Eric Pepin - Higher Balance Institute - Discussion

Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

"These people really don't like what Laura is learning, or that she's actually getting important information out there. "

I don't think that this is why they do what they do. They don't like many things and yet they spend their time and energy on spamming the net with BS and nonsense with one definite target.

There are probably several factors involved here.

1) Laura is a woman and men often like to attack women. It gives them more sadistic pleasure.
2) Certainly some aspect of COINTELPRO is involved.
3) Some attackers are simply stupid. For instance they attack Laura for extensive quoting and referencing other researchers. This is completely stupid. These people probably never read any scientific publications and they will never care to read. Research is always being based on the previous research, done by other people before. Some scientists did not bother to quote the sources - Einstein was one such well known a case.
4) Those who are not stupid and yet criticize Laura for the same, they do so because they probably (rightly) think that many of the readers are stupid - this is the well known Goebbels method. If a lie is repeated often enough, it will be accepted as a truth and repeated further.
5) The attackers do not care about the truth at all. They have their goal and any means to achieve this goal is good for them. That is hard to explain without 2)
6) Part of the deal is simply jealousy. The attackers are simply jealous. They are not creative and Laura is. The only thing they know is how to destroy.
7) Part of the strory may be their brain damage. That explains part of their activities - though not all.
8) Evidently they have a doctrine, a theory and a plan. At least some of them - see 2). Part of this plan is simply to engage, so that little time would be left for anything truly creative. So when someone engages in the dispute - that alone makes them happy. They know that most of the people take the view that when someone says A and someone else sayz Z, then the truth is somewhere in between. This is a stupid assumption, but many people follow stupid assumptions. The truth is rather where the real research is, not where opinions are exchanged. But most people do not care.
9) Once i a while they try to attack me - with most idiotic accusations. Which confirms 2) and 7).

So what to do? What is the best defense against brainless idiots and agents? I think there is one simple solution - expand, be more creative and more productive. The attack may serve as wonderful boosts for being even more productive!!! And this is, I think, the best method for everyone in every case under every circumstance.

Also humor helps. But taking attacks with humor is only good provided all details are being taken into account and provided humor is just an addition to a real and hard and productive work.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

I someone or a group like VB´s one (for some odd reason) attacked me in the same fashion sott and especially Laura and ark are beeing attacked, then I would most likely break down and be totally devastated.
Its quite obvious how energy draining and destructive they are, especially if one don't handle it in a very professional way, but that still requires lots of energy.
Just that one have to find out in the first place what they are when they don't even know it themself, and then that pathology is almost specialized for this kind of attack with their overzealousness/machine-likeness in their attacks - how far they spread the lies because of the size and mostly democratic structure of the internet, how they are able to do it year after year.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

GRiM said:
I someone or a group like VB´s one (for some odd reason) attacked me in the same fashion sott and especially Laura and ark are beeing attacked, then I would most likely break down and be totally devastated.
Its quite obvious how energy draining and destructive they are, especially if one don't handle it in a very professional way, but that still requires lots of energy.
You just described the emotional, mental and physical devastation that happens to every single one of our victims. EVERY ONE.

Why? Because pathologicals classicly go on the attack against ANYONE who figures their game out and speaks truth. For instance, one of our cyberpaths put up this site against his victim: - there's not much there now because she filed a cease & desist on him. For four years she'd been telling the truth and finally put a website up with all the evidence on it and filed on him & his wife when he posted her name, address, phone number and children's names and told people to go find her for quickie sex. (his version: _ )

This same victim spent time in the hospital for non-stop vomitting which burned a hole in her esophagus and later a retreat for PTSD - the sociopath says it only proves she's nuts (much like Laura's supposedly a drunk... LOL)

Another of our predators? Preys on women coming of prescription drugs for surgeries etc via a support board for them. He got one young lady who was coming off serious drugs to perform an on-camera sex act for him and didn't tell her taped the whole thing and sold it to a porn site... complete with her name. He bilked another woman out of $3000 by claiming he was broke and when she filed to get her money back - he went to the FBI and the police went to her house to tell her she was harrassing him!

Or this piece of dirt - using his work for self-aggrandizement and then preying on women with kids (did we mention he has a couple sexual harrassment charges against him?) Anyone who complains? Is a psychopath themselves. (sound FAMILIAR??)

This cyberpath: is on the run because the Canadian authorities and one of his wives want him for bigamy and fraud. He went to the most vulnerable wife, threatened her and they took off. Could be anywhere right now. Dangerous person.

That's just 4 of many. (Oh - Check out Ed Hicks on our site or on - he's back in the public doing the same. He's PHYSICALLY harmed some of his victims too...)

So think about the devastation caused to these people who had NO CLUE that anyone could be so evil, manipulative and cruel. That's why Laura's site is so important about educating the public about these types.

VB: Thank you purplehaze for demonstrating clearly your objectivity...
VB you're an idiot squared. One thing we (at our site) all noticed - you call Laura's site here a CULT but cults DISCOURAGE education and independent thinking. Laura does just the opposite. She invites independent thinking and investigation - which is what we did, the same way we investigate all our predators. Not WORDS - facts.

