Events in Russia

A funny case. It can be said that in Russia even black cats know that it is better not to cross Putin's path because this is a bad omen.
The black cat did not dare to cross the path of Putin's motorcade in St. Petersburg
MOSCOW, September 15 — RIA Novosti. The black cat did not dare to cross the road in front of the motorcade of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Pavel Zarubin, a journalist of the Rossiya TV channel, posted the video on his Telegram channel.

"Perhaps the funniest shot of the week: Putin's motorcade and a black cat that made the only right decision," he wrote.

The footage shows that the cat tried to run across the road, but when she saw the approaching curve, she came back.

A curious incident occurred on September 12 during Putin's visit to the Kirov Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg.
Черная кошка отказалась перебегать дорогу Путину

Забавный случай. Можно сказать, что в России даже черные кошки знают, что Путину лучше дорогу не переходить ибо это плохая примета.
More details have been released on the 3-month VISA, which is a precursor to the Temporary Residency Permit.

  • By the middle of September 2024 Russian Government would come up with the list of countries, citizens of which would fall under the Decree.

The countries eligible:
  • Australia
  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • The Bahamas
  • United Kingdom
  • European Union (27 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Sweden, Estonia)
  • Iceland
  • Canada
  • Liechtenstein
  • Micronesia
  • Monaco
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Republic of Korea
  • San Marino
  • North Macedonia
  • Singapore
  • United States of America
  • Taiwan
  • Montenegro
  • Switzerland
  • Japan

  • In case the country of your citizenship is on the list you would be eligible to apply for a 3-month private entry visa (essentially an immigrant visa, which previously didn’t exist in the Russian legislation). Such visa would be issued by Russian consulate in your country of citizenship upon your request and provision of required application and relevant documents. Unlike other visas you do not need to have an invitation letter or voucher from the Russian side. Every family member should file for a separate visa

  • Once you enter Russia you will have 7 days to register yourself and the place where you stay and 3 months to apply for a 3-year temporary residency permit (TRP) without a quota. Quota used to be the biggest barrier to immigrate to Russia as the process of obtaining a quota required one to personally file it in Russia with very high risk of being rejected. 3 months that you will have to file for TRP is sufficient time to make the application provided you are properly prepared (preparatory steps will be described below). Government processing time after filing for TRP is 4-4.5 months. After filing you can stay in Russia without leaving regardless of the fact that your visa will expire. Temporary residency will allow you to be employed in Russia without a work permit, register as individual entrepreneur to conduct business activity without creating a legal entity (you can establish an entity if required), obtain public medical care. After 8 months from the date, you collect temporary residency you are entitled to apply for permanent (lifetime) residency.

  • Russian language, history, law test is no longer required to apply for temporary residency. That was a major issue for many understandably. You will have to pass the Russian language, history, law test only when applying for permanent residency, but you will have almost 3 years to learn the language. To apply for citizenship under current laws you will need to reside in Russia based on permanent residency for 5 years.
Claims from the article dated 11:07 AM, 13 September 2024

Observing the avalanche of outraged articles in Western publications about “groundless accusations and Moscow's aggressive campaign” we decided to add illustrative details on the situation with the expulsion of British spies.

The allegations that the accusations regarding British actions in Russia are disinformation do not stand up to any criticism. First of all, because in addition to the already published documents, the Russian security services have a large number of photo and video materials proving London's coordination of subversive policy in Russia.

The footage presented by the Russian FSB and already published on Russian television shows how they met with representatives of media and foreign agent organizations, as well as directly supervised anti-government protests. For example, spy Jessica Davenport personally worked with Svetlana Ganushkina, a former member of the Presidential Council for Assistance to the Development of Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights, a member of the Yabloko party, and opposition activist Alexei Minyailo, and had ties with Andrei Lipsky of Novaya Gazeta. It is also known that Davenport negotiated with activists of the banned LGBT and the foreign-agency Sova center, which specialized in xenophobia problems, but in fact conducted Russophobic propaganda.

Two other spies, Blake Pattel and Thomas Stavenett, worked with Russian Muslims. The FSB recorded their contacts with the Middle East specialist Kirill Semenov, as well as with the representative of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims Ilyas Sadulin. Elena Chernenko from Kommersant and foreign agent Maxim Katz were also caught in contacts with the Mi6 curator in Georgia, Christopher Joyce.

And this is only part of what lies on the surface specifically on this case.

Well, the thesis about the groundlessness of the accusations from the mouth of the British Foreign Office is the best characterization of the mood in the British intelligence leadership, where it is extremely rare to encounter such security failures in attempts to hide from foreign counterintelligence.

Not to mention the precedent of mass expulsions of spies who were chased away like delinquent teenagers for the edification of the remaining British Foreign Office staff. It hardly needs to be said how much this hurts the reputation and self-importance of the MI6.

