Explosion at fertilizer plant near Waco, Texas - Meteorite or comet fragment?

Perceval said:
derekbaxter24 said:
Perceval said:
derekbaxter24 said:
A comet or meteorite will never impact and explode like a tomahawk cruise missile. Fact.

Seen a lot of meteorite impacts, have ya?

Where is your objective evidence showing a comet or meteorite exploding like a cruise missile? I have provided plenty of objective evidence only to be tested against subjective theories without a base. I don't have to see a lot of meteorite impacts to know that it will not impact and explode like a cruise missile. It will not have the same shape, speed or explosive charges in the same place.

I didn't say "it was a meteorite, fact". I didn't say "meteorites always explode like cruise missiles."

You said "A comet or meteorite will never impact and explode like a tomahawk cruise missile. Fact."

Prove it. If you can't, then stop dressing up your opinions as 'facts'.

There has been a very large increase in fireballs and meteorites in our skies over the past five years. We are suggesting that the West, Texas fertilizer plant explosion could have been caused by a meteorite. There is no hard evidence to prove that it was a meteorite, and no hard evidence to prove that it wasn't. The problem is that authorities have just spent $1million investigating the explosion and are now saying they don't know what caused and it and may never know. That is rather bizarre, because it suggests that they have found no rational reason for the explosion, i.e. it probably wasn't caused by 'ammonia fertilizer' or ammonium nitrate etc.

Now, since you suggest that it was a missile, why don't you tell us WHY anyone would have fired a missile at that plant.

I need you to define facts and proof because obviously, we don't understand them to have the same definitions. Pictures of a cruise missile exploding like the West Texas cruise missile = Fact Same Explosion patterns.

It couldn't have been a meteorite = Fact. No meteorite will impact and explode like a cruise missile. The meteorite will not create a V explosion pattern.

I have already answered questions you are asking in this thread and on my blog. Once again, proving motive isn't required to prove the missile.
Approaching Infinity said:
derekbaxter24 said:
To any ballistics expert, I already have proven it. Can you disprove or explain how it would impact and exlode the same?

Have you heard of Tunguska? Or read up on airburst phenomena? You can try Dennis Cox's work, which has some relevant references.

Yes, I have watched a few specials on it. How is this relevant to the West Texas missile? Why do so many people want this to be a comet or meteorite?
derekbaxter24 said:
I need you to define facts and proof because obviously, we don't understand them to have the same definitions.

You're not wrong there.

derekbaxter24 said:
It couldn't have been a meteorite = Fact. No meteorite will impact and explode like a cruise missile. The meteorite will not create a V explosion pattern.

You see, there's where we differ on "facts" and "proof". For you, it seems that facts and proof are whatever you say they are. You claim it as "fact" that "No meteorite will impact and explode like a cruise missile. The meteorite will not create a V explosion pattern", yet you have never seen a meteorite impact or explode the earth. That's the main problem.
Perceval said:
derekbaxter24 said:
I need you to define facts and proof because obviously, we don't understand them to have the same definitions.

You're not wrong there.

derekbaxter24 said:
It couldn't have been a meteorite = Fact. No meteorite will impact and explode like a cruise missile. The meteorite will not create a V explosion pattern.

You see, there's where we differ on "facts" and "proof". For you, it seems that facts and proof are whatever you say they are. You claim it as "fact" that "No meteorite will impact and explode like a cruise missile. The meteorite will not create a V explosion pattern", yet you have never seen a meteorite impact or explode the earth. That's the main problem.

If facts were only what I say they were, you could provide more objective reasoning of why I am wrong. But you don't care to know the truth or you would research missile impacts before trying to argue my points.
Why didn't you challenge the cruise missiles exploding the same in the pictures?
It is logical fact that if the meteorite doesn't have explosive charges in the same place, being the same shape, and going the same speeds. With logic, facts can be found without seeing everything. How many meteorite impacts have you seen, yet you argue for them causing this explosion?
What is the speed of the slowest meteorite or asteroid? I believe this missile was traveling around 550 - 900 mph.

Meteorite impact. No V, equal debris blast.
derekbaxter24 said:

Meteorite impact. No V, equal debris blast.

That's a meteorite impact, not a comet fragment, which can explode, producing an airburst.

derekbaxter24 said:
What is the speed of the slowest meteorite or asteroid? I believe this missile was traveling around 550 - 900 mph.