VB figures (like they all do) if he repeats the same bull**** over & over - it will somehow become truth. Just like his unicorn farm.

GRiM - you may find this article very enlightening:
(We'll post it here in a bit on the Articles section, too)
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

When I first discovered the C's, (via a Montalk link from Ken Hadachi's Educate Yourself site!) I did some internet searches on Laura, which lead to my reading Vincent Bridges, Storm Bear, and Colleen's "info" on the "evil Casseopean Cult." I immediately sensed jealousy and vehemence coming from their supposed scoops. (Oh, and the cartoon of Laura in curlers, with a cig hanging out of her mouth was sexist and very offensive.) So was the text, which was poorly written, and so juvenile and obsessive that I wondered about the sanity of the writers. Still, I worked my way through much of the sludge wondering why, if all of the accusations were even half true, Laura and Ark weren't serving time in a US or French prison...or at the very least, slapped with a successful plagiarism suit or two.

Then I started reading Laura's sane, well written account of her dealings with Vincent Bridges a.k.a. Maynard Most and other detractors, which lead to her group's excellent studies regarding psychopaths and Cointelpro operatives. It made a whole lot of sense and was well-researched, creative, helpful, and got me to think in a whole new light.

In some ways, it's a positive thing that the VB Brigade is out there. Those who are serious about esoteric studies see right through their mumbo jumbo machinations. Those that simply believe their lies without taking the time to patiently research whether or not the accusations are true deserve to remain in that entropic state of mind.

The fact that intelligent, creative persons like Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Richard Dolan, Professor C. Scott Littleton, Patrick Riviere, and others have contacted, sought out, and/or have had positive, helpful experiences with Laura and Ark must really get their goat. (Then, maybe not. Their lies, sense of self-importance, "wishful thinking," and clappers, probably spur them on...possibly with a little help from a handler and 4D STS.)

Now a days, I want to take a shower after reading one of the VB Brigade's filthy, lying diatribes against Laura. I can certainly empathize with her distress at being the subject of such an attack.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

"I immediately sensed jealousy and vehemence coming from their supposed scoops"
I think that is true.
If old Vinnie offered anything humble, helpful, original or better any insight at all with his "work" and happened to gain a substantial following of readers, guess who would be the first to start some narcissistic hedonist cult.
He is projecting his own delusions of grandeur onto LKJ and QFG.

Thankfully people see him for what he is, a tired rehash of cartoon mystical "black wizardry" driving his readers into many a degrading hidey hole of roundabout disinformation and cheesy "majick" in the long tradition of many abusers of common sense.

Thank gob he never gained the kind of readership this site has or the world would have to deal with "The pony tailed acolytes of Crowley" cult casting spells and prognosticating the same kind of misleading crap that many a caved cult has already beat to death.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

meat robot said:
If old Vinnie offered anything humble, helpful, original or better any insight at all with his "work" and happened to gain a substantial following of readers, guess who would be the first to start some narcissistic hedonist cult.
He is projecting his own delusions of grandeur onto LKJ and QFG.
No where was that more evident than on the recently hi-jacked DU thread.

Must admit it was pretty funny to watch the guy have trouble coming up with more lies to clog up the forum he double-spaced "Fulcanelli" (perhaps in a not so clever attempt to disguise his style), double-posted, and did that long list of C names. Rolled my eyes on that one. "Laura's the psychopath!" (Yeah, right, Vinnie.) "Where's the compassion?" (Oooh, boy, there's that pity ploy again.)

meat robot said:
Thankfully people see him for what he is, a tired rehash of cartoon mystical "black wizardry" driving his readers into many a degrading hidey hole of roundabout disinformation and cheesy "majick" in the long tradition of many abusers of common sense.
Yup...that about sums him up. Which is why he doesn't have much of a following...and was trying to ride on Laura's coattails back in the late 1990's. VB sure was interested in that darn ouiji board experiment he now tries to ridicule when he first contacted Laura, spouting his bs about being a publisher, promoter, "Greenbaum expert," alchemist, etc..
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Just posted the 'Group Helplessness & Rage' article:

It never ceases to amaze how these pathologicals believe if they say their propoganda over & over & over & over - it will become truth.

Another thing VB (and all of them) are REALLY good at: WORD SALAD (aka Schizophasia). Used a lot in NLP and mind-control:
[em]Word salad is a string of words that vaguely resembles language, and may or may not be grammatically correct, but is utterly meaningless.[/em]
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Old vinnie certainly walked into the wrong bar at Democratic Underground.
What the heck was he thinking of?
He was spotted for what he was quicker than a pork chop at a vegetarian convention.

The sheer gall and audacity of the blighter!
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Wow, VB just can't get enough _
Must be copying & pasting at lightening speed.
Amazing how much time some people have on their hands for ego-surfing.

Peam said:
quicker than a pork chop at a vegetarian convention.

Peam said:
The sheer gall and audacity of the blighter!
Those 2 personality qualities fall squarely in the world of the psychopath!

