

Almost every time I read your most recent discoveries related to suicide I get depressed or sad. It seems you really are concerned about these souls and I share your concerns.

I suppose I am in a way concerned more about your own frame of mind. I know I have also been disturbed by all the negative actions related to the STS aspects of our existence. Whether 3D STS or 4D STS we still feel the effects.

I just thought I would try to at least give some Cs remarks on the subject of suicide. I think sometimes it is just a way for some to cope with what seems to be an inescapable choice. I do not condone suicide or even less assisted suicide in any way but on the other hand some of us seem to be under more duress than others. I think we all may be subject to forces that drive us crazy to the point of suicide.

Here are some sessions to consider:

Session 10 May 1994:
Q: (L) Is the North Caroline/Blue Ridge Mountain area relatively safe?

A: What did I just tell you? Depends on vibrational frequency changes. No specific earth changes are accurately predictable until near event.
{This is an important clue that suggests that by changing the vibrational frequency of either ourselves or our planet, or both, that cataclysms can be mitigated.}

Q: (LM) Ask what happened to those people that just died in Switzerland that were talked about on the news. Were they murdered? {As we were conducting the session, my ex-husband was watching the 11 o'clock news and the story about the Solar Temple Cult suicide was aired. He came in to ask us to ask the Cassiopaeans what was really behind it since the story was just breaking and there were no details.}

A: Pact. Agreement. Covenant.

Q: (L) They all made a pact to commit suicide together?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Why? How many were there?

A: 48. Religious zealousy.

Q: (L) Did the United States government deliberately murder the Branch Davidians at Waco?

A: Close. Led them to destroy themselves.

Q: (L) How?

A: Psychological warfare tactics.

Q: (L) Did the US government set their compound on fire?

A: No.

Q: (L) Who set the compound on fire?

A: Branch Davidians. Drove them crazy.

Q: (L) Were ELF or subliminals used?

A: Yes. As well as other means.

All these examples seem to take into consideration the "soul".

Session 7 November 1994:
Q: (L) What happens to people who commit suicide?

A: Varies according to circumstance.

Q: (L) In a general sense, is there some negative karma involved in committing suicide?

A: There can be negative karma involved with many things.

Q: (L) What about the death penalty?

A: Specify.

Q: (L) Is putting a criminal to death the equivalent of reducing society to the level of the criminal?

A: You are all put to death.

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: In one way or another.

Q: (L) Well, is there any negative karma on society, the judge, the jury, the executioner, if a criminal is brought to trial, found guilty of a heinous crime and then put to death?

A: What about war? What is better? This is open because all are murderers and suicides. It is the supreme lesson you all must learn before you can graduate to ethereal existence. Your thinking is too simplified.

Q: (L) Is there ever a situation where execution helps relieve the criminal of some of his karma that may be caused by the commission of the crime for which he is being executed?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it better to take a criminal, such as Dahmer, and have all of society support and take care of him?

A: These are all past issues. Will be resolved soon.

Q: (L) Are there any other physical creatures on planet earth which have souls?

A: All do.

Q: (L) Is the human soul different from, say, animal souls?

A: Of course.

Q: (L) Are there any other physical creatures on the earth which have souls like human souls? On the same level, so to speak?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, I have heard that dolphins, porpoises and whales have very advanced souls. Is that true?

A: All souls are advanced.

Q: (L) But are whales sentient, thinking, self-aware as humans are?

A: Apples and oranges.

Perhaps, many of us (including myself) have considered or attempted suicide at some point in our life which makes this subject hopefully more relevant as a more "universal" topic. Even @Laura had a subconscious memory of a past life where this was the situation. A session that emphasizes the complexity of our lives and our past lives may give us much to consider in why one would choose suicide is in the following session:

Session 5 January 1995:
Q: (L) And what year was Luther Meinhardt born in Deutschland?

A: 1904.

Q: (L) And when did Luther Meinhardt die?

A: 1947.

Q: (L) What did Luther Meinhardt die from?

A: Dysentery.

Q: (L) Was there some connection between Luther and me in that lifetime?

