Events in Russia

Roscosmos named the probable cause of the Luna-25 crash

"Luna-25": preliminary results of the work to determine the causes of abnormal station operation

On 19 August, when issuing a corrective pulse to transfer the spacecraft from a circular circumlunar orbit to an elliptical pre-landing orbit, the Luna-25 propulsion system operated for 127 seconds instead of the planned 84 seconds. As a result, the station entered an uncalculated open orbit and collided with the lunar surface.

It was found that the most probable cause of the accident was the abnormal functioning of the onboard control system, associated with the failure to switch on the accelerometer unit in the BIUS-L device (angular velocity measurement unit) due to the possible entry into one single data array of commands with different priorities of their execution by the device. In this case, the distribution of commands in data arrays has a random (probabilistic) character.

Therefore, the onboard control system received zero signals from the accelerometers of the BIUS-L device. This did not allow, when issuing a corrective impulse, to fix the moment when the required velocity was set and to timely shutdown of the spacecraft propulsion system, resulting in its shutdown according to the time setpoint.

Recommendations on additional measures for subsequent lunar missions were made.

«Луна-25»: предварительные результаты работы по выяснению причин нештатного функционирования станции

19 августа при выдаче корректирующего импульса для перевода космического аппарата с круговой окололунной орбиты на эллиптическую предпосадочную орбиту двигательная установка «Луны-25» проработала 127 секунд вместо запланированных 84 секунд. В итоге станция перешла на нерасчетную незамкнутую орбиту и столкнулась с лунной поверхностью.

Установлено, что наиболее вероятной причиной аварии стало нештатное функционирование бортового комплекса управления, связанное с невключением блока акселерометров в приборе БИУС-Л (блок измерения угловых скоростей) из-за возможного попадания в один массив данных команд с различными приоритетами их исполнения прибором. При этом распределение команд в массивах данных имеет случайный (вероятностный) характер.

В связи с этим в бортовой комплекс управления приходили нулевые сигналы с акселерометров прибора БИУС-Л. Это не позволило при выдаче корректирующего импульса зафиксировать момент набора требуемой скорости и произвести своевременное выключение двигательной установки космического аппарата, в результате чего ее отключение произошло по временной уставке.

Сформированы рекомендации по проведению дополнительных мероприятий для последующих лунных миссий.
The work of an auto dealer of level 80.:thup:
Putin gave Uzbekistan's leader Mirziyoyev a ride in an Aurus SUV

NOVO-OGAREVO, Oct 7 - RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to personally demonstrate the capabilities of the Aurus SUV to the leader of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
Putin met a colleague in his residence near Moscow, showed a new jeep, got on the steering wheel and drove a colleague.

The President of Russia also demonstrated a new SUV to the leader of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.
Earlier it was reported that the leaders of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Kosym-Jomart Tokayev arrived at the residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin near Moscow, the Russian leader greeted his colleagues with a warm handshake.
Путин прокатил лидера Узбекистана на внедорожнике Aurus

Работа автопродавца 80 уровня.
I clearly understand that the place for this news is not here. But where? I didn't figure it out, and the only reason why I put it here is my confidence that Russia, according to established tradition, will be blamed for blowing up this gas pipeline. Well, apparently they didn't find anything at all for this and it didn't work out to "pull the owl on the globe".
Chinese vessel suspected of blowing up a gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea
Local media report on the possible involvement of a Chinese container ship in the damage to the Estonian-Finnish gas pipeline Balticconnector. Data from the analytical resource MarineTraffic indicate that at crucial moments the container ship New new Polar Bear, sailing under the flag of Hong Kong, approached the pipe at a dangerous distance. Information about the ship's approach to the gas pipeline was published by the Postimees newspaper.