BTW - Laura's post here:
the 'traits of the disinformationist' at the bottom part of that post? Describe psychopathic smear campaigns perfectly. Sounds like VB, smells like VB, quacks like VB.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

GRiM said:
If someone or a group like VB´s one (for some odd reason) attacked me in the same fashion sott and especially Laura and ark are beeing attacked, then I would most likely break down and be totally devastated.
Its quite obvious how energy draining and destructive they are, especially if one don't handle it in a very professional way, but that still requires lots of energy.
I would have been as well. Psychopaths are Energy vampires! It was mystifying to see VB in action in the DU thread.
The participants were so interested in the Ponerology material and here he comes to kill the message by defaming the "messenger". It was saddening in a way, but Laura was like a 3 legged man at a butt kicking contest. Thanks for staying the course Laura! My heart goes out to you.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

purplehaze said:
Another thing VB (and all of them) are REALLY good at: WORD SALAD (aka Schizophasia). Used a lot in NLP and mind-control:
Word salad is a string of words that vaguely resembles language, and may or may not be grammatically correct, but is utterly meaningless.
Yeah. We call it "Salad Shooter Metaphysics." Schizophasia is a neat word too.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

50megz said:
GRiM said:
If someone or a group like VB´s one (for some odd reason) attacked me in the same fashion sott and especially Laura and ark are beeing attacked, then I would most likely break down and be totally devastated.
Its quite obvious how energy draining and destructive they are, especially if one don't handle it in a very professional way, but that still requires lots of energy.
I would have been as well. Psychopaths are Energy vampires! It was mystifying to see VB in action in the DU thread.
The participants were so interested in the Ponerology material and here he comes to kill the message by defaming the "messenger". It was saddening in a way, but Laura was like a 3 legged man at a butt kicking contest. Thanks for staying the course Laura! My heart goes out to you.
I really appreciate the understanding. You don't know HOW much. It has been a rough 7 years and the first half of it mostly incomprehensible. I think that the worst part of it (for me, anyway) was having to look at "their reality" and really grokking that this is where they live ALL the time; there is no other way to be for them.

We sure learned a lot via experience and research, even about the people who so easily collapse and give in to them because they just can't bear the pressure. Then, of course, there's the kind that say "well, you must be doing something to encourage them," or "why don't you just compromise" or whatever. Well, we tried all those approaches. We consciously experimented and came to the understanding that only if I disappeared from the planet would they stop attacking me. And even then, I'm not so sure.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

purplehaze said:
So think about the devastation caused to these people who had NO CLUE that anyone could be so evil, manipulative and cruel. That's why Laura's site is so important about educating the public about these types.
BTW, thanks purplehaze, for your additional input on this 'topic of topics'. Personally, I sometimes tend to forget that psychopaths aren't all Cheney-esque masters of manipulation; that most of them are simply bullies who are into hurting people for kicks. So thanks for the additional examples and info.

Oh, and also: thanks Ark, for the clarification.
Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Laura said:
We consciously experimented and came to the understanding that only if I disappeared from the planet would they stop attacking me. And even then, I'm not so sure.
Actually, considering the sickness of this bunch, if you disappeared from the planet, they would probably take it up a notch or two and say anything from, "she finally got what she deserved" (while doing some sort of ritual 'majick' dance to celebrate) to "she's not really gone, it's all a lie and she's hiding under your bed, and my bed, and everyone's bed, using mind control techniques to make everyone vote republican just for the irony of it!!"

I mean, seriously - if you were gone - what would they do with all the time they spend getting paid to malign you? (Oh, and for clarification for those tracking the conversation: 'getting paid' can mean a lot of different things - so don't get all worked up over your subjective interpretation - getting a figurative or literal pat on the head from the 'pony-tailed, goatee'd psychopath' is also getting paid - though it's quite obvious that a more literal interpretation works as well.)

Such empty theatre they provide - yet they continue as if the house is full and anyone cares at all what words of illusion waft out of their mouths into the empty house - seats grow dusty, lamps grow dim and still, there on the stage, stand the psychopaths speaking to the world they think they've created - all the while the cobwebs grow and the spiders resent the disturbance. At least they succeed at disturbing the spiders.

Psychopath Attack on Democratic Underground

Pardon me for interjecting a little outside the discussion. Kind of put it like that cause I'm kind of a "shakily put together oversensitive and shame-prone narcissist[ic]"person. :)

purplehaze, is the link you provided some of your own work? Some very interesting info!

Just wanted to take a moment out and thank you for sharing the link/your work(?). (#39 purple haze wrote: (""We'll"" post it here in a bit on the Articles section, too)) The info really comes across in quite a few different ways that really got me thinking about, and more aware of, some of my ploys, acts, mechanicalness .. Some of it is still a little vague to my current awareness but the link gave me hope in learning to understand my ..situation. Not to imply my situations it is good or bad but that I CAN learn to understand my machine better. Things are coming together. The recommended psychology books etc.. as listed elsewhere are really helping me to grok much of what is written in the link, and also help me to grasp some of the esoteric concepts more in depth. I guess in a cross reference sort of way but also an inuitive, deeper way as well.

Anyhow, 1,000 Thanks!!
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