A: Was officer in Gestapo.

Q: (L) Did I know this officer in the Gestapo?

A: Not directly or by name.

Q: (L) Well, if I didn't know this person directly or by name, did this person have some effect on my life?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What effect did this person have on my life. What did they do?

A: Arrested husband.

Q: (L) And at the time my husband was arrested, what happened then?

A: Nothing of import.

Q: (L) What happened to the husband after he was arrested? Why was he arrested?

A: Judisch.

Q: (L) He was arrested because he was Jewish?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was I also Jewish?

A: No.

Q: (L) And how many children did I have?

A: Four.

Q: (L) What was the result of the arrest of my husband? Was he taken to a concentration camp, killed, or what?

A: Killed.

Q: (L) How was he killed?

A: Shot.

Q: (L) Was this the point at which I committed suicide by diving from a window?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, there were the four children; what then happened to the children?

A: Taken to camp "Orphanage."

Q: (L) What happened to the four of them there?

A: Different fates.

Q: (L) What was the oldest one's name?

A: Rita.

Q: (L) What happened to Rita?

A: Died in camp.

Q: (L) How old was Rita when she died in the camp?

A: 17.

Q: (L) What was the next oldest one's name?

A: Gerta.

Q: (L) What happened to Gerta?

A: Died in camp.

Q: (L) How old was Gerta when she died?

A: 15.

Q: (L) What was the next one's name?

A: Klaus.

Q: (L) What happened to Klaus?

A: Experimented upon, survived, lives in Austria or Holland.

Q: (L) Why does he live in one or the other?

A: Hard to decipher because he moves.

Q: (L) Does he move back and forth from one place to the other?

A: Has or does.

Q: (L) And Klaus is still living. When was Klaus born?

A: 1929.

Q: (L) What was the last name of the family?

A: Gerspringer.

Q: (L) What happened to the youngest child?

A: Ernst. Died 1987.

Q: (L) So, Ernst survived the camp. Are any of the children I have now reincarnations of my children then?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are there any ramifications of this situation that I need to deal with?

A: Watch karmic interaction with A__. You may have hidden anger.

Q: (L) But A__ is such a lovable baby. Why did she decide to come into my family if she was part of the Gestapo that destroyed my family?

A: Guilt.

Q: (L) She wanted to come in to assuage her guilt?

A: Was Gestapo, but intents were not evil, just "orders."

Q: (L) And who was my husband in that lifetime?

A: Gerhard.

Q: (L) And who is he in this lifetime, has he already reincarnated?

A: No.

Q: (L) Didn't you tell me that he had reincarnated and that he was G__ M__?

A: Yes, but has apparently passed and other entity told you, not us.

Q: (L) So, on the occasion when those questions were being asked, the entity that was telling us that was a corrupted influence?

A: Not corrupted, just other.

Q: (L) Another of the Cassiopaeans told me that?

A: Check records.

Q: (L) I don't understand. Well, since you brought that subject up, are you intending to say that the entity in this person's body has passed and another entity has taken its place?

A: No. G__ was husband, but other lifetime.

Q: (L) I see, I guess. Okay, well, where is the person who was my husband in that lifetime? Is he still floating around somewhere?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. What lifetime was it when G__ was my husband?

A: Before the last one.

Q: (L) What year was that lifetime?

A: 1800's..

Q: (L) In that particular lifetime, what was the karmic interaction or dynamics?

A: Husband and wife. Deutschland, Prussia.

Q: (L) What was his name?

A: Gunther Steinbrandt.

Q: (L) What was my name in that lifetime?

A: Wilhelmina.

Q: (L) Did we have any children?

A: No.

Q: (L) What was Gunther Steinbrandt's occupation?

A: Solderer.

Q: (L) He was a worker with solder?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I didn't know they had solder in that time. Sounds like a totally boring life. Did anything dramatic or interesting happen in that life?

A: Subjective.

Q: (L) My current husband and I seemingly have very strong karma together. What is the source of this karma?

A: Were lovers in Persia.