Physicists from Russia to be banned from Large Hadron Collider from December 1 — Nature
At the same time, CERN will continue to work on projects already underway with about 270 employees of the Russian Joint Institute for Nuclear Research 🤔
LONDON, September 20. /TASS/. Europe's particle physics laboratory CERN will expel hundreds of scientists who are affiliated with Russian institutions from the beginning of December this year, Nature magazine reports.

According to the periodical, from December 1, Russia-affiliated scientists will no longer be able to access the CERN site, and must hand in any French or Swiss residency permits they hold.

To continue research in the laboratories of the organization those wishing to will have to stop cooperation with Russian institutions and move to foreign research centers. At the same time, CERN will continue to work on projects already underway with about 270 employees of the Russian Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), who conduct experiments at the NICA collider in Dubna near Moscow.

"The experiments will feel the loss of Russian expertise," Nature quotes Hannes Jung, a particle physicist at the German Electron Synchrotron in Hamburg as saying. This decision "will leave a hole," Jung warns. The magazine notes that "Russia's funding agencies and institutions contributed around 4.5% to the LHC experiments' combined budget," and "the loss of Russia's expected contribution to the High-Luminosity LHC, a high-intensity upgrade scheduled for 2029, will cost CERN an extra $47 million."

The LHC is the world's most powerful charged gas particle accelerator located near Geneva, Switzerland. Involved in the work to build the accelerator and stage experiments there were 100,000 specialists from 44 countries, including Russia. Experiments at the LHC led to the discovery of more than 60 new subatomic particles, including pentaquarks, and also proved the existence of the Higgs boson, the clue to understanding the mechanism of how some other elementary particles acquire mass.

In March 2022, CERN suspended Russia's observer status. In June of the same year, the CERN Council decided not to extend beyond 2024 the cooperation agreements with Russia and Belarus, concluded back in 1955 by the Soviet Union. At the same time, the Council voted against terminating cooperation with Russia’s JINR.

USA watch and learn. 🤔 🤣
This is not precisely an event, but according to this video, since the time of the USSR, Russian children are given anti-parasitic medication every year in school! Very interesting if true, with implications for the awareness of the entire population.

A: We have been noting the questions on your forum and would like to make some small comments.

Q: (Galatea) Okay.

(L) Hang on! I see something long is coming, so let me get myself ready ... Alright, carry on!

A: Questions about "The Great Work" and "work on the self" and the preparations for "graduation" and so forth. Most of the clues and even direct answers have been given in the past, however we will summarize and give examples. All such aims concentrate, in essence, on or in awareness! Awareness is knowledge in action. Now, think of the concept you know as transmarginal inhibition.

Q: (L) Okay. Transmarginal inhibition is when an organism is stressed or pushed to the point where they break. It's like they become blank slates, and then they can be easily reprogrammed. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes. Now think of the superimportant bit of data we sought to get through to you some years ago regarding parasitic infestations preventing a "quantum leap in awareness."

This is not precisely an event, but according to this video, since the time of the USSR, Russian children are given anti-parasitic medication every year in school! Very interesting if true, with implications for the awareness of the entire population.

Well it’s interesting because in NZ when I was a kid my Mum would give us worm
tablets to rid the body of pin worms once a year. It was common and normal for families to do that. Our bed sheets would be stripped and we wore freshly washed pjs on the same day. When I married my husband who is American he had never heard of it. And both his parents were veterinarians. It no longer is common practice in NZ either. I started a regular parasite cleanse again since becoming more informed on the forum a number of years ago. In conjunction with advice from some old school naturopaths I consult with that also recommend parasite cleanses.

Edit: The Russians seem to have their feet firmly planted in reality. Holding true to conservative values means that these health traditions are not lost in a rapidly changing society.
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Well it’s interesting because in NZ when I was a kid my Mum would give us worm
tablets to rid the body of pin worms once a year. It was common and normal for families to do that. Our bed sheets would be stripped and we wore freshly washed pjs on the same day. When I married my husband who is American he had never heard of it. And both his parents were veterinarians. It no longer is common practice in NZ either. I started a regular parasite cleanse again since becoming more informed on the forum a number of years ago. In conjunction with advice from some old school naturopaths I consult with that also recommend parasite cleanses.

Edit: The Russians seem to have their feet firmly planted in reality. Holding true to conservative values means that these health traditions are not lost in a rapidly changing society.
Can you recommend a simple parasite cleanse. Are the products sold on Amazon effective. I've read about ivermectin I'm just reluctant to buy abroad.
I've had GP treatments in the past for worms.
When I was younger, I had thread worms for an extended period of time as I was scared to mention it to anyone.
I think a parasitic cleanse would probably make sense for me. Probably should pay for professional advice.
This is not precisely an event, but according to this video, since the time of the USSR, Russian children are given anti-parasitic medication every year in school! Very interesting if true, with implications for the awareness of the entire population.
It is a common practice in some regions of the world. You deparasite your pets and animals, and you deparasite yourself. The word "deparasite" doesn't seem to be a common word. It's a very common Spanish word, though. I still have patients from South America who come for their yearly anti-parasiticals. In the old days, it was available without prescription in countries that have turned very strict with pharmaceuticals.
An interesting plan for the resettlement of rural Russia along what seems like ecological principles:

Russian biotechnologists propose to implement a project in the country to create a network of thousands of modern bio-settlements in uninhabited territories, deputy head of the Kurchatov complex of NBICS-nature-like technologies for scientific work of the Kurchatov Institute Research Center, President of the Society of Biotechnologists of Russia Raif Vasilov said on Tuesday.

