Eric Pepin - Higher Balance Institute - Discussion

Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

purplehaze said:
oh puhleeze - we aren't the least bit worried about the likes of Bridges. We get crap from pathologicals all the time who believe their MERE WORDS can rewrite history.
:lol: - it's just so refreshing to hear your take on it that is based so firmly in REALITY - so apologies for my stating the obvious - after years of watching these pathological idiots actually influence people, it can take me a moment or two to realize when someone is actually immune. Too bad for most of us it takes first hand experience with a pathological individual to become immune - hopefully if we keep working on it we can change that.
Money raising idea to wipe the smile off Eric Pepins face

"Put up to it" may be the wrong phaseology here.

Socios/ Psychos/ Narcs love to PILE ON. I.E. - if one of their victims, or targets is having issues on something unrelated - they will jump on the bandwagon to add to the stress, weight, problems... etc. They LOVE doing that.

For instance - we found out a couple months ago that a cyberpath we exposed in 2005 (who went on the attack against us in 2007) found a proxy to help his harrassment of one of his victims. This victim is now a domestic violence victims advocate and has been for a few years now. Seems one of her ex-"clients" had some transferred anger and flipped out when this victim recommend she get professional counseling. This ex-client has been intermittently harrassing this victim/ advocate online as well as some other women from a support board who tried to help her (yes, sometimes victims can be socios too) So either the cyberpath or the ex-client somehow found each online and have been sharing information and going on a full-fledged attack on this victim. Posting her name, address, children's names, phone number and extorting people to stop by her home for sex or call her for phone sex. Don't worry, this victim alerted police on both these pathologicals.

This may be what happened with Bridges. Just seeing that Pepin was in a narcissistic rage over Laura and gave him yet another opportunity to cyber-beat-up on Laura and

Especially ANYONE who knows and tells the truth about them. Anything is an opportunity. These pathologicals never ever give up or stop. They will try to beat you down at every opportunity... like the bullies they are.

A good article on this is:
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

The four of us who run EOPC have been through it before. We've all had pathological parents, or friends, or coworkers, or lovers or bosses. Mostly a combo of all of it. Enough to make you "crazy."

But usually you hit the wall somewhere along the line and say STOP. And you show everyone there's just a man behind the curtain and they aren't the "great and powerful Oz." They're a grown up screaming baby and schoolyard bully who got BUSTED. They aren't mature or sane enough to apologize or even take responsibility -

and remember MUD STICKS BEST TO A CLEAN SPOT - so they will smear the best of us in a heartbeat.

Bridges is on our site now and he's not coming down. His little outburst just comfirmed a permanent place on our list of the Exposed.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

ph said:
And you show everyone there's just a man behind the curtain and they aren't the "great and powerful Oz."
Exactly, and it can be a woman behind the curtain as well - so - there is no more important message to be spread as far as I'm concerned - it's way past time to get the word spread far and wide - and it ties into every aspect of our society and 'what is wrong' - 'what is wrong' ALWAYS leads back to pathologicals - be it in the political arena (Ponerology) or the local neighborhood where children are neglected and normal people suffer at the hands of those 'humans' who look human but simply are NOT. (By that I mean that they lack the characteristics that make us human - compassion, empathy and a visceral connection to and understanding of other human beings.)
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

That's something everyone misses. We want so much to try to attribute "human" qualities to these creatures. And then we try to figure out the "why" based on human criteria - which ends up in a meltdown because - they truly aren't human.

Laura posted a great article about them being HUMANOIDS (or as someone we know calls them "REPLICANTS") These pathologicals are truly a bane on humanity and twisting the rules to suit them so that we 'normals' feel in the minority - perhaps we are.

You are right about the women too - just visit this site to see all the women who engage in illegal and predatory behavior:

Some good web reading on this:

Bridges is a common everyday psychopath. And should be treated as such... COMMON.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Did you all know VB was copying and reposting threads from here:


Of course, typical pathological - playing victim, looking for sympathy...

Hi VB!!! At least we know the email you sent us is our property now. Can't say the same about threads from an online forum. You guys are all so transparent. You play the same games. Martyr Men.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Oh yeah - that's been going on as long as the forum has been up. We should charge a fee since they spend more time watching this forum than most people spend watching HBO. One thing they really - truly - never seem to grasp is that the more they talk trash and lies about the forum and Laura and QFG, the more readers end up here, because all it takes is a few minutes of reading the material here to see where the truth is.

Unsuspecting people read their lies and come to check it out themselves and end up staying and reading more and actually learning something - over and over and over again.