Despite the availability of such information, Estonian state structures have so far refrained from diplomatic actions against China. According to sources from the Postimees newspaper, the country's government is cautious because of the political and diplomatic sensitivity of the issue. The Estonian authorities have not yet made official accusations, which makes the appeal at the diplomatic level inapplicable.
Китайское судно подозревают в подрыве газопровода в Балтийском море

Я четко понимаю, что для этой новости место не здесь. Но где? Я не разобрался и единственная причина, почему я поместил её сюда, это моя уверенность в том, что в подрыве этого газопровода обвинят, по устоявшейся традиции, Россию. Что же, видимо совсем ничего для этого не нашли и не получилось "натянуть сову на глобус".
The last phrase from the article can be taken out in the announcement: "The grain deal is dead - long live the grain deal!"
China and Russia have signed the largest "grain deal" in the history of relations between the two countries
China and Russia have signed the largest contract in the history of relations between the two countries worth almost 2.5 trillion rubles ($25.7 billion), under which Russia will supply China with 70 million tons of grain, legumes and oil products. The agreement is concluded for 12 years.

This was announced to TASS by the leader of the "New Land Grain Corridor" initiative Karen Hovsepyan on the sidelines of a business forum held in Beijing on the eve of the opening of the Third International Forum "One Belt, One Road".

According to him, this initiative will contribute to the normalization of the export structure within the framework of the Belt and Road.

"The situation is that we are definitely more than replacing the dropped volumes of Ukrainian exports at the expense of Siberia and the Far East," Karen Hovsepyan explained.

The launch of the onshore grain initiative is scheduled for late November — early December. These days, at the meeting of the heads of government of Russia and China, an interstate agreement on a "New land Grain corridor" will be signed.

Karen Hovsepyan added that thanks to the Trans-Baikal Grain Terminal, the new initiative will increase the export of Russian grain to China to 8 million tons, which is planned to increase to 16 million tons in the future due to the construction of new infrastructure.

"That's what I understand, a grain deal!"

"The grain deal is dead - long live the grain deal!" — social networks comment.
Китай и Россия подписали крупнейшую в истории отношений двух стран «зерновую сделку»
I never cease to be surprised by the Baltic limitrophs. Here they proposed to block the Baltic Sea for Russian shipping. Who suggested it? Are you serious about this? Latvia can block something from Russia? It will be interesting to see them all, how they will change their shoes in the air when overseas support disappears.
Latvia has called for the Baltic Sea to be closed to Russian ships. Moscow appreciated the idea
Peskov responded to the proposal of the head of Latvia to close the Baltic Sea to Russia

Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics called for the Baltic Sea to be closed to all Russian vessels if the investigation proves Russia's involvement in the sabotage on Balticconnector, which occurred on October 8. The press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov in response called on Latvia to think about closing the sea for those responsible for undermining the "Northern Streams".
Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics said on TV3 that the Baltic Sea could be closed to all Russian ships if Moscow's involvement in the damage to the Balticconnector gas pipeline was revealed.

"If some kind of responsibility of Russia or another country is confirmed. Well, it is unlikely that another country. <...> Then I would say that, in my opinion, the issue that we will close the Baltic Sea to all Russian ships will be discussed," Rinkevics said, quoted by RIA Novosti.

The Latvian president claims that the issue is not being discussed at the moment, because it is necessary to "wait for concrete and clear results of the investigation." However, in his opinion, it is already worth strengthening the patrolling of the Baltic Sea by NATO forces. According to Rinkevics, he discussed this issue with the Presidents of Estonia and Finland.

In Moscow they answered
Commenting on the proposal of Rinkevics, the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov, in an interview with TASS, suggested thinking about what to do with the Baltic Sea when the perpetrators of the explosions on the "Northern Streams" are identified.

"What are we going to do with the Baltic Sea when the truth about those who are and were behind the terrorist attack against the Nord Streams will be revealed very soon, what does he propose to do with the Baltic Sea in this case?" Peskov told TASS.
According to him, Russia "has not had and will never have anything to do with any actions of this kind." "But how Latvia will behave in relation to the case of the "Nord Streams", we are very interested," he added.

The Kremlin representative stressed that there is no objective evidence of Russia's possible involvement in the leak from the Balticconnector gas pipeline and the termination of its work.

Damage to Balticconnector
Balticconnector is a gas pipeline that runs along the bottom of the Gulf of Finland between Inkoo in Finland and Paldiski in Estonia. On October 8, Finnish and Estonian gas pipeline operators recorded a pressure drop in the offshore part of the wire and stated that this indicates a possible leak.