In his speech at the OpenBio Russian Biotechnology Forum in the Novosibirsk science city of Koltsovo, Vasilov noted that the main challenge for Russia in the 21st century is to ensure the uniform sustainable development of a huge, virtually uninhabited two–thirds of the territory, in the current conditions of population decline and underdeveloped infrastructure. According to him, this can be done with the help of biotechnology and bioeconomics.

"There is a very interesting project that many are currently working on, which they are talking about – the creation of high-tech small settlements that use the most modern achievements of technology, science, and so on, in order to ensure a high quality of life for people in remote areas. We are talking about the construction of space stations on various other planets for their habitation. Why not start with your territory as such," the scientist said.

Vasilov noted that the problem of depopulation of the territory is not only a problem of the Trans-Urals, but fewer people now live on the Central Russian plain in Central Russia than before 1913. People leave rural and remote areas due to underdeveloped infrastructure and low standard of living, and young people tend to cities where there is an opportunity to develop.

"The creation of such high-tech bio-settlements, based on modern biotechnologies and bioeconomics, solves the problems of embedding humans into the biosphere ... It is clear how this can be organized. The urban planning idea of how to develop it is bioeconomics, the use of local resources to provide people with everything they need. Off-road or off-road transport. This should not be a separate settlement. It should be a whole network that will cover the whole country," he said.

According to the presentation of the scientist, the bio-settlement will be a small-scale settlement (400-1000 people), largely providing itself with food, electricity and heat energy and disposing of its waste using nature-like technologies. The main requirements are practicality, repeatability, and scalability. All this should ensure the formation of a balanced sociobiotechnosphere (noospheric development). Settlements are supposed to be located on allocated areas from 1 to 10 thousand square kilometers. In total, it is advisable to create a network of 1,000 such settlements in the territories of Russia that require development.

"In fact, it is possible to provide a modern standard of living, quality of life there and combine the advantage of the city in terms of quality of life with the advantages of the village in terms of proximity to nature and integration into nature. That is, to make something modern that meets the opportunities provided by modern science and technology… This is not an alternative to urban development. This is their complement, their development. What is called the development of the country's territory," he added.

I have noted that there are a few 'utopian' Russian eco-villages currently in operation, mostly in and around the Moscow region. The most prominent on social media I have seen is Yasnaya Sloboda, seeming to be organized around the upbringing of children along the Waldorf principles of Steiner. They also generally apply principles of sociocracy, which from what I can tell is an attempt to live according to holistic principles, including consensus decision-making, sort of like an anarchic form of tribal council. I can't tell if these people are all vegetarians or not. The lady in the well-produced YouTube video is.

One settlement, Kovcheg, has apparently has already reached the number of 73 families (200 people) on 100 hectares.

I have noted that there are a few 'utopian' Russian eco-villages currently in operation, mostly in and around the Moscow region. The most prominent on social media I have seen is Yasnaya Sloboda, seeming to be organized around the upbringing of children along the Waldorf principles of Steiner. They also generally apply principles of sociocracy, which from what I can tell is an attempt to live according to holistic principles, including consensus decision-making, sort of like an anarchic form of tribal council. I can't tell if these people are all vegetarians or not. The lady in the well-produced YouTube video is.
I can imagine very easily that they are vegetarians if their base works under the principles of Steiner. He was vegetarian. Here some information.

Steiner himself chose Vegetarian diet in 1900 – Called it “human progression”

In looking over the foundations of a nutritional hygiene emanating from Rudolf Steiner´s Spiritual Science, Gerhard Schmidt discusses vegetarian nutrition from an anthroposophical perspective. (And I find this remarkable interesting as a Waldorf parent!)

He says that “for human beings to be able to draw all their necessary nutrients exclusively from plant foods, we require certain inner forces that may need to be awakened within us. When these forces are awakened, however, they make us more capable of work and thought, and allow man to regulate his life and existence from a freer and higher point if view, and achieve this rapid thinking, this rapid comprehension, by virtue of his nourishment from the plant world.”

So in looking at it from this view (in the light of Anthroposophy) Vegetarianism IS connected to a higher level on consciousness or awareness….. which would make a Vegan diet even better and a 100% raw diet the ULTIMATE for heightened awareness and consciousness.

Rudolf Steiner chose to follow a vegetarian diet in 1900, and later recognized that he would not have been able “to go through with the strenuous activities of the last 24 years [of his life] without vegetarian nutrition.” He apparently made it clear, however, that he “was not agitating for vegetarianism,” but he also said that it is a necessary step in humanity’s progression, such that it will happen of its own accord and requires no agitation.
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