal.

Asking that moderators delete if it is inappropriate is putting the burden of responsibility for ones actions and words on someone else (not to mention that moderators will delete content based on breaking forum rules and not based on the suppression of free speech).

The moderators and administrators of this site are responsible only for keeping the site functioning in an optimum way and nothing else - to put this 'delete if necessary' disclaimer before what you write is to imply that moderators agree with you if it is not deleted - which is simply not the case in any way, shape or form.

I personally disagree with quite a bit of what is posted on this forum, but if forum rules are not broken and if I don't have the data at hand to back up my disagreement, I let it be, since this forum is, after all, not about 'me'.

It seems that it would be more wise and 'awake' to be responsible for what one writes - knowing as always that if what one writes goes astray from the purpose of this forum, (breaks forum rules) it will be removed.

And - as Laura said:

Laura said:
Ya'll don't need to be worrying because you are protected under the 1st Amendment and several specific laws relating to internet communication. Thanks to the help of readers, our atty is "on top of things," shall we say.
- so - onward and upward and take responsibility for what you write - if you think there are copyright issues - research that and find out - don't leave it to others to do that for you.
Mods delete my post if needed?

You bring up something important I think...for me personaly having just started posting after reading for a few months I did so with some trepidation...mostly for getting it wrong..but perhaps its ego wanting to protect itsself.
I think some of it may be todo with pepin..but I have seen others related to completely different matters...maybe not disclaimers but I pick up on some fear atleast..perhaps its mine just mirroring?
Now I'm worried I'm adding noise...

From what I understand some of it (worrying) may be then todo with learning to remove self importance....
But there does seem at some level to be an air of fear around the whole pepin thing...sometimes its there somtimes it isn't...I wonder if its purly personal on more general?
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