Finnish President Sauli Niinisto said that the underwater infrastructure was damaged as a result of external influences. Finnish police found "external traces" in the area of the leak.

Finland and Estonia are conducting a joint investigation into the incident. The Finnish police consider the involvement of the Chinese container ship Newnew Polar Bear in the damage to the gas pipeline to be a priority version. The Estonian newspaper Postimees, citing the Marine Traffic service, reported that a Chinese container ship was above it at the time of the damage to the infrastructure.

Russia is also under suspicion. The newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, with reference to Marine Traffic data, writes that the Russian ship "SGV Fleet" was located from the evening of October 6 to the evening of October 8 in the central part of the Gulf of Finland, so theoretically it could be involved in the damage.

Mikhail Kasatkin, head of the commercial department of the Baltic Fuel Company, which owns the ship, explained to Helsingin Sanomat that the ship's stay in this area is solely due to weather conditions.

Russian Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov told reporters on October 11 that Russia condemns the destruction of any facilities of the fuel and energy complex.
Латвия призвала закрыть Балтийское море для российских кораблей. В Москве оценили идею - Газета.Ru

All sorts of sanctions have already been applied to Russia. "Sanctions from hell", "the economy is torn to shreds" - we have already passed all this, but here, in my opinion, the sanctions from the humorous magazine "Crocodile" have come and note that the same humorous Balts are again acting with such a humorous initiative.
Lithuania proposed to ban the export of buttons, needles and knitting needles to Russia

Lithuania, as part of the 12th package of anti-Russian sanctions of the European Union, proposes to impose a ban on the export of buttons, sewing needles and knitting needles to Russia. This is reported by EUobserver with a link to the document.
The publication reports that Vilnius has detailed recommendations on the "destruction of Russian industrial capacities" on dozens of pages.

Thus, according to Lithuania, the next package of sanctions should include a ban on the export of central heating radiators with non-electric heating. In addition, it is proposed to deprive Russians of nails and nail cutters, buttons, sewing needles and knitting needles.

At the same time, one of the bloc's diplomats noted that the European Union prefers to believe in fairy tales that its sanctions regime harms Russia.

Europe has been working on the 12th package of anti-Russian sanctions for several months. According to the foreign press, restrictions may be aimed at transferring frozen assets of the Bank of Russia in order to support Ukraine. One of the most widely discussed measures that may be included in the next package of EU sanctions is a restriction on the import of Russian diamonds.
Литва предложила запретить экспорт в Россию кнопок, игл и вязальных спиц - Российская газета

Я не перестаю удивляться Прибалтийским лимитрофам. Вот предложили заблокировать Балтийское море для российского судоходства. Кто предложил? Вы это серьезно? Латвия может чего то заблокировать России? Интересно будет посмотреть на них всех, как они будут переобуваться в воздухе, когда пропадет заокеанская поддержка.
К России уже применялись всякие санкции. "Санкции из ада", "экономика разорвана в клочья"- это все мы уже проходили, а вот тут, по моему, настали санкции из юмористического журнала "Крокодил" и заметьте, что с подобной юмористической инициативой выступают опять те же юмористическе прибалты.
I always ask myself in such cases: is this person a fool or does he consider his audience to be fools? In this case, in my opinion, the answer is obvious - regardless of whether this figure is a fool or not, he considers others to be greater fools than he is. It is also possible that he is haunted by Zelensky's laurels - he seems to be considered a comedian.
Trump accused Russia of stealing drawings of the American "super-duper rocket"
Former US President Donald Trump accused Russia of stealing secret drawings of the American "super-duper rocket" during the administration of Barack Obama. He made such a statement during his speech to supporters in New Hampshire.

Trump did not specify the details of the incident and did not disclose exactly how Russia allegedly took possession of this secret technology. He also did not say which specific missile system he was talking about, only emphasized its high speed.

In addition to this, Trump expressed his criticism of the current leadership of the United States, saying that the country is run by "the most incompetent leader in history." According to him, as a result of the actions of the current government, "death and destruction" are being observed around the world.

