Eric Pepin - Higher Balance Institute - Discussion

Wow this is odd. I just read that article about the earthquakes this morning then this in this thread. Wow. I live about an hour from Newport, Oregon.
Laura said:
Hmmm... now that I dug this stuff up, I notice that Rainier is in "Pierce County."
Oh, wow. That made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I can't help but wonder if Pepin is trying to get everyone involved in HBI to scoff heaps of Magneurol and "create their own reality of winning the lawsuit" or whatever black voodoo stuff they do, and whether this abuse of the creative energies of his deluded followers is going to cause some much bigger problems than any of us could imagine...
|| CONTINUE Review "Handbook of Eric Pepin" Part 2||

Part 1 back reference

Before I get back to reviewing Eric Pepin's book "Handbook of the Navigator" I would like to mention the dramatization I began the first post with. I think this review and associated information will grow to several posts and referring back to the dramatization will be difficult when it is in a different post.

The dramatization was meant to show a contrast between what I see as Eric Pepin's focus on the 'Cult of Self' in all his works I have so far seen and anyone that tries to see the world outside themselves and to see others with as little corruption as possible through their internal buffers and filters.

So, imagine the dramatization I began with or just read a few articles off of SOTT about Iraqis or Palestinians being killed as so much cannon fodder. I did not refer to an actual article about Iraqis or Palestinians or something similar as most people are so desensitized to actual real life killing and murder and genocide that I thought perhaps imagining an American city with families and the average Joe being directly affected in a catastrophic event might be noticed. Either way, contrast the unknowing people of Mt. Rainier here one second and gone the next. Imagine actually caring about it, feeling for other people and for something outside of yourself. Now contrast that with Eric Pepin at the very same moment on the West Coast in a suburb of Portland, Oregon. While Mt. Rainier is being vaporized Eric Pepin is giving a seminar. Eric Pepin is directing minds to look inward, to seek self, to seek phenomenon for self, to seek self calming, to get what ever one wants for self, self, self. Imagine Eric Pepin giving one of his word salad stories filled with Eric Pepin neologisms and all his strange hand motions massaging the air. At the same instant, imagine the two worlds being extant. I at least can see a glimpse of the 'Cult of Self' and an image of the world as it is. More people need to find a way to see the world as it is.

|| "Handbook of the Navigator" In brief by Chapter ||

Preface - Implant the Navigator - Field / Pond Story

CH 1 - Reinforcing the Navigator Implantation
** Salmon Story - The struggle to seek and find your specialness

CH 2 - Reinforcing the Navigator Implantation
** Red cells and White cells story
Reinforces the specialness of being in the minority if you have the Navigator.
You are a delicate and fragile white cell.
Eric Pepin introduces "THE FORCE" and a bunch of circular nonsense definitions for God, Force, Universe.
These definitions allow him to use these words as he wishes whether it is consistent or not, whether it makes sense or not, it gives Eric Pepin permission to twist the readers mind.

Page 50 said:
In reference to white cells and red cells.
"If at any time during our discussion, you doubt the importance of either role, return to what I just told you."
"during our discussion" This isn't a discussion. There is no 'our' 'we' 'us'. What would seem more respectful to the reader would have been something like - "If at any time during your reading here". Instead the reader's perspective is once again assumed by Eric Pepin. Eric Pepin projects that this is a discussion. Eric Pepin is trying to build that 'we' 'us' 'our' confluence again by projecting a reality that doesn't exist. WE aren't having a discussion. I cannot say anything back. It is all totally one way - Eric Pepin's way. Who does Eric Pepin think is speaking back to him? This sounds like nit-picking but it happens all over throughout the book in these subtle and covert ways.
Page 51 said:
In reference to white cells and red cells.
"one group is much smaller than the other which makes the balance of their existence more delicate."
Of course those who have a navigator are in the smaller special delicate group, the white cells.
Never mind that this is nonsense logic. Because white blood cells are fewer in number does not translate into the fragility of the balance of their existence. Just another way for Eric Pepin to project specialness into the mind of the reader. Covert or underhanded? And of course white cells are defenders and protectors and special.

Page 53 said:
"Those who possess the Navigator are the white cells of the planet"
Authoritative declaration. The Special minority who have to struggle to survive, BS.
Now we start getting into macro, micro, consciousness, decay, the third body, blah, blah.
Page 57 said:
"White cells are not chosen, They are made by choice"
The reader must choose, submit.
CH 3 - Science by Story Telling with lots of adjectives
** Sheldrake story
** Spaceship story
** Collective consciousness

Eric refers to Sheldrake's work to justify his own projections.
Sheldrake's Morphic Resonance is Pepin's "collective consciousness"
Pepin uses a story of bluetits (birds), a 100th monkey behavior cascade, which does have many examples all over, but he uses it to bring the reader once again into confluence with his projections.

Spaceship story, zoom out, micro macro ... a whole slew of nonsense declaratives of "this is God" and that is this, and this is that"

Silly explanation of Big Bang, with a lot of big sounding words and pseudo logic to make further declarations and projections.

This is a breather section from the pressure Eric has so far applied, somewhat like the opening Field story in the preface, to attempt to put you in a deeper dissociative state with lots of sensory adjectives again. Eric wants to momentarily distract the reader so they do not think very long about what he just tried to implant with the Red cell White cell shenanigans.

The Big Bang and Nothingness and God and dust and lights and explosions and The FORCE. Oh yeah, we also can add an eigth word - prana.

Page 83 84 said:
... As you move even further away, it gets smaller and more condensed and starts to look like a big, glowing, globular, singular, object floating in pure black.

That is God. That is the body of God.

Everything inside of it is matter, as we are matter. God's soul, prana, the Force, is the energy that intertwines it all. It is what interconnects it, and permeates all things.

The universe began with something like the Big Bang. There was a giant explosion of gases and other things that created mass and condensed molecules. This explosion is forever expanding. Billions and billions of years ago this happened and now its movement has slowed. Although it is slower, it is still expanding.

What is it expanding into? It is expanding into absolute nothingness, a pure infinite black with no planets, no stars, and no meteorites, not even dust. This expanding glob has borders and matter inside of it, much like our body.
CH 4 - How God was created
** Infinity, time, where do we come from

Eric Pepin tells us what God is and how God was created.
The Nothing and the vacuum opposed each other and created energy.
How everything was created according to Eric.
Lots of use of the word "pattern", everything is pattern. And of course it was in the Preface where Eric Pepin told us he was going to create patterns in us as readers.

Page 99 said:
"It is natural in the laws of physics to create refined patterns, which in turn creates intelligence"
"It is natural in the laws of physics to create refined patterns" What does that mean??? And how in the world does Eric Pepin get from that to - therefore - "which in turn creates intelligence"? This is, therefore this!
More of that slick Eric sounds all scientific so he can connect and say whatever sounds big.
Dimensions - more creations in Eric's mind of this is that and that is this with rhythm and vibration and consciousness and variations of pattern.

How dimensions work.