Q: (L) And that was in the 1600s as we have been told before, correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do I have any particular karma toward or with any of my children that is outstanding? Any one or two children with outstanding karma?

A: A__.

Q: (L) What about A__?

A: No.

Q: (L) Who was A__ in her last lifetime?

A: Brian Jones.

Q: (L) When did Brian Jones die?

A: 1889

Q: (L) When was Brian Jones born?

A: 1803.

Q: (L) And do all of my children have strong connections to me in terms of affection or karma or whatever?

A: As always.

Q: (L) When was the last lifetime Frank and I were together?

A: 1700's.

Q: (L) Who was Frank in the 1700s?

A: Bavarian landowner's son.

Q: (L) Who was I in this lifetime?

A: Daughter.

Q: (L) I was Frank's daughter?

A: No, sister.

Q: (L) Was this the same lifetime when I was married to G__?

A: No. Spent 3 lifetimes in what is now Germany.

Q: (L) Was my mother with me in that lifetime?

A: No.

Q: (L) In that lifetime as Bavarian landowner's children, what was Frank's name?

A: Heinrig.

Q: (L) What was my name?

A: Sheila.

Q: (L) What did we do in that lifetime? Argue?

A: Were sheltered.

Q: (L) Any exceptional talents or abilities?

A: Piano and harp.

Q: (L) So, all I did was sit around and play the piano and harp all the time?

A: Close.

Q: (L) And read books? What did Frank do, smoke cigars and gaze out the window?

A: Read.

Q: (L) Must have been nice, Frank. What area of Bavaria was this?

A: Muenchen near. South of there. On Braunau.

Q: (L) Was this a very large house?

A: Castle.

Q: (L) Sounds better all the time. Is the castle still standing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Would we know that castle by name?

A: No.

Q: (L) What was our last name, surname, family name?

A: Von Endersohn.

Q: (L) Did we live long and fullfilling and happy lives?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Did we experience tragedy?

A: Was turbulent era.

Q: (L) Well, how old was I when I died?

A: 43.

Q: (L) How old was Frank when he died?

A: 43.

Q: (L) Were we twins?

A: No.

Q: (L) Who was older, me or him?

A: Year apart.

Q: (L) What did he die from?

A: Heart attack.

Q: (L) What did I die from?

A: Pneumonia.

Q: (L) Did we die still living in our castle?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Did either of us have any children?

A: No. Were sheltered from turbulence directed at wealthy.

Q: (L) How were we sheltered from this turbulence?

A: Kept isolated. Never married.

Q: (L) Well, I guess that is one way to shelter yourself from turbulence, just never go out. We just sat around, played the piano and harp and read books. That sounds like a pretty ideal existence to me. Did we ride horses too?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I guess we worked hard to entertain ourselves. (F) That must be why we both yearn for security, peaceful reading and so on. (L) I have always wanted to live in Europe. Would I be happy doing so?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) (F) Well, that is probably why you yearn to live in Europe, because you spent 3 lifetimes in that area. (L) If I used hypnosis, could I improve my piano playing? Also, would I be able to automatically play the harp?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Has it ever been done before?

A: Yes.

The above session illustrates the complexity of our past lives and how they may relate to why we all may have events in our past lives that affect us now in this life. I do not think any of us are immune to our karma and past life experiences.

I am thankful that @Laura has given of herself to share these sessions and her past life experiences with us so we may at least get a "clue" about our own experiences why we are here at this particular juncture in the 309,000 year cycle of "time".

I think this next session illustrates a general effort of STS forces to make us self-destruct.

Session 15 April 1995:
Q: (L) The other night when we were working without Frank, we got some information that indicated that Frank was in danger via the government. Is that true or was that true?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) What is the source of this danger?

A: Source?

Q: (L) I mean like, the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, or what?

A: Not initialled as such.

Q: (L) Is this physical danger or just harassment danger?

A: Mind attack for purpose of self-destruction.

Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done to shield against this kind of attack?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What can be done for shielding?

A: Knowledge input on a continuous basis.

Q: (L) And what form should this knowledge take? Does this mean channeled information, books, videos, what?