From the AMS site FAQ:

Due to atmospheric drag, most meteorites, ranging from a few kilograms up to about 8 tons (7,000 kg), will lose all of their cosmic velocity while still several miles up. At that point, called the retardation point, the meteorite begins to accelerate again, under the influence of the Earth’s gravity, at the familiar 9.8 meters per second squared. The meteorite then quickly reaches its terminal velocity of 200 to 400 miles per hour (90 to 180 meters per second). The terminal velocity occurs at the point where the acceleration due to gravity is exactly offset by the deceleration due to atmospheric drag.
Approaching Infinity said:
derekbaxter24 said:

Meteorite impact. No V, equal debris blast.

That's a meteorite impact, not a comet fragment, which can explode, producing an airburst.

derekbaxter24 said:
What is the speed of the slowest meteorite or asteroid? I believe this missile was traveling around 550 - 900 mph.

From the AMS site FAQ:

Due to atmospheric drag, most meteorites, ranging from a few kilograms up to about 8 tons (7,000 kg), will lose all of their cosmic velocity while still several miles up. At that point, called the retardation point, the meteorite begins to accelerate again, under the influence of the Earth’s gravity, at the familiar 9.8 meters per second squared. The meteorite then quickly reaches its terminal velocity of 200 to 400 miles per hour (90 to 180 meters per second). The terminal velocity occurs at the point where the acceleration due to gravity is exactly offset by the deceleration due to atmospheric drag.

Thanks so a meteorite is ruled out. What is the speed of a comet on average?
Someone please logically explain to me how an explosion in air would create the exact shape of a missile impact on ground? Or please explain how you know this explosion wasn't a ground impact?
derekbaxter24 said:
Someone please logically explain to me how an explosion in air would create the exact shape of a missile impact on ground? Or please explain how you know this explosion wasn't a ground impact?

What if, instead of exploding in mid-air, it simply exploded upon impact? We don't KNOW anything for sure. That's the point. The thing about meteorites and comet fragments is that they're very similar. They can just impact, impact with explosions, explode in the air, cause electric discharges, electrophonic phenomena, etc. It's not a simple 'one-size-fits-all' thing.
Approaching Infinity said:
derekbaxter24 said:
Someone please logically explain to me how an explosion in air would create the exact shape of a missile impact on ground? Or please explain how you know this explosion wasn't a ground impact?

What if, instead of exploding in mid-air, it simply exploded upon impact? We don't KNOW anything for sure. That's the point. The thing about meteorites and comet fragments is that they're very similar. They can just impact, impact with explosions, explode in the air, cause electric discharges, electrophonic phenomena, etc. It's not a simple 'one-size-fits-all' thing.

It did explode on impact according to the video and the reflected impact angle of debris. Who is "we"? My wife and I saw the missile on video which is backed with objective evidence proving what we saw. Just because it's not believed logical to most doesn't discredit the evidence.
From what I have read, comet impacts are pretty rare. I didn't find one picture of a comet impact I also get the impression that comets travel at thousands of miles per hour, is this correct?
I understand there are many variables involved, this is why I have viewed any arguments against the missile my wife and I saw.
derekbaxter24 said:
Anyone promoting this as a comet or anything other than a missile is only helping cover up the murders.

What is also rare, is a missile strike on an already burning plant. So a flying unseen drone, or some person hanging out 400 meters away with a missile launcher? And then if one of those things are true, why?

Your comment here is not cool with me.
Dawn said:
derekbaxter24 said:
Anyone promoting this as a comet or anything other than a missile is only helping cover up the murders.

What is also rare, is a missile strike on an already burning plant. So a flying unseen drone, or some person hanging out 400 meters away with a missile launcher? And then if one of those things are true, why?

Your comment here is not cool with me.

You are taking the focus off of the evidence of what can be proven in the missile impact. It is rare, I agree with you. The missile was used because the arson didn't detonate the ammonium nitrate as planned. I have not found one scientific source claiming evidence of ammonium nitrate detonating by fire and or chemical mixture. There is no scientific evidence that the fire of the '47 explosion detonated the ammonium nitrate. All scientific sources I have read claims that ammonium nitrate needs fire + extreme shock/previous explosion to detonate. I am pretty confident that the missile was either ground or sea launched. A long range missile could be blamed on a foreign attack.
I think my comment was completely justified. How would you feel if seeing murders which others are unknowingly helping to erase?
The initial fire at the plant was reported at 6:30 by the Mayor. Why do most news sources claim the fire started at 7:30?

Why are the videos of the explosion obviously altered?

Where is the media coverage during the explosion?
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