Events in Russia

Большая пресс-конференция Владимира Путина
20 декабря 2018 года

Vladimir Putin's big press conference

20 December 2018 15: 50 Moscow
Vladimir Putin: good Afternoon, colleagues and friends.

We are starting our traditional new year's eve meeting, we will call it a press conference.

As usual in such cases, I will take just a few seconds to say about the results of the outgoing year. A lot has been said about this, but I have the latest data, some right now, the day before yesterday.

So. In the ten months of this year, GDP grew by 1.7 percent. The forecast of the Ministry of economic development for the year is 1.8 percent. Industrial production grew at a faster pace. If last year's growth was 2.1 percent, in January-October this year-2.9 percent, at the end of the year is projected 3 percent. At the same time, manufacturing industries are growing slightly faster – 3.2 percent.

In three quarters, investments in fixed assets amounted to 4.1 percent. Freight turnover and retail trade volumes are growing-plus 2.6 percent. The increase in consumer demand, of course, is noticeable. This is a positive factor.

After a long break, a slight but still positive trend in the growth of real disposable income of the population was recorded. According to the latest data, it will be 0.5 percent.

I hope that this trend will continue, as the real level of wages is growing. For the first ten months of this year it is 7.4 percent, and at the end of the year it is expected somewhere 6.9, about seven.

Remains acceptable for us inflation, however, for the last week she slightly grew by 0.5 percent, in my opinion, and therefore we go beyond the benchmark Central Bank four per cent, will be some 4.1–4.2 percent – four.

Unemployment is declining, which is encouraging. If last year it broke the historical minimum - was 5.2 percent, this year it will be even lower – 4.8 percent.

The trade surplus is growing: in 2017, if you remember, it amounted to about 115 billion dollars, and in the three quarters of this year-already 157. At the end of the year, 190 billion dollars are expected.

Our finances are getting stronger. Gold and foreign exchange reserves are growing by more than seven percent. At the beginning of the year they were 432 billion, now almost 464.

We have a surplus for the first time since 2011. We will reach a surplus Federal budget in the region of about 2.1 percent of GDP. The national welfare Fund is growing by about 22 percent.

Our average annual old-age insurance pension in 2017 amounted to 13,677 rubles. By the end of this year there will be 14 163.

And the duration slightly increased: in 2017 it was 72.7 years, in 2018 it will be 72.9 years.

This is in General terms what I wanted to say at the beginning. Let's not waste time, let's move on to your questions and my attempts to answer them.

Dmitry Peskov: so, let's start, first with a little bit of priority for the Kremlin pool, which has been working all year on all trips, both abroad and inside Russia.

Vladimir Putin:"how not to please a dear man." Come on.

Dmitry Peskov, ITAR-TASS, the state news Agency.

Veronika Romanenkova, TASS: Thank You.

Probably, we can say that 2018 was held under the sign of national projects, new national projects, the start of which You gave the may decree and on which you plan to spend fabulous money. But some experts, members of the state Council, in Yalta recently talked about it, fear that in General it is realistic to implement these national projects, [doubt] their expediency. How well developed are the criteria for the implementation of national projects? For example, the head of the accounts chamber says that it is impossible to assess the effectiveness. Do You have anything to say?

Vladimir Putin: You are forcing me to say a few words about expediency in General, because you said that some people doubt whether they are needed at all.

I have already said this many times, and I want to repeat it. We need breakthrough. We need to jump into a new technological landscape. Without it, the country has no future. This is a matter of principle, and we must understand this.

And how to do it? It is necessary to concentrate available resources, to find them and to concentrate on the most important directions of development. And how to organize this work? Just hand out the money, is that it?

First, they had to be found. We were engaged in the formulation of tasks, and the search for these resources throughout 2017, and the Government and the Administration worked hard on this. Therefore, by the way, when they say: there are few changes in the Government – these are the people mainly, the main financial and economic unit, which worked on the country's development program until 2024. That's why they're responsible for what they've planned. But without this it is impossible.

So how to organize the work? Just handing out money? 20.8 trillion rubles-this is only on national projects planned, another 6.5 trillion-a separate plan for the development of infrastructure. Naturally, they need to be concentrated in some breakthrough documents. And you can call these development plans whatever you want, they are called "national projects". In any case, these are clearly goals. Without setting goals, no matter what envelopes to pack these goals, it is impossible to achieve the final result. Therefore, 12 national projects were created, and another infrastructure development plan. Let me remind you what areas this will develop in.

The first is health care, education, science, human capital, without which no breakthrough is possible at all. And the second is pure production and economy. Everything is connected with the economy: the first part, and the second one is directly related to the digital economy, the development of robotics, and so on and so forth. I have already talked about infrastructure.

Why did we gather in Yalta, Crimea, and discuss with our colleagues from the Government and from the regions how to organise this work? Because, indeed, there are issues related to the control over execution, and this control should be effective, and all our measures to monitor, so to speak, from the Federal center, what is happening in the regions, should be realistic. And there are problems, it's true. But these are the problems we are working on now. What's wrong? The point is that the money is mainly Federal, as a rule, for all programs, and a significant part of the work in the regions and regions should be set up for this constructive work: not just to increase prices due to the fact that a lot of money, but to achieve a specific result that people feel. That's one.

Second. It is necessary to understand: they will cope with it or not? Of course, the question. And some say,"it's impossible." But it is said by those who must achieve results. Let them not think so, but let them work on the fulfillment, and if they feel that they are not able to fulfill, then let them free their places for those who are full of optimism and ready for this work. I honestly don't see them who don't want to and say it's impossible. People say that there is something to analyze.

But if you do not set ambitious goals, will not be achieved at all. Therefore, I very much count on consolidated, good work, coordinated work of both the Federal centre and the regions. Yes, there are some adjustments in the figures. Colleagues from the regions have made such proposals, and I very much hope that the Government will take them into account, adjust these indicators of specific work, and it will move effectively.
Pavel Zarubin, Russia TV channel. Good day!

I would like to develop a topic that has already been touched upon. Many economic experts, including Kudrin, say that in reality the Russian economy has been growing by an average of only one percent for ten years, and if this is the case, it is, in fact, stagnation. You set the task of a breakthrough, a breakthrough, but for this, even by the most minimal estimates, the growth rate should be at least four to five times higher. The Government promises to fulfill the tasks, but there, in the Government, recognize that in the next few years the GDP growth rate will not exceed even two percent. In this regard, questions arise: so what is the basis on which the Government relies in its forecasts, in the planning of its activities? Is it possible with such introductory in principle a breakthrough, which is in question, or the economy will continue to develop on the principle: earned something on oil surpluses-put aside and spent when it was impatient? Are you happy with Medvedev's team in General? Thanks.

Dmitry Peskov: Dear friends, please respect each other and ask only one question.

Vladimir Putin: Look, economic growth is one percent per year over a certain period of time. But, first, he was so, when Alexei Kudrin was a Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government, so "there is nothing to blame the mirror, if face is crooked" – so we the people say. That's one.

The second, so to consider, mechanically, it is impossible. I have great respect for Mr. Kudrin, this is my friend, and he is a good specialist, I usually listen to his recommendations, he trusted specialist, good. But, look, from 2008 to 2018, the economy grew by about 7.4 percent. Calculate-Yes, get a small percentage. But let's not forget how the economy developed. There were also higher growth rates, there were downturns associated with the global crisis. In 2009, after the crisis in the global economy, not in ours, we were not the cause of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, it came to us from the outside, the decline was, in my opinion, 7.8 percent. Then we slowly got out of it for many years.

Then, in 2014-2015, there was another crisis – the collapse of oil prices, the main types of our exports. So, mechanically, can not be considered.

But, of course, the country's GDP, GDP growth rate is one of the main indicators. But we will not ensure the GDP growth rates necessary for this breakthrough, if we do not change the structure of the economy. This is precisely what national projects are aimed at, and the huge funds that I have already mentioned will be invested in order to change the structure and give it an innovative character. This is what the Government expects, that if this happens, and this is what we should all strive for, then the growth rate will increase, there will be other opportunities for development.

But by the way, you said that in the next two years it will be 2 percent. Yes, in the coming years – 2019-2020 – two, and from 2021 the Government is already planning three, and then more. Therefore, I very much hope that we will be able to do all this. Probably, some fluctuations are possible, but, I repeat, the most important thing is that we need to ... you Know, what we need to do? We need to enter another League of economies, and not only in terms of volumes. I think that it is quite possible to take the fifth place in terms of volumes. At one time, we were the fifth largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity, and I think we will do it. But we need to enter another League in terms of the quality of the economy. This is what our national projects are aimed at.

Pavel Zarubin: are You satisfied overall team Medvedev?

Vladimir Putin: In General, Yes.

Question: Good afternoon.

Mr President, we had a wonderful year in Volgograd – we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the battle of Stalingrad. You thought it possible that this would be a Federal holiday, and we really appreciate it, You came to us.

We had a great world championship, and our region really began to breathe and develop.

Much more needs to be done. About the economy, I think, a lot will be said, but the great expectations of Volgograd, a big request – in 1998 we disbanded Kachin school with a great history.

In 1910, The Tsaritsyn decree created it, we were very proud of it, we are proud of it and we want to be proud of it further, so that military traditions do not die. We ask you to think about it.

Vladimir Putin: what year was it disbanded?

Remark: in 1998, unfortunately. Red banner, with a great history.

Vladimir Putin: Look, now it's 2018, 20 years ago, I do not really understand what is left of this legendary school.

Indeed, You are right, this is a legendary school. But the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation builds training depending on the needs of the Armed Forces in these personnel.

Therefore, it is necessary to see what can be done there in order not only to remember, but maybe the remaining elements of the tradition have not been lost. I will look surely, I will consult with the Ministry of defence.

Mikhail Balyuk: Mr President, Hello. Maria Baluk, the Agency "Prime".

Mr President, the budget for this year and next year will be surplus. Nevertheless, since January 1, a number of decisions will come into force, which can cause quite a serious increase in the cost of a wide range of goods and services.

For example, the increase in VAT to 20 percent, which has already provoked next year the growth of utility tariffs in two stages, is the introduction of a tax on self-employed in the pilot regions. Please tell us how it is coordinated with the economic policy pursued by the state…

Vladimir Putin: housing and utilities Tariffs are in two stages, and what else did you say?

Mikhail Balyuk: for example, the introduction of a tax on self-employed people in pilot regions.

And is not this amount of innovation too heavy a burden on the Russians and the economy?

Vladimir Putin: you mentioned a surplus.

Yes, indeed, this is a good indicator of the economic unit of the Government. As I said in my opening remarks, this is the first time that we have had a surplus budget of 2.1 percent since 2011. That's good.

But we should not forget that as an oil-producing country and a country that has the main revenues from the sale of oil and gas, we also have a so-called non-oil and gas deficit. That is what the country gets not from oil and gas sales.

I would like to remind you that in 2009 it was around 13 percent. That's huge. In the early 2000s, it was about three, and then, as a result of the global economic crisis – I want to emphasize – we had to spend petrodollars in order to fulfill our social obligations to the people, to withstand the plans to build the Armed Forces, and spent petrodollars.

And our non-oil and gas deficit has grown to a double-digit level, to my mind, almost 13 percent. And this is very serious for our economy. Now we have reduced it to 6.6 percent, and next year it should be six percent and so keep for several years.

This is a very important indicator of the stability of the Russian economy. So, the increase in VAT is also due to the need to keep this indicator of non-oil and gas deficit. This is the first circumstance.

Second. In many countries, 20 percent or even more VAT. We also had it higher, we lowered it, and then returned now to 20.

But the so-called effective VAT rate will actually be less than 20 percent in the economy as a whole, because we have retained almost all the benefits: benefits for the production of medicines, benefits for the production of children's goods, and so on, and many benefits for IT companies have been preserved. Therefore, the effective rate will be less.

Finally, I hope that this will be a one-time event, and even a small increase in prices and inflation at the beginning of the year will pass, and then it will decline.

But the Central Bank also takes certain actions and decisions to prevent this growth and inflation. Just recently, for example, we decided to raise rates by 0.25 percent.

There are pros and cons, but this is done in order to avoid inflation and prices. Therefore, in General, I believe that the decision is correct and balanced, which, of course, gives us additional budget revenues and opportunities to implement our development plans within the framework of national projects.

As for the growth of utility tariffs, it has averaged about four percent in recent years. Indeed, next year it will be held in two stages: the first stage – in my opinion, 1.7, and then, in my opinion, 2.4. But in General, it turns out 4.1.

Why in two stages-because due to the growth of VAT is still expected some growth of services and goods associated with the need for normal functioning of the housing system.

Therefore, in order not to plant these organizations, and ultimately in the interests of citizens it is done, it was decided to do it in two stages. But the total volume should not exceed 4.1.

According to some decisions of the Government, if it is really necessary somewhere, in the regions where it has already been brought to such a state that a greater increase is required, but this should be on an exceptional basis and in agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation.

Yevgeny Gagarina: Good Afternoon, Mr President. My name is Ekaterina Gagarina. I represent the TV channel "Russia" in Novosibirsk.

The significance of the project" Akademgorodok 2.0", which You supported during your visit to Novosibirsk, is obvious not only to Siberian scientists – this project is unique for the whole country.
But behind the technological component of this project is a number of tasks of no smaller scale. This is housing construction, roads, kindergartens, schools. And our question is whether our scientific ambitions about life will not break, will there be a place for scientists to live?

Vladimir Putin: I Don't want to.

I understand that this is a very important part of the whole process. We with the head of the region, of course, will work on it. When I was in Novosibirsk, we also talked about this with our colleagues.

The first task of the Federal center is to fulfill its obligations related to the facilities that enable the development of Akademgorodok, which make it possible, by the way, to earn money on these high technologies. And behind this, and the social network will stretch.

But if we need to do something more to address the social issues of scientists, of course, we will try to do it. By the way, the mortgage has been growing recently, and we will support it too. At a high rate, by the way, for everyone. Over 20 percent growth in mortgage lending.

But, of course, for Akademgorodok we will think. If there is such an urgent need for assistance from the Federal center, we will discuss it.

Sergey Marov: Mr President, Hello. Sergei Marov, Vologda oblast, the newspaper "the Star". Question from particular to General.

Let me give you one simple example. Next to our editorial office, not far away, is the company, which for nine years…

Vladimir Putin: The Enterprise?

S. Marov: Enterprise.

Titanic efforts for nine years built a technological chain for the complete processing of flax. Imagine…

Vladimir Putin: Excuse me, please, for a complete overhaul?

S. Marov: Flax.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, I see.

S. Marov: Plant a seed and get ready-made clothes at the exit. They did.

It would seem that the message of Industrialists is clear. At the same time, when I went to this conference, I held serious consultations with those who work there, and they say: "the Last research Institute, which is engaged in the development of flax, is in a state of liquidation."

Eliminated the last institution for the training of senior staff for fluxing, that is quite a discrepancy in the promises from the manufacturers who will implement and by the state, which must support these areas.

In this regard, I have a question. Mr President, how do you assess the current state of the industry and its growth rates? Do you think at this stage the support of domestic producers is sufficient?

Vladimir Putin: Honestly, I don't know on the problems of this institution on linen, but it's really the traditional kind of production in Russia – len. It was always our thing, it was our pride. I'll see what happens there.

As usual, the problem is more complicated than it looks from the outside. I do not know just what is going on with this Institute, although, of course, flax production, I repeat, has always been Russia's pride, and if it is needed for industry, it can be maintained, then we must see how to do it. I promise you I'll look into it.

Now about industry. I have already said that industrial growth is generally higher than GDP growth – three percent, the processing industry shows 3.2 percent. In General, these are good indicators.

As for the light industry, it is developing even faster. Food production has increased by 13 percent in the first ten months of this year, which, incidentally, is confirmed by the figures related to consumption, which is increasing as a whole. And as for clothes, shoes, growth – nine percent, this is a very good indicator.

Now, about the support, is it enough or not? Insufficient. That is why we have outlined a number of programs related to the support of individual industries. And in General, by 2024 it will amount to 1 trillion 376 billion rubles, and by industry, this also applies to light industry, aviation, this concerns the defense industry, this applies to other industries.

We have worked out separate programmes in the main sectors. Next year 450 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes, in a year – 450-470. These are the figures. Total – 1376 billion rubles.

Vernitsky: Mr President, in our childhood we were very afraid of nuclear war. Remember, even songs such were: "to the Solar world-Yes, Yes, Yes! Nuclear explosion-no, no, no!»

Vladimir Putin: aren't you afraid now?

It's been four decades, and major publications on both sides of the ocean are beginning to print the scenario of the exchange of nuclear strikes between Russia and the United States. At the household level, increasingly sounds in the kitchen, the word "war".

How can you, the President, reassure my little son, who, like me, is now afraid of nuclear war, me and all of us, what actions, words?

Vladimir Putin: I think you are right, you know.

I just thought, somehow it's all – the danger of such a development in the world-is obscured, goes away. It seems impossible or something less important. Meanwhile, if, God forbid, something like this occurs, it can lead to the death of the entire civilization, maybe the planet.

Therefore, the questions are serious, and it is a pity that such a tendency of underestimation is taking place and is even growing. There are features of today, there are dangers. What are they?

The first is the collapse. In fact, we are witnessing the collapse of the international arms deterrence system and the arms race. Following the withdrawal of the United States from the anti-ballistic missile Treaty, which I have said a thousand times, has nevertheless been a cornerstone in the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and the deterrence of the arms race. After that, we have to respond with the creation of new weapons systems to overcome these missile DEFENSE systems.

Now we hear that Russia has gained an advantage. That's true. There are no such weapons systems in the world yet. The leading powers will have them, but not yet. In this sense, there are certain advantages. But in General, in the strategic balance it is just an element of deterrence and equalization of parities. This is the preservation of parity, nothing more.