A separate remark deserves the fact that the former president also shared information about warm relations with his Russian counterpart. During a speech in Iowa, he said that he got along well with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Russian side has not yet commented on Trump's statement, however, his statement, apparently, has nothing to do with reality, since in recent years the United States has not come close to creating hypersonic weapons.
Трамп обвинил Россию в краже чертежей американской "супер-пупер-ракеты"

Peskov's response is traditionally soft.
Peskov responded to Trump's statements that Russia stole the drawings of a "super-duper missile" from the United States

So the press secretary of the president commented on the statements of former US President Donald Trump that Moscow allegedly stole secret blueprints for the American "super-duper rocket" during the presidency of Barack Obama.

"I find it difficult to say whether our rocket fits into Mr. Trump's understanding as a super-duper, but it is a good rocket that has no analogues in the world yet," Peskov said. He also added that Russia has more than one such missile.
Песков ответил на заявления Трампа о том, что РФ украла у США чертежи "супер-пупер-ракеты" - Российская газета

Я всегда в таких случаях задаюсь вопросом: этот человек- дурак или он считает дураками свою аудиторию? В данном случае, по моему, ответ очевиден- вне зависимости дурак этот деятель или нет, он считает окружающих большими дураками, чем он. Возможно также, что ему не дают покоя лавры Зеленского- это он вроде считается комиком.
Ответ Пескова традиционно мягкий.
A serious provocation.
The situation in Dagestan is becoming more and more acute. Activists have blocked the airport and are checking cars, believing that refugees from Israel can enter the republic. Protest actions were also held in the republic the day before. We tell you what is known by this hour.

The shots taken at the Makhachkala airport are being shared on social networks at these moments. A crowd demolishes the airport fence in search of passengers on a flight from Tel Aviv, believing that refugees from Israel have arrived in the republic. However, with a high probability, no one arrived.

The fact is that Red Wings Flight 4728 flies five times a week. And, as a rule, in Makhachkala, passengers usually transfer to other flights - to Moscow and St. Petersburg, this practice existed even before the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. And there are also similar flights to Sochi and Mineralnye Vody. They also fly to Moscow with refueling in Minvody, and tickets for such flights are very expensive. Such routes are a forced question. Planes fly through the regions due to technical limitations of the Sukhoi Superjet 100, as well as sanctions that do not allow flying directly from Moscow.

Meanwhile, in Dagestani public places, people were convinced that some special flights for Jewish refugees were supposedly planned. It is not true. Nevertheless, it was not possible to restrain the raging crowd.

The police are at the airport now. And Dagestanis who arrived at the place with a "check" open premises in the air harbor in search of Jews - they want to expel those who arrived from Israel. In fact, the airport is blocked by protesters.

Passport check - car stop
It is also reported that the activists themselves decided to check the documents of the passengers. They stop cars at the exit from the airport, believing that refugees may be hiding inside.

Similar actions have been attempted in other regions - in Chechnya or, for example, Ingushetia. Officials in Chechnya spoke out against anti-Semitic actions in the North Caucasus. Thus, the Minister of National Policy of Chechnya, Ahmed Dudaev, said: "We have no right to project the actions of the criminal leadership of Israel on all Jews in the broad sense of the word." He also noted:

We, the residents of the Chechen Republic, have experienced the consequences of military conflicts, when nationwide, and throughout the world, they began to hang the stigma of bandits, terrorists on all representatives of our nationality.

We can only hope that reason will prevail throughout Russia. And new riots will not be allowed, and the perpetrators who provoked the conflict will be punished.

The reaction of the authorities to what is happening
The head of Dagestan, Sergei Melikov, urged his fellow citizens not to succumb to the speculations that provocateurs plentifully sow on the Internet against the background of the situation in Palestine. He noted that some hotheads have already fallen for the appeals that the enemies are trying to shake up society in Russia.

Melikov wrote about this in his telegram channel, commenting on the unauthorized actions that took place in the republic the day before.

So, in Khasavyurt, local youth came to a hostel where refugees from Israel were allegedly staying. The situation required the intervention of the police.

