Eric Pepin - Higher Balance Institute - Discussion

Re: Second opinion required

Metro said:
Apoligies for the language, let that one slip. Unable to edit my post.

Hey Metro, I'm curious whether that's your everyday language or you are particularly emotional about that HBI issue, and if so then why? I mean, something seems to be missing which otherwise could give us a clue about the key point here. At least to me, so I'd appreciate your answer if you don't mind.
Re: Second opinion required

Emotional. Former HBI member who was used and spat out by them for calling them on their prices and mentality of some of the members.
Re: Second opinion required

I'm also unable to give any specifics due to the real threat of legal issues if I was to disclose too much information about myself.
Re: Second opinion required

Metro said:
I'm also unable to give any specifics due to the real threat of legal issues if I was to disclose too much information about myself.

If you can't give any details due to possible legal threats, then why keep bringing up the issue? I realize it's important to you to get information out there but if it's detrimental to you, why not just drop it?
Re: Second opinion required

truth seeker said:
Metro said:
I'm also unable to give any specifics due to the real threat of legal issues if I was to disclose too much information about myself.

If you can't give any details due to possible legal threats, then why keep bringing up the issue? I realize it's important to you to get information out there but if it's detrimental to you, why not just drop it?

It's not a 24/7 issue. Maybe a couple of times a year, I'll have a look at Higher Balance to see what current fiasco or legal issue they are facing. Have a laugh and a read about Eric telling everybody dark forces are trying to break apart HBI so send more money. In the end, if I helped one person to evaulte HBI and steer clear then I saved that person a lesson.
Re: Second opinion required

I'm sorry but it still makes little sense to me. You say it happens a couple of times a year, but you brought this subject up already second time since March 18th even after Laura's post in the other thread:

As you know, Pepin sued us, we won, he's paying his debt, and what he does from here on out is his business. Everything we had to say about him is in this thread. And, like I said, we won... so the thread stays but there's not really much point in stirring the pot.

which more or less means: the case is closed and we are not interested any longer in what he is doing; but we might be interested in forum members development and well being if they ask for that. And here is where I'm getting confused. You say it's interesting to you watching his body language, you seem to be in contact with some HBI members, and you want to save at least some of them. Then another guy writes to you, you bring it here for feedback :huh: and are becoming nervous and emotional while talking about it. It's like a syndrome of a victim who cannot free themselves from their predator's influence and has to go back to the predator and experience that abuse again and again. I say "it's like" and not that's the case as I simply don't know if it is.

So, my question would be: what's up Metro? What do you need, what do you expect us to do? You really don't have to reveal your personal data publicly or go into details.
Re: Second opinion required

Possibility of Being said:
I'm sorry but it still makes little sense to me. You say it happens a couple of times a year, but you brought this subject up already second time since March 18th even after Laura's post in the other thread:

As you know, Pepin sued us, we won, he's paying his debt, and what he does from here on out is his business. Everything we had to say about him is in this thread. And, like I said, we won... so the thread stays but there's not really much point in stirring the pot.

which more or less means: the case is closed and we are not interested any longer in what he is doing; but we might be interested in forum members development and well being if they ask for that. And here is where I'm getting confused. You say it's interesting to you watching his body language, you seem to be in contact with some HBI members, and you want to save at least some of them. Then another guy writes to you, you bring it here for feedback :huh: and are becoming nervous and emotional while talking about it. It's like a syndrome of a victim who cannot free themselves from their predator's influence and has to go back to the predator and experience that abuse again and again. I say "it's like" and not that's the case as I simply don't know if it is.

So, my question would be: what's up Metro? What do you need, what do you expect us to do? You really don't have to reveal your personal data publicly or go into details.

I think you could be right. The so called battle with them was mental not physical. I suppose im looking for that second chance to prove myself. I'm not emotionally nervous or worried nor am I looking to be a victim, Im well aware of what Im doing and how Im supposed to be played. I'm angry that these people did what they did to me and got away with it. I know I'm contradicting myself. Alot of things are happening at once today.

All I can really say is that all I wanted from SOTT was a quick feedback response about that message. I got that. Then I got more and I'm aware of how detailed information SOTT needs. I wasn't prepared to give that but I did give as much as I could out of courtesy.

Im also not in contact with HBI members. I have no intrest in them. I contact one member who had previously messaged me first. I told him what I thought of eric and his crew. The message I posted was his reply to that.
Metro, one thing I have seen over the years, in myself and in others, is that there are connections we make. You made a connection with the people at HBI. But it is an unhealthy connection. The need you feel in yourself to constantly go back and check things out maintains that unhealthy connection to them. It feeds it.

You might consider why it is you keep wanting to go back and maintain that link. What is it feeding in you?
Hi Metro

Metro said:
I think you could be right. The so called battle with them was mental not physical. I suppose im looking for that second chance to prove myself. I'm not emotionally nervous or worried nor am I looking to be a victim, Im well aware of what Im doing and how Im supposed to be played. I'm angry that these people did what they did to me and got away with it. I know I'm contradicting myself. Alot of things are happening at once today.

