Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Confusing thread. I thought at one point jumpingjack and artfuldodger was the same person having a staged debate. :(
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

artfuldodger said:
Ms. Kester is very much aware that all her motions have been denied. Again, many people are looking forward to Kester aligning herself with a known cyberstalker who brags about being one, while at the same time crying wolf all over the internet
about being a victim of cyberstalking.

Just wanted to nominate this post for the award of "Prime Example of Propaganda Machine in Motion". Seriously. Within minutes Guardian was upgraded from just a "known cyberstalker" to a "known cyberstalker who brags about being one". I mean, really, you can't make this stuff up!
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

from _http://cyberpaths.blogspot.com/
She's not helping anyone - she's attempting to start a firestorm, which she has probably done in the past. Bored with too much time on her hands, she's online causing trouble.

Guardian has a specific agenda against certain people and she's trying to play them against one another. Guardian must have way too much time on her hands!

You seem to have a lot of time to stalk and harass people.

... What is clear is that you seem more interested in hurting as many unrelated, blameless people as you can with your ridiculous assumptions!!

CHECK... MATE ! I mean, seriously... check, mate... check your facts !

As author claims (on the same page):

.... We take great pains to verify information.

... Once we find out everything about you - you'll be exposed too.
Then what are all these posts on blog are all about ? A preview ? Doesn't look so. Looks more like threats.

So, the question I have to the author of these posts, what is it: assumptions or facts ?

Author - FAIL.

P.S. Also if author really thinks that some people manipulate to such extents because they have too much time on their hands, either author has no clue about the subject he or she is talking about, or projecting about how one spends time. IMHO.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

This is a history of all Motions that have been filed. If I'm reading this right, only 3 of the Motions have been ruled on, Mcgrannahan won one, and Kester's won two....the rest, are waiting on the Judge to issue an order.

No. Dates Description

Filed & Entered: 12/08/2010
Docket Text Summons Issued
Filed & Entered: 12/08/2010
Docket Text Complaint

Filed & Entered: 12/09/2010
Filed & Entered: 12/09/2010
Docket Text Notice of EAPADMIN
Filed & Entered: 12/09/2010
Terminated: 12/14/2010
Docket Text Motion for TRO
Filed & Entered: 12/09/2010
Docket Text Suggestions in Support of Motion
Filed & Entered: 12/10/2010
Filed & Entered: 12/10/2010
Docket Text Return of Service of Complaint Executed
Filed & Entered: 12/10/2010
Docket Text Notice of filing
Filed & Entered: 12/14/2010
Docket Text Order on Motion for TRO

Filed & Entered: 12/20/2010
Docket Text Notice of docket modification
Filed & Entered: 12/20/2010
Terminated: 12/20/2010
Docket Text Motion to Expedite
Filed & Entered: 12/20/2010
Docket Text Notice of filing
Filed & Entered: 12/20/2010
Docket Text Jury Demand
Filed & Entered: 12/20/2010
Terminated: 01/18/2011
Docket Text Motion to Expedite

Filed & Entered: 12/21/2010
Docket Text Notice of docket modification
Filed: 12/30/2010
Entered: 01/03/2011
Docket Text Answer to Complaint
Filed & Entered: 01/18/2011
Docket Text Order on Motion to Expedite
Filed: 02/24/2011
Entered: 02/25/2011
Docket Text Motion to Quash
Filed & Entered: 03/01/2011
Docket Text Suggestions in Support of Motion
Filed & Entered: 03/03/2011
Docket Text Order
Filed & Entered: 03/07/2011
Docket Text Motion to Expedite
Filed & Entered: 03/14/2011
Docket Text Suggestions in Opposition to Motion
Filed & Entered: 03/24/2011
Docket Text Order
Filed: 04/01/2011
Entered: 04/11/2011
Docket Text Suggestions in Opposition to Motion

Filed & Entered: 04/11/2011
Docket Text Notice of docket modification
Filed & Entered: 04/18/2011
Docket Text Mail Returned
Filed & Entered: 04/18/2011
Docket Text Motion to Strike
Filed: 04/18/2011
Entered: 04/20/2011
Docket Text Reply Suggestions to Motion
Filed: 04/20/2011
Entered: 04/27/2011
Docket Text Status Conference
Filed & Entered: 05/03/2011
Docket Text Motion to Strike
Filed & Entered: 05/05/2011
Docket Text Electronic Transcript
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

agni said:
P.S. Also if author really thinks that some people manipulate to such extents because they have too much time on their hands, either author has no clue about the subject he or she is talking about, or projecting about how one spends time. IMHO.

Barbara and Mary both have a habit of accusing other people of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. Of course they never have any actual FACTS to offer....just defamation and inflammatory rhetoric.

What they refuse to accept is that if the FACTS showed they were telling the truth, I would be supporting them.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Approaching Infinity said:
Just wanted to nominate this post for the award of "Prime Example of Propaganda Machine in Motion". Seriously. Within minutes Guardian was upgraded from just a "known cyberstalker" to a "known cyberstalker who brags about being one". I mean, really, you can't make this stuff up!

Oh yeah...and I predict that very shortly one or both of them will claim some terrible physical problem, caused by my postings of course. I stressed them out so bad their spleen exploded or something like that. :rolleyes:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

I was looking around on the internet at various women's sites, abuse websites, etc. and there sure are a lot of websites that are anonymous. I think Barbara Camwell Ness may have more sites than we realize so that the list we have going is probably no where complete.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

jumpinjack2011 said:
I was looking around on the internet at various women's sites, abuse websites, etc. and there sure are a lot of websites that are anonymous. I think Barbara Camwell Ness may have more sites than we realize so that the list we have going is probably no where complete.