Page 102 said:
Dimensions are energy, vibration, or tonal.
So now Eric has four words that all mean the same thing! 'Dimensions' 'energy' 'vibration' and 'tonal', all the same. Unless Eric Pepin wants them to mean something different somewhere else. Also back on page 43 Eric tells the reader that Universe, Force, and God are all the same thing -
When I say the Force, I mean the living energy that exists throughout the universe. It is a vibrating, a frequency of energy, which connects us all together. We can also call this life force, this energy God.
So now it seems that "Dimensions are energy, vibration, or tonal, but Force is vibrating frequency of energy which is God which is Universe. So maybe Eric Pepin now has seven words that are all the same thing. It seems it is just whatever Eric Pepin wants to say to spin his web.
102-104 said:
Different dimensions exist within the energy being, God, as higher and lower frequencies. As it created different things like molecules, electrons, different impulses, they all condensed into different forms of energy, at different speeds or rhythms of energy. Eventually it got down to a current that electrons would instantly solidify to become gases, much like water forming from condensation. Like raindrops that are small but as they accumulate, they become heavy, they become water. Think of it as energy. The energy came to a point where it started to solidify and became different kinds of gases, which were incoherent with one another.

Imagine an old wall clock, the kind with hands that move around in a circle. This will help illustrate a timeline in the creation of our universe. In the beginning both hands pointed straight up to 12, that is when God emerged in this dimension as a form of complex energy.

Once the clock ticks to the next minute that is when this giant gas cloud of energy ignited triggering an unbelievable explosion. Now imagine this explosion, beyond 2,000 suns simultaneously going supernova. That is the Big Bang. The explosion is beyond enormous filling galaxies beyond galaxies of space with its energy.

After the initial explosion, the high frequency energy began colliding and lowering in vibration. This denser energy then continued to slow and morphed and changed into progressively more dense forms of matter.

With each tick of the clock down from the twelve towards the six, or halfway through the hour, the energy that filled the universe morphed and became a denser energy as everything slowed down. This is only the progression of energy in our newly formed dimension, which is the universe we exist in now. When the Big Bang happened energy from a higher dimension was sucked down into this one.

However, those higher vibrations of energy are still there and continue to exist within their appropriate dimension. When a new dimension is created energy from one dimension pushes into a new space, changing the pattern of that energy and creating another dimension.

The highest dimension is God.


When it got to that point, between the energy and the molecule-like structures condensing the way they did, it created a super fusion explosion. As soon as this energy was released it was sucked out from the higher dimensions and instantly glued together certain ones that were attracted like magnets to specific other ones and quickly solidified creating matter. Matter solidified very quickly and that is when the explosion separated it all into a million infinitive directions.

This first explosion would become the basis for the eventual formation of all matter in this universe as it scattered in all directions. This would eventually evolve, over vast spans of time, into what we know as planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies, and everything in the universe.

That was the creation of God, in this dimension.

No comment, well just one - 240 pages of this!!!
Page 106 said:
In reference to Eric Pepin just telling the reader that our true consciousness is more accurately called our hyper-dimensional consciousness. Eric is now heavy on the 'we' and 'us' confluence and Eric Pepin says,
Let us take a moment and closely look at what this term means.

'Dimensional' means that this consciousness operates on a different frequency than our immediate waking consciousness. We must go through the process of raising our tonal and frequency to connect to it. 'Hyper' implies that we are not talking about a minor shift in dimensional frequency of energy, which is very close to the tonal of the Force. 'Consciousness' says that it has an awareness all its own.

Did you catch it? Eric Pepin now speaks for 'Consciousness' itself.
'Consciousness' says that it has an awareness all its own.
You can probably find a handful of other examples of nonsense just in this example paragraph above.
Grandiose, arrogant, ...?
More big bang explosions stories full of lots of adjectives.

CH 5 - Consciousness and how it works
** Energy body, god, universe, how it works, becoming aware of it.
** Butterfly evolution story, Darwin, evolution can't account for it

Page 125 said:
"The meaning of life is to experience."
CH 6 - Eric taught you about the Force, Now be schooled on the Darkside

Eric introduces Anti-matter as the "Darkside", as everything opposite of Gods creation.
The bad and evil stuff out there. What it is. What they are.
Manipulation - There are bad people who will try to manipulate you. (How hypocritical!)
Non-Duality, dimensions, tonal vibration of consciousness
Eric Pepin starts to refer to your tonal
This is a classic.

We now have Eric Pepin's 'FORCE'
We now have Eric Pepin's 'DARKSIDE'
We now have Eric Pepin's 'TONAL'

I think Eric Pepin and his pals have obsessed a little much on Star Wars and Castaneda.

Baard Williams Pic1
Baard Williams Pic2
Baard Playing with Eric's Darkside Force 1
Baard Playing with Eric's Darkside Force 2

Page 133 said:
"The laws of physics state that in the universe, for every action there is an opposite reaction. With so much energy and force involved in the creation of this dimension there would have to be some kind of reaction. The reaction to the amazing force that emerged along with the creation of matter is the opposite of everything God created. It is the 'Darkside'.

We could call it evil but it is more accurate to call it anti-matter, or anti-life. The 'Darkside' is the negative of God. It is pushing the Universe to return to nothing that existed before God.

The Darkside is the opposing force of life, the stars, the planets and the Universe itself."
Wonderful how Newton's Third Law of Motion can be hijacked by Eric Pepin so that he can project another piece of his nonsense into the mind of the reader. Anti-matter is bad, Anti-matter is the Darkside, Anti-matter destroys God. Anti-matter is evil. I don't care how ignorant you are, some of Eric Pepin's creations are so fantastical it is hilarious, "it is more accurate to call it anti-matter". Even if Eric does not intend to actually mean that the commonly used definition of anti-matter (positrons, anti-particles, etc) is the Darkside and evil, how much more convoluted can a mind get and to project it onto and into the reader is just cruel, water-boarding the brain. To mix the concept of anti-matter into the concepts of good and evil and the Jedi Knight's concept of the Darkside and on and on. Here's a gem right out of Star Wars - "This is similar to the energy of the Force and the Darkside. Both kinds of energy are everywhere." Eric Pepin is so far gone into his own mental inventions here that he has no concern whatsoever for the reader and whether the reader has any autonomous ability to think for themselves.

From here on out the book sinks and sinks and sinks into convolution. Eric Pepin 's projection into the reader's mind of that we he has invented in his own mind is astounding. I can hardly read a paragraph without being offended at the arrogance, the convolution and disregard for the readers own mind. Eric invents more and more concepts and neologisms that are mish mashed self inventions.

Page 147 said:
"As the Force is to the Universe, electrically we are spirit, or the force of the micro-verse of our body."
Page 149 said:
When we read about some of the great enlightened masters of the past, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, we note similar traits. Compassion, devotion and an overwhelming sense that these people were more then human; these beings were the fingertips of God. In the beginning, were they so different than we are now? You know what the difference was.

They made a choice.

They surrendered to that choice absolutely and unconditionally. They chose the Force and raised their consciousness to its tonal. The Force accepted them and worked through them to shape reality and change the course of the world.

When someone looks at the Universe and accepts both the Force and anti-matter they have declared their neutrality. They have, to put it bluntly, spiritually neutered themselves and removed any possibility for the Force to fully move into them and procreate or direct its will through them as a willing vessel.

This serves the purpose of the Darkside well.