As the head of Dagestan pointed out, in such a difficult time, the enemies are trying to take advantage of themselves, to shake up the situation in our country.

Extremist resources administered by the enemies of Russia (!), far from Dagestan and even more so from Islam, spread militant appeals, to which, unfortunately, some hotheads responded ... Because of the fakes spread by our enemies, very young guys were on the verge of breaking the law!

- emphasized Melikov.

He added that it was only thanks to the intervention of the police and local authorities that it was possible to prevent terrible consequences and correct the situation. After the conversation and explanations, the participants of the action went home.

Melikov urged "not to please scum" who want to play on feelings of justice and indifference to someone else's grief. He asked Dagestanis to be patient and not to rush to spread information, which often turns out to be false.
В Дагестане бунт. Аэропорт заблокирован. Что известно к этому часу
And Putin had this to say about it

Putin: What happened in Makhachkala was instigated through social media by agents of the Western special services

The Russian president stressed that Western agents acted mostly from the territory of Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday said that the events in the Russian city of Makhachkala last Sunday were instigated by Western special services. "The events in Makhachkala were also instigated through social networks, especially from the territory of Ukraine by agents of the Western intelligence services," the Russian leader said.

In addition, Putin accused the Kiev regime of trying to instigate unrest in Russia. "I never cease to be amazed by the Kiev regime and its masters on the other side of the ocean. We know that [Stepan] Bandera and other followers of Hitler have already been placed on a pedestal of honor.

We know and see how the Ukrainian leadership applauds the Nazis of World War II, guilty of the victims of the Holocaust, who personally participated in those crimes, and today, under the direction of their Western patrons, [try] to instigate riots in Russia," the president said.

At the same time, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Monday that the anti-Israel protest and mass riots that took place the day before at the international airport in Makhachkala, capital of the Russian republic of Dagestan, are "the result of a planned external provocation," with "a direct and key role of the criminal regime in Kiev, who in turn acted through notorious Russophobes."
An event that, in my opinion, is a consequence of the war. Those who committed this crime may have been internally prepared for such actions without any war, but in the war they received weapons and, most importantly, the skills necessary for this, which of course increases the effectiveness of actions. No wonder C's said that in the war they are all murderers and suicides.
The Russian military was suspected of the massacre of a family of nine people in the DPR. What is known about the crime in Volnovakha?
Two servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation suspected of killing 9 people were detained in the DPR

In the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), law enforcement officers detained two Russian servicemen on suspicion of murdering a family of nine people. This was reported in the Republican department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). According to the investigation, the residents of Volnovakha, among whom there were two children, were dealt with while they were sleeping — in addition to multiple gunshot wounds, each victim had a head wound. Details about what is known about the crime and its motives are in the material of <url>.

Contract workers from the Far East were detained on suspicion of a crime
According to the republican directorate of the TFR, the detained contract servicemen came to the DPR from the Far East. According to investigators, on the night of Saturday, October 28, they dealt with a family who lived in a private house on Donetsk Street in the village of Volnovakha — it is located between Donetsk and Melitopol.

Currently, the detainees have been taken to the investigative department to establish all the circumstances of the incident, as well as to consolidate the evidence base. According to preliminary data, the motive of the crime was a domestic conflict.

The criminals used automatic weapons with silencers
The bodies of all nine family members were found in their house on Saturday morning, October 28. The victims of the crime were a five-year-old boy, his nine-year-old sister, their parents, grandparents, and the children's uncle, his wife and her brother who came to visit.

All the family members were dealt with in their own beds while they were sleeping. Apparently, the guests (uncle, his wife and her brother) initially did not intend to stay overnight — they slept side by side, in casual clothes. Each of the victims, including children, was given a control shot in the head after the shooting.

The source of the "Tape.<url>" in law enforcement agencies
The criminals fired from automatic weapons (according to preliminary data, Kalashnikov assault rifles): they fired about 80 bullets. At the same time, judging by the fact that none of the neighbors heard the shots, the criminals used machine guns with silencers. This is also indicated by the characteristic traces on some of the bullets seized from the scene of the tragedy — those that had time to investigate.