I agree! I have a list of SUSPECTED sites too, but I only posted the ones I can resonably prove are hers.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Guardian said:
Guardian said:
I predict the next thing Barbara will do is team up with William "Bill" Wheeler aka Rhuddlwm Gawr (a man who sold sex tours to Asia where people can have sex with children legally) and post links to his sites on EOPC.

I'm going to amend my prediction, Barbara Camwell is going to have her toady Mcgrannahan do it! :rotfl:

I was right the first time, Barbara did it! :rotfl:

"Internet Terrorist: Betsy Ashby aka Guardian"

She tried to ruin a very good man in Pennsylvania.

The 'very good man in Pennsylvania" is "Orren Whiddon" a more than six foot tall, 200 lb man who was CONVICTED of Physically Assaulting me under the Stalking Statue of PA. He appealed and his conviction was upheld on appeal.


Here is where I posted proof that William "Bill" Wheeler aka Rhuddlwm Gawr was selling sex tours to Asia:

Barbara has posted his "$5000.00 Reward" for my "Arrest, Prosecution, and Conviction" dated 2003. Needless to say, I haven't been arrested, prosecuted or convicted. I've never been arrested, much less convicted of ANYTHING. Anyone is welcome to check...I have a speeding ticket, which I paid, and that's it.

For information leading to the arrest, prosecution, and conviction of the following

Cenedl y Cymry, aka
Victoria Van Houden, aka celtwitch_cal
Y_gair, aka
Hu Gadarn - The Goat of Mendez
Guto Rhys
Betsy Ashby

but she doesn't understand the meaning of do no harm. She has said many times that she is not really a Pagan.

Exactly what part of HEATHEN do they not understand? :lol2:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Approaching Infinity said:
Just wanted to nominate this post for the award of "Prime Example of Propaganda Machine in Motion". Seriously. Within minutes Guardian was upgraded from just a "known cyberstalker" to a "known cyberstalker who brags about being one". I mean, really, you can't make this stuff up!

I have now been elevated to "Internet Terrorist" ...at the rate they're going, I'll be in charge of the Taliban by morning. :rolleyes:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Guardian said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Just wanted to nominate this post for the award of "Prime Example of Propaganda Machine in Motion". Seriously. Within minutes Guardian was upgraded from just a "known cyberstalker" to a "known cyberstalker who brags about being one". I mean, really, you can't make this stuff up!

I have now been elevated to "Internet Terrorist" ...at the rate they're going, I'll be in charge of the Taliban by morning. :rolleyes:

Watch it there... "And admitted leader of the Taliban". :halo:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

I also found the copy of the Gathering rules Barbara is VERY selectively quoting from. I welcome comments on our rules in 2006. We did add some stuff over later years, but they stayed basically the same.


For the record, Dawn Severson is the WIFE of the off duty Police Officer who ran our Gathering security...and a member of Security Senior Staff herself. She's one of those long term friends I allegedly don't have... who I can call tomorrow if we need anything verified. :P

Security was allowed to take photos in case of an accident or other incident...other than that, no photography was allowed, except a few promo shots of PRESENTERS (I almost forgot them) MANY people are afraid of being identified as Pagan, for a variety of very good reason. In Virginia, they can loose a job, maybe even their kids for being "Witches"

Have I missed any lame accusation? Practically my entire adult life is in the wayback machine somewhere.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Approaching Infinity said:
Guardian said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Just wanted to nominate this post for the award of "Prime Example of Propaganda Machine in Motion". Seriously. Within minutes Guardian was upgraded from just a "known cyberstalker" to a "known cyberstalker who brags about being one". I mean, really, you can't make this stuff up!

I have now been elevated to "Internet Terrorist" ...at the rate they're going, I'll be in charge of the Taliban by morning. :rolleyes:

Watch it there... "And admitted leader of the Taliban". :halo:

"Operation Enduring Idiots"
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

"She cannot keep friends because she does to them exactly what she is trying to do here. Be something she isn't and hurt those who are."

This is from: _http://cyberpaths.blogspot.com/2011/05/more-on-betsy-ashby-aka-guardian.html

I have known Betsy for more then 25 years and I can say that she has more long-term friends then anyone else that I know.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

amd57432 said:
"She cannot keep friends because she does to them exactly what she is trying to do here. Be something she isn't and hurt those who are."

This is from: _http://cyberpaths.blogspot.com/2011/05/more-on-betsy-ashby-aka-guardian.html

I have known Betsy for more then 25 years and I can say that she has more long-term friends then anyone else that I know.

Thanks hon, it is true, I am blessed with a long list of long term friends, and you're right at the top of that list :hug2:.
Of all the accusations the sexual predators had to pick from, I've always wondered why they chose one that was so obviously a lie to anyone who knows me?

Well, here's what I'm gonna do next....create a google blog exposing Barbara, get statements from her victims, post the court orders, etc.

Then ask all those friends I don't have to mirror and/or link to the site, feed it to their submission bots, etc. Barbara made a HUGE mistake when she aligned herself with Bill Wheeler....which I knew she was going to do before she did it. Cyberpaths are sooooooo predictable.

Wheelers sex tours to Asia were submitted as supporting evidence to draft a law which now makes it a felony to leave the country for the purpose of having sex with minors, and he is the most well documented plagiarist in the Pagan community. This is Barbara's new BFF :lol:

Seeing exactly how low Barbara will stoop will go a longgg way towards warning her future victims.

If any of those victims happen to be reading this thread...please feel free to contact me with your stories. In the interest of saving precious time, PLEASE provide FACTS ...documentation, server logs, financial records, etc. I'm especially interested in evidence of payments for "counseling" donations, etc. to Barbara and/or Mary
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