This serves the purpose of the Darkside well??? Say What? They have declared their neutrality??? Say What? Did you pick up the hint though? - SURRENDER, CHOOSE, ABSOLUTELY, UNCONDITIONALLY!!
CH 7 - Blah blah WOO WOO!

Kirlian photography
phantom limbs
dead bodies losing weight all mean a human has an energy body.
Soul, Reincarnation - Eric Pepin now tells us what a soul is.

Page 161 said:
"At the point of death the human body inexplicably loses several ounces of weight. Studies have shown that when photographed with light sensitive film, for an amount of nanoseconds, less than a second, a large illumination expands from the body and disappears upon death.

These examples all point toward the conclusion that a separate body or being composed of energy inhabits the physical body"
Here we go again with Eric Pepin PSEUDO-SCIENCE 101. This is Eric Pepin's correlation (if then logic).

1) Phantom limbs

2) At the point of death bodies lose inexplicable weight? Show me the studies. I know at death when lungs deflate several ounces of weight are lost.

3) "an amount of nanoseconds, less than a second" why say this? Why talk down to the reader? A nanosecond is one billionth of a second, certainly that is less than a second. If Eric Pepin does not think his readers know that, then do not say it. The only reason to say it is to make Eric sound big and intelligent. "a large illumination expands from the body and disappears upon death" - Show me the study.

Eric Pepin's projected conclusions are nonsense.

"These examples ALL point toward the CONCLUSION"

One may not have anything to do with another. Also if energy is non-physical, how can the physical loss of weight prove to Eric Pepin that there is a non-physical energy body? Eric Pepin just wants everyone to admire his knowledge of having read science magazines or something. It is nonsense. Eric Pepin will use and corrupt anything he wants as self justifications to continue his own mental inventions, be it science, mysticism, symbolic logic, language, anything. It is abominable.

Page 163 said:
"scientists have speculated about the possibility of maintaining consciousness in the form of energy after the body has died. If our soul holds together after death, we can join with a new body and remain in this dimension."
Once again - those scientists and their darn speculation. The BS has no end. If Eric Pepin wants to lead the reader to believe some kind of nonsense all he has to do is consult THOSE SCIENTISTS. Eric Pepin must employ a whole company of THOSE SCIENTISTS. Scientists say, scientists speculate, scientists tell us, ....

"we can join with a new body and remain in this dimension"

What an assumption on Eric Pepin's part that the reader would even want to come back to this reality. And in what way is Eric now using the word "dimension", a mathematical dimension, a physical dimension, one of Eric Pepin's self invented multiple dimensions, multi-dimensions, hyper-dimensions, inner dimensions, first dimension. How many ways can Eric Pepin mess with the reader's mind?

Page 173 said:
I would never suggest a person must have faith in any of these concepts simply because I say they are so. Do not accept blind faith; I never have. I have always questioned everything and strongly encourage you to do the same. This is why I feel so strongly in delivering a solid, logical explanation of how the Universe works and giving others the tools to have their own experiences.

I can hardly contain my laughter.

Any person is ultimately free to choose to reject what I am saying and to walk away and believe whatever they like. But, as a White Cell, this choice assures that you will never fulfill your purpose.
"I WOULD NEVER suggest a person must have faith in any of these concepts simply because I say they are so."
"this choice assures that you will never fulfill your purpose"
"I feel so strongly in delivering a solid, logical explanation of how the Universe works."LOL LOL LOL

Chapter 8
The sleeping white cell
Secret Key - Sixth sense
Seek paranormal phenomenon to advance
white cells are the special beings sent to assist the world
the last paragraph leads into the meditation - open your wallet and be directed

Page 185 said:
During the course of OUR time together, I HAVE REVEALED MANY AMAZING THINGS! We exist within a being, Gaia, and the body of God, which is the universe. The greater being of God is a multi-dimensional state filled with universes, and this universe is only a part of that being. The reaction to the creation of God in this dimension is the Darkside, which opposes all life. Finally, we have discussed the nature of our soul and dimensional consciousness.
"During the course of OUR time together" - 'we' 'our' confluence
"I HAVE REVEALED MANY AMAZING THINGS!" Grandiosity never stops

Page 206 said:
I have tried to explain these concepts in the simplest terms possible. Call my explanations cartoonish, call them movie-like. I could go into detail but most would not understand the main point. If I keep the concepts simple, everyone can understand the goal.
In a number of places as in the above Eric Pepin starts a defensive declaration, as if he is talking to some imaginary other voice in his head that is mocking what he himself is saying. Who is he talking to? Why is he defending, and who is he defending against? And each time he gives himself a backdoor to continue his grandiosity - he could go into detail but MOST would not understand (they are not evolved to his level) and that is why he keeps it simple (he gives himself permission to explain any and everything in whatever manner he wants, because if you do not understand or if it is mocked, he is just higher than you). Who is this little personal negative introject he keeps talking to again and again?

Page 206 said:
Everything that you have read in this book will advance you years beyond what you could discover on your own. I design everything that I create to accelerate your awakening. Why am I doing this? People still believe developing paranormal abilities is the wrong path. As long as this attitude prevails, we are in serious trouble.
WOW. Or maybe WOO WOO. GRANDIOSITY, Eric Pepin is advancing the reader years beyond just by allowing the reader to read this special book. Years beyond. Eric designs this as a favor to awaken the reader. WOW! WOO WOO!

Page 209 said:
One cannot do without the staple activity of proper meditation. ......
I created my own system of meditation after examining my own awakening and noticing what other systems lacked.

Now let us discuss the importance of this practice and how it affects our multi-dimensional being.
"Now let US" Oh Please, really? Discuss, really? Cannot do without, really? Oh yes, Eric Pepin's Magical Mind Mechanics. Leap 3000 years into the future. Let Eric Pepin Direct You.

Chapter 9
True Meditation according to Eric Pepin
Sixth sense and Prana - Eric Pepin's gift to meditation
Seek phenomena and psychic entities this will build your energy body so you can exist after death
Eric Pepin's meditation will give you this
This is the hard sell - Eric Pepin can give you everything you want if you come to HBI
We exist in three places at the same time
You MUST choose
Open your mind
You must choose
You must awaken - blah blab blah
You will be complete
You will be enlightened
Join the revolution

Page 212 said:
Now you must try to move beyond a simple understanding of the concepts contained in this book. It is not enough to simply know what you have read as if it were nothing but plain information.

It isn't even to the level of plain information other than it teaches the reader the depths of deception and mind manipulation a wacko will go to to make money and pat himself on the back.

To really get it you must experience it.

The greatest breakthroughs on the way to awakening do not come from just talking or reading about it. How would you know what to do with the knowledge if it is not real for you? The best way to become what you seek is for me to show you how to experience it on your own. My specialized meditation technique enhances your sixth sense and plugs you into a multi-dimensional state of consciousness.
Page 222 said:
Prana is the all-pervading vital energy of the Universe. It is the energy that makes up everything and is everywhere. I sometimes refer to it as prana rather than energy. This distinction makes it clear that I am talking about an all-pervading vital energy, not a form of electricity.
I don't know about other readers of this "Handbook of Eric Pepin", but I am getting pretty sick about now of Eric Pepin's use of the word energy. Universe, FORCE, God, Dimensions, energy, vibration, tonal, and now prana. Eric Pepin's distinctions are clear as mud.