It seems that this anger runs quite deeply. Reading your messages (and trying to work out what is behind the contradictions), suggests that this anger is clouding your thinking and ability to see clearly/objectively.
Could it be that part of you wants to keep revisiting this in order to 'get back' at them 'for what they did to you'? Their can be a competing component to that kind of behaviour that 'enjoys' the attention (i.e. likes being a victim) go back and either treat them like a victim (by attacking them) or bottle the anger and get victimised....adding to the wound.

The only way to break that cycle is to go to the source of the problem....the emotional/psychological wound and anger need to be healed and expressed.
Shifting your focus from them to yourself (and deciding you want to heal/get past this) is the first step. Until then you tend to be trapped in the pattern of going back/being abused/abusing others. At least this is my current understanding of how it works.

The recommended psychology books are extremely helpful (When applied to yourself) in helping you heal these hurts. Another thing that may help (as its a good example that may fit your current position) is Deep Therapy in The Fast Lane

Are you doing the E-E program? This is extremely healing/cathartic when it comes to emotional wound's.....I'd recommend you have a pillow near by when you try it.
Eric Pepin Higher Balance Institute

Has anyone got any recent news on Eric Pepin and Higher Balance Institute? Can any Ex-members please contact me? I know that some of his tutors and members probably will be!
A relative of mine become a member of Higher Balance Institute a few years ago. My relative was told to distance himself from his family (who love him dearly) and his friends. Joining HBI has changed him dramatically. Where he was very close to his family and regarded them with love and respect, he now shut's them out of his life and ignores them. He has shut himself off from society and seems to be getting progressively worse. (when we get to see him that is.) I see that he is losing a lot of his members and is encouraging the members he has left to meditate more and spend more money with HBI. I have noticed that he has opened some new sites, under different names, I guess he has to get away from the sites with his name. I see that Eric Pepin claims to of successfully tracked submarines for The US Navy by Remote Viewing. Well I know that is Not true, The US Navy Never had a RV. Program. I also know that The US Army did have a Remote Viewing Program, and that Eric Pepin was Not part of it. i see he claims to of been responsible for finding over 100 missing persons and run-a-ways, again where is the evidence for that? He talks about his using Hypnosis at his retreats. Is he qualified to use it? He tells his members that, "Öne member of HBI is equal to between 50-1000 Trained Buddhist Monks or spiritualists" WOW! He claims to be a "World Class Psychic," yet All the "Top International Psychic/Mediums in the World," that I have spoken to have Never heard of him, that is until they Googled him for their selves. Surely if he was that good they would know of him! He calls himself a Philosopher. How does he get away with that, a philosopher with No Qualifications to prove it. He claims to of been working for the last 20 years, on the manufacture of a "Psychic Pill," that gives the user ESP and Psychic abilities. What I don't understand is, some of the ingredients in this Pill. Why is it that, some of the ingredients listed on the bottle are used and can be beneficial for the following diseases - Bi Polar, Depression, Schizophrenia, ADHD, Senile Dementia, Panic Disorder, Bulimia, BSA and more. What are these Pills? What are they really for? Are they approved by the FDA?
I CANNOT find any accreditations, qualifications, peers, peer reviews for any of what Eric Pepin has claimed. All professionals in the above mentioned information, do NOT regard him as a peer, and they have Never heard his name spoken in the Highly Respected fields of, Metaphysics, RV. or the Spiritual community. the only people that seem to back him and his claims are, his long time tutors and members.
If there is anyone out there that has proof to the contrary, I'd like to see it! look forward to a reply. Thank you to the hundreds of Good decent people out there that have answered my calls.
Re: Eric Pepin Higher Balance Institute

Welcome to the forum. Have you checked out this thread yet?
Hi Broadman,

I'd like to invite you to post an intro in the newbie section of the forum. It doesn't have to be long, just a little something about yourself and how you found the forum.

I've merged your post with an existing thread for easier reading.

Also, contacting other forum members is discouraged here. Not only for your own protection, but for the protection of others. You are more than welcome though to ask any questions in this thread. :)
Hello Truth seeker,

Thanks for the thumbs up with the info. I'm looking forward to some feed back on my earlier post. My main concern is to end the pain my relations are going through right now and to help their son get some help!
I also want to know why Eric Pepin is getting away with all the untruths he puts out there on the net, at his retreats, on his pod casts etc? Mind you he is looking worried at the moment, I don't think things are going too well for him right now. Let's hope so anyway! People are waking up to him at last. :lol:
Cheers for now,
Hi Broadman,

Welcome to the Cassiopaea forum. A lot of the answers to your questions regarding Eric Pepin and the HBI are discussed in the thread Truth Seeker has merged yours with. I know it's 39 pages long but it's really worth reading to understand what is happening to your relative and what you might be able to do about it. As you're probably aware by now, (including this forum) was sued by HBI some years back for discussing these very things. Our successful case underlined the right for all to see through Pepin's scheme - something he DID NOT want to happen.
Hi Kniall,

I have started reading it, it does make some interesting reading. Yes I know about Sott etc. Just happy it didn't work out for him.
Ive heard he spends thousands of dollars on removing negative stuff he doesn't like on the net .
Back to my reading now. Cheers
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