Extreme Ascension symptoms

Wow, you're really on the way. I would suggest affirmations along with visualisations of new earth. And I second the grounding (earth contact) suggestion. Also, spend time in Nature, if you can, especially talking to plants / trees that you may have planted on your own.
Matt Kahn has been saying since late Dec and January that we are in ascension. I wish there was a way to link to his newsletters in this period but I don't think they are online. He is usually really spot on and I often get blurry eyed just reading his emails.
This reminds me of what I read ( of similar nature ) 20 years back - Love and light stuff. you are special , planet ascending, only positive thoughts and you create your own reality and so on. So and So will happen on so and so date and time, energy is pouring from central sun, so and so getting aligned , sit back and just meditate etc. you will be in magical land.

What happened then? - 911, world gone bonkers, world full of wars and suffering, millions dead and lot more millions uprooted from the houses and migrated to create more suffering in unsuspecting population of target lands, civil unrest in the Europe. Add constant spooky shootings reminding every body "Why they need us" to the current point of every body celebrating shut down of the entire world, feeling safe to jail themselves in house, breathing carbondioxide feeling as if that is the life saviour and ready to take any chip or vaccine and even demanding normal people to be arrested. That is what "Love and Light" made people divert their attention from basic reality appealing to ego with the special-ness. Forum has cointelpro section that covers lot of this.
Well I somehow foggily suspected there was a certain potential to trigger something with my thought I expressed and therefore shared with you and the forum. I tried to write it as neutral as possible AND added that there is no intention of my part to insult you (the "I don't want to be rude" part). You somehow DO sound angry for me here, although I do admit that I do not understand/comprehend your post fully, especially the parts between my bolded sentences.

To the first bolded part: I skipped through the thread and didn't see anyone else than you referring to you being trans... so I cannot answer your question here, YOU brought it up in this post (unless I am wrong and overread something, in this case I am sorry)

Next bolded part: "So doing 'the work' is about being a human being having a certain exp and life lesson." Really? That sounds pretty easy, but I surely do not think The Work is a easy thing to do. I think it is a lot more than what you write here...
Hi @etezete For some clarity. The op was not the person to first bring this up, it was another poster who dropped the info onto the thread from another previous post.
i also agree on that, its easy to say that when you are a outsider. I'm transgender my self, and i did transition in my very early teens. Got hormones got all the surgeries when i was 18. So my body had a normal female growth puberty. The last time i checked there where no feelings of confusion, or a demon entity controlling me. I live in secret of being transgender nobody knows, you know why because people are so easy to judge one anyone. I simply do not choose to be exposed. Yet i'm trying to a find a deeper cause and meaning. Whatever that might be. So what you are saying out loud is, such people play for god and do not have the right to alter their body's. I take your intelligence and quest for knowledge in high regards laura. Did not expect such an answer.

Hello Shirannah,
So, you are keep having extreme lightbody symptoms, like hot and cold flashes, feels your body dying, depression, odd feelings, visions, spirit visitation...so on and on abnormal things.

My research about transgender from Cs transcripts have some answer to what and why things happening to you. You believe or not, it is up to you, but surely you know your symptoms is not normal. That’s why you are here.
I am not judging you just trying to help you.
I think if you have strong will, then you might have chance to change your future. That is human beings have privileges to choose between negative side which corresponds to STS. or positive energy with service to others, STO.
If you’re choice is to be STO candidate , then we working together, studying and gain knowledge from Laura’s books, read Cs transcripts, working yourself to learn service to others. That is what we are working on right now.
And then soon we all can move into 4th density together. Then our body will change, in higher realm, there is no gender issues.

August 5th 2017

Q: (Galatea) It's interesting that they speak about the balancing of duality, especially with the rise of trans people and men identifying as women and women identifying as men.

A: Indeed. It is a reflection of chaos and entropy. We warned about disintegration and soul smashing increasing.

December 1st 2018

(Possibility of Being) I have a question about gender insanity and transgender stuff involving children and all this craziness. Is it something that will pass quickly like a fashion, or something that will affect the world for several generations?

A: It is more likely to cause tragedy and moralistic snapback.