Chapter 10
Come to HBI and get more of Eric Pepin telling you what to be
recap stories, awaken, choose, struggle, commit

Page 240 said:
Everything you have read in this book is a Mandala, whether you fully understand it now or not. The knowledge will grow and expand inside of you, if you allow it to.

You see the knowledge in this book is electricity. It is living fire.

By discussing these things, it is as if I have given you a TV or a satellite dish. Now, it is up to you to sit down, turn on the TV, and set the programming to collect data and receive information. That is what you have gained by absorbing these basic concepts.
A Mandala, really? This book, really? Whether I FULLY understand it or not, really? That wouldn't be a put down to me would it or is it just a slant of superiority on Eric Pepin's part?

"You see the knowledge in this book is electricity. It is living fire." Oh now I get it!

"That is what you have gained" Oh, I was wondering what I had gained by reading this mind numbing book. I am glad Eric Pepin TOLD me what I had gained from reading his specially designed thought pattern forming projections.

WOO WOO - it is over!

|| END Review "Handbook of the Navigator" ||

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

The DSM defines NPD as: A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

(1) has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)


(2) is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love


(3) believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)


(4) requires excessive admiration


(5) has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

Not sure about this one but I suspect it is probably so

(6) is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends


(7) lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

SCORE SIX - totally ignores the perspective of the reader - MagicPill BS endangering peoples health

(8) is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her


(9) shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

SCORE EIGHT - Eric Assures you will fail if you don't follow him

Conclusion - Eric Pepin fits all the criteria of being a Major Narcissist as defined by the DSM.
Bullivant claims Eric Pepin and Higher balance are being put in a false light. Bullivant claims Eric Pepin and Higher Balance's reputation is being harmed, resulting in diminished esteem, respect, goodwill with its customers (victims). Let's remember though that Bullivant is in essence Eric Pepin. It is Eric Pepin making these claims, acquiring a lawyer to defend Eric Pepin's right to continue to spread his self grandiosity, his complete BS disinfo, his utter nonsense science, his disregard for others minds, his disregard for other people's health.

Oops, just found number 5 above -

(5) has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

Clean Sweep - Eric Pepin NPD.

I forgot to mention where I got WOO WOO. It is from here - (search "woo woo") LINK

I next want to post about other reviews of Eric Pepin's book "Handbook of the Navigator".

And just to disturb you even more regarding Eric Pepin. I know Eric Pepin started his whole let me enlighten you schtick in Southern California in the 1990's with his bud Eric Robison under the guise of AUXIEN.ORG.

So finding these links in Google Groups from the 1990's is rather interesting. I do not know if it is the same Eric Pepin, but?

The adult Content warning is pretty tame - this is the old uunet plain text group messaging links.

(search "eric pepin")

(search "eric pepin") Click 'Eric Pepin" profile and you get digidude17.

And here's a little Eric Pepin Hero Worship

Laura said:
I'm sure things will hold stable for awhile, but one naturally wonders about that comment "Human experiential cycle intersects" in relation to Pepin's lawsuit?

It's not nice to try to fool Mother Cassiopaea - or to sue her.
Maybe he just wants to go "Kaboom - Splat" a lot quicker than anybody else?

Interesting thing doing a Sessions search on the word "splat". Perhaps this Pepin guy will inadvertantly lead you to some very interesting 'finds'...
Thanks, again, Christx11, for wading through Pepin's sludge! (I was wondering about the "Woo, Woo" bit...haven't heard that expression in years!)
Seems like HBI is just one manipulation after the other and it also seems they didn't do a whole lot of research into their charity of choice.

Eric Robinson said:
Higher Balance Forced to File Suit to Defend Itself
We understand some of you may have questions about Higher Balance being involved in pending litigation against Laura Knight-Jadczyk, SOTT and Quantum Future Group. We have been advised that due to the nature of the proceedings we should not comment or otherwise discuss the situation in any detail, and for the time being we must follow that advice. We believe it is extremely important, however, to communicate certain points.

First and foremost, we believe very strongly in and cherish freedom of speech. With that freedom, however, comes powerful responsibility, which is why there are laws such as libel and slander. Those laws are designed and intended to provide protection against being harmed by false statements and accusations, and unfortunately Higher Balance finds itself in need of that kind of protection. Certain individuals through certain entities have made and continue making and widely disseminating patently false and harmful statements about Higher Balance. We sought a peaceful and amicable resolution, asking only for an end to the false and harmful statements. Unfortunately, our request was ignored and we were forced to take legal action, which is the only mechanism available to us to defend ourselves.

In accord with the mission and values of Higher Balance, we remain hopeful that we are able to resolve this in a manner that turns something negative into something positive. Guided by that mission, even though Higher Balance has been greatly harmed, any monetary compensation we recover as part of the lawsuit, beyond what is necessary to cover our legal fees, will be donated to the International Rescue Committee, which provides emergency relief to refugees and people affected by crises around the world.

All the best,
Eric Robison

Yes, you are the "good guys" and to prove that you will send money to a questionable organization that has pictures on their website that fill you with hope and invoke sympathy, which is what we want from YOU, the reader!

Global Research said:
The International Rescue Committee in late January 2008 released a new report on the mortality in the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo. The report caught the eye of some news agencies, who quickly whipped up trite little articles as supposed expressions of horror. Over and over it has been declared “the world’s forgotten crises.” There are reasons why Darfur is in the crises of the day, the poster crises, and why Congo is hardly mentioned.1

However, the story of war and plunder in Congo is not unreported. It is a story that has been censored, manipulated, and covered up even while it is ostensibly being told. Plenty of information has been published about the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and plenty of this is flak, designed to whiteout the truth, and help keep the real story buried, and that includes the truly honest representations of war and suffering in Congo that have been published. Just because the mainstream doesn’t cover it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. This is the falsification of consciousness.

While the true death toll in Congo over the past series of wars—for the Congolese it is one long contiguous war—will never be known, it is far higher than the IRC figures. In the IRC’s tidy statistical equations there is no recounting the ordeal of the millions of people who have disappeared into the swamps, the tropical forests, the mass graves, torture chambers and death camps, or after crossing borders. The entire exercise in counting the dead is another way to do little to stop it. The IRC is about profits, but that is not all.

The International Rescue Committee has been described in the past as the ideal instrument of psychological warfare, and it is. This is exactly what is going on with the IRC today, and more, when the IRC—heavily subsidized by the very same profiteers—sends its body counters into Congo. But the IRC is not only the ideal instrument of psychological warfare, it is also the ideal instrument of intelligence gathering. The IRC capitalizes on their access to refugee populations, conflict areas and individual refugee encounters and interviews to gather intelligence on armed groups, leadership, resources, weapons and geographical conflicts, information that is selectively used to serve the greater interests of the IRC and its partners.