Now make another step-out of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles. What about this? It is very difficult to imagine how the situation will develop further. And if these missiles appear in Europe, what should we do?

Of course, we will have to ensure our security with some steps. Let then not a peep about the fact that we will achieve some benefits. We do not seek advantages, but maintain balance and ensure our security.

The same new start Treaty, in 2021 he finishes the existence. No negotiations are under way on this issue. It's not interesting, no need-okay, we'll live.

We will ensure our safety. We know how to do that. But in General, it is very bad for humanity, because it brings us to a very dangerous point.

And finally, there is one more circumstance that I cannot but pay attention to. There is a tendency to lower the threshold of application. Any idea to create nuclear warheads small capacity, and it is not global, and tactical use. Such ideas sound from some analysts in the West, which is okay, you can apply. But lowering the threshold could lead to a global nuclear disaster. This is one danger of today.

The second is the use of non-nuclear ballistic missiles. True, American partners seem to have refused, but the idea exists. What is that?

Ballistic missile launched-in nuclear, non-nuclear performance. The system of the SPRn (missile attack warning system) records the start, the place of the start and after a few seconds determines the flight path and the possible territory of the fall of the head parts. It's all on the verge of a possible mistake, it's terrible, it can not be brought to this. Nevertheless, such an idea of using ballistic missiles in a non-nuclear version exists.

Well, a submarine fired a ballistic missile from the world ocean, but fuck knows it, it's in nuclear or non-nuclear, go figure it out. It's a very dangerous thing. And all this is exaggerated, discussed, and it is dangerous.

But I proceed from the fact that humanity has enough common sense and a sense of self-preservation, in order not to bring to an extreme.

Dmitry Peskov: Let's go to this sector. Here I see the Ukrainian flag, the second row.

Vladimir Putin: No, that's it You have all time are, You are, in my opinion, Ukraine?

Dmitry Peskov: Yes, this is our colleague from Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, my colleagues told me, it is better not to give him the floor, because he will arrange a scandal. You want to make a scandal, no?

Please come on.

E. Sozaev-Guriev: Egor Sozaev-Guriev, "Izvestia". Question about the incident in the Kerch Strait.

Vladimir Putin: "news" is not from Ukraine?

E. Sozaev-Guryev: My question is about Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin: come on, all right.

E. Sozaev-Guriev: the Precedent in the Kerch Strait. The fate of the captured Ukrainian military is interesting, what will happen to them next. Do not you think that in principle this provocation was successful?

And I can not ask about the detainees and even prisoners of Russian citizens in the United States – I mean Butina, Yaroshenko. How can Russia protect their rights? And maybe look at our Chinese partners? Here in Canada, a Chinese citizen was detained from Huawei, they detained canadian citizens in response. Maybe experience?

Vladimir Putin: I would share your question Here. You said, " don't you think the provocation was a success?"That is the first: we state that it was a provocation, and you agree with this. This is already correct.
Now, succeeded or failed. It seems to me that provocations are always bad. Provocation is designed to aggravate the situation. Why do our Ukrainian partners need such a development of events? It is clear that there are elections, and we need to sharpen them in order to raise the rating of one of the candidates for the Presidency, I mean the incumbent President and the current government. Well, it's bad, it's ultimately to the detriment of the interests of its people and its state. Although it is possible without any provocations to move quietly, as it has been so far.

She succeeded or failed – from the point of view of improvement of the rating can be. Because the rating of Peter Alekseevich seems to have grown a little bit, he now moved from the fifth position to somewhere in the second or third, there are fluctuations, in my opinion, occur in the region of 12 percent. Yulia Vladimirovna, in my opinion, has 20 or more, already more than 20, and all the rest, Zelensky, in my opinion, then Boyko and Poroshenko, they have around 12 percent. In this sense – Yes, he probably fulfilled his task. At the expense of the country's interests, I think. This is a bad way to raise the rating.

Well, as for the future of Ukrainian soldiers, they were sent and hoped that one of them will die in fact. And I see a great dissatisfaction in the ruling circles was caused by the fact that no one was killed. Hoped that someone from them will be lost. But thank God that didn't happen. There is a consequence. After the criminal proceedings, it will be clear what to do with them.

Still, I will ask you to give the microphone to a colleague from Ukraine.

R. Tsymbalyuk: Thank You. There will be no scandal, as there was.

Vladimir Putin: thank God. Already good.

R. Tsymbalyuk: Mr President, I would like to ask: how much money do you spend on the occupied Donbas? There's poverty under your leadership, and people have become slaves to Russia, if you call a spade a spade. Here you are afraid of nuclear war and at the same time prepare for war with NATO, and, in fact, shoot at citizens of Ukraine. It's you as the Supreme Commander gave the order to shoot at the sailors. And I have a question: what are the terms of the exchange?

And if possible, the election. You say the ratings are analyzed.

Vladimir Putin: Just A Second. Terms of exchange?

R. Tsimbalyuk: the terms of the exchange of Ukrainian prisoners, and the Ukrainian military. You need citizens of Russia or not?

And if possible, the election. You analyze constantly the ratings, and it seems that You…

Vladimir Putin: I don't analyse them, I look at them. You print them.

R. Tsymbalyuk: ... thereby interfering in the electoral process, as was once done in the United States. Do not you think that it may happen that there will be no direct dialogue between the presidents of Ukraine and Russia until you change your place of work.


Vladimir Putin: about the suffering of people living in Donbas. You are a citizen of Ukraine. And you consider these people living in this territory citizens of your country. Tell me, please, who established the blockade between Donbass and the rest of Ukraine? Did Russia do this? This was done by the Ukrainian authorities: they imposed a complete economic blockade of the territory they consider their own. And they shoot at these citizens, who are considered their citizens. There almost every day people are dying, and peace. Peaceful.

We do provide humanitarian and other assistance and support to the people living in this territory. But only to have them completely there not crushed, not eaten and did not break, and will continue to do so. Because attempts to resolve issues of a political nature with the help of force, and we have seen this for several years from the side of today's Kiev authorities, this is still happening, are doomed to failure. That's understandable.

Now about how to settle relations and who will remain in power, who will not remain. It's not about personalities, it's about attitude. We want peace and prosperity in the whole territory of Ukraine, including Donbas. We are interested in this because Ukraine remains one of our largest trade and economic partners.

Trade turnover between Ukraine and Russia, despite all the efforts of today's Kiev authorities, is growing, including increased over the past year, this year it has also grown. Is that weird? No, it's not weird because it's a natural connection. And these natural ties someday all -??? would give about itself know. But while in the Kiev corridors of power are Russophobes who do not understand what, in fact, the interest of their own people, this abnormal situation will continue. Regardless of who is in power in the Kremlin.

We were engaged in an exchange, all the time were engaged. Mr Medvedchuk, on behalf of Poroshenko, by the way, he has been doing this all the time. And recently, he also came to Moscow and raised the issue of the release of the Ukrainian military detained in the Kerch Strait, or rather, in the Black sea. Yes, and Medvedchuk raised this question. But, I have already said, these issues can be resolved after the completion of the criminal case.

M. nos: Good afternoon, colleagues. Good afternoon, Mr. President! Margarita Baulina, Herald " Family. Society. Traditions.»

The matter is that two years ago the initiative group of our edition took part in the social project. We began to develop a project for the construction of an indoor football field for children from disadvantaged families, as well as for children from orphanages.

Two years we knocked at doors for committees, write letters, meet, and two years, we stumble upon indifference. No offense to colleagues from other areas, but we are perceived as an ordinary flower shop or refueling, in no way reacting to the fact that we are trying to help the state to perform its functions and important mission.

Vladimir Putin: what are you trying to do?

M. Baulina: we are trying to open a football covered field for children from disadvantaged families, as well as for children from orphanages, that is, to give them the opportunity to completely free of charge to realize themselves not on the streets in some way harmful to them, but as much as possible as a person.

Vladimir Putin: have you established a non-governmental non-profit organisation or something?

M. Baulina: we have LLC, so far LLC on the basis of our publication.

Vladimir Putin: so you are a commercial organisation after all?

Mikhail Baulina: at the moment, Yes, because we cannot find a way to implement our project.

Vladimir Putin: With whom are you trying to resolve this issue?

Mikhail Baulina: we are trying to resolve this issue with several committees of our city, starting with the property Committee, the Committee on sports, youth and social policy. And every time we go from one Committee to another, according to the letters, and to the meetings, back and forth.

Vladimir Putin: How much does your project cost?

M. Baulina: at the moment there are 11 million.

Vladimir Putin: what city is it Again?

M. Baulina: St. Petersburg.

Vladimir Putin: I will talk to the acting President. I am sure the issue will be resolved.

M. nos: thank You very much.

Vladimir Putin: Sure.

K. Golovanov: Day counter-intelligence, Mr President. Today is a holiday.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you, Too. I feel like You're not far from here either.…

We have the same thing in intelligence, counterintelligence and information work. In fact, it is the same work – it is information: you are engaged in information, and intelligence agencies are also engaged in information.

K. Golovanova: recently, our society, mainly the youth part of it, has faced strange actions of the authorities, which, I think, provoke some unnecessary conflicts. This is, for example, the situation with the word you already know, with rappers. They are compressed, breaking up of concerts.

Vladimir Putin: you doubt my abilities…

K. Golovanova: No.

Vladimir Putin: "the Word You now know." Well, I've known before.

K. Golovanova: Well, you use more often.

Vladimir Putin: I Have one of my Trustees also rappers were. Timothy. What about it? There he is, all painted up like this guy. By the way, a wonderful person and a wonderful artist.

K. Golovanova: You said at the Council for culture: "If you can't resist a movement, you have to lead it." Please tell me why the state should interfere in this situation at all? Can be, to leave already in alone? Why they broke up? In General, who needed it? Well, they sing with materkom – this is it.

And the second point is probably more serious, but also affecting, in General, young people. Now all are concerned about the legislative initiative about that for the negative statements about the state, government, society to impose liability, rather, to strengthen that responsibility. This, again, will hit primarily on young people who sit in social networks. Here such actions are not you afraid to lose the youth?

Vladimir Putin: as for the loss or, on the contrary, the acquisition of some authority from young people.

You know, when I am told about young people, I always remember some tragic and heroic pages of our modern history. Well, let's remember a company of paratroopers-96 people, guys (19-20 years) who directly almost from a school bench appeared in Armed Forces, 96 people against two thousand. Six survivors. Almost three days fight went, several times passed to hand-to-hand, fought shovels and knives. Here are the heroes that youth, 19-20 years old guys. (Applause.)
And if you take volunteers. There are thousands, just thousands. In my opinion, 35 thousand volunteers worked at the world championship. And the guys who are engaged in search activity? Thousands too. All the same the young people.

And we have this layer, not a layer, it's a layer, it's a colossal depth. And it's all young people, it is the support of today and the future of Russia. And there are young scientists, talented artists and musicians. Rappers are among them.

As for the responsibility for the flag and other symbols of the state, almost all countries have it. You have to respect your country. And there are rules that must be followed everywhere. If there is responsibility outside the Internet, it should be on the Internet.

What is different about browsing behavior from the fact that the borders of the Internet? This is also a society, especially the Internet has penetrated into all spheres of our life. Therefore, I do not see anything special here.

And as for the arrest of these rappers, I agree with you. It to anything, it is the result, the return to expected, anything good in it isn't present. However, as nothing good in the fact that, as You said, "They're singing with materkom, so be it".

I recently, you saw, was on the anniversary of Temirkanov, he was 80 years old. He said, in General, the usual thing, but still correct: "Art does not exist in order to indulge the low motives, low interests and low profile of culture. The culture itself exists to raise this level."

Of course, it is impossible to miss, not to let and punish for it. This is wrong. But there are other things. For example, remember, it turns out, broadcast, it was live, and I said to my interlocutor: "Let's all swear here now, at the Council for culture." Everyone laughed. Why? It never occurs to anyone to do that. Why should we indulge? To indulge it is impossible.

But there are other elements. For example, the promotion of drugs. Why do we need our young people to use drugs, why should we condone the promotion of drug use? This is the degradation of society, the degradation of young people, the degradation of the nation.

Do we want to degrade or something? Someone wants to propagandize drugs, let him propagandize. We should not do this, and we should not encourage it in any case, and we should not look at it indifferently either. Another thing is that it is necessary to counteract these trends in a different way.

Or we have become fashionable to promote suicide among young people. So, shall we all go hang ourselves now, or what? I'm not the first, then you'll be the first. I don't want to, right? We cannot allow this to happen among young people. I said we should take the lead.

This does not mean that grab, do not let, drag, "do as I do." No, that's not aviation. Here, we need to act differently. Whether there are such means or not? Sure I do. It is necessary to carefully, calmly build, convince of the greater attractiveness of other values. But roughly you can not deny, I agree with You.

Dmitry Peskov: maybe there are representatives from other countries besides the Ukrainian media? Our Japanese comrades, "Kyodo Tsushin", please, in the middle of this Central sector. Could you pass the microphone, please?

H. Sugizaki: Good Afternoon, Vladimir Vladimirovich.

Vladimir Putin: Hello.

H. Sugizaki: Hirofumi Sugizaki, Japan, "Kyodo Tsushin".

My question, of course, unfortunately, concerns our peace Treaty, to which, as I understand it, we are striving. After the meeting in Singapore, Where you and Mr. Abe agreed to speed up the negotiations on the basis of the Soviet-Japanese Declaration of 1956, our public is concerned only with how many Islands we will get. Zero, two, three, four, we don't know. On the other hand, I understand that the Russians are also at a loss. Basically it is: "Why should we give?"We are approached by a variety of people even with a threat: "we Will not give a single inch of land." And so on. We are talking about territorial division, which we need to do. But if our new Treaty, the peace Treaty, is limited only to this-territorial division, it will be little and uninteresting, and our peoples, the public will understand. What do you think, what new idea, what moments to invest in order to promote our relations to a new, qualitatively new level?

And let me, in this regard, I can not ask a question. Recently, the Russian side, including Yourself, has been touching upon security issues. We are talking specifically about the deployment of US missile defense IN Japan and the potential deployment of us troops and military infrastructure in the case of the transfer of the Islands of Japan. We have negotiations at the level of experts, but since we are talking about defense, Japan is almost completely dependent on the United States. Do you think that these issues can be resolved on a bilateral basis, or will You have to directly with the United States? Thanks a lot.

Vladimir Putin: Let's not forget what you have finished. Security issues are extremely important, including in concluding a peace Treaty. You said about the deployment of American military infrastructure in Japan, but she's already there, on Okinawa, the largest us base have been around for decades, we know.

Now about Japan's ability to participate in these decisions. For us, this is an incomprehensible, closed part. We do not understand the level of Japan's sovereignty in making such decisions. You know better than all other colleagues, I am also aware that the Governor of Okinawa is against some decisions related to the strengthening of the base and its expansion. He's against it, but he can't do anything about it. And the people who live there are against it.

You do not need to go far, all the polls show that people go out on the street, require the withdrawal of this base. And, in any case, they are against strengthening the air force component of the us armed forces related to what is already there. There are plans for strengthening and development. All against, but this is happening.

We do not know what will happen after the conclusion of the peace Treaty. But without an answer to this question, it will be very difficult for us to make any drastic decisions. And, of course, we are concerned about the plans to deploy missile defense systems. I have said many times to the United States, and I can repeat once again: we do not believe that these are defensive weapons, they are part of the us strategic nuclear potential brought to the periphery. And these systems work synchronously, in combination with shock complexes. Therefore, here we have no illusions, we all understand this. But, understanding all this, nevertheless, we seek and will sincerely strive further to conclude a peace Treaty with Japan, because I am convinced, and Prime Minister Abe shares This conviction with me, the current state is not normal. Both Japan and Russia are interested in the full settlement of our relations, and not only because we need something from Japan in terms of the economy. It is more or less developing in our country.

Just now, the Minister of economic development Oreshkin reported to me this morning on the results of his visit to Japan. There is progress, including the agreement on supplies and the opening of the Japanese market for Russian meat products, including poultry meat. There are other advances. So it is still moving and will move, the life force. But normalization in General is extremely important for us, both for Russia and Japan. The process is complex, and we are ready to move along this path together with our colleagues.

Dmitry Peskov: Thank You. You know, the news has just come that the British media regulator Ofcom has found RT guilty of violating the broadcasting rules and is considering the possibility of imposing sanctions. I saw RT around here somewhere. Come on, here's the source.

Vladimir Putin: Please.

Igor Petrenko: Mr Medvedev, thank you.

Good afternoon. My name is Ilya Petrenko, TV channel Russia Today, as you have already said.

But that's not my question. First, I would like to ask about the recent decision to facilitate the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for Ukrainians. Our channel often dealt with this topic and the problem with the bureaucracy. This is certainly an important step, but I would like to ask you to clarify from a purely political point of view what the logic is. And if it is so necessary and it is simple for the help to citizens in the East of Ukraine why it couldn't be made earlier. Are you not afraid that the bureaucracy will continue and now just have to shift the paper is not on the right hand, and on the left.

And even briefly I would return to the question of colleagues from the newspaper "Izvestia". There is a scandal Kripalani and the West's reaction to it, there is a murder of Mr Khashoggi, the Saudi journalist, is a completely different reaction. There are arrests of Kirill Vyshinsky, Marina Butina, there is an arrest of the financial Director of the company "Huawei". And Donald trump openly says that it is a bargaining chip in the trade war as well. My colleague asked: can we see such a practice in Russia, when foreign citizens will be delayed on far-fetched pretexts, for example, to exchange them for someone? Thanks.