A: All and other.

Q: (L) A specific other?

A: Networking of information now, warning!!! All others will very soon experience great increase of same type of attack, two of you have had episodes in past from same source for similar reasons, but now your association puts you in different category!! Remember all channels and those of similar make-up are identified, tracked, and "dealt with."

Q: (T) Which two have experienced similar types of attack?

A: Up to you to identify for learning.

Q: (J) I'm pretty sure I'm one of them because I have been way down mentally and emotionally. (T) Is Jan one of the two? (J) I know I'm one.

A: Suicidal thoughts?

Q: (L) Have you had suicidal thoughts? (J) No. (T) Not me. (Frank) I have had them constantly. (T) Laura, did you? (L) I was pretty damn low. I wasn't contemplating suicide, I was just thinking how nice it would be if we could just turn out the lights and end the illusion. (T) Okay, so we have identified the two, you and Frank. (L) So, in other words Jan, it is going to get worse. (Frank) Didn't they say two others? (L) I guess they are saying that a similar thing can happen. (T) If we don't work together on this, we are going to lose the whole thing. (J) Okay, ask about the card reading Terry did tonight? (T) Was it accurate?

A: Close.

Q: (T) Was the reading referring to the same thing you are now referring to?

A: Close.

Q: (T) So, we have the knowledge and all we have to do to prevent the attacks from being nasty?

A: You do not have all the awareness you need! Not by any means!

Q: (J) Is one of the reasons why this whole thing between Frank and Laura happened to show us that we could establish, albeit a very weak and very jumbled, connection with the channel without Frank's presence. A sort of verification of the channel's integrity. Was that one of the byproducts of this, or one of the purposes of it?

A: Byproduct is good way of putting it. Remember, all there is is lessons.

Q: (L) The attack was more internal in terms of doubt, not only of the channel and the information, but of the very foundations of existence. I mean, the realization that we may not be at the top of the food chain was shattering. (T) That snowballed on its own once the initial conflict was established. (J) Maybe the way to look at it is: yes, we went through all this crap, and you and Frank went through all this anguish, but maybe one good thing that came out of it, and maybe wasn't intended, was the fact that yes, we were able to see that there is a channel separate and distinct from all of us. It is not dependent on any one of us to be present. Yes, we do need to have all of us together for optimum contact...

A: All are able to channel, but practice is required to establish the same extent of grooving but be aware of ramifications!

Q: (L) What ramifications?

A: Observe Frank.

Q: (T) We are observing you. (J) Yeah. And? (F) I think what they mean is, when you can channel as I can, because I channel almost continuously, this has a good side and a bad side. Now, the good side you know. The bad side you don't know. The bad side is very hard to live with. I cannot even describe the state of my mind. (L) I would like to have practical advice and guidance on what we can to do to fend off or prevent psychic attack. We know that knowledge and awareness is important, but any words of wisdom or advance things that can be given would be appreciated.

A: Daily prayer helps.
While seeming to be a small or insignificant point of advise I think "Daily prayer helps" much.

I think many of us may be suffering from depression with all the chaotic events we are experiencing. One session points out that this may in some cases lead to suicide.

Session 9 June 1996:
Q: (L) Now, Admiral Boorda recently committed suicide...

A: Time to read Oeschler.

Q: (L) Did Admiral Boorda really commit suicide?

A: Yes. Culmination, as is usually the case.

Q: (L) A culmination of other things?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Did any of this have to do with human/alien interactions?

A: No.
He was not aware of any of that.

Q: (L) What about Vince Foster? Did he commit suicide?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) For the reasons proposed?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) What was the main reason?

A: Depression.

So, one factor in some of these recent events may be depression that is designed to lead us to self-destruction.
Although this thread is about supposedly free will acts of assisted Euthanasia (with a little help from our friends) one could often wonder how "free will" these acts really are.

The following session seems to show there are organizations designed to make these suicides appear voluntary acts when they may be very programed sometimes.

Session 15 November 1997:
Q: (A) Alright, I would like to know something about the death of this guy, Marinov. Is Marinov dead?