America’s Secret Warriors

Amongst the trustees or overseers of the International Rescue Committee is Henry Kissinger, a man whose interests run very deep in Congo. Henry Kissinger is tied to Freeport McMoRan (FXC) and FCX is all over the copper and cobalt show in Katanga. FCX director J. Stapleton Roy was Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research under Madeleine Albright, 1999-2000, during the Clinton administration invasions of Rwanda (1994) and then Congo/Zaire (1996); Roy retired to join Kissinger Associates.2

Another Kissinger Associates principal is Lawrence Eagleburger, who has past affiliations with the defense and intelligence insider Scowcroft Group, and has been a director of Halliburton Corporation since 1998. Scowcroft Group founder Brent Scowcroft served as the National Security Advisor to Presidents Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush and, 1982-1989, he was Vice-Chairman of Kissinger Associates.

Walter Kansteiner, a National Security insider for the Clinton and G.W. Bush administrations and a “principal member” of the Scowcroft Group today, is a director of Moto Gold (operating in blood-drenched Ituri, Congo) and of the military-based “conservation” organization, the Africa Wildlife Foundation (Washington D.C.), that is backing mercenary activities in the Congo’s Virungas Mountains region under the cover of gorilla protection.

Another Kissinger Associates director is Belgium’s Viscount Etienne Davignon, one of the Congo’s most lasting and current enemies. Davignon was directly involved, 1964-1965, in the code-named “Dragon” operations that installed the “kleptocrat” Mobutu and seeded the beginning of the end for millions of Congolese people.3,4 Davignon is also a close associate of Donald Rumsfeld through the bio-warfare production company Gilead Sciences.

The IRC board includes Samantha Power, the Founder of the Carr Center for Human Rights at Harvard and Pulitzer-prize winning author of A Problem from Hell: America in the Age of Genocide, the book that peddles genocide inflation on the one hand (regarding Rwanda, Yugoslavia and Sudan), and genocide denial on the other (regarding Congo, Uganda and Rwanda).5

The IRC “Freedom Award” for “extraordinary contributions to the cause of refugees and human freedom” has been given to some of the genocide inflators and deniers. In 1987 it went to John C. Whitehead and in 1992 to Cyrus Vance, two men with historical ties to covert operations in Congo, for example, through their National Security Agency and CIA insider status, and two men tied to the Maurice Templesman empire behind the plunder of Congo/Zaire for decades.

U.S. Congressman Donald Payne is one of those “friends of Africa” who hangs in the Andrew Young and Maurice Templesman crowd. His role as Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations in the Bush administration is one of his more stellar performances, a sad disappointment and complete betrayal to Africans and African-Americans.

In 1993 the “Freedom Award” went to Dwayne O. Andreas, the Archers Daniels Midland executive and top U.S. congressional campaign funder whose company makes sure there are starving refugees. ADM is deeply tied to Robert Dole and Andrew Young, the latter counting ADM as his many top clients at PR firm Goodworks International. Young is also deeply connected to the client regimes in Rwanda and Uganda—the chief protagonists in the Congo wars.

In 1995 the IRC’s “Freedom Award” went to Richard Holbrooke; in 1996 to Madeleine Albright; and in 2004 to General Romeo Dallaire. All three people were pivotal to the U.S. covert operations and the subsequent massive refugee displacements and mortality in Central Africa. Holbrooke and Albright are also culpable in crimes against humanity in former Yugoslavia, Haiti, Sudan and Iraq.

Finally, the “Freedom” award was shared in 2005 by William J. Clinton and G.H.W. Bush; Clinton launched the wars in Rwanda and Congo with the background support of his predecessor; Bush’s “humanitarianism” includes massive state destabilization, terror networks, torture, coups d’etat and war on sovereign nations.

The International Rescue Committee is not a neutral or purely “humanitarian” organization. The IRC has a deep history of nefarious activities going far beyond relief operations. The IRC is also a huge financial operation providing scads of executives and business people with scads of income in ways that do not help to alleviate the war or suffering, but rather exacerbate it. While the IRC claims 90% of its funds “are spent on refugee programs and services,” much of this money never hits the ground in Africa, what does often barely touches the life of a refugee. Amongst the IRC’s biggest funders are HSBC bank, GE, and Goldman Sachs, all involved in Congo’s blood diamonds plunder, and Pfizer and Gilead Sciences (the Davignon-Rumsfeld company). The IRC’s involvement in Congo—a mortality study—involves deeply political but generally hidden motives. Why doesn’t the IRC focus on feeding the living instead of counting the dead?

matchafa said:
9. The fog of war needs to be cleared away from so-called ”humanitarian” and “human rights” programs, organizations and individuals currently aligned with the Western corporate enterprise. Notables in this category include: Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, CARE, USAID, Norwegian People’s Aid, International Crises Group, International Rescue Committee, Refugees International, the Genocide Intervention Fund, and many U.N. bodies, but especially UNHCR. Most of these agencies appear to exist merely to perpetuate their own survival. Doctors Without Borders also deserves scrutiny for their recent actions in DRC.
The International Rescue Committee is not a neutral or purely “humanitarian” organization. The IRC has a deep history of nefarious activities going far beyond relief operations. The IRC is also a huge financial operation providing scads of executives and business people with scads of income in ways that do not help to alleviate the war or suffering, but rather exacerbate it. While the IRC claims 90% of its funds “are spent on refugee programs and services,” much of this money never hits the ground in Africa, what does often barely touches the life of a refugee. Amongst the IRC’s biggest funders are HSBC bank, GE, and Goldman Sachs, all involved in Congo’s blood diamonds plunder, and Pfizer and Gilead Sciences (the Davignon-Rumsfeld company). The IRC’s involvement in Congo—a mortality study—involves deeply political but generally hidden motives. Why doesn’t the IRC focus on feeding the living instead of counting the dead?
Well, isn't that special? Wonder if Pepin's followers can connect the dots? Gets curiouser and curiouser...
|| BEGIN Review of Amazon Reviews of "Handbook of the Navigator" ||

|| RANT ||

Bullivant Houser Bailey said:
22. Defendants' statements tend to subject HBI to hatred, contempt, and ridicule and tend to diminish the esteem, respect, goodwill, and confidence in which HBI is held by the public and by its customers.

Show me where the public holds HBI in high esteem, high respect? Show me where the public holds goodwill and confidence in HBI? Have you searched the Internet and filtered through all the blatant troll advertising and seen the reaction of real people - it is not good.

28. The false light in which defendants placed HBI would be highly offensive to a reasonable person.

A reasonable person? A reasonable person would not expect to be mind manipulated ("Handbook of the Navigator", (blatant grandiose narcissistic marketing in both the persona of Pepin and Magneurol). A reasonable person would not expect to have their perspectives dictated to them, ("Handbook of the Navigator"). A reasonable person would not expect to have their health endangered by a careless, heartless attempt to con and make money off a consumer from a product (magneurol) whose main ingredient has a high degree of correlation in degenerative brain diseases and tumors and the product is promoted specifically to get that ingredient into your brain).

Where is the high degree of respect for the public? For anyone in fact?

36. Defendant published this false and distressing information in bad faith, and in doing so was so motivated solely by malice toward HBI, the desire to harm HBI's business, and to diminish the esteem, respect, goodwill, and confidence in which HBI is held by its customers.
Motivated solely by malice toward HBI! What a bunch of BS. How about a motivation out of concern for others being conned? How about a motivation out of concern for others having their mental health endangered? How about a motivation out of concern for others having their physical health endangered?