Vladimir Putin: Well, let's start with the last part of Your question. I do not want to comment on what is happening in us-Chinese relations: who, whom, for what detained, in response to what actions and so on. This is a very delicate area, and we will not act on the principles set out in the code of king Hammurabi. This principle of retaliation is called, we have it reads: "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." It is necessary to act very carefully and proceed from the realities. If there are some people who violate Russian laws, regardless of their national and state affiliation, we will respond to this, but we will not be enough innocent people just to change them to someone.
As for the fate of our citizens, of course, we are not indifferent to it – the fact that this Butina is forced to confess something. I do not understand what she can admit, because she did not perform any tasks of the state, state bodies of Russia. This I will declare. Whatever she says, even under the influence of threats of 12-15 years ' imprisonment. Clearly, she and her lawyer are fighting to get out of jail. I don't know why they put her in that prison. Just no reason. But we must somehow all save face, get out of this situation. First of all, of course, I'm talking about American justice. The end – view. We care, we will monitor, monitor and support them accordingly.

Now about Skipala and Khashoggi. I'm not even here to comment. Khashoggi killed, it's obvious, admitted it. Squeaky, thank God, alive. Nevertheless, there are a lot of sanctions against Russia. They're still talking about it. And in the second case – silence full. This is a politicized Russophobic approach. This is an occasion, only an occasion to organize another attack on Russia. Well, there would be no Squeaks, something else would come up. That's obvious to me. And the goal is only one-to restrain the development of Russia as a possible competitor. I don't see any other goals.

Now, about the bureaucracy. Bureaucracy associated with citizenship. Bureaucracy. What are You talking about? Bureaucracy is eternal, it cannot be defeated. But to live without it is impossible, I must say. It is necessary to build only certain rules of work of this bureaucracy, it is true, the state mechanism of decision-making and so on.

As for the adoption of citizenship. This has to do not only with the events in the South-East of Ukraine, we do not only for those people who live in these areas. The government is currently preparing amendments to the relevant law on citizenship and acquisition of citizenship. What is this being done for? And this is done in order to show that we do not seek and will not support the policy associated with the split, with the separation of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples. What are today's authorities doing? What task do they perform? What do they sell against the background of Russophobia, which they develop? They carry out, they actually speak about it, a historical task – take away the Russian and Ukrainian people, here that they do. And for this they are all forgiven.

Your colleague from the Ukrainian media spoke about the hardships that fell to the share of people living in Donbass and Luhansk region, that they have a low standard of living there. A Ukraine that is better, eh? There is about the same as in the Donbass as a whole – it gets worse and worse. All in the context of war, hostilities, stresses, all is forgiven within the country and outside, for sure. Pay for it. Here is another tranche of the IMF will now receive. But we understand what the IMF tranche is-it is only to pay pensions and wages in the social sphere, and then it will be necessary to pay future generations. Therefore, in General, the situation there is unfavourable, I think, in the economy and in the social sphere, in terms of domestic political processes. And our peoples are close, bound by historical roots, and we will do everything to support this state of Affairs.

The law on citizenship is currently being amended and will be adopted early next year.

Yu Abanov: Yuri Abanov, the newspaper "Khakassia".

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! I would like to raise the issue of the past regional elections. It is no secret that in some regions they were quite emotional and tense, and sometimes even somewhere long, in Primorye they only ended, and Khakassia generally set a record, spending them for two months.

But the most important thing is that as a result of a protest vote, candidates from opposition parties came to power, in particular, the candidate from the Communist party won Khakassia, in Khabarovsk and Vladimir region – from the LDPR. This raises some questions.

First, why do you think it happened? Secondly, why, contrary to your established tradition, Have you not yet met with the elected heads? And most importantly, how do you intend to build relations with the territories where the opposition parties won? Because there are fears the Federal government may revoke the financing, attention, there is a concern.

Vladimir Putin: Don't worry about it, and it's even strange that this question arises.

About meetings. The elections in Vladivostok have just ended last Sunday, so there were no meetings. They will be, and they are scheduled, in my opinion, next week. We will have a state Council, and I have already instructed the Administration to hold a separate meeting with the newly elected heads of regions in these territories, which you have just mentioned. Just had to wait for the results of the elections in Vladivostok. That's one.

Second. This is not the first time that representatives of opposition parties win elections in our country. Weren't they? For several years, a representative of the LDPR has headed Smolensk, in Omsk we have, in my opinion, from United Russia, in other regions there are representatives of the Communist party. So what? They're working, all right.

I'm not a member of the party. I created United Russia, which is true, but the President is not a member of any parties. The main thing for me is to make people in the regions of the Russian Federation feel that life is changing for the better.

Actually, if they made a decision in relation to a specific person, not representing the party "United Russia", well, that's their choice. In every possible way I will only help any elected head of the region.

The only question is that the newly elected head of the region himself was on top, was able to fulfill the campaign promises that he gave to the people.

To be continued.

Большая пресс-конференция Владимира Путина


E. Glushakova, Olena Glushakova, "RIA Novosti". Good day!

Vladimir Putin: Hello.

E. Glushakova: I also brought such a picture – "Masha and the Bear", it is also thematic. The fact is that, as colleagues said, Russia has been living for several years in a huge number of different sanctions, sometimes even get confused in this, and it comes to the fact that they promise to introduce even in relation to cartoon characters.

But that's not the point. The question is probably more serious. They are going to impose even more serious sanctions, in particular, American legislators are preparing for this. Is Russia ready for a new round of such restrictions? Does the Government have a plan to minimize the impact on the Russian economy? And how do you assess these consequences, because there are very different assessments in this regard.

Vladimir Putin: well, sanctions – we have talked about this many times. If you want to come back again, you're welcome.

Russia practically my whole life, its history lives somehow in some limitations and sanctions. At all throughout its history.

If you look at the history of XIX, XX century, it is always the same. See diplomatic correspondence of the XIX – early XX century. All the same. We called on our diplomats to quickly restore order in the Caucasus, to do this, the fifth, stripped. It's always the same thing.

What is the reason? I have already spoken about this and I hope that the vast majority of today's audience also understands that it is connected with the growth of Russia's power and competitiveness. There is a powerful, strong player to be reckoned with, and do not want to.

More recently, we thought that the country is no longer there, and, it turns out, there is, and we must reckon with it. And 160 million people live in our country, it's not just the wishes of some leaders of the country, it's the interests of the people that we protect. Protected carefully, speaking without any vulgarity, quiet, reserved. But we are doing our job and will move forward in this direction.

Sanctions today. Now only gave an example from Kripalani and Khashoggi. Well, where here logic? There's no logic in that. Just an excuse to take additional measures to contain Russia.

Our economy, as has been said many times, has adapted to these external constraints. Look: I mentioned at the beginning of our meeting today that after the global crisis of 2008-2009 our GDP fell by 7.8 percent. Any sanctions did not seem to be. And after the introduction of sanctions in 2014, the fall was 2.5 percent.

You asked: how do we assess? We always evaluate the way it looks best for us. But let's see how our opponents, those who impose sanctions, evaluate. The us Treasury Department, for example, believes that this drop of 2.5 percent in 2015 is due to one-third of the sanctions, and two-thirds due to the fall in energy prices, especially oil.

In fact, I think that one third is not there, much less. Well, it's kind of affecting. It affects those who do. According to the European Parliament, about 500 billion euros loss of the European economy from the sanctions that they imposed on Russia, because our market is lost, under-supply of goods, do not get something from us in the right amount, the number of jobs has fallen.

For them it is sensitive, I must say, because in many EU countries, for example, unemployment is very high. Still there, in my opinion, in Spain somewhere 15 percent. We have 4.8 billion, they have 15 billion, by the way, and the development of world trade, which has decreased by more than 400 billion, are all elements of an unpredictable policy, including sanctions policy. Hurts everyone.

I repeat, the economy has adapted to this. Yes, there are negative effects, but look, there are advantages of these sanctions cases. What are they? This has forced us to turn our brains on in many areas, and by the way, Western experts also recognize this. Our share of domestic transport engineering in 2017 was 98 percent. In the automotive industry-85 percent, and in some other areas, also in key areas, somewhere around 80 percent.

In the past year, we spent 600 billion rubles on import substitution, 125-128 billion of which came from the Federal budget. Well, agribusiness-I'm not saying, we just closed the market. Yes, unfortunately, this led to a short-term increase in prices in the domestic food market, but now the prices there have stabilized significantly in this segment of the economy, and agriculture has made such a breakthrough, as it was difficult to imagine.

The volume of sales to the foreign market has increased since 2000 by 16 times-it's incredible, but it's all happening. Therefore, there are disadvantages, there are advantages, but in any case, we would like the world economy to develop without any shocks, without illegitimate actions, without any external restrictions, naturally, for the benefit of the world economy as a whole.

Dmitry Peskov: Regional media, our respected ones. Chelyabinsk, please.

Vladimir Putin: wait a Second. There's a sign raise " KGB and children." Today, 20 December, just the Day of the Cheka. KGB kids, or what do you mean? What is it? Give me the microphone, please.

Remark: As one of my good friend, "we are all children of the KGB, only the life we have been brought up differently".

Vladimir Putin: if you are KGB children, how life educates you, then the KGB should educate you.

Question: Mr President, there is a very high demand for social justice in society. And, according to the Levada center, I think 66 percent are nostalgic about the Soviet Union. And, in fact, the question: do you think it is possible to restore socialism in Russia?

Vladimir Putin: I Think this is impossible.

It seems to me that the profound changes in society are such that the restoration of socialism in the sense that You, in my opinion, put it, is impossible.

There may be elements of socialization of the economy, the social sphere, but it is always associated with spending more income, and, ultimately, with a dead end in the economy. That's why.

But the fair distribution of resources, fair treatment of people living below the poverty line, building the policy of the state to reduce to a minimum the number of people living below this poverty line, to provide the vast majority of people with health care, education on acceptable terms – this, if we talk about socialization in this sense, I want to assure you that we are This is to a large extent the focus of our national projects, which we mentioned at the very beginning of our meeting.

Dmitry Peskov: If you're not talking about the KGB, please. Chelyabinsk, right?

Me. Final: Thank You.

My name is Yana Konechnaya,I represent the southern Urals, Chelyabinsk.

I have a question that concerns not only Chelyabinsk, but the whole of Russia. We are talking about waste disposal and sorting. Now in any, probably, the city of the country there is no industry for separate collecting garbage, household culture of its sorting. Although I have, of course, a colleague who is engaged in separate collection of garbage at home, but her whole apartment is now filled with packages with this very garbage. Because it needs to collect a certain amount, then immerse in the car, take away to the other end of the city and only then pass. So, of course, some regions have already begun to build the appropriate infrastructure, but this is all a drop in the ocean. And you have raised this issue many times. So why is it so difficult to solve? Why is it still impossible to use the world experience to have our garbage finally been recycled?

Vladimir Putin: you know, the answer is quite simple, the situation is complicated, but the answer is simple – we have never done it. For decades, from the Soviet times, garbage was dumped into pits, figuratively speaking. No one has ever engaged in any processing, minimally, point, and we, in my opinion, 70 million tons of garbage is produced annually, and there is nowhere to put it. And with the development of industry, including the development of consumer goods industry, the amount of garbage only increases. The development of chemistry, plastics the amount of garbage increases. In the Pacific, there are whole Islands, you know, an area, I think, with France and a thickness of a few meters. Plastic accumulates in this place – and all. But it's in the Pacific, and we're dumping it in landfills.

We need to address several key priorities. It is necessary to liquidate illegal dumps. That's the first thing to do. And the second thing to do is to build a whole processing industry. What your colleague is doing, she is great, she can only be praised, but this is a problem for people who are committed to such environmental behavior. The state, first of all in the face of the regions, and then the municipalities, should create conditions for this separate collection of garbage and subsequent disposal. I understand people who oppose the construction of factories. I must say that you just mentioned international experience. It is necessary that this experience was used in our best options. We often do that. But here to have the same thing. Some environmentalists, for example, and some citizens in the territories object to the construction of even incineration processing plants. It is necessary that these plants were high-quality and effective, so they don't skimp on the filters for these. This is the most expensive part of the processing and combustion plants. It is necessary that everything was done according to the appropriate technology and methodology.

In Tokyo (my colleague will confirm, I guess) right near the center of the city are combusting plants. There is no smell, there are no problems, because the technology is respected. And we have to do the same. We must build 200 processing plants in the coming years, by 2024. I don't know if it's enough, but at least 200 across the country we have to do.

Dmitry Peskov: Mr President, perhaps our colleagues from China? I see the Xinhua Agency.

Vladimir Putin: Please.

Question: Good Afternoon, Mr President. I'm a correspondent for Xinhua news Agency.

My question is about China. A solemn meeting was held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the policy and form of openness. At the meeting, President XI Jinping called for the completion of all measures related to reforms and openness. How do you assess the changes that have occurred in China over the years?

And more. Russia and China reached bilateral trade to 100 billion U.S. dollars, while Russian exports to China grew by 44 percent and was 10 billion dollars more than import from China. Are you satisfied with the development of Russian-Chinese relations this year? Thanks.

Vladimir Putin: Indeed, this is a landmark milestone. I do not know whether we will be able to reach $ 100 billion or not, but we came close to it. This is in principle an indicator, indeed. It will be necessary to calculate the total volume of trade at the beginning of next year, but somewhere around 100 billion it will be, and this in itself is already an achievement. And, of course, we can not be happy with this result. But this is a derivative result of the state of Russian-Chinese relations and the growing level of trust between the two countries. We work in the bilateral format, and very reliable, we have solved all the problems that got us from the times of the Soviet Union, and move on. We work not only in the economic sphere, but also in the security sphere, we cooperate very actively in the international arena, and Russian-Chinese cooperation in the international arena is certainly a factor that improves the international situation, a factor of stability and predictability of the situation on the world stage.

We appreciate the changes that have taken place in China. I believe that stability and predictability are very important for a country like the people's Republic of China, with a billion-plus 300 million people, including in domestic politics, including the personnel component. President XI Jinping made a decision, and his friends from the CPC supported him in this direction, and I think that China did the right thing, stability guarantees the progressive development of the people's Republic of China.

Alexander Ilyin: "Yakutia"newspaper.

Mr President, the question is as follows. Crimean bridge has become a symbol of the return of Crimea to their Homeland. The bridge over the Lena river can become a symbol of the development of the Asian part of the Russian Federation. I would like to ask whether we should wait for this bridge. If so, when? Because the Yakut people really need it. Thanks.

Vladimir Putin: Okay. Symbol-it is always good, it is always some stage of completion and opportunities for further progress. In this sense, the Crimean bridge is both. I agree with you: this is a symbol of the reunification of Crimea with Russia, and it is an opportunity for the development of the Peninsula. It is the opportunity for development. This is important.

The same applies to the bridge over the Lena river. You said it should be related to development. It needs to be counted accurately. The cost of this bridge, and we have been talking about it for a long time, a few years, is very large. It's expensive. It is necessary to look-it will rest simply in the city, and all, or there is a possibility of development of the region as a whole on other Bank of the Lena river: development of economy, infrastructure, an exit to any fields. That's what needs to be decided. It is necessary to compare the costs and the final result for the economy of the region as a whole. If our colleagues at the level of the Ministry of transport and the Ministry of economy agree, we will certainly implement this project.

Vladimir Putin: Come On. "Nature, homeland, people."

Remark: (From the audience.) We will soon run out of gas.

Vladimir Putin: we will now move on to gas. We won't run out of gas. We have more gas than the world as a whole. We only have on the Yamal Peninsula reserves to 6.7 trillion cubic meters.

You're welcome.

Sergei Lisovsky: Mr President,

Thank you very much for the opportunity to ask a question. I am the editor-in-chief of the Society and ecology newspaper, Sergey Lisovsky, which I publish for 19 years in St. Petersburg. And next year will be 20 years – we will soon be the oldest environmental newspaper in Russia, which is steadily published. Small but steady.

Vladimir Putin: we Will celebrate.

Sergei Lisovsky: I wanted to ask a very serious question, I'd like to invite You to Saint Petersburg at the "round table" dedicated to the strategy of development of Russia, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the newspaper "Society and ecology".

And my question is about the following. Addressing the protection of the river Neva and the protection of forests, water resources, protection of the don river... And thank You very much, that You gave an instruction to the media forum of the Russian popular front on 23 April that You were given information on the construction of Bagaevskiy hydro system, this hazardous facility, local residents are against it.

And Sergei Kiriyenko at the Congress of the onf told me that your order Has not been withdrawn. But you were married without You, and local officials do not want to carry out your order. So I ask you to pay attention to the don river – it is the same great Russian river as the Volga, as the Neva. That's one.

Second. Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Recently, the Council on culture was held, which you held on December 15 at the Konstantinovsky Palace. And there all the questions are very good, correct, and about drug addiction, but Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky asked one of the key questions, with which I am coming to you today, thinking over this topic.

He said that now there is no big idea of Russia's development. In the Orthodox Empire it was a triad: Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality. In the Soviet Union – the moral code of the Builder of communism. And now we have: do not understand what we are building, as if "immoral code of the Builder of capitalism."

And I have such a triad was born. I would like to ask you to address our Federal TV channels, First, NTV and Rossiya, to hold a national discussion on what kind of Russia we are building and what kind of society we are building. Propose a triad: nature, homeland, people. One cannot exist without the other: nature, homeland and people. And so we are now watching the show, where all the time we are told who left, who cheated on who. That is, as would be information chaos. And if we put the question on all the TV shows…

Dmitry Peskov: could you please ask a question? …

Sergei Lisovsky: Yes, is it possible to organise a TV show on strategically important issues of Russia's long-term development?

Vladimir Putin: Andrei Konchalovsky is a very interesting and profound interlocutor. And he has his own opinion, which he does not hesitate to formulate, whether someone likes it or not. He doesn't adapt, he speaks as he thinks. He's deep.