The criminals used the tactics of cleaning the house
According to the source of the "Tape.<url>" in law enforcement agencies, the investigative task force found that the electricity in the family home was turned off from the dashboard, but the shooters were perfectly oriented in unfamiliar premises. This suggested that the attackers had night vision devices.

The tactics of movement of suspects, established by the criminologists of the TFR, pointed to the standard actions of combat groups when cleaning the house — except without the use of grenades.

The source of the "Tape.<url>" in law enforcement agencies
Army markings were found on the casings in the family's house
Since there is practically no video surveillance system in the DPR, the search for suspects was extremely difficult — the family's neighbors did not see or hear anything. By the time the bodies were found, the prescription of the massacre was 8-10 hours, which suggested that the crime was committed around 3-4 o'clock in the morning.

Near the house with the bodies of the victims, traces of tires similar to those of a motorcycle or ATV were found. The casings found in the house had different brands (markings), but some of them were clearly from army supplies.

The source of the "Tape.<url>" in law enforcement agencies
According to the source, immediately after the discovery of the bodies, the leadership of the local Prosecutor's Office, the TFR, as well as the command of several military units arrived at the scene. About two o'clock in the afternoon on October 29, suddenly there were orientations on the suspects, which featured a white and red motorcycle and a photo of unknown origin.

The motive of the crime in Volnovakha remains a mystery for now
On the evening before the crime, a family from Volnovakha celebrated the birthday of a 51-year—old grandmother - and at some point her 53-year-old husband had a conflict with the military passing by. According to the source of the "Tape.<url>" in law enforcement agencies, surveys of holiday guests and neighbors showed that the quarrel was with natives of the North Caucasus. What caused it remains unknown at the moment.

According to some reports, the man was engaged in the sale of alcohol and the conflict arose on this basis. But the investigation data do not yet confirm this version.

The source of the "Tape.<url>" in law enforcement agencies
Currently, numerous examinations have been appointed, including ballistic and tracological ones — there are no results yet. Officials have not yet commented on the detention of the suspects.
Российских военных заподозрили в расправе над семьей из девяти человек в ДНР. Что известно о преступлении в Волновахе?

Событие, которое на мой взгляд, является следствием войны. Те, кто совершил это преступление, возможно были внутренне готовы к подобным действиям и без всякой войны, но на войне они получили оружие и, что на мой взгляд самое главное, необходимые для этого навыки, что конечно же повышает эффективность действий. Не зря C's сказали, что на войне они все убийцы и самоубийцы.
That's it, there will be no morning in Dagestan now. Seriously speaking, such steps will not solve the problem, although this should also be done.
Pavel Durov deleted the public "Morning of Dagestan", through which the riots at the Makhachkala airport were coordinated yesterday.
31.10.2023 СРОЧНО! Крынки и Пойма: ВСУ подтянули резервы и РАСШИРЯЮТ ПЛАЦДАРМ! Карта боевых действий сегодня: Авдеевка, Харьков (17 видео)

Все, в Дагестане теперь не будет утра. Если говорить серьезно, то такие шаги проблему не решат, хотя и это тоже делать надо.
Wow, what math! Only the guys, in my opinion, do not start with the most interesting for themselves, For them the most interesting question would be: how many "dailymails" will die in a retaliatory strike? And if they get too carried away with such research and such mathematics, then they can achieve for a counter, or even a preemptive strike.

The British daily newspaper Daily Mail has calculated how many people will die in the event of nuclear strikes on Moscow and St. Petersburg. Calculations were made based on the fact that the two largest cities of Russia "will be hit by American B61-13 bombs."

The British mass newspaper Daily Mail decided to take up the calculation of the consequences of nuclear strikes. And she designated Moscow and St. Petersburg as "goals". And as a "weapon" - B61-13 bombs, the development of which was announced by the Pentagon.

If the B61-13 falls over Moscow, it is likely to cause significant destruction: approximately 300,000 people will die and 870,000 will be injured,

- the article says.