This baffles me. I search on the Internet for Eric Pepin or Magneurol or HBI or Higher Balance, etc. ,etc. and the majority (I would guess 95+ %) of it is marketing. There seems to be very little out there that is genuine. If you go and look at sites that have hits, most of it is someone on a thread somewhere starting a discussion that is so transparent that it is an HBI marketing troll it is silly.

A reason-able person would find this repugnant. However so many people are gullible and the New Age market is so huge that there are always plenty of fish in the sea to be hooked.

Eric and his counsel talk about esteem, respect, goodwill, and confidence that the PUBLIC and Eric's customers have in him and his business. Oh, and that HBI is now subject to hatred, what a joke.

Take a look at Eric's book reviews for his seminal work, "The Handbook of The Navigator".

Auxien, HBI, and Remcure were all started by Eric Pepin and Solely owned by Eric Pepin, all in July - August of 2005.




I see 54 reviews from August 4, 2005 to January 30, 2008

Book Link
Book Reviews Link

Stats of the 54 Reviews

6 Aug 2005
13 Sep 2005
4 Oct 2005
4 Nov 2005
1 Dec 2005

5 Jan 2006
4 Feb 2006
0 Mar 2006
4 Apr 2006 41 to here, 7 to 8 months after business registrations
2 May 2006
0 Jun 2006
2 Jul 2006
1 Aug 2006
1 Sep 2006
0 Oct 2006
2 Nov 2006

1 Jan 2007
1 Mar 2007
2 Jul 2007

1 Jan 2008

Number of 5 Star reviews = 34
25 - 1 review ( All read as marketing - Priebe, Robison are in here )
6 - 2 reviews ( second item a book or dvd - reads as marketing )
1 - 3 reviews ( Otto or Pepin in here it sounds like )
2 - 6 reviews ( apparent follower )

Number of 4 Star reviews = 4
2 - 1 review ( One reviewer makes it perfectly clear that Pepin is marketing products )
1 - 2 reviews ( Reviewer makes it perfectly clear that Pepin is marketing products )
1 - 10 reviews ( Appears genuine )

Number of 3 Star reviews = 4
2 - 1 review ( Read - appears genuine )
1 - 2 reviews ( Appears genuine )
1 - 7 reviews ( Appears genuine )

Number of 2 Star reviews = 1
1 - 29 reviews ( seems completely genuine a must read review )

Number of 1 Star reviews = 11
5 - 1 review ( most appear genuine, 1 or 2 might be distracters that feel HBI ripped them off )
3 - 2 reviews ( Appears genuine )
1 - 21 reviews ( Appears genuine )
1 - 11 reviews ( Appears genuine )
1 - 22 reviews ( Appears genuine )

The 5 and 4 star reviews - constitutes 38 of the total 54
Of the 38 4 and 5 star reviews
27 it is their only review
7 evaluated one other book or product
33 of 38 appear to be Pepin posers, plants to promote
5 appear genuine, of which 2 warn that the book is marketing

The 3 star reviews - constitutes 4 of the total 54
2 it is their only review
1 has one additional review
1 has 7 reviews

Read them, they all appear pretty much genuine, not robotic canned marketing babble

The 2 star reviews - constitutes 1 of the total 54

This reviewer has 29 reviews spread over a great deal time seeming completely genuine

The 1 star reviews - constitutes 11 of the total 54
5 it is their only review
3 have one additional review
3 have 11 to 22 reviews
Judge for yourself, I would guess that 1 or 2 are just vindictive

To me it appears that there are maybe 15-18 genuine reviews out on Amazon and of that I would guess that only 3 to 5 give reviews above a 3.

What appears genuine:
5 star - 2 of 34
4 star - 3 of 4 - 2 make it clear it is marketing though
3 star - 4 of 4
2 star - 1 of 1
1 star - 9 of 11

Average estimated true rating - 2.36

If we count only reviews where the reviewer has more than 3 reviews
5 star - 2 of 34
4 star - 1 of 4
3 star - 1 of 4
2 star - 1 of 1
1 star - 3 of 11

Average estimated true rating - 2.75

Review Examples:

September 8, 2005 - 3 stars
By Claudett
The book is in danger of being just a marketing aid to get you to part with a lot more cash to get the full program from the author.
Whilst it makes interesting reading, it seems to go around in circles at times and in the end the book only teases you - which is fine, so as long as the reader is not misled from the start into thinking they might get something more substantial out of it.

September 14, 2005 - 4 stars
By Bentham
This book left me wanting. But I suppose that was the purpose, once you visit the website and find the information you didn't get from the book is contained on a series of CD's which you have to purchase at X hundreds of dollars. which leaves me sceptical as usual about those people who profess to be helping humanity on their spiritual development for a price.

September 16, 2005 - 1 star
By "Maj"
Very disapointing. This book appeared to be only a huge advertisement to get you to buy more books from said company. Much, much better books out there, especially Disappearance of the Universe and The Power of Now. Actually, Carlos Castanedas' book are much more informative. Save your time and money.

September 26, 2005 - 1 star
By The Watcher
I have just finished reading "The Handbook of the Navigator" and found that the book provided much insight into the higher consciousness of man. The most surprising aspects of man's higher consciousness that I discovered was at the end of the book when to my surprise I learned that the book was really a very expensive infomercial for their expensive meditation course-an infomercial that I paid them to produce. After all the high sounding words about helping their fellowman become truly aware I was disappointed to find that it was just another marketing gimmick and was really all about the money.

September 27, 2005 - 1 star
By Spriggs
The Handbook of the Navigator is beyond disappointing. It is a blatant sales pitch for Mr.Pepin's at home systems for sale. It is full of repetitive comments with no substance. It hints at sharing a meditation or process to increase an individuals higher consciousness. On page 24 it states: It (The Navigator) can help you find a path among the experiences in your life and will lead, at last, into an awakened state of consciousness." The book is titled "The Handbook of the Navigator" which leads one to believe that it is going to teach or convey knowledge or steps to achieve a higher state of consciousness; it doesn't.

October 15, 2005 - 1 star
By Rev. Jeff
21 reviews
I agree with some other reviews posted about this book. It is nothing but an advertisement, cleverly disguised as a book that is supposed to lead you somewhere. It does try to lead you somewhere---right to their website, where you can then spend more money purchasing their "system".

October 17, 2005 - 1 star
By se Kagan
there are no secrets revealed here. this is a promo for his very expensive mail order meditation program. that is if you have been hooked like a fish by this long-winded advertisement.

January 18, 2006 - 1 star
11 books reviewed
Burned through the drool in 2 days; it would have been 1 if I started reading earlier in the day. After about the first 15, 20 pages, started wondering when the thing would get better. It never did. Only reason I finished it was some ghosted hope of thinking it would jump off into something bigger and better.(argh!) A pathetically and grotesquely watered down blend of New Age earth worship and Hinduism that is, quite frankly, a grievous and horrific insult to both. Claims on its cover to deliver the "ultimate spiritual experience"? Due to its abject speciousness, I wince to meet the spiritually bereft for whom it does. Clicked on the "order now" & "purchase now" sections of the site, it artfully directs one to, for the "heavily discounted" material? Thank heaven for some reason it couldn't go through. I hope it can't for anyone else so their money isn't wasted. Maybe there were 1 or 2 semi-interesting points raised concerning spirituality; that are covered & amplified much much better in the Bible, which has some substance behind it. Buy a Bible instead for the ultimate spiritual experience. You could get 2 or 3 for the cost of this heavily padded and anoemic marketing brochure. Was thinking of throwing it on ebay to recoup some of my money; but I'd have a conscience problem seeing someone else waste their money. Maybe a day or 2 it'll end up in the trash, if I don't need any Kleenex.