As for whether we have an idea or not to build a state, a country on which to build, I have said many times. I believe that in the best, not leavened sense of the word, patriotism cannot but be the basis for strengthening our state in the broadest and most noble sense of the word.
About the fact that we have on many channels and on the Internet there is information that is hardly worthy of the airtime that it takes. You know, Daniil Granin (I think I also spoke about this once) spoke to me at our last meeting.

We talked to him, talked face to face for a long time, and I never saw him again, he passed away later. He says to me,"look, You have to do something about it." I said, "what?"–"We're all tired of it." I said, " From what?"–"On all screens have us: who stole, how many stole, as stole. Well, what a bore! Are we nothing in life is such a bright, decent not happening?!"I say,' well, that's the policy of our channels.'

But I think that still in this respect, too, things are changing for the better, and become more and more balanced, maybe, although I rarely watch – and the Internet seldom look and the TV look a little, just once.

But here's the information field, try to monitor it and it seems to me that after all was better. And it is probably harmless to discuss the topic that you proposed, we need to talk to our colleagues.

You just said they can hear you, so I hope they will react.

There's the Chicago Tribune, please.

R. Marsden (retranslated): Chicago Tribune, USA.

Yesterday, President Donald trump announced the withdrawal of his troops from Syria. He also announced that, in his opinion, the United States defeated ISIS in Syria. He was very clear about it.

How do you feel about his statements? How do You feel about the withdrawal of troops from Syria? How do you feel about what he said about the victory over ISIS by the United States?

Second. Do you have any concern that us troops will remain in Syria in some form because there have been discussions about how contract employees might be present in Syria? Thus, the US will participate militarily in Syria, but in a more covert manner.

Vladimir Putin: as for the victory over ISIS, I generally agree with the President of the United States. We, as I have already said, have made significant changes in the fight against terrorism in this territory and have dealt serious blows to ISIS in Syria.

There is a danger of these groups and their like moving to neighbouring regions and Afghanistan, to other countries, to the countries of origin from which they have come, and they are partly returning.

This is a great danger for all of us, including Russia, the United States, Europe and Asian countries, including the Central Asian States. We know this and are well aware of it. Donald is right, and I agree with him.

As for the withdrawal of American troops, I do not know what it is. The United States has been present in, say, Afghanistan for how long? 17 years, and almost every year they say that they withdraw their troops from there. While they are present there. That's two.

Third. We do not see any signs of the withdrawal of us troops, but I admit that it is possible, especially since we are moving towards a political settlement. Now on the agenda we have the issue of formation of the constitutional Committee.

By the way, when we met in Istanbul – Russia, Turkey, France and Germany – we agreed that we would make every effort to create this constitutional Committee, and Russia, for its part, did everything to ensure that this was done.

We, strange as it may seem, have fully agreed this list with President Assad, he gave his 50 people, and took part in the formation of another 50 people from civil society, and despite the fact that he does not like everything there, nevertheless, he agreed with this.

Turkey, representing the interests of the opposition, also agreed, Iran agreed. And we presented this list to the UN, it turned out, yesterday only Lavrov reported to me that suddenly, with the filing of our partners – Germany, France and the United States, that the wait-and-see position was now taken by representatives of the UN, Mr. de Mistura.

So, I do not understand what is happening there, but, in any case, this work is, I want to believe in it, at the final stage. If not before the end of this year, then at the beginning of next year, I hope, this list will be agreed, and the next stage of settlement will begin, namely the political stage of settlement.

Do we need the presence of American troops here? I don't think you should. Let us not forget that their presence, your troops, is illegitimate, it is not confirmed by the decision of the United Nations Security Council, but only by the decision of the security Council, it can be there, a military contingent, or at the invitation of the legitimate government of Syria. We are there at the invitation of the Syrian government. Neither, so if the US decided to withdraw its contingent, it is correct.

But there is another very important component of this whole process – that, despite all the contradictions, there is still a constructive dialogue between our experts: the military, the special services, and the foreign Ministries to address the acute problems of the fight against terrorism in Syria. In General, we are satisfied with the way the joint work is going.

Remark: (from the audience) will you not forget about Gazprom?

Vladimir Putin: how can we forget about Gazprom? Just a second.

O. Ivanova: Hello. Olga Ivanova, I present the newspaper "rural life", which in March this year was 100 years old, with which you congratulated the editorial staff, for which we are very grateful to you.

The question is. According to available statistics, the growth rate of agriculture has slowed recently, despite the lack of competition due to sanctions and good "greenhouse" conditions. What is the explanation? And don't you worry about the slowdown?

And more. There is no agriculture among the national projects. Why?

Vladimir Putin: regarding national projects and agriculture. Agriculture has long been a national project. Our support is measured in hundreds of billions of rubles, and this support will continue, both on large farms and on farms, in all segments of agriculture.

As for the slowdown. Yes, they are. Does it bother us or not? Doesn't bother. And we have no greenhouse conditions, our farmers are working in difficult conditions.

First, competition is preserved. Thank God, we are developing competition within the country, and these are very important components of the development of this sector of the economy. And there is external competition. Not all countries have imposed sanctions against us, which means that we have not taken countermeasures against these States. We have imposed sanctions against the European Union, the United States and other countries that have imposed sanctions against Russia on orders from the United States. But the vast majority of countries in the world have not done this, and there are a lot of them, and they supply products to our market, so the competition remains.

About what is happening inside agriculture. These are statistical indicators, and they are related to the production of grain. As you know, last year we had a record harvest of 135.5 million tons of grain. This is the main indicator that contributes to statistical reporting. This year, due to unfavorable weather conditions, and in some regions, an emergency regime was introduced, in my opinion, in 27 regions, our harvest is less than 110.5 million tons. And therefore, in accordance with the base of last year, the figures immediately went down. We're comparing it to last year. But this 110 million tons is the third largest figure in the last 25 years. This is a very good result. In view of last year's reserves, we have maintained, and even increased, the volume of possible exports to 52.5 million tons. We will fulfill all our obligations and all contracts. So here we have no worries.

There are areas in which we must act and work further in the field of agriculture. This is what direction? We need to increase competitiveness and expand infrastructure, including to increase exports. By the way, last year we exported 20 billion rubles, and this year we will have 25 billion. Do the figures that the head could not come. We will have 16 billion in arms exports and 25 billion in agricultural products. We will support the development of infrastructure in the field of agriculture and exports. We are allocating about 400 billion rubles for this purpose in the coming years. This is the development of ports, roads and so on, financial support for exports. We need to increase our competitiveness in this way. Ah, of course, cadres develop, breeding and so on, and so on. You know that better than I do.

Second. It is necessary to increase the production of products of a high degree of redistribution, it is meat and meat processing.

And, of course, we need to continue to address issues related to the social development of rural areas. The program of social development of the village will also be maintained.
Hello. Artem Artemenko, TV channel "Crimea 24".

Vladimir Putin: Hello.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, You said recently that the introduction of restrictions against Russia directly affects the Crimean people, who voted for reunification with Russia in 2014. Could you explain What you said? And by the way, what to do with it and how to fight? Thanks.

Vladimir Putin: Indeed, I said it, I do not remember where, but I can explain. Look, this is a curious situation. Look what we hear from the outside. They say about the annexation of Crimea by Russia. What is annexation? Power capture. If it was the annexation and the seizure of power, then the people of Crimea have nothing to do, they are not to blame. And if they came and voted, then it's not annexation. What's happening? After all against them entered, against you imposed sanctions. What is the sanction? Restrictions on movement, restrictions related to departure, obtaining visas, restrictions related to financial transactions, restrictions related to the work of insurance companies, the use of Maritime and other infrastructure. That is, it affects almost all people who live in this territory, against them imposed, in fact, sanctions, not only electoral-against the leadership of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol – and against all. If they are innocent, if this annexation for which against they imposed sanctions? And if you are still against the sanctions imposed for a specific vote, then we must admit that it took place – that's the trick, that's what I meant.

Alexander Yunashev: the Internet-the edition "Life", Alexander Yunashev. Hello!

Mr President, there is a programme of state support for creating positive content in film and television, in fact, for our taxes. Are such support measures possible and necessary for the Russian segment of the Internet?

And the state channels will not ask: when will you get married? And who? (Laughter in the hall.)

Vladimir Putin: These are very different issues.

Are You married?

A. yunashev: Yes, I do not regret. And all advise.

Vladimir Putin: he is married and wants me to be like him. (Laughter in the hall.) Well, okay. We assume that the second question I answered, but as a decent person when I have to do it, I guess. (Laughter.)

Now about the support of the Russian segment of the Internet. Yes, it's right, it needs to be done, and we are doing it. We have grants, I do not remember how many, but they are measured in hundreds of millions of rubles. Grants related to the content, we allocated the money: 144 billion. In General, we officially allocate around 400 million for this type of activity, so we are doing this and will continue to do so.

Let's Eurasian women's community, it is after the question of marriage is very important. You're welcome.

M. Volynkina: Eurasian women's community, Marina Volynkina.

Mr President, first of all, I would like to thank you for attending the Second Eurasian women's forum, which was very important for the women of the world.

Vladimir Putin: Thank You.

Mikhail Volynkina: there was also a platform dedicated to mass media at this forum. And after we held this platform, 15 memorandums of peace have already been signed by those participants, the responsible media, who join our campaign, that the information in the world should be positive.

In this regard, I have a question for you: how important it is for You, as President, that all the journalists present here speak not just the truth, but that they objectively and responsibly treat what they are doing, that it is a serious, soft power, and not just a solution to some business problems.

That is, today for us, for women, it is very important in an environment where there is such aggression and tension, and we are really afraid of war, to soft power worked. Is there soft power in Russia, and what is the role of responsible journalism?

Vladimir Putin: You know, the truth is not in force…

Volynkina M.: the power of the truth.

Vladimir Putin: the power of the truth. This formula also includes the vocation of the media. The power is in the truth, and that's the only way the media can win the trust of millions of people.

Unfortunately, it is a sin to conceal, with the commercialization of our lives – before everything was politicized in the Soviet era, and now a lot of commercialized. And so is the credibility of the media to a large extent undermined from so many people.

Everything is already divided by 100, by 1000 from what I read, I see. But still, we must strive for this. And in the sphere of issues that are vital for our country, for the whole world, it is necessary to strive to be as objective as possible.

It's not important to me, it's important to all of us. I hope that this trend is still there, I think, in recent years, that it will continue.

Afghanistan, give me Afghanistan. I promised long ago.

Question: on December 6, Russia refused to support the draft resolution Of the UN General Assembly on the situation in Afghanistan due to disagreement with the position of a number of Western countries.

Vladimir Putin: Related to what?

Remark: due to disagreement with the position of a number of Western countries.

Vladimir Putin: the Resolution on it? Remind me again, please.

Remark: about Western countries.

They believed that the situation in Afghanistan is good, and Russia believes that…

Vladimir Putin: we don't think so. What do you think of yourself?

Remark: I want to hear what You think.

Vladimir Putin: do you want my opinion?

Question: at the same time, the US is holding separate talks with the Taliban. In light of this, how do you see the prospects for the Moscow format of consultations on Afghanistan, in which representatives of 11 States took part?

Vladimir Putin: Moscow format?

Remark: Yes.

Vladimir Putin: you know, to be honest, I do not remember what the subtleties of the draft Resolution are. But I think You will agree with me that the vast majority of people who live in Afghanistan will agree with me.

I do not know what our Western partners were trying to achieve under this Resolution: if they wanted to state that everything is fine there, then I think it is far from reality.

The official government in Kabul the number of territories it controls in the country? Hardly more than a third, to be honest, right? Elections are held, the results of elections are counted for months. Is that normal? There's nothing to approve of.

Negotiations are under way with the Taliban. Perhaps this is inevitable. It is only necessary to understand the subject of these negotiations, and what they will lead to. If there are real forces that control a significant part of the territories, it should be taken into account, but then it should be done openly, publicly, and it should be clear what is at stake.

I think this was the basis of the position of our foreign Ministry during the discussion. We are not against a settlement. In General, we believe that it can be achieved only through agreement among all parties to the political process in Afghanistan itself.

But before that, we will have to strengthen our military base in Tajikistan. We believe that the Afghan people will still be able to agree among themselves, all political forces and ethnic groups will be able to find consensus.

As far as we are able, we will contribute to this process, including by developing economic cooperation with Afghanistan, taking part in various international projects, such as the TAPI [main gas pipeline].

Dmitry Peskov: Mr President, Andrei Kolesnikov.

Vladimir Putin: Four years do not give the floor. What is it? Come on. It's Sand's fault. Punish him.

(Referring to Kolesnikov.) Andrew, the girl give in, please. Four years does not give the word.

Remark: We are seven.

A. Vavilov-Dolezal: Thank you so much for a fifth term I was not allowed.

When was adopted the law on registered as a foreign agent, rose wild noise that human rights are violated and so on.

Vladimir Putin: One of my colleagues, I will not mention his name, was asked at the talks: "How Are you with human rights?"He looked and said,' What man?"I want to ask You, what kind of person?

Anna Vavilova-Dollezhal-in the United States, this applies primarily to legal entities, and Maria Butina was arrested as a private person. They have this law in force since 1938. I would like to ask you whether it makes sense to refer to the experience of Western partners in this regard?

I have another very important question for us. I represent the TV channel "Tsargrad", and we would like to learn from you how you look at the situation that is now developing in world Orthodoxy, taking into account the divisive actions that the Patriarchate of Constantinople and Kiev have taken now. And it is probably becoming clear to everyone that the key player here is the United States of America. And it turns out that geopolitics now firmly dominates religion. Is that so?
Vladimir Putin: As for the first part of your question. We relied on international experience, when taking the act, those registered as foreign agents. After all, we are not talking about any prohibitions. The point is that one or the other structure, receiving funding from abroad for political public activities, registered as such. That's all she wrote. By the way, in the same States prohibit such activities, and, please, as a result of this law – the arrest of Butina, which is held in prison, and she faces 12 years. We don't have anything like that. We are only talking about registration, if you get money from abroad. There's nothing wrong with that. And frankly speaking, I do not see any problems in law enforcement practice here. Although, of course, need watch. When I meet with human rights defenders, they point to some elements of the costs of this law, related, in fact, to charitable activities, not political ones. And I think they're right in that sense. It is necessary to look carefully at what is happening in life, and, if necessary, make some adjustments. This should not interfere with normal life, should not interfere with decent, decent people who want to solve our problems, including by supporting their like-minded people from abroad. There's nothing wrong with that. But political activity, of course, should be banned. Well, it is not prohibited, and, in any case, should be legalized.

And the second part – Orthodoxy. What is happening now in Orthodoxy is simply incomprehensible, as people say, to the mind. This is a direct intervention of the state in Church and religious life. This has never happened since the Soviet Union. Here, unfortunately, in Ukraine it is happening now, I created this United the schismatic Church of the Istanbul parish. It's not like the Moscow of the parish, be – Istanbul arrival.

And pay attention: the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate was completely independent. Maybe few people know about it, it is actually a completely independent Church. They did everything on their own, including electing hierarchs. The only connection was – spiritual, mentioned in sermons the name of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia. That's all. And now look what dependence comes from Turkey, from the Turkish Patriarchate. There and appointments, very much, and money that the most important. I think that this is the main motive of Bartholomew-to subdue this territory, and then another and make money on it. I think that's the main motive, except, of course, the Washington tip. The fact that the Secretary of State called on this issue in Kiev and discussed this topic – it is in any gate does not climb. Absolutely not an acceptable thing. Nevertheless, this is happening. And this, of course, is further evidence that this is also being done on the eve of the election campaign, and in order to further the gap between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples. This is political, of course, behind the scenes, there is nothing good here for religious freedoms in General. This is a clear, flagrant violation of religious freedoms. And I am most concerned that this will certainly begin the redistribution of property, it is, in fact, already underway. It can get very severe, if not bloody, God forbid it comes to that, I would not like. It's just a pity for people who defend their interests, they are defenseless and unarmed, as a rule, they are elderly people, women. But the danger of this redistribution, of course, exists.

Dmitry Peskov:Mr Putin, Kolesnikov was promised.

We've been working for two hours.

Good afternoon! Andrey Kolesnikov, Kommersant newspaper.

Mr President, the French protest against the increase in gasoline prices has outgrown, as you know, their General protest against everything. Mr. macron was forced to impose an economic and social emergency. How do You assess the events in France? Are we going to raise the price of gasoline – this has been a lot of talk lately. In this regard, what do you think is the protest potential of the Russians, and in General, what should, in Your opinion, prevail in this situation for the state? The obligation to ensure the rights of protesters, or the need to ensure, for example, law and order? Thanks.

Vladimir Putin: One does not contradict the other. Let's start with the final part of your question. You need certainly to ensure citizens ' rights to expression, its position, including through public events. But all these events, including public ones, must always remain within the law. Anything that goes beyond the law is unacceptable, and there should be a corresponding reaction from the state.

Now about what is happening in France, and how it looks in our country, and so on. I think that the events in France are connected, of course, with the increase in the price of gasoline and diesel fuel, but they most likely served as a trigger, after which the discontent of a large part of the society, and these are native French people in General, was poured out. According to the latest data, it is supported by a large number of the population, more than seven percent. But to evaluate the actions of the French authorities, in my opinion, is completely incorrect.

And what is the difference between our situation and the situation in France related to gasoline, petroleum products and so on? The French government deliberately increased the prices of oil products and gasoline, that is, they did it themselves – it is their policy. They did this in order to reallocate resources, in this case, the resources of citizens, to address other issues in the field of energy policy: to direct the money they will receive from the sale of gasoline and diesel fuel, oil, to the development of alternative energy – the sun, wind and so on. They did it consciously. People did not like it because they do not like such a change in energy policy at their expense.