A: In your density, masculinism/feminish is essentially a roll of "the dice." Remember, at higher levels gender is nonexistent.
I think the reason that this thread is not going the way you would like is because you are so sure that your symptoms are ascension related that you have established that as your starting point and are attempting to frame all of our responses to fit that narrative when we are not at all sure that is correct, or even a reasonable hypothesis. This is the same dynamic that occurred in some of the early sessions when Laura asked the Cassiopaeans questions that were loaded with assumptions and they got a bit snippy with her. The answer was never going to be exactly what she wanted to hear, and they end up dancing round and round each other having an incomplete dialog or the question became just plain unanswerable, depending on the severity of the assumptions. With this in mind, I would echo what others have said about diet, hormones, and the more prosaic explanations first. Also 99% of the time, running female software on male hardware is just asking for problems. You yourself admitted to how difficult and traumatic the transition is on the body in the transgenderism thread.

Now if you've investigated all of that and moved past it, which appears unlikely based on how you framed the question, I can see where these answers would be unsatisfactory to you and so I will give you a little of what you want. It turns out that I've had all of the symptoms that you've described at one point or another except for the "etheric body viewing," many of them years ago and some this year, and I haven't materially ascended to any degree. It is my opinion that these experiences are tests and trainings for 4D, and not ascension side effects, per se. The paranormal possibilities that hyperdimensional realities provide are subtle and only occur around the periphery of our reality, for the most part it is very solid and subject to fixed "natural laws," and so if you can't handle the occasional artefact that these realities create when they intersect with ours, you have no chance at all surviving in a reality where what we call paranormal is king. Also, there is a war going on on our planet between 4D STS and 4D STO. As far as their battles are concerned, we're just being dragged along with it until we reach 4D awareness, which in large part is what the war seems to be over, at which point we will become caught up in it. If your consciousness does not have the discipline of a warrior-ascetic, you will not survive, or you will get absorbed by 4D STS. Now with that in mind, I will go through your experiences, when they happened to me, and how I dealt with it.

Hot Flashes-2020 This occurred to me while I was watching some old episodes of Star Trek Deep Space 9. Now DS9 had always been my least favorite Star Trek, it didn't have near the exploration aspect that the others did and it seemed very political. The politics weren't even that interesting and seemed dry compared to something like Game of Thrones. I've kind of gotten my grandma turned on to sci-fi, but we had watched all of the series that I considered worthwhile up to this point, so I decided to revisit DS9 since I was now a lot older and could appreciate it more. Well, after about 10 episodes, it just wasn't happening. My boredom was creating this warm feeling that would bubble up from my legs and move into my head. On subsequent nights I skipped around, bypassing the most obviously boring episodes, and moved through a couple of seasons, occasionally finding a good episode, but overall I felt like I was wasting my time. One night, while I was on the fence about continuing, the warm feeling suddenly ignited and I had a "flash fever" somewhat reminiscent of a severe flu where it felt like I was going to burn out of my own skin and I almost passed out. I actually started sweating slightly. Now usually when I'm watching something intellectually stimulating I have this cool electrical feeling in my body/brain. It's like there was too much resistance building up in my energy system from doing something that I knew wasn't really in my best interest, and something overheated. I got the message and immediately ceased watching the program. The hot flashes ceased as well. Was it a message from the universe, or some 4D being giving me a poke or some future version myself, or some kind of subconscious feedback system? Maybe. Who knows? There was definitely a message and I took it to heart.

As for depression, yeah that comes and goes and I'm not going to go into any specific examples of that, some are posted here on the forum. I'd say it's related to the hot flashes and the severe, debilitating kind of depression that makes you want to die usually results from not doing something you should be doing and expanding your horizons; you're not putting enough into life and you become "stuck." All imbalances will be resolved one way or another, and you want to be the one who chooses how that's done rather than being subjected to the universal cleaning and recycling program.