April 4, 2006 - 1 star
By Sambozinni
If I could rate this book a 0 stars I would but since I can't I will give it a 1 ....this is the most gibberish I have read in a long long time. I am a 4.0 graduate and still could not understand what the heck was he talking about. Plus it just led to spending more money on the tapes. Please folks don't throw away your money on this garbage...give it to a homeless person or something you will benefit more.

April 17, 2006 - 5 star
By Warford
6 Reviews
One of the laws of prosperity in all things is to want for others what one wants for oneself. I wonder then how come so many so-called spiritual seekers and co-creating wannabes are so hateful toward someone who is simply seeking that which all of us are after...abundance. "Love and Light Cult of Self"

May 21, 2006
By Robo "Robo" - 1 star

JUNK! Do you know what's worse than info-mercials? Paying for them!! This book is a complete waste of time and money. All it is is one big advertisement for you to spend HUNDREDS more on more on his JUNK! I was going to burn the book, but now keep it as a trophy to remind myself to beware of MORONS. They are contagious. I was a moron for buying the book. I was even more of a moron for reading past the first chapter, and the only cure is to warn others. I am convinced that anybody who gave this book a good review is either related to the author, or works for him! Remember, friends don't let friends but this book!!

July 21, 2006 - 3 stars
By Dryden
7 Reviews
I have yet to read the other reviews, but I suspect the advert issue will come up.
Through out the book there are what I think of as marketing phrases... something a Robert Allen might use... the higher balance web site *does* sort of look like the ones created by Robert (creating wealth guy).
My only real concern is that Eric seems to need to convince you he is right. I found that somewhat anoying.

July 29, 2006 - 3 stars
By Frontrowseat
I like this book, but not for the reasons that others did. It is a well done piece of cult propaganda, and when is the last time you had the privilege of reading something like that (other than the Bible?) This book is a blend of keen insight and pure conjecture, and ultimately it is a subtle marketing ploy as others here have alluded to. It's value lies in the fact that it brings up some very thought provoking ideas which the average person could well afford to contemplate for a bit. It's detriment lies in the way it takes advantage of the average person's utter lack of critical thinking skills. ...

August 2, 2006 - 1 stars
By Elena
22 Reviews
I downloaded this free e-book off of his website and read about half of it before the puke factor prevented me from finishing it. Perhaps it was that I was hopeful since his adverts suggested enlightenment would ensue, but this inane clap-trap is just too much to take, (for anyone who had done any reading of various esoteric masters from different traditions, anyway). I really don't mind if he has other products which he might push, if the content were really there. I think his heart is in the right place to make this a free e-book so that you can see what you're getting, anyway, and I am grateful that I didn't have to shell out $20 to have my stomach turned over.

Some of his ideas are mildly interesting, but extremely BASIC with lengthy banal parable-like examples (a la What In the Bleep...), that finally just wore me out even though I really wanted to stick it out and finish the book. I really didn't expect to have revealed explanations of the origins of the universe and God for heaven's sake! The advert descriptions led me to believe it really would be focusing on techniques for expanding consciousness. Maybe it's at the end of the book, if you can make yourself keep wading through it [he urges you not to skim or skip anything]--I just couldn't make myself do it! If you can you have a stronger constitution than mine! Go in Peace!

November 11, 2006
By The Iconoclast
Excelent read. The only comment I have is a question to those who condemn this book: Why are you so threatened by the contents of this book? What are you so afraid of?

Where have I heard this before?

July 29, 2007 - 3 stars
By L of Reality
The book failed to "deliver the ultimate spiritual experience" or "demonstrate how to directly plug into an empowering and limitless 'Force'" or "direct the reader into an altered state of consciousness," which claims appear on its dust covers.
I was disappointed regarding other claims made within the book and I suspect that the book is primarily a marketing tool for the author's other products.

January 30, 2008 - 4 stars
By Jake Beamer
Pepin makes some amazing points, but yeah it's partially a plug for his meditation system

Some Choice Reviews

Amazon Review by Robison said:
Calling All Seekers, September 23, 2005
By M. Robison
This book is definately one of those rare gems that will constantly find a home in either your hands or others'. I myself have read it twice and loaned it out to about everyone in my circle of friends.

It spoke to the depths of my soul and inspired me to continue to new hieghts on my journey. Don't let the what may seem as simple language fool you; there are endless wells of knowledge throughout this book and what may just look like a simple sentence, once you read it again it will expand your understanding ten fold.

If you have ever asked the question, "Is there more than me?". Then this is a must have for your collection.
Amazon Review by Jamison said:
Light years beyond!!, September 9, 2005
By Jamison (USA)
The Hand Book of the Navigator was truly inspiring. The information contained within its' pages is light years beyond anything that I have encountered in my many years of searching. It has awakened within me a sense of wonder and amazement that I have not known for quite some time.
The guarantee
The Handbook of the Navigator is produced by a grass roots operation, dedicated to its circulation.

This book has certainly been controversial and suppressed by select groups. It has been, for the most part, an underground movement over two decades and only now it has moved front and center. Because I want to gain your trust and ensure this book reaches you without bias, I have decided to make an unprecedented offer for a paperback book of this type.
There are 5 star reviews by a Jamison (probably Jamison Priebe) and a Robison (probably Eric Robison) and one by "T. Reed, T.J. Reed" that sounds a lot like either Manny Otto or Pepin himself.

Go ahead if you have the time and take a look at several of the 5 star reviews. See if almost all of them don't sound like pure New Age promotion, there is barely even any attempt to hide it.

I think an Average Reasonable person could see this, it is not difficult to spot. In 33 of 38 four and five star reviews, it is basically the reviewer's only review EVER on Amazon. The person never read another book in their life it appears and yet this one book that they did read in their entire life, they felt compelled to go to Amazon and write a review on. That's not fishy is it? That is holding the public's intelligence in high regard by Eric Pepin. There certainly is an underground (covert) movement to promote this book. That is certainly how someone on the up and up gains the trust and respect of the average reasonable person.

Amazon or EBAY or other such sites will tell you how to spot the self promoters, those who pose, who are trolls to promote a product. It is well known. Marketers know this. The average reasonable person may not be aware of this and how rampant it is, but if they are shown how to spot it, it is plain to see. The average reasonable person does not expect to be deceived. Yet Eric Pepin is doing it plain as day. Where is the esteem, trust, goodwill, respect, confidence in such behavior that Eric Pepin is engendering with the Public, the average reasonable person here?

If you think this is bad, search the Internet for remcure or psychicpill or magneurol. If you want to read some really disgusting words the non posing public has for this product you will find an abundance of it there in those searches.