What's happening here? Gasoline prices have increased since the middle of last year, due to the growth of oil prices in the world markets. But the Government immediately began to take measures to contain the rise in prices and even to reduce them, and reached this agreement with the main oil and oil refining companies. This is a fundamental difference – they consciously went for a raise, in fact, they raised themselves, and here the Government is struggling with this increase.

Of course, when prices go up, nobody likes it, but the fact that the Government makes such a decision, I think, is an obvious thing, worse or better, but it happens. Such an agreement has been reached. The agreement with them is valid until March next year. Yes, perhaps some adjustment related to the growth of VAT since the beginning of January, and I do not think it will be significant. It really should only be some kind of soft adjustment in the region of 1-1.5 percent,no more, and then the Government will have to closely monitor what is happening in the market: both on the world market and on the Russian market.

If we come back, I can tell you more about it, but in General, although it is in manual control, but, in General, it worked, and I hope that it will continue to work in the same way, that the Government will not allow any jumps in the price of oil products next year.

Remark: (From the audience.)

Vladimir Putin:What? I can't hear.

Dmitry Peskov: I mean the protest potential of the Russians.

Vladimir Putin: I have already said this. I said that people have the right to Express their point of view, to defend it, including publicly, and at rallies, but within the framework of the law.

A. Tinaeva: Alexander Tinaeva, company "the Ryazan Region".

Mr President, digital television is coming to us with great strides and will be one of the first in our region. Already on February 11 analog will be disconnected.

In this regard, the following question: how do you assess the preparation of all regions for the transition to digital television? Will it not be so that we, say, will remain forgotten not by God, but by a figure, some small settlements?

How to ensure the interests of those for whom the purchase of even the cheapest consoles and some equipment – it's still a blow to the budget? Of course, digital TV in excellent quality, 20 free channels – that's good. But what to do to us, regionalists?

I think many colleagues here will support me, because it is practically possible for us to take workbooks and go to the labor exchange, since we will not survive in analog, and we are not allowed to enter multiplex.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, I fully support you. My colleagues who are hearing now know that. I'm not here to shower, I'm not making anything up. When we discuss this with them, and when they insistently suggest moving on to the numbers, I agree with them as well as with You that it improves the quality and quantity of these free channels of a different quality.
I'm just like you, believe me, almost word for word, I ask them the question: "in a small village, someone will not be left without television at all?"That's the question. Assure, that there is no. Therefore, we agreed that we will act very carefully and move in small steps.

Now in Tver is such an experiment, then you will. There are no complaints in Tver yet. I the Governor reports, he drove there almost all the human settlements, he carefully looking for those. They will provide support to all who need it in order to switch to the figure, including those small devices that are necessary to receive such a quality of television. Then a couple of regions, so gradually, gradually…

There was an idea to pass sharply, I won't hide, quickly within half a year. I said, " No, we can't do that. We must act very carefully, closely monitor what will happen in the territories and, of course, ensure the interests of people who can not afford for little money, but for personal, to buy these consoles." Will look on how to pass these practices on individual territories and move gently on.

Sergei BRILYOV: Good Afternoon, Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Here, for obvious reasons, during the press conference, when it comes to international politics, we are talking about conflicts, with the exception, perhaps, of the Chinese direction.

Today, on December 20, I would like to present to you a story that we are doing with my English colleagues. This is an unprecedented history of cooperation between the Soviet and British special services during the great Patriotic war, sending 36 Soviet illegal scouts to Nazi-occupied Europe. I will pass it through Dmitry Sergeevich [Peskov], with your permission.

In this regard, I cannot but ask you about the current state of Affairs in Russian-British relations. Start with small change. Mr Medvedev told us after the G20 summit that he did not know whether you had met with Theresa may, but You did meet with her. How do you assess these relations? And the interesting question, do you see how Brexit can affect Russia? A sudden impact?

Vladimir Putin: as for the meetings, there are a lot of meetings at such events as the G20, and you cannot even list all of them. Because it's all in motion, as they say-on the sidelines.

What's behind the scenes? Got up, went, you go near, said Hello, something told. Approximately the same format we with the Prime Minister of great Britain said Hello, two words each other said. In my opinion, Russian-British relations are at an impasse, and it is in the interests of both States to break this impasse.

How will Brexit affect us? In a minimal sense, but it will affect the entire European economy, the world economy, in this sense, we, too, indirectly.

Are we interested or not in restoring full-scale relations with the UK? Yes, we are interested, as I think Britain is interested, first of all, of course, the business of this country.

We know how the British work here - quite actively, I can tell you. Such companies, the flagships of the British economy as BP (British Petroleum), they work, one of the largest shareholders of our leading oil and gas company "Rosneft", they remain so, work actively in our market and continue to want to work, and not only they.

Now, in connection with Brexit, if it still goes to the end, and, by the way, I understand the position of the Prime Minister, she is fighting for this Brexit (let them decide, it's not our business, and then again accuse us of something), but the referendum has passed. What should she do?

It must comply with the will of the people expressed in the referendum, or it is not a referendum at all. Someone did not like – again and again. Is this a democracy or something? Yes, I will see how the critics of this process will assess the situation when and if this Brexit spit on and again will carry out all these activities until they satisfy someone.

And why then referendums,and what is the meaning of direct democracy? But, actually,it is their business, let. But in any case, they are interested in markets and partnership. We have not discussed this with the Prime Minister, but we are discussing it with our colleagues and friends, whom we have in the UK, especially in the business environment.

You know, if we look at foreign direct investment, where is the most foreign direct investment this year? From the UK, $ 22 billion. In second place Germany, then Singapore. That's saying something, isn't it?

True, this may be part of the repatriation of our capital, because they were intimidated there, but there is still a great interest in agriculture (our export potential is huge, growing all the time), in industry and in energy. There are a lot of directions. And I hope that common sense will prevail.

What about skiing? It's interesting to me, winter.

S. shaganova: Svetlana shaganova, GTRK, Karachay-Cherkessia. I have a simple example for you: Putin plus skis is our region – Karachay-Cherkessia. Of course, you do not change judo and Sambo, but I would like you to visit our region, visit our new resort Arkhyz and ski. Will you have such an opportunity in Your busy work schedule?

Vladimir Putin: I would very much like to do this. But in any case, I congratulate you on the development of tourism. The Republic is developing, it is a competitive advantage of the Republic - the development of resorts of this kind. I am sure that this will continue to develop. If I can, I'd love to come. Thank you.

Remark: About Gazprom, Mr President.

Vladimir Putin: and about Gazprom. Yes, now, the next - about Gazprom.

G. Botoyan: Thank You.

"AZG" daily, Armenia, Gohar Botoyan. Thank you, for the fourth time I've already managed to ask you a question.

Vladimir Putin: I'm Listening.

G. Botoyan: the Question is: how will Russia restore its policy towards Armenia after the elections?

Vladimir Putin: What does it mean to restore? We do not have anything that collapsed, and then needs to be restored. We have equal relations with Armenia, it is our strategic partner in the region, and in the world in General, a member of the CSTO, the Eurasian economic Union. We what repair? We need to develop what is on the basis created by previous generations of leaders. The Armenian people are the closest ally of the Russian people in Transcaucasia, historically, I hope it will be so. We need to proceed from the realities of the current situation in the world, in the region, based on the needs and our capabilities. We will discuss this with Mr Pashinyan in the near future, who is due to pay a visit next week.

G. Botoyan: Thank you very much.

Vladimir Putin: what about Gazprom? You're scaring us.

Smirnov: Victor Smirnov, the publication of "" in the Leningrad region. I will now explain why Gazprom has run out of gas.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, please.

Vladimir Smirnov: but first a little introduction. As you know, Nord stream-1 is being built along the Leningrad region, and Nord stream-2 is being built. You are opening the Turkish stream, everything is great. But many residents of the Leningrad region, who see how these flows pass by them, have not received gas for many years. And recently, in December, 7 numbers, Gazprom and at all declared that can't release gas to new consumers on the whole Karelian isthmus.

Vladimir Putin: On the Karelian isthmus?

V. Smirnov: Karelian isthmus. That is, two districts of the Leningrad region and part of St. Petersburg. That is, they consider it impractical to reconstruct a certain compressor station (whether there is no money, or somewhere they are in another place), so that you can release gas.

Along with this (but this is true, for the record), there a couple of years ago was stolen pipe – just stolen – worth 1.8 billion rubles. There is still no criminal case.

Vladimir Putin: I don't understand. What, dug up and dragged away, or what?

Vladimir Smirnov: No, it was not put down, but it was closed by acts. That is, the pipe as it is, but it as it is not.

Vladimir Putin: so the money was written off, but there is no pipe?

Vladimir Smirnov: Yes. And there is no criminal case either.

Vladimir Putin: where is this?

Vladimir Smirnov: this is Priozersk district. You've been there, you know.

Vladimir Putin: I know, Yes.

Vladimir Smirnov: and the timing of gasification in the Leningrad region is constantly disrupted, but in the gas monopoly it is called a beautiful word "transfer and synchronization", annual. That is break, break, break, but it is synchronization.

And the fourth thing I would like to note. With all the problems in the gas monopoly and the problems of residents who also suffer from these problems (without gas, by the way, some since 2009), with all this, the children of the Board members, specific children, we wrote about them, do not hesitate to hold positions of top managers in subsidiaries. Moreover, they do not hesitate to upload photos of luxury cars, flights on a business jet to watch football in Italy. How do you like this national treasure, Mr President? Did they play with the case?

Vladimir Putin: of course, you always have to keep track of expenses, flights on the Superjet, and you have to see what they were doing there, what kind of football they were watching. After all, Gazprom, among other things, sponsors foreign football clubs, say, Schalke 04 in Germany. But why sponsors? Because he works there actively, in Germany, in Italy. And all this needs to be supported. Although all is well in the bounds of common sense, and we must always this to follow very closely. And that you paid attention to it-it is correct. I will also see where they fly there and what.
But as for gas supply within the country, it is growing. We are growing, however, and sales to the foreign market. This year it will be over 200 billion cubic meters-this is a very good result, a historical maximum. And the country needs it, not Gazprom needs it, our economy and budget need it, because the main revenues of Gazprom, which then flow into the budget, from exports, and this is correct.

Internally, the decision to gasification, once again, evolving. There is no question in Gazprom only, Gazprom brings the pipe to settlements, and then further distribution, and the "last mile" so-called, this problem should be solved with the help of the region.

Vladimir Smirnov: the region has already been built.

Vladimir Putin: Did You Build That?

Vladimir Smirnov: Yes.

Vladimir Putin: OK, I'll check. I don't know, I'll check it out and see.

Of course, Gazprom proceeds from economic expediency, but apart from economic expediency, there are, of course, issues related to social problems, including the provision of gas to the population of one or another territory.

I'll see how it's built. You know, between the statements of the local authorities and the realities often, very often, in any case, the distance is quite large. I will definitely pay attention to this. This is Priozersky district, I heard. Yes, Priozersky district?

Smirnov: Kastychnitski, partially Vyborg, partly Petersburg.

Vladimir Putin: Good.

Vladimir Smirnov: Gazprom says that their station is not ready.

Vladimir Putin: I assure you, I will definitely look at this issue and react.

To be continued.
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We are not so blissfully going, but still more or less smooth. And here is the Novaya Gazeta, which is going to give us something. You're welcome.

I. Azar: Hello!

Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon.

Igor Azar: my colleagues and friends Alexander Rastorguev, Orhan Jemal and Kirill Radchenko died in the Central African Republic this year.

Vladimir Putin: This is a great tragedy, I agree with You.

Igor Azar: What do you know about the circumstances of their death and, in particular, about the possible involvement of the private military company Wagner?

Secondly, what do you think, how much is it right that the businessman, who is called your cook, Eugene Prigozhin, is considered to be engaged and manages PMC "Wagner"?

And in General, what do you think about the activities of private military companies. It seems that you are somehow ashamed of this or deny this fact. Maybe you should be proud of it, because they operate in Syria, Donbas, Central Africa and other countries?

And the second short question. As you know, human rights activist Lev Ponomarev, probably known to you, 77-year-old man arrested for 15 days for a post on Facebook. How do you feel about this as a person? Is this normal?

Vladimir Putin: Let's start with Wagner and the cooks.

All my cooks are employees of the Federal security service. They people military, are in different ranks. I don't have any other cooks.

It is necessary that it was clear, clear and that we didn't come back to it. If someone wants to stick some labels, it's their business, and there is nothing wrong. That we have the political fuss is going on. There is even a concept of"safe food". We do this meal, except the employees of the FSO, not the pass that was clear to You.

Now about Wagner and what people are doing. Everyone must stay within the law, everyone. If there is any... we can ban private security activity in General, but it is only necessary to do this, I think that You will come to a large number of petitions, the requirement to protect this labor market. We have almost a million people working there. If this Wagner group is violating something, then the attorney General's office should give a legal assessment.

Now about their presence somewhere abroad. If, I repeat, they do not violate Russian law, they have the right to work, to push their business interests anywhere in the world.

And finally, the tragedy you mentioned. This is certainly a tragedy: people died, they have families, close people. In General, unfortunately, a lot of tragedies are connected with journalists. I think that we should never forget, including journalists who died in the South-East of Ukraine, when they came under fire, or those who were actually assassinated, who were shot. These, too, please don't forget.

Your colleagues, as far as I know, came to Africa without any notice to the local authorities, they came not even as journalists, they came as tourists. According to the available data, the attempt was made by some local groups.

As far as I'm concerned, there's an investigation going on. Unfortunately, there are no reliable data yet, but we very much hope that they will be obtained. Through diplomatic channels, we are keeping this situation under control. I hope that someday we will find out what happened there in reality. But I want to offer my condolences to you, all the members of the editorial office and the people who died there.

S. Milwit: Vladivostok!

Vladimir Putin: Let's Go To Vladivostok. The loudest…

S. Milwit: Good Afternoon, Vladimir Vladimirovich! Thank you very much for giving me the floor.

From the bottom of my heart and from all Vladivostok residents I would like to Express my gratitude for Your decision that Vladivostok is now the capital of the far Eastern Federal district. Thank You very much.

At the last conference, I asked you questions related to the environment, incinerator, "Snow Fall", deforestation. Thank you again for shutting down the incinerator. I hope they won't open it.

The only thing is that there are some companies that would like to deal with separate garbage, but for some reason the regional operator can not provide them with this, since it is leased, and the land can not be subleased and so on.

As you know, we recently held elections and, of course, the pension reform was the most protesting. This, in principle, mainly affected the protracted nature of these elections, most importantly.

And you know, Mr President, I would like to continue talking about the environment. Here is the sports complex, which I designated, it was closed, but it was never completed. Deceived investors, who for the second time were also notified by You, the house is not completed. Dalhimprom – Career, where we have Marines is that there is a school № 55, which is also closed, and now the kids go to distant schools.

And one more thing. The forest lands are in public ownership, as well as a strategic object "Promotoinal". What is happening today? Today the forest Fund we have – as always in the cadaster of the forest is not supplied so far, is still deforestation, the construction of the cottages still remain.

Lakes, reservoirs in the "Primocanale", which should be in public ownership today are in private ownership. With this question I ask you to understand.

Remark: Question!

S. Milwit: Good. Please forgive me. Pass. I wanted to make a little remark about the pension reform.

It seems to me that the pension reform – there was such a moment, probably somewhere, most likely, you were deceived in this. Explain what. So, the pension deficit for 2018 is 257 billion, right?

And when some popular unrest began, we decided to add another 500 billion to them, that is, to have some benefits. And do not you think that it is better here, maybe we should pay attention to this and cancel the pension reform?

That is, we spend a lot of money, such a deficit, and spend so much. In principle, about the pension reform, like I said.

Wait. Once again I would like to congratulate Vladimir Putin on the New year, wish you strength, success and everything.

And the last thing I want to say, guys, I'm sorry. Mr. Dmitry Peskov said that the information came, I want to announce.

Guys, I want really, passing all my requests which journalists want that I sounded, I want to sound the most important question.

Mr President, please help me. There is Vladislav Shestakov, 3 years old, he is sick, Irkutsk region, the city of Cheremkhovo. He just needs to be transferred to Moscow.

People raised money, help, please, in it. And to the questions that I have voiced, please answer them.

Take action, put forest resources to the state and lake "Primocanale".

Vladimir Putin: Let's start with the most sensitive issue.

I apologize to the representative of "Novaya Gazeta" - You asked me about Lev Ponomarev. We discussed this issue at a meeting with human rights defenders within the Council. I didn't want to avoid him, I just missed him.

In respect Ponomarev decided by the court for calls for unauthorized actions. I do not want to question the decisions of the courts, I do not question the fairness of the decision.

Now about a very sensitive important issue – pension reform. You know, in the early 2000s and in the middle, you know for sure my position, I said that I was categorically against any change and increase in the retirement age, and then it was impossible to do it.

I still believe that this was the right position, because our age (life expectancy) was low – 65 years, and the number of workers (the ratio of working to non-working) was different, more or less acceptable.

Now everything has changed dramatically. It is not a shortage of today, the fact that the trends are such that the number of workers is becoming less and less, and the number of non-working pensioners is increasing.

Yes, now, You are right, now it can be closed, I told about it in the address. Five or seven years we will live in peace, but these five or seven years will pass, and it will still be necessary, the country will have to do it, but it will have to do it sharply, without any transition periods, without any benefits, including for women.

And you have to do it abruptly, that's the thing. If there was no understanding of these trends, I would never have allowed it to be done, but these are objective trends, there is no getting away from it.
You understand, I perfectly was aware of how people will react. Here, because whatever you explain, still, when a specific person is concerned, it does not cause delight. I was well aware that there would be criticism both on the right and on the left.

What was done on the left, we know: its economic policy at the time collapsed, in fact, the Soviet Union, and then in the 90s almost ruined Russia. We would not have the Russian Federation, we would have some Muscovy.