The authors also write that everything within a half-mile radius of the explosion site "will evaporate into a fireball, the explosion will destroy buildings and kill everyone within a mile radius." And those within a two-mile radius of the blast site will suffer from high levels of radiation that will "kill them within a month."
А если ядерный удар? Daily Mail посчитала, сколько людей погибнет в Москве при такой атаке

Надо же, какая математика! Только ребята , по моему, начинают не с самого для себя интересного, Для них самым интересным вопросом был бы: сколько "дейлимейлов" погибнет при ответном ударе? А если через чур увлекаться такими исследованиями и такой математикой, то того и гляди можно напроситься на встречный, а то и на превентивный удар.
:scared: Oh NO! Not the plague of penises!

Call to fight ‘snow penises’ issued in Russia​

"A plague of frozen phalluses has infested Ekaterinburg"

"Officials in the Russian city of Ekaterinburg have called on the police to investigate a series of penis-shaped snow sculptures that keep cropping up across the city."

"Cocky copycats soon erected similar works of art in parks across the city, with one culprit sculpting a short yet sturdy member on the hood of a parked car."

"Vice-Mayor Alexey Bubnov has instructed the public to smash the offensive organs on sight."

Today is People's Unity Day in Russia. I do not know whether other countries have similar holidays. But at the present time it is a very important holiday not only for Russia, but for the whole world.

Evil is not slumbering. Evil is trying to divide people, including by nationality. It tries to force people to fight with each other and to get benefit from it. And at the same time the authorities of Russia try by all means to keep in integrity the multinational state, making huge efforts. Though the West, through its sixmen tries to sway Russia, as it was recently in Dagestan, for example. And will still try, elections are ahead and psychopaths from the U.S. elite will throw all forces to destabilize the situation.

But we will stand. Because we know what's going on and what we want. Happy holiday, friends!

Russian President Vladimir Putin laid flowers at the monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky:
Lastly, a thought in my ear. It seems to me that Russia is an example of the multinational state that the planet should become. Without wars, coexistence together and Christians and Muslims and representatives of many other religions. After all, how will we organize star wars if we have an internal war in our empire? :lol:
A good project. The need for such events is obvious.
A new steel highway will connect Crimea with the "big" Russia
Construction of a new railway from Rostov-on-Don to the Crimea through the territories of the Azov region, which returned to Russia a year ago, has begun. This was announced the day before by the head of the Zaporozhye region Yevgeny Balitsky.

"The project, the construction of which has already begun from Donetsk, is a railway that will run from Akimovka to Rostov through Berdyansk and Mariupol," the head of the region said.

The new route will run further south than the old railway. After Rostov-on-Don, the railway will pass through Taganrog, Mariupol, Berdyansk, Akimovka and Melitopol to the Crimean Dzhankoy.

The choice of a trajectory close to the Sea of Azov is related to the issue of security: in this case, the railway line will be further removed from the combat zone. In addition, the current steel highway is already very outdated.

Balitsky noted that even if the new railway will be single-track and non-electrified, it will allow organizing the supply of the military in the area of its own. Equally important will be the possibility of exporting grain, iron ore, coal and other resources from new regions of Russia to its main territory. In addition, this way will increase the transport accessibility of Crimea for Russian tourists.

The need to create a railway artery is convinced by regular attempts by Ukrainian attacks on the Crimean Bridge, which so far remains the only route of railway communication of the "mainland" with Crimea. The Russian air defense and the entire defense system of the southern peninsula have proven themselves well, but the availability of alternative transportation lines will only benefit. Including for unloading traffic flows over the bridge.

Recall that after the July terrorist attack on the automobile section of the bridge across the Kerch Strait, traffic on it was difficult. Heavy trucks were redirected to the ferry crossing and the federal highway "Novorossiya", that is, along the land corridor through the Kherson, Zaporozhye regions and the DPR. For the first time, it was recommended to go along the same route for passenger transport, so as not to stand in long traffic jams at the entrance to the bridge. All this has accelerated large-scale work on the restoration and overhaul of the road network in new regions of the Russian Federation. The ultimate goal is to ensure the integration of the territories of Novorossiya into a single country.
Новая стальная магистраль соединит Крым с «большой» Россией
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