Ana said:
Is there a possibility that you are not analizing things here but imposing hypothetical formulas when dealing with the current reality.
In fact don't you think it is precisely self-appointed to assume that maybe the animal soul "deserves it" because of karmic circunstances or "for a reason that we will never find out". For whom is it safer?
I'm not imposing a hypothetical formula on a 'real' situation by what I'm discussing. I'm simply sharing my way of thinking while at the same time aknowledging that I will act according to each situation seperately and respecting everyone else's decisions on their own personal situations. That doesn't although prevent me from trying to think on a deeper level and evaluate my actions or non-actions beyond their face-value, which in this case has to do with the real benefit that exists - if any- and the reality of killing as an STO action. These, for me, are difficult questions that I can't readily reply for myself.
I don't know why you used the words 'deserve it' as if they were mine though. I haven't used them, nor was I assuming that karma or any other indescribable reasons for suffering in death were a form of punishment. Nonetheless, for me, it's part of the unkown - I won't say unkowable because there may well exist others that Know why it is happening but I'm not one of them :) When I don't know why something is happening it feels 'safer' to let it take its course without intervening.
You're asking for whome it is safer. I think it's safer for the entity that is dying to allow it to go through the process in a natural way. Again, this is what I Think and it doesn't mean that I have the courage nor will to watch an animal suffer acute pain and pretend it's alright. It sounds more logical though to account that to my weakness and not to some mistake or malevolence of nature. Please keep in mind that I was vegan for years because even the thought of animals dying to sustain me was too much to bear, so my thoughts don't come from lack of empathy but I admit they could come from emotional thinking.
I took the time to discuss euthanasia with some friends and my mother last time I saw her. After all these years she admitted to me that when my cat suffered for a week before dying, she felt it would have been kinder to put it down. Although I still fail to see killing as an STO action it was food for thought nonetheless.
I would like to give my condolences to everyone that has posted here because they lost their pet. I suppose this is a bit strange , but it's easier to find words of comfort for someone that has lost a friend or relative than for someone that has lost a pet. The best thing I could ever come up with was "I'm sorry.. I know there are no words to make this easier".