This situation managed to be kept, stopped. Moreover, the country is developing and growing stronger. Such things are unpleasant, and it is clear that they will not cause any delight, but are inevitable. Again, if I was not convinced that it is inevitable, never would do that, not allowed.

So, now about the specific issues that You have raised: the forest Fund, the school, the sports complex. This, as you know, requires a separate study, these are private issues.

I promise you that I will definitely look at it. I hope that Oleg Kozhemyako will also take a look. He can probably hear me. I ask him to provide me with relevant information and report back.

Regarding the transfer of the administrative center to Vladivostok. This Trutnev raised such a question a long time ago, in the past few years. Vladivostok is developing very actively and is truly the centre of the region and, to a certain extent, the centre of attraction, I mean the neighbouring countries, so I think this is a reasonable decision.

S. Milwit: More about child…

Vladimir Putin: Where is the boy?

S. Milwit: the City of Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk oblast.

Vladimir Putin: What is wrong with him?

S. Milwit: he is ill.

Vladimir Putin: Well, we will definitely help.

Dmitry Peskov: Colleagues will come to you and take your coordinates.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, please.

Good day! My name is Anastasia Melnikova, ahhh!

Mr President, in recent times, with alarming regularity reports of torture in certain colonies, prison, remand.

And I probably mostly say about Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg regions, Saratov, is of Khakassia, Zabaykalsky Krai it. And thanks to our colleagues from "Novaya Gazeta" in the summer we learned about the monstrous torture in the Yaroslavl colony.

At the same time, we know the story of serial killer Vyacheslav Tsepovyaz, who, being in a strict regime colony, could afford various luxuries: crabs, caviar and so on.

Do not you think that reform in the FSIN system is urgently needed – and is needed right now? And that You as the person who obviously not from me the first time hears about these problems, you can tell that will be made who will be responsible for it.

And when it will happen that colonies in Russia ceased to be for one a place for rest, and for others legalized torture of a medieval sample? Because what's happening now in the FSIN system is too much. It is even too much for our country.

Vladimir Putin: so, the situation in places of detention should be under constant control, first of all, of the Prosecutor's office. And, of course, the fact that we see the facts that emerge there is absolutely unacceptable.

Any violation of the law, especially torture, is a crime. And these offenses, these crimes have to be punished. By the way, this is what happens when, including through the media, such facts emerge.

To say that there it is necessary to break everything, too would be wrong. You need to improve the system, it is necessary to increase the level of civilian control – with this I agree completely.

But in this regard, I can remind you that we have set up the relevant commissions that should work and that will receive support from the state and the President. I hope that they will also play a positive role in resolving the problems that are certainly present in the system.

R. Falyakhov: Gazeta.Ru my name is Rustam Falyakhov. Hello!

Mr President, at This press conference, when you opened it, you summed up the macroeconomic results of the year, and it seems that everything is going so well that we are living better and better, the people of Paris would probably just have to be very envious, if we believe these statistics.

Vladimir Putin: Paris Natives move to the suburbs for a number of reasons. Therefore, this displeasure caused an increase in gasoline prices, many indigenous Parisians moved to the suburbs, and the increase in gasoline prices is very much hitting their family budgets. Okay, that's another question.

Let's talk about our housing construction.

You're welcome.

R. Falyakhov: I have a question about the reliability of statistics, about the reliability of the information that is used to measure the standard of living of Russians, about how Russians feel in General. If you believe the reports of the Government, the revenues are growing, You also called the figure-0.5 percent

Revenues are rising and prices are falling. But when Russians see price tags on goods and services, they realize that government officials are just juggling numbers. We are talking about statistics of the Ministry of labor, Ministry of economic development, Ministry of Finance and other departments.

The experts are also puzzled, their numbers, their data do not fight again with the data of official statistics, and, apparently, from a bad life already experts propose to introduce for Russia a few exotic index of happiness, but will take into account the voice of the Russians at the same time.

My question is very simple: isn't it time to fine-tune the official statistics, otherwise it will turn out that the may Decree will be executed, will be easily executed, and the happiness index will show zero?

Vladimir Putin: Your concern is understandable, and I share it in part, but in part, in the sense that we need to better explain to people where these figures come from and what they mean and how to respond to them.

Because when just bare figures are presented, and they say that life has become better, life has become more fun, and people see, as you say, a real increase in price tags in stores, then it causes bewilderment and distrust gives rise to this statistics. She, incidentally, is imperfect. If we can, if we don't get tired of talking to each other for that amount of time, we can go back to that.

It is not perfect, but the most important thing is that it is not only about its quality, which needs to be improved, it is also about explaining to people that these are average figures.

We are talking about the standard of living. We are talking about the level of wages. I said that in the first 10 months of this year, the growth was 7.4 percent. By the end of the year it will be 6.9. But people will look and say, "I don't have that promotion."

This is an average figure. It applies to certain industries and certain regions. Somewhere there is an increase, in some industry, relatively speaking, oil or steel, and somewhere it is not. This is an average figure. That's what this is about.

One of the most important indicators is the disposable income of the population and sales volumes. This more or less beats with the real state of Affairs. What's this?

In 2015, we had a minus of more than two percent, real disposable income of the population, in 2016-minus 5.8, in 2017 – 1.2, but also minus. These are disposable income of the population.

By the way, those who are engaged professionally know for sure what it is. But for most it is not clear. I'll spend 30 seconds telling you what it is, how these numbers count.

Citizens ' expenses are quite easy to calculate how much is paid where, what is the price tag. That is, if people have spent, then the money was. Then added to this savings in banks and"cash".

In General, this deemed value, because banks understand about how much people keep. The Central Bank, which regulates the money supply, understands what it is: how much is in banks, so how much is on hand.

It is more difficult to count the "cash" accumulating in people's foreign currency, it is approximately clear: from here deduct all taxes that a citizen pays (personal income tax or property tax, if any), and make an adjustment for inflation.

This is the money available from the income of the population. I repeat, they have been falling all these years. And now, only now, at the end of this year, may be plus 0.1 and then, if we do not take into account the five thousand payments to pensioners at the end of 2017.

But the trend, in principle, positive, it is also supported by other data. What? Sales volume-they are growing. In the automotive industry itself, we have problems, but the volume of sales of passenger transport increased by 27 percent.

As I said, our production of clothing, footwear and food increased by 13 percent, and the previous figure by 9 percent.

The volume of air transport abroad has increased by 46 percent, and domestic air transport by more than 20 percent. These are all things that indicate that purchasing power is growing. Gradually, neatly, but she is reborn.

If, it seems to me, to explain to people normal human language and to show in a complex, it becomes more clear where we are and where we are moving. But we certainly need to improve this system, and I fully agree with you.

To be continued.
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Ребята, если что, прошу ногами сильно не бить.;-D Переводил Yadex. Я так быстро переводить не умею. Пока продолжения нет. Когда опубликуют, я выложу.

Guys, if that, am asking with their feet strongly not to beat.;-D Translated Yandex. I can't translate that fast. Until continuation of there is no. When they will publish, I'll post.


I find it hard to navigate... but with the Russian flag, of course, a must.

E. Eskina: Thank you, Mr President, first of all, perhaps, from operators, because it turns out that my flag was in the way. But don't be afraid, the flag was the longest, the question will be short. I'm Elena.

Vladimir Putin: the Russian flag cannot interfere with anyone!

E. Eskina: Here you can see the operators!

So, my name is Elena Eskina, I'm a journalist GTRK "Dagestan".

We live in a big, multi-ethnic country, and that's wonderful, isn't it?

Vladimir Putin: Very good.

E. Eskina: you See, a short question. Just a little bit more now. And I was lucky, I live in a multinational country …

Vladimir Putin: Now a little bit about yourself. You're welcome.

E. Eskina: In the multinational Republic of Dagestan and another plus in a multinational family – I'm Russian, and my husband Avar, and our children, accordingly, a little bit of this Slavic type.

Vladimir Putin: You are also at avarka similar already.

E. Eskina: Yes?

Vladimir Putin:I have Some.

E. Eskina: you Know, so many years to live in Dagestan!

Vladimir Putin: Well, Yes. (Laughter.)

Ye. Eskina: so, when I had children, I began to pay attention to what we show on Russian television. And very often, if not always, in advertisements we have such beautiful children – blonde, blond hair, bright eyes, big blue eyes.

And I wondered: where are the others, for example, some character types, for example, the Mongoloid type? After all, we have a multi-ethnic Russia,we have about 200 peoples. Let's take even a regiment, the most important regiment of the country – Kremlin, there too children at us practically, not practically, and Slavic appearance. And there is an unspoken criterion that the Slavic guys need to go. Don't you think?

Vladimir Putin: No.

E. Eskina: it does Not. So, it was just an illusion. Then I'll just come to You.…

Vladimir Putin: You think.

E. Eskina: maybe it's just me, sorry.

I have a request for you. I didn't exactly think I had a huge request for you. Pay attention to the investigation into the murder Of the gasangusein brothers.

In 2016, two teenagers were shot during a special operation in Shamil district. Subsequently it became clear and it is proved by court that they weren't fighters and weren't involved in illegal armed groups.

Now business is already reclassified and there is a trial under article 105 "Murder" where the father is recognized as the injured party. The case was transferred to Moscow, but, unfortunately, the point in this case does not put.

I am asking you very much to take under your personal control the investigation into the murder of the Gasangusein brothers and, please, officially rehabilitate these guys as soon as possible. Just very sorry for the parents.

Vladimir Putin: I must give the relevant instruction, consider it already there, to Alexander Bastrykin. He's just gonna take control and tell me what's going on.

I honestly didn't know it. But I promise you that I will give it the necessary attention. And Bastrykin will have such an assignment.

Turkey ... give me the microphone, please.

F. Safarov: Fuad Safarov, a journalist and expert on Turkey. Information portal of RIA "News".

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Recently, Turkey celebrated the anniversary of the founder of the Turkish Republic Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. I would like to know Your attitude to the personality of Ataturk, how do you assess his historical role in world politics. If we recall Ataturk, how are Russian-Turkish relations developing today?

Vladimir Putin: atatürk is certainly an outstanding figure in Turkish history, he has written a very bright page in the preservation and restoration of Turkish statehood, and he has done a lot for this.

And I was a great friend of Russia, we know this well, I worked with Russia, and we appreciate it.

Ataturk created the modern Turkish state, laid its basic foundations. That's how I feel about it.

As for the current state of Affairs, I think we should be happy with the development of Russian-Turkish relations in the economy and in the security sphere. Although our interests do not coincide in some ways, we find compromise solutions to resolve the Syrian crisis.

We respect the national interests of the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish people in this area, but we see that our Turkish partners are also ready to make these compromises, and find these compromises together with us for the benefit of the development of the situation in Syria, for the benefit of the fight against terrorism and for the benefit of strengthening our relations.

As for the economy, as you can see, our ties are strengthening. Turkey holds, despite being a NATO country, will fulfill its obligations, as far as we see. As a member of the Alliance at the same time conducts an independent foreign policy.

We appreciate it very much, it creates conditions of predictability and stability of our relations. And in this sense, of course, the role of the incumbent President of Turkey is very great. We hope that the same trend will continue under the leadership of Mr. Erdogan.

Dmitry Peskov: If possible, the CIS TV and radio company "MIR".

Vladimir Putin: The next one will be for investors, okay?

To be continued.
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E. Delcheva: Good Afternoon, Vladimir Vladimirovich! Elina Delcheva, MTRK "MIR".

On forum " Russia calling!"You said that the dollar is leaving Russia. First of all, what are the pros and cons of this, and in what currency the countries of the Eurasian economic Union will now be calculated, whether their own interstate currency will appear and whether new digital technologies, such as blockchain, will be used.

Vladimir Putin: this is a very important and interesting question. As for dollarization and de-dollarization of the economy, including the Russian economy.

In General, according to the IMF, the volume of payments in the world in dollars slightly decreased. They were somewhere in the year before last, in my opinion, 63 with a small percentage, and now – 62 with a small percentage. But the calculations in dollars to Russia are higher – 69 percent.

This is due to the fact that our main export goods, primarily oil, are quoted on world markets in dollars, which is a large volume.

The volume of our gold and foreign exchange reserves in dollars is declining, we were holders of us securities, which are quoted in dollars, most recently, in the amount of 104 billion dollars, now 14.4 billion dollars. Slightly, but increased calculations in yen and pound in world trade.

As for de-dollarization, it is connected exclusively with settlements between economic entities, and does not concern citizens in any way.

When we discussed today's press conference yesterday, Mr Medvedev told me that exchange rate advertisements are being removed in some cities, including Moscow, and citizens are wondering what this is connected with, whether it is connected with some prohibitions on the circulation of dollars.

There is nothing like this-and there will not be, I want to reassure everyone, and the advertising of exchange rates on exchangers is connected with only one: the fight against illegal money exchange offices. It's just putting things in order in the sphere of financial, monetary turnover, the fight against gray offices operating in this area, nothing more.

As for the ruble. Yes, its role as a reserve currency used in the calculations is growing (slightly, but increasing), primarily in the calculations between the countries of the EurAsEC [Eurasian economic Union] and in the post-Soviet space.

For example, in the calculations between Russia and Belarus has grown significantly: there, in my opinion, already at more than 60 percent, almost 70 percent in cashless payments, in cash less. But the role of the ruble in this segment will, of course, strengthen, it is obvious.

It is simply more reliable and does not involve costs, especially costs in dollar calculations. Because we all know very well that wherever payments are made in dollars, they still go through American banks.

And if there are restrictions, it causes desire to leave these restrictions, it is – natural reaction. In the world, by the way, this is due to the instability of these calculations.

But in order for the ruble to strengthen as such at least a regional reserve currency, it is necessary to solve several problems. The first is to reduce volatility. The course should be stable and we have been able to do it recently.

This is due to the activities of the Central Bank and the government of the Russian Federation. As you can see, it is stable, it has even somewhat broken away from fluctuations in energy and oil prices, including thanks to the introduction of the floating exchange rate of the ruble.

This is the first task. But we must continue to ensure stability and keep inflation low. This is an extremely important circumstance.

And the next step is to develop the financial infrastructure in rubles. It is clear what it is. It is necessary to improve the mechanisms of settlements between economic entities and financial organizations. We're going to do it.

Dmitry Peskov: Mr President, perhaps this is a question from foreigners. I see the Wall Street Journal.

Good day, Mr. President! Thank you very much for the opportunity to ask a question.

In the West, many politicians, experts and even ordinary people see Russia as a great threat. They even think That you as the President of Russia want to rule the world.

Vladimir Putin: Of course.

Simmons: I want to know if you really want it. And tell me, please, what is the real purpose of your foreign policy? Thank you, sir.

Vladimir Putin: As for the management of the world, we know where the headquarters are, and they are not in Moscow. But this is due to the leading role of the United States in the global economy and defence spending: the United States spends more than $ 700 billion on defence, and we spend 46 billion dollars.

For a moment, we have 146 million citizens in Russia and 600 million in NATO countries, and you think our goal is to rule the world? This is a stamp that is imposed on the public opinion of Western countries to address intra-bloc and domestic political issues.

Intra-blocs-this means that in order to rally around the country, say, NATO, we need necessarily an external threat, otherwise not to ensure this cohesion, it is necessary to rally against someone. Against Russia - it's good, the largest nuclear power.

Domestic politics-also in many countries, unfortunately, still, especially in Eastern Europe is thriving Russophobia. For what? In order to ensure our domestic political well-being on the basis of some previous historical fears.

This is also harmful, because, in the end, it is the exploitation of the phobias of the past that prevent us from moving forward. This harms those countries and peoples whose leaders are trying to pursue such policies.

In fact, the main goal of our foreign policy is to provide favorable conditions for the development of the Russian Federation, its economy and social sphere, to ensure unconditional progress and strengthening of our country, first of all, and to ensure that it occupies a worthy place in the international arena as an equal partner among equals.

We are in favour of strengthening the system of international law, ensuring the unconditional implementation of the Charter of the United Nations and, on this platform, developing equal relations with all participants in international relations.

Dmitry Peskov: Mr President, we promised about shareholders. About shareholders who wanted to ask?

Vladimir Putin: Yes, please. That's an important question, come on.

Hello, Mr President!

Andreyeva Alla A., "Ryazanskaya Oblastnaya Gazeta".

Mr President, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to say this.

Vladimir Putin: Please.

My appeal to you from Peter.

Vladimir Putin: From Peter?

Andreeva: I am like you are a resident of St. Petersburg. You know?

Vladimir Putin: Again, Peter. "Ryazan newspaper" from Peter. Peter has spread his tentacles everywhere.

Andreeva: we both work a little bit where we were born.

Vladimir Putin: Not there.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, a very big request to you to pay attention to the deceived investors: St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region, and the whole of Russia.

What's happening now? In St. Petersburg, in order to report to Moscow that everything is fine, simply unfinished houses are put into operation, houses that do not comply with equity contracts. You see, during the" Direct line " with you on June 15, 2017, Albin and Minenko, the Federal inspector, just stood under my house, which was not completed, construction and installation works were carried out there, and put it into operation officially, having committed a criminal offense. Understand our principled position of these activists, including myself, have grass. Going against me, trying to initiate a criminal case for what I'm trying to write the truth about the officials.

Farther. On October 6, 2015 my husband was killed. The investigation is still marking time. They the first year and a half turned my life simply into a nightmare, my life, my family because of the fact that from the place of investigative actions there was a leak of information in mass media. My mother died when she heard it on TV. Do you understand what is happening in St. Petersburg? I had my car burned before. And all this – all our Peter with you native. Please, I beg you, pay attention to Peter and the deceived shareholders not only in St. Petersburg, but also in the Leningrad region and the whole country.