What esteem, trust, goodwill, respect ... is there? Eric has his followers, but it isn't the average Reasonable Public.

28. The false light in which defendants placed HBI would be highly offensive to a reasonable person.

Who is placing who in a false light? The deception of the Reasonable Public on Amazon is glaringly apparent. The deception of the Reasonable Public is glaringly apparent in the proselytizing of Magneurol as the magic beans of the New Age culture all across the Internet. All the while dozens of research papers show that magnetite is found as an anomalous feature in greater amounts in brain tissues in degenerative diseases and tumors. I would bet Eric Pepin and Baard Williams are even aware of this and don't give one flippin hoot as long as they get the moolah.

Respected journalists' from the Portland Oregonian and the Hillsboro Argus followed Eric Pepin's case and reported on certain facts and published them in the respective newspapers and Eric Pepin in his self promotional send2press release implies directly and indirectly that they are liars and lied about him. Eric Pepin says there was no tape, Kurt Eckert said there was. Who is lying? If Kurt Eckert of the Hillsboro Argus is lying as Eric Pepin implies, why isn't there a lawsuit against Kurt Eckert and the Hillsboro Argus? Eric Pepin's trial transcripts would certainly prove it and you know Eric and his lawyers kept copies even if all the data was expunged from the public view by Eric Pepin. I guess it is from Eric Pepin's scientists, you know, those scientists, they must of told him to make a logical implication that the journalists were lying. Those darn scientists!
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Miss Isness - we understand your compassion in trying to help Laura get away from this nonsense - but not answering him is just as bad. Bridges, as a full blown psychopath - will take the silence as yet another green light for further attacks and abuse.

As this post says - we are all entitled to take the high road by standing up for the truth. You can't go head to head with these nutjobs - so all you can do is put the truth out there for all to see. (and of course, they will attack more because the one thing a psychopath DOESN'T WANT out there - is the truth)
Money raising idea to wipe the smile off Eric Pepins face

the rabbit said:
OK. Ive not got round to responding to the Eric Pepin situation until now because to tell the truth im totally Gobsmacked by the cheek of this geezer. I feel he is being put up to this , I mean he must be , surely?
Sorry its taken so long to reply to this but I felt I had to.

He isn't put up to this sort of thing. He's a sociopath probably. That's what's so hard for the normal population to "get." We can't imagine being this twisted ourselves - so we try to sanitize it a bit by thinking they are "put up to it" or something; just to wrap our heads around it.

The truth is that he is JUST THAT TWISTED IN HIS THINKING.

And the other truth is - he's not the only one out there.
Money raising idea to wipe the smile off Eric Pepins face

Hi Purple haze

I did´nt say he was definitely being put up to it, im saying it is a possibility. If you´ve been around for a long time and you are read up on the past and the continuing present attacks on Laura and the SOTT , then you really cant rule it out. There are many who would like to see their work disapear from the web.

The main post for this thread was to put forward an idea of possibly utilising the site mentioned for exposing Pepin , and to offer any money from any sales of songs to the cause. Sadly no one has taken up the offer to utilise the site or songs.

Maybe not the right place to do it from , and of course no one need purchase songs that dont suit their taste in music :)

It was just an idea , the cause is on my mind and another one with better potential to help may come along just at the right time , one can never say.
Money raising idea to wipe the smile off Eric Pepins face

purplehaze said:
He isn't put up to this sort of thing. He's a sociopath probably. That's what's so hard for the normal population to "get." We can't imagine being this twisted ourselves - so we try to sanitize it a bit by thinking they are "put up to it" or something; just to wrap our heads around it.
Hi purplehaze, I have learned from your work on NPD and other deviants. I think it is possible Pepin is a sociopath and/or psychopath and that he could be being used
as a useful idiot to attack Laura and sott. The status of the law firm representing Pepin would indicate this as a possibility. Intelligence agencies, religions and various other ponerized hierarchies often use sociopaths and psychopaths for their own ends.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Look who's back:

Vincent Bridges <>
date Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 12:21 PM
subject Predator Profile

EOPC asked for the same "proof" we ask from those who turn this information over to us. To date - NO ONE EXPOSED HERE has been able to show us any hard proof that anything we have posted here was false or fabricated. These cyberpaths and all others remain on our site.

One of the most classic and biggest cyberpaths we've heard of is Vincent Bridges. Bridges and his sycophants are still logging into boards and forums (under various nicknames) attacking his victim with the most outrageous claims. At this link Bridges, using the nickname - Fulcanelli - apparently does some great sociopathic projection by accusing his VICTIM of being the sociopath and twisting words & facts. Bridges'd be funny if he weren't so scary and crazy!
Dear Site owner/Webmaster,

With all due respect, I do not think you have done your own dilligence on this one. You have linked to Laura Knight-Jadczyk's "expose" pages on me without comment and without a shred of rebuttle, although there is plenty of that available with a simple google search. Given that Ms. Knight-Jadczyk is being sued for libel and defamation over the same sort of accusations, I wonder at your motive is publishing her obviously biased attack articles concerning me.

LKJ presents stacks of "files" that she says support her claims. In fact, they present the clear and obvious evidence of her and the C-Cult's on-going campaign of libel and cyber-harassment against me. In all that pile of crap, they can present not a single shred, not ONE, of evidence of any kind of counter intelligence activity, or even any connection at all to any intelligence agency or group, no matter how remote. Three PI's working on the case and all they can find is a decade old traffic ticket? However, rather than admit that they were wrong, the fact was spun into the idea that I had been sheep dipped, whatever that means, and somehow that implies that the fact that there is no evidence, not one single shred, is in fact proof that I am an agent…

At the very least, I would ask that you include the following links:


and _

Where you can see the evidence that she launched her photographic assault in response to revelations concerning the counter-intelligence background of her husband.

Thank you,

Vincent Bridges
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

'With all due respect' - LOLOLOL

This really is a full time job for him - and more proof that he literally combs the internet daily searching for references to Laura and/or himself. I just love it when he makes it SO obvious how pathological he is. I disabled your second link since we do not link to disinformation sources on the forum - no need to give them any redirected traffic that could be picked up by google.

So - as you know SO very well - be prepared for more from him, because he just doesn't go away. What is likely to be quite interesting is when he realizes that you aren't his usual 'prey' - and that you have so much work/experience behind you. Good old VB might just have bitten off more than he can chew, yet again. ;)
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

oh puhleeze - we aren't the least bit worried about the likes of Bridges. We get crap from pathologicals all the time who believe their MERE WORDS can rewrite history. Here's some of our other examples:

Anyone who wants to have a bit of fun with any of these predators - the links to them or their websites are provided in the articles. It seems everyone of these narcissistic sociopaths spend a lot of time EGO SURFING the web for themselves and their nicknames. As well they surf for their targets and do everything they can to abuse & embarrass them... as if it makes what THEY HAVE DONE any less horrible. (typical tactic - divert from the original issue/ problem).

For example: Just because you got a parking ticket in 1963 is no excuse for them maligning your character and threatening your family because you spoke out about them.

Just a quick read of that would show you how COMMON Bridge's tactics are. And childish.

We can't even be bothered to respond.

(sorry about the link! will try to be better in the future)
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