Out of Body Experience-2009 This occurred after I was having a dream about gathering different "spirit essences," mainly from plants. I returned from my "shamanic journey" or at least I thought I did, but I was still dreaming. I saw some kind of greyish tunnel/wormhole in my wall and there was some sort of sound/signal be emitted through it that sounded kind of like a radio buzz/squeal. At some point after that my focus changed and I really did wake up, however I had this intense tingling sensation in my body. I realized that my vantage point was about a foot higher than it should be and that I was kind of floating. My post-sleep grogginess suddenly wore off and I frenetically thought, "Floating! Now what am I supposed to do? How can I exist in this state? What's happening?" Fear overtook me and then SNAP! Like a rubber band suddenly contracting back to its original shape I was back in my body and spent most of the next day wondering if that really happened. Fortunately there wasn't a wormhole in my wall or I probably would've lost it. I'm a bit disappointed that it hasn't happened since, because I will be more prepared for it next time and maybe have some fun with it, but such is life. So was the wormhole some kind of roadway for me to travel to the other realm where I was communing with plant spirits? Who knows, and it probably isn't that important. The main takeaway from these types of experiences is that it opens one's mind to unlimited possibilities, and maybe I won't be so lost in 4D if I ever get there.

Entity Visitations- Now this one depends on what your threshold is for such as a "visitation." I have three experiences here that I'll illustrate. 90% of dealing with these "visitations" is your state of mind.

Possession Attempt-2007 This is the only one I'm pretty sure was a real incursion, however it also happened in that in between waking and dream state, and carries that element of unreality to it. I was having a "dark man dream" where I was being chased by semi-solid amorphous shadowy humanoid creatures. In the dream there was a city which had risen out of the ocean near an island. I grabbed a boat and ran into some tunnels underneath the city. At some point I got kind of cornered and pulled some kind of grate off the floor, diving into it as a last desperate attempt to get away. Then the dream was interrupted, I heard a crash on the bathroom floor, but was sure no one was there because I was the only one who used that bathroom. I woke up, I think. An icy cold presence enveloped the room and then I felt it flood into my body and I felt myself slipping away. I decided to resist it. Once it felt my resistance my body started convulsing and I started some incoherent guttural babbling while my head was rolling back and forth. I kept trying to gain control of my body and tell it to f*ck off but all I could do is interrupt the babbling and move my mouth a bit. I snapped into another dream where I was inside a house at night with a storm raging. I could see the silhouettes of the shadowy humanoids circling around the house illuminated against the lightning. I decided to go outside and confront them. I basically ended up channeling and directing the lightning and zapping them all. The scene then snapped back to my bedroom and this time it was easier to interrupt the babbling and stop the convulsing. After a few rounds of babbling I finally managed to tell the thing to f*ck off and threatened to destroy it. I regained full control of my body and the cold field dissipated. Some time later I woke up for the final time, but felt kind of groggy and out of it like I didn't get that much sleep that night.