I don't even know, let's get together with You... We're people like You, we're not scary, we don't bite. Come to St. Petersburg, meet with activists, we will tell you the truth. Everything is as it is, without these fake reports, without these "road maps", Filkin letters that these officials publish on their websites, all over the country. With me in touch deceived investors, just from almost all regions. We have a huge asset already organized. Earnest entreaty. This is not even a question, it's a cry for help: please help the deceived investors and the investigation of my husband, please.

Vladimir Putin: do you connect the murder of Your husband with your activities to protect the interests of shareholders?

Andreeva: I associate only with this.

Vladimir Putin: Yes? I promise you that I will definitely pay attention to this, be sure, do not even doubt. That's one.

Second, about the problem you raised. It's really very sharp. This gives me a reason to say a little more about the problem and the construction industry. You know, it will never end, never simply, if we do not put things in order here and do not move on to civilized methods of housing construction. Indeed, the industry faces the task of building 120 million square meters. But we must definitely stop this practice of attracting citizens ' money with irresponsible behavior related to the spending of this money.
After all, what happens: Yes, we keep a relatively low profile of the cost of housing, but due to what? Due to the fact that someone gets this housing, but at relatively low prices. In particular, this is due to the fact that some people have money withdrawn, and they do not get anything: no money, no housing. That's the root of the problem and the root of the evil. Therefore, we need, of course, to move to civilized ways of financing this industry, even if it will lead to some reduction in the construction sector or even lead to a certain increase. But without it, we will never be able to restore order.

We need to move to Bank financing, to lending to the industry in a normal, civilized way, otherwise it will never end. Well, those people who got into a difficult life situation due to the fact that the money was given, and the housing was not received, of course, these people, of course, need help. And we should not turn a blind eye to the scale of this problem. Clearly, and I agree with you that even the figures that are now being shown, the numbers of deceived shareholders and personal problems do not fight with the realities – in reality the problem is more acute than it is shown in the documents.

As for the situation specifically in Your question – I certainly do not know these houses, but we will see. And I will talk to the acting Governor too, he is a very experienced man, Alexander Dmitrievich, he is able to deal with this. I hope the situation will improve, at least you can be sure that this will be the subject of our conversation with him. And the first thing that's going to happen is he's going to meet you.

Vladimir Putin: Colleagues, listen to me. If we want to continue a little more, we should not turn our press conference into an unauthorized rally. OK? Let's not do that. So please calm down.

Dmitry Peskov: Mr President, allow me to authorize this. Big game, Marina Kim.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, please.

M. Kim: Hello! First channel.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to ask questions. This, incidentally, to the question of whether there are non-Slavic persons on Russian television. They are, and every day" channel One " shows me live.

Our question: the Big game programme on Russian-American relations. We would like to know whether it is possible to meet with Mr trump after he himself cancelled it, for example, in the near future, are you ready for this?

And we want to turn to Kipling, to the XIX century, he said that the big game will end only when all the participants die. And it was a confrontation of the Anglo-Saxon world.

Vladimir Putin: Well Done! "Want to meet?""The meeting is?"Everyone dies."

M. Kim: I'll explain. There was a confrontation between the Anglo-Saxon world and the Russian world in the XIX century. Now the rules have changed, or is it still the same game? Thanks so much.

Vladimir Putin: unfortunately, we see a lot. As Marx said, "birthmarks of the past are still present", but I hope that something will still be straightened out, in the end, we will reach the bottom of our relationship and understand that we need to rise, we need to push off this bottom, rise, take a breath of fresh air and with a clear head to think about how to live

Will our meeting or will not be – I do not know, I have said many times that we are ready. We believe that there are issues that we should discuss together. Here at the expert level, work on Syria, for example, is underway. We also need to talk together about the problems of North Korea, Afghanistan and many other situations in the world.

After all, we need to talk about our bilateral relations, and we are interested in this, and by the way, our American partners. No, of course, such a superglobal interest. We have 28 billion turnover, in my opinion, even fell, less than 28, 25-27 billion. It's nothing. With China 100 billion will be this year, and with the United States is decreasing. Who is interested in this? No one, including the President of the United States, who promotes the idea of economic recovery, as he says, in his quest to make America great again.

Of course, I think that working with Russia in the economic sphere, bearing in mind at least the fact that we play a key role in the global energy market – this in itself is important, and, above all, the sphere of non-proliferation and global security. Something to talk about. But we see what is happening there. Now the power in Congress will change. Almost certainly, 100 percent, we can predict that there will be new attacks on the current President. I don't know whether he will be able to enter into a direct dialogue with Russia under these conditions, but we need to ask them that.

But what worries me? You know what you said about the Anglo-Saxon world, there are some deep, tectonic changes taking place inside. After all, pay attention, trump won – this is an obvious fact, no one seems to argue with this, but they do not want to recognize this victory, because it is disrespect for voters, they do not want to recognize this victory, they do everything to delegitimize the incumbent President.

Or in Britain: Brexit has passed-no one wants to perform. And after all not recognize that? Election result. Democratic procedures are leveled, they are destroyed, their value is destroyed. That's what's going on there. This is a serious process. I drew attention to the fact that Western experts are already discussing this issue, and in the States, by the way, and in Britain. We have to keep that in mind. But whatever happens, we still need to build bilateral relations. We are ready. Right away, right away. As soon as the other side is ready, we will do it.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, here. [Inscription.] "How is your health?". You mean your health, mine or whose? Or the state of health in the country?

Ye. Butkevich: good Afternoon.

Vladimir Putin: Good.

E. Butkevich: my name is Ekaterina, Federal TV channel "Ministry of ideas". I was interested in your health.

Vladimir Putin: what is it called?

E. Butkevich:"Ministry of ideas". This is a private TV channel, located in Yekaterinburg. Question About your health. How do you feel, how are you?

Vladimir Putin: you can't wait. (Laughter in the hall.)

E. Butkevich: everyone is just interested only in their own questions and no one is interested in how You are, whether you need help in some issues, for example. (Laughter in the hall.)

Vladimir Putin: what is your name?

E. Butkevich, Catherine.

Vladimir Putin: Katya, we will discuss later. (Laughter in the hall.)

E. Butkevich: I am not with a question, I am with a proposal.

Vladimir Putin: I'm Listening.

Butkevich: We all know that ideas are the basis of everything. Our life, our future and our country are also based on ideas. And we and our team propose to create the Ministry of ideas of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Putin: it is a Good idea to create a Ministry of ideas.

Yevgeny Butkevich: I Would like to know your opinion on this matter. And we, for our part, are ready to help in the organization of this authority.

Vladimir Putin: I assumed that the Ministry of economic development should perform this function in principle, because it should generate ideas for development. But I am ready to discuss Your proposal. You just have to understand the filling, what it means. You and your colleagues will estimate and explain what the "Ministry of ideas" is, what it should do, how it will function, on what principles, and what the content of the work is.

As for health – it is the same as everyone. That is, thank God, I do sports, and everything is in order. I try to keep an eye on him, on this health. But just like everyone else, in the off-season there may be some kind of flu or something related to this. To date, everything is in order. Thank You very much for your concern.

E. Butkevich: Thank You.

To be continued.


Dmitry Peskov: Mr President, there was nothing about sports. "Soviet sport", come on?

Vladimir Putin: Come On. Pro pike there something. What about pike?

N. Yaremenko: Nikolay Yaremenko, "Soviet sport". hi.

There are many sporting events, but the question will be one. I will not talk about the world Cup, we held it brilliantly (it's strange that no one remembered about it today), I will not talk about yesterday's final departure of Mutko from football and I will not even talk about our upcoming 95th anniversary, where, I hope, we will see you as a guest in the editorial office.

Question a short. Painful and long-standing topic-doping. It seems that the issue has long been political. Just as we are under sanctions, so are all international sports organisations ready to bite us once again.

On the other hand, and for many of our sports functionaries a convenient position: you can do nothing and explain everything only by politics. Do you think we have cleaned up in this area so much that we can say that we are all right?

Vladimir Putin: first of all, we are to a large extent to blame for the situation we have created, because there was the use of doping.

Another thing is that we are trying to impose the thesis that it was at the state level. This is not so, it has never happened, no-and never will be, because we have to think not only about the results, which, of course, is interesting, important, but we have to think about the health of our athletes.

But since these facts have taken place, we must first admit it and, secondly, we must say that it is our fault, so we have not been able to properly organize the work against doping. But this is precisely the fault of the organizations and state structures that should have done it in the best way.

As for whether we got rid of it or not – probably not 100 percent. The work has been carried out colossal, a good base has been created in order to put the work at the proper level and organize it properly and create the necessary quality.

But it's not only our trouble, doping is used all over the world. But we must strive to ensure that this is a zero application, and we must strive for this.

Now THERE is a WADA Commission in our country, there are negotiations with our Ministry of sports, including the research of available materials. I hope that the element of politicization – You are right, it is also certainly present-will be completely eliminated in this area.

Dmitry Peskov: we have been working for a long time, Mr President, for over three hours, almost three and a half hours. In this regard, I propose that we have three veterans of Federal Russian journalism. It Terekhov – "Interfax", it is a Gamow – "Komsomolskaya Pravda", it Kondratyev, NTV. I propose to conclude with these three questions.

Come On Terekhov.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, then a few more colleagues.

Dmitry Peskov: Yes, since you are the most experienced, you should have the most concise wording.

Vladimir Terekhov: Absolutely.

You in the beginning we talked about health, about medicine, about health, and everything else. In many ways it depends (our health) on drugs. Please tell us to what extent we are independent in creating our drug base from foreign supplies? To what extent can our drugs be compared with foreign analogues in efficiency, and who is responsible for the fact that our analogues are worse than even actually planned?

Vladimir Putin: You know what, we need to restore order multidimensional, including to deal with such theses, which You have now formulated: who is responsible for what we have is worse than our counterparts than we import? This is not so, they are no worse, and the fight must be conducted in some areas.

It is necessary that doctors who prescribe these drugs should cooperate less with manufacturers, and think more about the treatment of patients. You know? Because when there is cooperation with specific manufacturers, then there is a thesis: "Our worse – let's import this."

But this does not mean that we should get rid of all imported goods. In that case, when really shows imported medicine, it should be appointed. This is such a delicate process, but to be clear from all sides, what is the problem.

Now about the volume. First, even export, we have drugs: on 700 million this year we proektiruemy, send to export our medicines. This is not so much, but still not enough, 700 million will be.

If you look at the price tag, 30 percent in the price dimension are domestic products on the domestic market, 60 percent – in packages, that is, 60 percent of the nomenclature.

Now about our dependence or independence. Everything is interdependent in the world, but we are now producing, say, 80 per cent of life-saving medicines. And more and more it is not just generics, which we take from abroad, and this is the original substance, manufactured in Russia. In General, this program works for us. I think it started in 2015 or even earlier, until 2020.

Regarding the development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry. It is working, it provides for about 200 billion rubles, and it is working quite effectively as a whole. This is the most important area of our work, and we will certainly continue it.
Website, radio and newspaper"Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Mr President, you know, to be honest, I feel a little bit insulted today for President Putin, because the figures are beautiful, the figures are true, they are real, they do not cause, I think, doubts among specialists. And ordinary people, I think, do not quite believe them, because Russia lives hard. That's one.

Second. Not as quiet, I mean not the situation and, in hearts, in souls, in minds, in thoughts, there are people very worried for You and for the country. Is that why this is happening? I think middle-level officials, senior officials, Ministers, governors – they are all afraid of Putin. You have put all of them now, built them, all the normal people are practically gathered. And officials that something about the excise tax on the sausage begins to speak, you will begin to say that the Kremlin does not allow to give birth, then something else, muddy the water and prevent according to Putin, the government and so on. It seems to me that some reforms are needed. Something must be done with this middle link. We will let re-let we will help You.

In conclusion, just before the press conference, I received a telephone message, it is very short: "Gamov, ask Vladimir Putin, is it time to finally pay attention to the monstrous gap between the incomes of top managers and ordinary people? And when will Mr Putin finally make a very clear statement on this matter?". Because you've been back a few times.

Thank you so much.

Vladimir Putin: You Have such a thesis. This is an eternal Russian thesis. The king is good, and the boyars are thieves and robbers. You know, if something doesn't work out, it's everyone's fault. It's in the first place. And, secondly, I have already said, it's not that the numbers somehow fight, but the fact that they work with something bad. Well, don't explain to people. But you said that the figures are good, but they do not believe. You don't seem to have heard what I said at the beginning or in the middle, but I cited data related to the fall in real disposable income of the population. What's so great about that? I didn't say it was good. They both fell at us in 2015, and 16-m in General, a minus of 5.8. What's so great about this? I did not say that this is good, I said that the trend, thank God, is improving, but this is an objective factor. I don't think people here don't believe that. These are the real things, and I hope people understand that.

About officials at all. You know, of course, there are people who are not aware of what they say. Were not in place, just sloppy statements. There are also. But that's all of us, that's our environment. Such person was yesterday someone, today became the official, take and blurt out there something. He's not ready. It means he's just not ready for the job.

Well, of course, it is necessary to work with people, certainly, and with all officials. Well, among them there are also a lot of very decent and active people. It's a fact, there's no getting away from it. You know, it's impossible to close everything and then open the box, and everything will be fine. It is no accident that Moses led the Jewish people 40 years in the desert. Well, we can't drive 146 million in the desert like that.

Therefore, this is the process of growing up the state apparatus, working with it. We are trying to do it now, you see, we are holding various competitions among young people. "Leaders of Russia"we have a personnel competition. Teach them then at the Academy of our. From this cohort, I think, 12 or 15 people have already become governors, 2 Federal Ministers, 5 or 6 Deputy Ministers. Gradually, gradually we will spread it further. This is a long process.

Gamow: you did not say about the abyss.

Vladimir Putin: As for the abyss. Unfortunately,it is. Initial.

Second. Unfortunately, too, but this is usually a global trend, at least in large economies. Look what's going on in the States. American colleagues are sitting here, they should read their own Analytics. So, the gap between those who earn a lot and those who earn quite a little and modestly, by their standards, it increases. By the way, in this regard, the election headquarters of President trump, today's President, he very accurately captured this circumstance. They, by the way, used in the election campaign and were right.

Of course, we must take this into account. We must at least drastically reduce the number of people living below the poverty line. It's the truth.


To be continued.


Dmitry Peskov: Mr President, we still have a veteran to complete our work.

Vladimir Putin: Another veteran.

Vladimir Kondratyev: I will really be very brief.

Mr President, in one of your speeches at the press conference before, you said interesting words that you are a collector of emotions. You collect emotions, and it is your wealth as the leader of the country. So, emotionally, what year was it? What event of the year do you consider to be the main one?

Vladimir Putin: Two.

Vladimir Kondratyev: Even two?

Vladimir Putin: Yes, this is the Presidential election, of course. This is important for the whole country and the world Cup, it also turned out to be important for the whole country and for the whole world, as it turned out.

Ussuriisk. Please, please.

Ye. Harina: Hello! Ekaterina Kharina, Ussuriysk, TV channel "the Telemix".

Mr President, last week you signed a Decree transferring the capital of the Far East from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok. In this regard, the question is: what are the Government's plans for strengthening the regions of the Far East, in particular the Primorsky territory? Will we wait for gasification? And what do you think about the unification of our region with the Sakhalin region?

Vladimir Putin: you know, as far as the unification of any constituent entities of the Federation is concerned, it is primarily up to the constituent entities themselves, in accordance with the current law. If Sakhalin and Primorsky Krai want to unite, well, please, they should carry out the appropriate procedures through the Parliament or through a referendum, as you have in regional legislation. Need to watch. Sakhalin is a self-sufficient region, it has a very high budget provision, the average income of the population is higher than in the province, so this is an internal affair of the two regions. That's one.

The second is about development. We have a whole complex, a whole set of development of the Far East and Primorsky Krai, a whole set. It is also connected with the creation of favorable conditions for development in the far East, these are famous Torahs, this is the "far Eastern hectare", this is the development of infrastructure, ports, airports, this is support for exports, including, above all, non – energy exports-all this will be done, it will not go anywhere, on the contrary, it will actively develop. There can be no doubt at all. This is one of the key areas of the country's development. Our Outpost in the far East. This is what creates additional competitive advantages for us. We will certainly develop science, we will develop education, and we will continue to support the far Eastern Federal University. We will certainly develop a shipbuilding cluster and continue building a shipyard in Vladivostok. And you know, the first steps have already been taken there, big enough, the largest vessels in Russia will be built there. Such large tonnage was not built even in the Soviet Union, which we will build in Vladivostok. We will certainly continue to support the aviation cluster, and the plants will be provided with orders, and we will develop science there. And there was a new cluster-space, our new spaceport Vostochny. The biology of the sea, everything related to fish – all this will be in the field of our attention. I have no doubt that we will achieve positive results.

I promised to "Euronews". You're welcome.

G. Polonskaya: Good Afternoon, Vladimir Vladimirovich! Galina Polonskaya, Euronews TV channel. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to ask a question. I'm going to put up a sign that's been akin to it for the last four hours.

The UN adopted a resolution on Russia's militarization of the Azov sea, Crimea and part of the Black sea. After what happened to the Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait, there were reports that Russia supplies military equipment to the Crimea. Why should Russia strengthen its military presence in Crimea and is Russia ready to declare the entire sea of Azov its territory? Thanks.

Vladimir Putin: Look, in 2014, people living in Crimea came to a referendum and ultimately voted for reunification with the Russian Federation. From that moment, after the relevant domestic procedures, Crimea became part of the Russian Federation, part of Russia. And in any part of our territory we have the right and will continue to build our military policy as we see fit to ensure our security, Crimea is no exception. If the General staff, if the border guards believe that we need to do something additional in some areas, we will do it. Russia's security in this area will certainly be ensured. We are not going to create anything superfluous there, but what is needed will be done there. That's one.