A: Yes.

Q: Did he commit suicide?

A: No.

Q: Was he physically pushed from the fire escape?

A: He was a victim of highly sophisticated post hypnotic suggestion/mind control.

Q: Who was responsible for installing the post hypnotic suggestion?

A: Chain of Command.

Q: Okay, the STS chain of command. In human terms, who was involved?

A: M1.

Q: What's M1?

A: British Intelligence.

Q: (A) What was the main reason for his death?

A: Revelations too "sensitive," would cause "instabilities."

Q: Instabilities in what?

A: Power structure/control.

Q: What kind of revelation?

A: Theoretical physics.

Q: In what specific area?

A: "Unified Field Theory."

Q: (A) I am not aware that he was working in this direction. He was more experimental than theoretical, but he was collaborating with other guys. In particular, I would like to know if this Pappas knows the same as Marinov did?

A: Not completely, or he would be dead, too.

Q: (T) What was this guy's breakthrough in Unified Field Theory? I know they are not gonna tell us, but maybe they can point us in the right direction. (L) Well, they put that in quotes, so I don't know...

A: Merger.

Q: (A) I want to know if it is safe for me to contact this Pappas and ask questions?

A: Up to a point. Better to use faculties you possess for your own discoveries.

Q: (T) Did the gentleman who just passed away learn something about the merging of Unified Field Theories? (L) Or merging of factors...

A: The problem is that these scientists are often too eager to share and reveal. Remember: it is most difficult to win a Nobel Prize when one's residence is a tomb.

Q: Is it true that there was a luminous spot on the pavement where Marinov died?

A: Yes.

Q: Why?

A: Residue of substance used in mind control procedure.

Q: What was this substance? And what was it used for?

A: Phosphorescent Sulphate Ammonia Chloride. Ammonium Chloride with correct formulation, can be injected intravascularly in order to induce a state of super-suggestibility when utilized in conjunction with pre-existent hypnotic programming.

Q: Alright, a subject I hypnotized some years ago described being abducted, taken to an underground facility nearby, and having some sort of glowing green fluid introduced intravenously. Was this a similar substance?

A: Close.

Q: I think that I remember something similar being described by Karla Turner.

A: Obviously, the residual on the sidewalk was there as a result of blunt trauma to the skull.

Q: He jumped because of the programming and the blunt trauma was the result of his head hitting the sidewalk...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Are these ideas, the programming that is carried on this way that is described here, that was described by Laura's subject, that is described in the Karla Turner book, and that is making something of a stir in other arenas, is this within the realm of the military abduction scenario, or covert operation abductions. Are these all related to human abductors rather than alien?

A: Yes, to some extent.

The next example of a suicide is based on what happens when we only focus on "Love and Light" and do not also acknowledge the negative and potential attacks from the STS side of reality.

Session 24 July 1999:

Q: I have been having a dialogue with a fellow on the net in the last week or so who is very well versed in the Ra Material. He sent me a large chunk of volume 5 of the Ra books, which was material that had not been released earlier. It seems that during the times that Don Elkins was asking some questions about different conspiracies and the nature of the 4th density STS manipulations and some other rather grim subjects, that there was some sort of judgment made by this group, or members of this group, that such subjects were not appropriate lines of questioning for an STO channel. They were, apparently, considered to be a focusing on negative aspects, therefore they were not of 'love and light.' Such questions and directions of questions were, therefore, discouraged or agreed by this group to be not desirable to pursue. Don Elkins DID, however, commit suicide. Can you tell us why?

A: Suicide is a chosen pathway for the purpose of close realization of shutting off the noise.

Q: What noise was he wanting to shut off?

A: It is a figure of speech.

Q: I would like to understand. Here, these folks had this marvelous contact with Ra...

A: Contact with Ra does not preclude the possibility of attack.

Q: Why did Ra not convey to him the information necessary to understand that he was under attack, and what kind of attack it was, and how to deal with it?

A: The questions were not asked.

Q: Why were the questions not asked that would have protected him?