Yet another example of the inherent limitations of the pathological mind.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Wow, I just took a look at the latest posts over at godlike-site, its almost a year that I read the whole thread, they sure are such act like they are a different creature. Its really creepy and fascinating, but now I have read up on it since last time and I begin to see how diffrent they really are in a more objective and detached way.
I'm sure they have all limbs and look quite like us but.. the things they say, 'masters' of (false)reality creating.

Anonymous Coward/Colleen? said:
(...)and now am talking to people in France who are loosing loved ones(..)
If the godlike-site even try to keep up the appearances of a truth-searching site, why would they that thread still be open? Sure it works like a lab-cage of sorts if you study it but I don't think that they intended that.

ph wrote:

Complete projection and magical thinking. Wonder how his unicorn farm is doing?

(not to validate his farm in any way but I thought It might be funny to try making one)
edit: (note: contains skeletal-unicorn)
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Hmmm - how does one 'loose a loved one' - does one have to have them tied down first? :lol: :lol: :lol: - ahhhh - sorry, but people who don't know that 'losing' is different from 'loosing' just crack me up. I think those unicorns look far to healthy on the farm, there - I don't think they'd be that well-taken care of considering that taking good care of animals sort of depends on empathy, compassion and paying attention to reality and all. ;)
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

anart - you are so right! same thing happens on our site. The predators sent their buddies/ sympathizers to "deal with us" - then they read the stories, and other articles, and other stories - and eventually they see where the truth is. As one of the quotes on our site says (paraphrasing) "all you have to do to see who's telling the truth, is to find out who has the most to gain by lying." Of course, we have no vested interested in lying about anyone.

We had a couple predators spend so much time on our site - despite posting on theirs that the "didn't have time to play games" and could "care less" what was said about them. Of course we can even see the 'anonymous proxies' and what links they jump right to. And at least 2 of our cyberpaths accused all of our site to being just a set-up to go after them SPECIFICALLY. Guess they were upset to find out that there were about 20 other people on our site... but wait, we just did that to "cover" exposing them! LOL!! We can just smell the self-importance!

GRiM - laughed so hard I almost wet myself with VB's Unicorn Farm!! ROFL. Although when I imagined VB's unicorn farm the unicorns looked more like this:

At least those unicorns don't have to be fed or cared for. Unless VB's got a pond full of mermaids he hired to care for the unicorns.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

anart said:
Hmmm - how does one 'loose a loved one' - does one have to have them tied down first? :lol: :lol: :lol: - ahhhh - sorry, but people who don't know that 'losing' is different from 'loosing' just crack me up. (...)
Yes, loosing (from example a rope or a synonym; FREEING) I call it triple-speak :)
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Grim said:
Anonymous Coward/Colleen? said:
(...)and now am talking to people in France who are loosing loved ones(..)
What is the context of this? What people in France are "loosing" loved ones and how?
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Laura said:
What is the context of this? What people in France are "loosing" loved ones and how?
Anonymous Coward415562 @ 4/15/2008 9:17 AM said:
Anonymous Coward 992 @ 4/14/2008 7:18 PM said:
are they reading each other´s material.

Bingo, Laura is an avid reader and writter. Look deeper into her background before committing yourself to her or her info. Some of the material will ring true, but beware of the messanger.

All is lessons and some of us will learn the hard way. Pull back the veil and see the truth.
It is a truth you must find on your own, no one can tell you - do a thorough search and understand the creature giving this info.

Her actions will speak louder than her words.
Anonymous Coward, you are hitting the nail on the head. I am a cult survivor as well as a journalist. I left my nearly 8-year stint behind in 1995. I was so damned disillusioned by my experience I came close to killing myself.

I went through literally months of research before I wrote The Surviving the Fall ‘Laura Knight Jadczyk - Grand Master Channel of the Cassiopaean Apocalypse © 2004’ article. The proof is in the pudding and the records are there to find if anyone seriously wants to look. Laura used to need 151 Rum to channel - does she still? There has been MANY a witness to this. I talked to former group members in the USA, and now am talking to people in France who are loosing loved ones to this cult. Laura is telling these people to either shit, or get off the pot…leave unbelievers behind and come live in the compound. I have heard from mothers, wives, husbands, etc., terrified because their families are indeed doing just that. My honest opinion is eventually that “ascension” in Laura’s terms will mean death no matter the size of the group. All groups like this "have a cookie cutter messiah" complex

BTW, STF website is currently down. [link to] Another will soon take its place. All articles will be place on my MAAR site for reading until I get the other site up. I have been gravely ill and I am just getting a bit better so work is slow going. Anyway, my first post here. So hello!
*my [__before the link]

Then in a later post [Vincent Bridges User ID: 415966] reply with quoting that text and then says:

Vincent Bridges User ID: 415966 said:
Hi Colleen and welcome...