Now as for the Azov sea and the Kerch Strait. We initially almost immediately announced that we intend to build a bridge for communication with the Crimea, which we did. First, we built an energy bridge, then threw a gas pipe there, now we are building two power plants in Sevastopol and Simferopol with a total capacity of 940 megawatts. We are building the Tavrida road, which will be ready by the end of 2020. In my opinion, the next year should be in the two-way version, and at the end of 2020-in the four – way version. We will develop the infrastructure. In other words, we are talking not only about strengthening the military component, but above all the civil and infrastructure components. All this will certainly be implemented. We have a Federal targeted programme for the development of Crimea. And for the next two years, we have provided 300 billion rubles for the development of the Peninsula. All this will move. In parallel, the military component will be strengthened as much as we need it.

As for The Kerch Straits. This is a difficult situation, naturally complex, there are very narrow Straits, and they are quite small, with a depth of about 13 meters. There is always, I want to emphasize, almost always carried out pilotage. And the construction of the bridge does not really interfere with anything there. As before the pilots held court and conducted.

Trade turnover and freight traffic are growing, including in the ports of the Azov sea. It's the truth. But there is work built, all participants of this economic activity know how it is done, there is a queue. Yes, it can be bigger, it can be smaller. Look how many ships we have before entering the port of Novorossiysk, too, quite a lot.

I will have to repeat this once again: on September 11 last year, Ukrainian vessels, including the military, fulfilled all the requirements of passage through these Straits and under the bridge, by the way, were quietly carried out by our pilots to the sea of Azov and further to the port of destination in the sea of Azov. No one interfered-on the contrary, only helped.

This time it was different. This is a purposeful provocation during the election campaign of Mr. Poroshenko. We have already shown in the media logbook, it is written directly to "enter surreptitiously". What is this – secretly? Without pilotage it there is unknown what can happen, especially some figures today who rule the ball in Kiev, publicly declare their readiness to blow up the bridge. Of course, we can't let that happen. That would be ridiculous of us, that's all. As for the usual activities, no restrictions, please.

Now about the regime of the Azov sea. We have an agreement from 2003, I think. What he talking about? He says that the coastal zone of five kilometers, not as usual in the world under International law of the sea in 12 nautical miles, namely five kilometers from the shore, is the territorial waters of the state, in this case of Russia or Ukraine, and everything else – the General sea. By the way, our fishermen were captured in due time. They didn't enter the five-kilometer zone. They were captured in the General sea. Nevertheless seized, the captain still held. And your channel Euronews does not tweet about it, calmly, as if it should be. As well as captured our other sailors: there is a cargo ship somewhere sitting there, too, the whole team is sitting there, and no one remembers it. Therefore, we are ready to adhere to these agreements and not to declare any unilateral actions.

As for the military courts, we need to be in constant contact with our border guards. They, the border guards, carry out the border regime there. And in the context of the military situation, I can hardly imagine how the military courts there will run back and forth, but in General we would like to normalize everything. We do not prevent military courts, among other things. I repeat once again, in September there were trials with our pilot, and no one interfered with them – on the contrary, only helped.

"Ural", there is a sign"Ural".

R. Zykov: good Day!

My name is Roman Zykov, Ural television.

Mr President, you are saying that patriotism should be our national idea. Mr President, it is not time to legislate this, it is not time for us to change the Constitution and prescribe patriotism as a national idea. Now the national idea is prohibited by the Constitution. This is the first question.
Vladimir Putin: no, ideology is simply prohibited as a leading force, and patriotism has not been banned. I heard. This is the subject of a wide discussion with the public.

R. Zykov: And the second point. We talked about active patriotism, and I am concerned about the topic of ecology.

A lot of money is allocated for the purification of water, which then reaches consumers, but almost no money is allocated to ensure that quality pipes deliver it to the consumer, and then wastewater does not pollute our nature.

Unfortunately, 30 percent of wastewater, sewage, pollute our nature-this is confirmed by experts. Could you pay attention, maybe, to adopt some technical regulations to ensure that the quality of pipes that deliver water to our residents, to us, was higher, and we did not pollute the surrounding water.

Vladimir Putin: this is a matter of technical regulations.

You're right. It is necessary to look at what is supplied. I agree with You. This is a problem. But the question is not only in the pipes.

The question in the discharge of such wastewater, the question of their treatment. This is a global issue that concerns the whole country. But we have actually made the relevant decisions here. This also applies to industry.

Transition to the latest available technologies, including provided by the current legislation. There are also penalties for the discharge of untreated water, and, in General, waste for those enterprises that will not comply with these environmental requirements.

This is a complex problem that we must deal with all the time. You're right here, I agree.

As for the amendments to the Constitution, this is a subject of broad public discussion.

Dmitry Peskov: Mr President, the poster "Russians are in danger". Tell us what Russians are in danger. Last row. Show me, You showed Me your poster.

H. Batukaev: Khamzat Batukaev, the Chechen Republic, the TV channel "Grozny".

First of all, thank you for paying attention to the back rows. The fourth hour is a press conference. Only the middle, the front, the first ranks…

I have a personal request. There are guests from Latin America. They each pause hysterically shout: "Latin America" - but nobody pays attention to them. If it is possible, give, please, to them the word after me, after all people from far away arrived.

And now, directly, Vladimir Vladimirovich, now, a second. I forgot what I was supposed to say.

Vladimir Putin: let's go from Latin America.

H. Batukaev: serious Topic actually. "The Russians are in danger" - I wrote so, because many of our thousands of compatriots are still in Syria, which under one or another pretext got there, but there and their children, who in principle not of their own will were there.

Parents are sentenced to long terms, maybe even life sentences, children, respectively, remain without parents, without care, and these cases are very frequent. How would I get them back? We know your principled position on this issue, that is, in the future, how to conduct this work?

And, if possible, the second short question. The first President of the Chechen Republic, Ahmad Haji Kadyrov, one of his first requests to You concerned the issue of building an airport in Grozny, or rather, its restoration.

It has been restored, but since then it is in such a technical phase, that is, it is not completely done. Now there is a discussion between the Republican Government and various ministries about the second stage, apparently, there are some problems.

How could this be helped? But objectively Chechnya is developing today, we have hundreds of thousands of tourists, and this airport does not have enough capacity.

One last thing. You know, Mr President, we have the main Avenue, named in your honor, we are building a Palace of judo named after Vladimir Putin, perhaps you don't know it yet.

In elections you always get one of the highest percentages of support in the region, we can responsibly say that the Chechens have a lot of respect, so I would like to invite.

Now, in my opinion, from Adygea or Karachay-Cherkessia You were also called, at the same time, when you go there, the next step is to come to the Chechen Republic.

Vladimir Putin: you cannot come to Chechnya At the same time, you have to go specifically. Will come necessarily. That's one.

The second-as for children. I think this is the most important thing after all. We are engaged in this, we have a whole program of returning children to their Homeland – to Russia, to Chechnya, generally to the Caucasus, anywhere. And Ramzan Kadyrov is engaged in it also. We are doing this and will continue to do so.

As for the airport, including when necessary, and works in the mode of the international airport. If you need something extra, Ramzan Akhmatovich will come and tell. I'll see what needs to be done, I just don't understand what needs to be done additionally. It functions, the airport, but if it is necessary to make something, we will look. OK? And thank you for inviting me.

"Friendship of peoples" – that's where the girl stands in the headdress. Yes, give it to me, please.

Vladimir Pavlyuchenko: Mr President, Hello. My name is Valeria Pavlyuchenko, I am a representative of the First Russian national TV channel.

As far as I know, you know about our channel, because it was created with the support of the presidential Council for interethnic relations. Just continuing the theme of our Dagestani colleagues, she was talking about ethnicity, inter-ethnic journalism.

We are a young team, let's say, a developing TV channel, we talk about the success of the regions on ethnic issues. We would very much like to ask for your assistance, and we would very much like to become information partners in the implementation of national policy. Can you help us with this?

Vladimir Putin: Look, we have a Council on interethnic relations under the President. I will certainly ask my colleagues to get in touch with you and to give them the opportunity to work with you in this important area for our country.

I wish you all a happy New year. You're not angry, we really have to finish. Thank you very much for your attention, your questions. I sincerely wish you all the best.

Thanks a lot.
Over 3,000 servicemen practice liquidating aftermath of nuclear attack in Russia's south

© ITAR-TASS/Donat Sorokin

Servicemen from the 49th general army have participated in large-scale military drills to practice deactivation of contaminated objects after a massive nuclear attack, the press service of Russia's Southern Military District said on Saturday.

"On the territory of the Stavropol and Kuban regions, over 3,000 servicemen took part in drills on conducting radiation, chemical and bacteriological reconnaisance; as well as on deactivating contamination from nuclear weapons of terrain, weapons and military equipment," the press service said.

Over 300 units of special equipment were used in the drills, including cutting-edge mobile laboratories for radiation and chemical express analysis.

Russia makes over 10 test launches of Tsirkon seaborne hypersonic missile

Russia has made over ten test launches of the Tsirkon seaborne hypersonic missile against naval targets at a distance of over several hundred kilometers since the beginning of its trials, a source in the defense industry told TASS on Friday.

The missile’s trials began about four years ago and are continuing now from the coastal stand, the source said.

"Overall, more than ten test launches have been performed against targets at sea at a distance of several hundred kilometers," the source said.

The hypersonic missile "repeatedly destroyed designated naval targets at the hypersonic speed," the source added, declining to give the date of the latest trials.

TASS has no official confirmation of this information yet.

As another source in the defense industry earlier told TASS, there are plans to start the state trials of the Tsirkon missile in 2019 both from surface ships and submarines.

The US CNBC TV Channel reported on Friday that Russia had made another successful test launch of the Tsirkon ship-based hypersonic missile on December 10.

Russia has conducted five total tests of its ship-based hypersonic missile since 2015, CNBC said.

Tsirkon hypersonic missile

The Tsirkon hypersonic missile has been developed by the Research and Production Association of Machine-Building. According to open sources, the Tsirkon has a firing range of about 400km and can develop a speed of Mach 4-6, as various data suggest. As was reported earlier, Tsirkon missiles will be launched with the help of the universal shipborne vertical launching systems currently used for Kalibr and Oniks cruise missiles. Such systems are mounted, in particular, on Project 20380 corvettes, Project 22350 frigates and Project 885 Yasen-class submarines.

Also, according to TASS sources, Tsirkon missiles are expected to be installed on the Russian nuclear-powered missile cruisers Pyotr Veliky and Admiral Nakhimov.
Putin tests hypersonic missile

The Kremlin says the Russian military has successfully tested a new hypersonic glide vehicle.

It says Russian President Vladimir Putin oversaw the test launch of the Avangard vehicle from the defence ministry’s control room.

The Kremlin said it successfully hit a designated practice target on the Kura shooting range on Kamchatka, 6000km away.

Mr Putin named the Avangard, which is among the array of new nuclear weapons that he presented in March, saying they cannot be intercepted. He said the Avangard has an intercontinental range and can fly in the atmosphere at 20 times the speed of sound and that “it heads to target like a meteorite, like a fireball”.

I found Putin's comparison of the Avangard missile with a meteorite quite interesting. Was he saying something between the lines, which he couldn't come out and say publicly yet?
Translated from Russian by Microsoft
On December 27, the #Восточный launch vehicle "Soyuz-2.1 a" was launched from the Cosmodrome, which withdrew spacecraft #КанопусВ № 5 and № 6 and 26 small satellites into orbit. The head of Roscsmos @Rogozin congratulated the staff of the rocket and space industry with the success of the launch campaign!

Dmitry Rogozin (@Rogozin) checked the progress of work on organizing the mass production of Angara missiles - Центр Хруничева. Глава Роскосмоса проверил ход работ по организации серийного производства ракет «Ангара» - Новости - Госкорпорация «Роскосмос»
Dmitry Rogozin, Director General of the Roscosmos State Corporation, visited the Polet Production Association, a branch of the Center for them. MV Khrunichev in Omsk - and appreciated the progress of the preparation of the Omsk production site for the launch of the full technological cycle of manufacturing the Angara family of launch vehicles.

During a working visit to the enterprise, Dmitry Rogozin was accompanied by the Director-General of the Center. M. V. Khrunichev Alexei Varochko, and. about. Viktor Shuliko, head of the Polet Production Association; Valery Boyko, First Deputy Chairman of the Omsk Region Government; Vladimir Varnavsky, Speaker of the Omsk Region Legislative Assembly; Andrei Posazhennikov, Minister of Industry, Transport and Innovative Technologies of the Omsk Region.

Alexey Varochko reported to the head of Roskosmos on how the technical upgrading of the Polet software is proceeding for the mass production of Angara launch vehicles. In particular, he reported on the upcoming tasks for the year 2019 for the reconstruction of part of the territory for re-equipment for the manufacture of the head fairing for the Angara launch vehicle.

The head of the industry was presented with the production and new technological equipment at Polet.

In the workshop for the manufacture of tanks (fuel tank and oxidizer tank) for the URMs, Dmitry Rogozin was shown equipment for “rolling out” tank bottoms. It was noted that the company has mastered the friction welding of oxidizer tanks and fuel PH "Angara", which provides increased strength products. A modern automated two-row line of chemical milling and anodizing is equipped in the electroplating shop. Now she is being tested. In the near future, a new electroplating line will be put into commercial operation. In 2019, a modern test and testing station (EIS) will be equipped in Omsk for operation of the Angara-1.2 launch vehicle.

Dmitry Rogozin inspected the current state of manufacture of Angara-A5 and Angara-1.2 launch vehicles. He examined the final premises of the final assembly shop, which was commissioned in December 2018. Currently, it contains all the components of the second Angara-A5 carrier rocket.

After inspecting the workshops, Dmitry Rogozin held a meeting on problematic issues related to the organization of mass production of Angara launch vehicles. According to the results of the meeting, a list of tasks that need to be addressed to complete the organization of the full production cycle of Angara launch vehicles based on Polet software was determined.

Currently, active work is being carried out with the Government of the Omsk Region and educational institutions of the region to train and attract qualified labor to the enterprise.

"Angara" - a number of promising launch vehicles of various payloads (light, medium and heavy classes), created on the basis of universal rocket modules (URM).

Center them. MV Khrunichev should master the full cycle of production of the Angara-1.2 light rocket in Omsk in 2019, and the mass production of the heavy Angara-A5 in 2023.

Испытания «Авангарда» подтвердили его способность разгоняться до 27 Махов


Tests of the "Avant-garde" confirmed its ability to accelerate to Mach 27
Tests of the Avangard complex confirmed that it is capable of developing a speed of 27 Mach, said Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Yuri Borisov.
"Recent tests have shown that it has reached speeds close to the speed of 30 Mach. About 27 Mach he gained speed, "- said Borisov in an interview with the TV channel"Russia 24".
According to him, with such indicators it won't be able to bring down any anti-missile.
As noted by Borisov, the fundamental difference of this complex is that it is impossible to predict where it will be in the next moment.
On December 26, the Russian defense Ministry, on behalf of President Vladimir Putin, conducted a successful test launch of the Avangard missile system.
The system will go into service with the army in 2019.

Испытания «Авангарда» подтвердили его способность разгоняться до 27 Махов

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Putin restricts access to information on arms Путин ограничил доступ к информации о закупках вооружений … purchases

Translated from Russian by Microsoft
Putin signs law on punishment for involvement of children in illegal actions Путин подписал закон о наказании за вовлечение детей в незаконные акции

MOSCOW, Russia – Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the best way to respond to sanctions imposed by the West on his country is by increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy.

The Russian leader said on Wednesday that this improvement comes through the scientific development and localization of production.
“It is necessary to significantly accelerate the pace of industrial development, strengthen our own scientific and technological base and promote the localization of production, the development of new markets by Russian companies within of the country and beyond our borders,” Putin said during a meeting with representatives of Russian companies.

Relations between Moscow and the West deteriorated in 2014 after the reunification of the Crimea with Russia and amidst the crisis in eastern Ukraine. The European Union and the US have imposed restrictions on Russian citizens, companies and sectors of the economy. Moscow has responded to these measures by imposing restrictions on food imports from countries that support sanctions.

Meanwhile, Russia is working to hold a meeting in Moscow with the Turkish delegation to discuss the situation in Syria, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, Omer Celik, a spokesman for Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP), said a Turkish delegation would visit Moscow on December 29 to discuss the Ankara operation in eastern Euphrates and the withdrawal of troops from Syria.

The AKP spokesman added that the delegation would include Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and national intelligence chief Hakan Fidan.

“The meeting with the Turkish representative delegation is being drawn up. High-level contacts on the situation in Syria are expected to be held in Moscow in the near future,” the ministry’s Information and Press Department said.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday announced his intention to visit Moscow in the coming days and meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. According to the Turkish president, an Ankara delegation will hold talks in Moscow before his visit.

December 28, 2018 - Russia and Britain to start returning Diplomats in January: Russian Embassy
Russia and Britain to start returning diplomats in January: Russian embassy | Reuters

Moscow and London have reached an agreement to return some staff to their respective embassies after they expelled dozens of diplomats early this year, the Russian embassy said on Friday.
FILE PHOTO: Russia's ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko, holds a news conference in the Russian Embassy in London, Britain, March 22, 2018. REUTERS/Simon Dawson

The British Foreign Office and the Russian Foreign Ministry were not immediately available for comment.

“We have reached a general agreement that we will start to restore diplomatic staff in Moscow and in London some time in January,” the TASS news agency earlier quoted Russia’s ambassador to London Alexander Yakovenko as saying in a television interview.

“I am not sure that this would happen to all employees but at least half the staff would be in place,”

An embassy spokesman confirmed the remarks.

Britain expelled 23 Russian diplomats over accusations the Kremlin was behind a nerve toxin attack in March on former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the English city of Salisbury.

Russia, which denies any involvement in the poisoning, sent home the same number of British embassy workers in retaliation.

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