A: "Love and Light."

Q: So, because they were so focused on the love and light aspects...

A: There is no positivity without negativity.

Q: So, positivity, alone, becomes, in effect, negativity, or becomes null?

A: No, there is always negativity present, whether acknowledged or not.

Q: So, you are saying that if it is not acknowledged, placed on the table, so to speak, that it sort of 'bites you' no matter what? That, in some way it will manifest, and if a person goes to an extreme in terms of love and light, the negativity will come in the back door?

A: Close.

Perhaps one of the reasons this thread may be important is the idea that the Euthanasia protagonists are really trying to use "Mind control" on those of us who are weary and worn down.

Session 14 September 2001:
Q: Well, Sollog did predict that this would happen in 1997. But then, then, the guy on the newsgroup predicted that something was going to happen in seven days... That was bizarre. He didn't say what, but the message was headed with 9/11. If he had known what was going to happen, I think he would have at least hinted. (A) But that would be too dangerous for him.
A: Yes. More like a miss.
Q: How did they get those guys to agree to fly those buildings into those planes and commit suicide?
A: Mind control.

Session 14 September 2002:
Q: (L) Alright, we have our first question that I want to get out of the way before we go into any other things and it's a question for a member of our group DD whose son committed suicide on Aug. 22 last year (2001)...

A: He was subjected to mind programming due to his fathers work in military.

Q: (L) Was his father aware of this?

A: He was also subject.

Q: (L) In what way was he a subject?

A: He was utilized mainly to deal with the son so as to make him available.

Q: (L) Anything else to say to D about this?

A: He must not feel responsible. Many such cases exist outside of the military. His son was selected due to bloodline. The reason for failure was due to strength of resistance.

Q: (L) So, in other words, they couldn't control the son, is that what you're saying?

A: More or less.

Q: (L) So he wasn't stimulated to commit suicide to hurt D?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was he programmed to do something that was in conflict with something inside him?

A: Mainly. His FRV was not conducive to such controls.

Q: (L) Was the son at all aware of any of this sort of thing? Was he aware that he was, that there was something...(V) Was he aware that he was controlled? (Atriedes) Was his act of suicide kind of like a final form of defense against the mind control like he knew it on a subconscious level or was that they had him commit suicide because they realized they had failed and they just said kill yourself or did he do it as a way of resistance?

A: It was more resistance.

Are suicide bombers really suicidal?

Session 29 July 2006:
Q: (unplugged tape recorder is discovered and reconnected)
(Perceval) What percentage of the alleged Palestinian suicide bombings over the past 6 years have actually been carried out by Palestinian suicide bombers?

A: 0.05%

Q: (Perceval) That’s disgraceful. You see how bad that is? You see what they have done to an entire people? (Stunned silence.)

A: That may increase dramatically, however.

Q: (Perceval) yeah well they’ve set it up with the claims that Iran has thousands of suicide bombers ready to attack the west (L) I think the percentage of people in a population who would be psychologically (prepared to do this) is very small (Perceval) yeah, it’s tiny (L) and therefore the fact that there is this many means that these individuals who are been programmed or worked on psychologically or have been set up and don’t even know that they are suicide bombers, that’s what I would say, because even in a so called “fanatic population” the number of people who actually gonna go and blow themselves up….under any circumstances is real small. I mean, how many suicide bombers have there been in Ireland (Perceval) exactly, none! And among other supposedly “terrorist” wars that has gone on, they don’t do it. (L) yeah, it has been a huge defamation thing. (Galahad) yeah. (Perceval) well they completely denigrated a billion people in the minds of western people as crazy, as people who blow themselves up!
Are people "disintegrating"?

Session 20 June 2009:
Q: (laughter) (L) That sound suspiciously like Jason. (laughter) {omitted series of personal questions and answers} (L) Okay, you wanted to ask something about... (A**) What about these suicides in Bridgend, Wales? What's going on there?

A: Location amplifies the kinds of waves mentioned earlier leading to rapid disintegration.

Q: (L) So it's like underground water, or electromagnetic, or some kind of power point or something like that?