Sad but true, how many people has LKJ and her cult damaged? I have hundreds of emails from people who have family in the cult, or are trying to understand why they feel so abandoned and betrayed when LKJ excommunicates them. The sad parade goes on, year after year...

And now, since she has spun herself as the Joan D'Arc of the alternative media, even more people are being drawn in. Eventually though, in part because of article like yours, the truth will win out.

And yes, I can attest to the fact that LKJ's preparation for channeling was a cigarillo and a shot of Canadian Club...

Sorry to hear that you've been ill, and I hope you have speedy recovery.

I found it studying _http://www(dot)

edit: note the 151 pages(!!)
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Laura said:
Grim said:
Anonymous Coward/Colleen? said:
(...)and now am talking to people in France who are loosing loved ones(..)
What is the context of this? What people in France are "loosing" loved ones and how?
Yeah, I didn't really understand this either. What was this in relation to, Grim?

EDIT: Wow.. timing! Ok, thanks for the extra info, although it's nothing we haven't seen before. Usual lies and BS. These people really don't like what Laura is learning, or that she's actually getting important information out there. Personally, I think they're more afraid that the Ponerology information will become widely adopted, rather than the QFS turning into some big organization. Fourth Way groups have never historically been that popular (they're too much work for most people ;) ). But if the mass population were to become aware of psychopathy in a big way, the war gravy train they've been riding comes to a crashing halt. Thanks why they won't leave us alone. Because knowledge of psychopaths and other pathological types is the key. And while there are just a few main advocates for this knowledge, the easiest course of action is "smear the messenger".

Thus the infantile vitriol by these characters on DU and GLP.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

When I read stuff like this:

lies from GLP said:
The proof is in the pudding and the records are there to find if anyone seriously wants to look. Laura used to need 151 Rum to channel - does she still? There has been MANY a witness to this. I talked to former group members in the USA, and now am talking to people in France who are loosing loved ones to this cult. Laura is telling these people to either shite, or get off the pot…leave unbelievers behind and come live in the compound. I have heard from mothers, wives, husbands, etc., terrified because their families are indeed doing just that. My honest opinion is eventually that “ascension” in Laura’s terms will mean death no matter the size of the group. All groups like this "have a cookie cutter messiah" complex ...
It still astounds me.

"151 Rum" and "Canadian Club"? And everyone who really knows me knows that I was a teetotaler for over 25 years except on Christmas and New Years. It was only after I married Ark that I began to stop being so darned anal about it. I was sure that having a six pack of beer in the fridge meant that a person was an alcoholic. The day I actually went out and bought Ark some beer for the fridge was kind of a milestone for me.

After we moved to France, I still was rather self-righteous about my non-drinking. (I really don't LIKE alcoholic beverages so it's easy for me to turn it down and expect everyone else to.) So, the guys really had to work on me to get me to realize that you CAN have wine with a meal and it is actually good for you.

So, that's really whacked out lies.

Then, of course, the "cult compound" thing? And the "hundreds of letters" - sheesh!

"Former group members in the USA"? There's only three. And by this, I mean people who actually regularly attended any sessions. There are about a dozen people who attended one or two sessions each, but I doubt that Colleen has ever heard from any of them. As for ex-online discussion group members, there's maybe a dozen. You only become an ex-online discussion group member by lying, manipulating, not being civilized in the group - and even that has to be repeated.

"Talking to people in France who are loosing (sic) loved ones to this group". Wow! Except for a small handful of French researchers and translators who have found us via the internet - there are no "cult members" and there is no "compound"!

When I see such bold lies being propagated by people who are claiming to be some kind of guru to their own groups of whatever kind, some kind of teacher, or guide - and come on, these people KNOW they are lying because none of that nonsense even exists - it really, REALLY drives home the pathology. I used to think that Colleen Johnston just allowed Vinnie to write using her name, now I think she really IS as pathological as he is.

And yeah, Ryan is right, Fourth Way groups are not very popular because it IS work!

Hmmm.... just noticed something odd.
Colleen said:
BTW, STF website is currently down. [link to] Another will soon take its place. All articles will be place on my MAAR site for reading until I get the other site up. I have been gravely ill and I am just getting a bit better so work is slow going. Anyway, my first post here. So hello!
I distinctly remember her writing another post to GLP back about two years ago on the same thread. And now she's saying this is her first post? Actually, it may have been three years ago. Somewhere around July thru October of 2005, I believe.

And Colleen was "gravely ill" then, I believe. Must be the late night reptilian boyfriend...
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