A: Yes

Q: (A**) So people are just disintegrating, and they're all hanging themselves. (Joe) Twenty four of them, all hung themselves. (A***) All under the age of thirty. (L) Well, you've got HAARP going, you've got microwave towers going, you've got cosmic waves going. (DD) I had a friend commit suicide in Tulsa last week.

A: Expect a lot more unstable behavior all over.

Is induced suicide possible? And can music be used in this respect?

Session 13 September 2009:
Q: (L) I think it's strange. (PL) One of the triggers is for murderers. But they say it's one of the specific nefarious purposes. Are there examples of other specific nefarious purposes? Can they trigger suicide in people?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) General association among young people, ya know what I mean? Turn their brains into... (Keit) Like psychopathy, and violent... (Allen) I don't think it has to be that serious. It's part of the frequency fence, the music...

A: Frequency fence! [spelling at the same time Allen is speaking)

Q: (L) So you read their minds, Allen. (PL) But this music is available all over the world. (L) Yes. And our music is not. We haven't even made it! (laughter)

A: Time is awastin! And how are the videos going???!

Q: (laughter) (A***) The dog ate them. (laughter) (L) The dog ate my homework!

A: No dice!

Sometimes I think it can be "entities" causing suicides but probably more rarely.

Session 25 February 2023:
Q: (MK Scarlett) A teenager fatally stabbed his teacher on February 22 in France with a single "quick, fluid and unhesitating" stab. According to the prosecutor, the 16-year-old student, described as "intelligent and hard-working" as well as "solitary and clumsy", said he was possessed and evoked "a small voice that spoke to him, a being he described as selfish, manipulative, egocentric, who incited him to do evil and who would have suggested to him the day before to murder his Spanish teacher". Is this voice real?

A: Yes

Q: (MK Scarlett) And is the teenager under the influence of a malevolent psychic entity?

A: Yes

Q: (MK Scarlett) If yes: The young man had tried to kill himself with drugs in October 2022 (he had been hearing the voice for several years and had told his mother about it) before being followed by a psychiatrist who had placed him on antidepressants. Did this suicide attempt cause the entity to punish the teenager by having him commit a murder, which could send him to prison/a psychiatric hospital for a long time leaving him under the domination of this entity?

A: Yes

And there are repeated methods that the PTB use to control undesirable behaviors.

Session 23 September 2023:
Q: (Keyhole) Isaac Kappy was a Hollywood actor who accused numerous other high profile celebrities of child trafficking and pedophilia.

(L) So what's the question? I don't see a question there. It's a statement.

(Keyhole) The question should be further down on the chat. Basically, Isaac Kappy was, as I said, a fairly low profile Hollywood actor, but he came out during 2019/2020, basically saying that there was these elite trafficking rings and he was naming all these kinds of high profile celebrities who were involved, and he built quite a following. And then he was live streaming one day, and he was a little bit, kind of confused and seemingly off character, but he said that he wasn't suicidal. And then that night, or the next day he was found... He jumped off a bridge and apparently committed suicide, and lots of people suspect that maybe he was murdered. So the question is was it suicide or was there some kind of foul play?

A: Read about
Paul Bennewitz. Same type of treatment. And used often in varied contexts.

Q: (L) He got the Bennewitz treatment. Yeah...

(Joe) Do you know who Paul Bennewitz is? Who's that?

(L) He was a scientist, I think, and he was convinced about UFOs or something, and... I can't remember all the details, but they used all kinds of things, all kinds of tech to drive him crazy and to mess with his head, and to do all kinds of things, and I think it drove him to kill himself. I'm not sure entirely. You'd have to read up on it, but look him up and read about Paul Bennewitz.

(Joe) Does that suggest that the guy that Keyhole was talking about was accurate in his claims about Hollywood?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Yeah, they got rid of him, because Bennewitz was sure telling the truth.

(Ze Germanz) Does 4D STS have a sense of humor?

A: No. If you have one it is because of STO impulses.

Sorry, if this is too long or not directly relevant to Euthanasia.
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