Alien Gym-2008 This one is similar to the last one in many ways, except not quite as intense. I was inside some type of military base, all of the rooms seemed to be made out of a smooth metal alloy and there were fiber optic looking controls. The place had a very Star Trek feel to it. At the front of the facility there were two or three entities that looked kind of like Greys, who were tagging people and sorting them into different categories. Now when the Greys appear in my dreams, I usually want to be some place that they aren't, because I find them creepy and not very fun to be around at all. This almost always results in some kind of fight or flight situation. So I only saw them for a moment and didn't pay too much attention to what they were doing. The facility was divided into a series of "gymnasiums," large rooms where people with different types of psychic abilities were congregating. The first one was the telepathy gym, where everyone was learning to talk telepathically and how to control it. I remember getting kind of annoyed by hearing everyone's thoughts and I left. The next one was electrokinesis, and I entertained myself with condensing orbs of energy out of the air and try to make them turn different colors. I walked into a few more; it turned out that whatever room I walked into I was able to learn the ability being studied after briefly interacting with the people there. Everything was fine until I walked into the telekinesis room. I was using telekinesis to fly around and apparently somehow ended up upsetting one of the aliens. The dream abruptly ended, maybe, and I found myself back in bed, but with severe sleep paralysis, I couldn't move, and I was tingling all over. I fought it, and was able to sort of flop out of bed and then stumble into the bathroom. On my way back to bed, I noted the time on the alarm clock, it was like 3:40, almost 4 in the morning. I immediately fell into another dream, I was in a deep dark misty forest, with a sort of pale yellowish shadowy light filtering through the trees. Everything had the curious feature of being two dimensional, like cardboard cutouts, and I found the place foreboding and moved quickly. Eventually, I encountered something resembling a dragon and attempted to conjure my lightning bolt on it, but the dream ended and I woke up, or not. I had sleep paralysis again, but felt a presence in the room and felt pinned to the bed. I felt this sharp coldness inside my body like something was reaching around in there. Fearing that it was some kind of incursion, I told it to f*ck off, at which point the icy dagger in my body became much more intense and I felt like it was squeezing my heart. There was an audible hiss, like a giant serpent standing next to the bed, but I could move my eyes around the room and nothing was there. I fell asleep again, or woke up, by this time it was becoming hard to tell. I was in bed, no sleep paralysis, and the alarm clock read just a few minutes before 2AM. So, was I dreaming earlier that it was 4, or was I dreaming now that it was 2? I was too tired to care and went back to sleep or...something. The next thing that happened was that I was paralyzed again along with Hissy, who was doing his thing and I once again expressed my displeasure. I blacked out again and woke up (not really) and stared at the alarm clock and saw that it was almost 11:30. I was going to be late for class. Finally I woke up for real this time partially paralyzed, with a lingering tightness in the chest from where Hissy had grabbed it. It was now 9AM. The feelings quickly subsided and I took a walk outside the apartment and was able to go about the rest of my day without any more time skips. Other than feeling drained and like I hadn't really gotten any sleep like the previous experience, I was really no worse for wear. By this time I was extremely familiar with missing time and alien abduction and how higher dimensions kind of violate causality and I wondered if that's what had really happened. Hissy was more annoying than frightening, and I found the whole thing rather exciting once I became reanchored in 3D reality.

Realm Traveling Mentor 2018- I dreamed that I was standing in a misty grey void. Some sort of humanoid coalesced out of the mist and asked (telepathically) if I wanted to come with him. If you can imagine a man made out of mist, a bit blurry and without distinct features, occasionally flickering a bit, that is what he looked like. I agreed to come with him; it was better than standing in this somewhere-in-between place with no frame of reference and nothing to do. I could feel some kind of intense mental energy coming from him and suddenly found myself inside a black sphere that paradoxically seemed infinite and infinitesimal at the same time. Inside this space you could not really move relative to the sphere, you could only look at it and experience its "aroundness." On the "interior surface" of the sphere were all of these neon lights and colors, waves intersecting with each other and vibrating around. I could feel the entity focus on a particular part of the sphere and suddenly we were drawn into one of the colors which "opened up" into a whole physical universe; stars and planets rushed around me until we popped out a few feet over a field and my feet gracefully floated down onto the grass. This whole process of being projected out of the sphere took maybe half a second. We took a short walk (more like a float really) over to his village which was situated on the bank of a lake that was smooth as glass and almost mirror-like in appearance. It really wasn't much to look at honestly, a few huts with some purposefully placed driftwood and a curious abundance of stones neatly organized into different patterns. Another oddity I noticed was was with the trees, they all seemed blurred together into one entity, yet there was still a sense of manyness. A fairly thick white mist covered the lake and surrounding area and other mist beings were milling about. This lake seemed to be the center of their domain and I got the impression that they were nature spirits. The whole place had a simple, raw, and primal feel to it. At some point the guy I was following mentioned "the fisherman" and I became rather curious how a mist being goes about fishing. He told me that he was out on the lake and I stepped out into the water, except that the surface tension was enough to hold me up. It was at this point I looked down and realized I had a mist body too. I walked into the mist and become surrounded by it, with the lake underneath my feet. Shortly thereafter, I emerged at a rather ordinary dinghy with a mist being who was holding an ornately carved stick. I looked into his boat and saw the "fish." They appeared to be like rough gemstones, except they had an iridescent glow and intermittently emitted faint rays of light. They had a generally fishlike appearance, but were more like crystals which had grown together in the shape of a fish.

Some time later my "mentor" informed me that he had to travel to a human realm in order to gather some sort of information. It was determined that I should come along. We began floating up into the sky several hundred feet above the lake and we were looking down upon the mist beings' pristine green world with unbroken water and forests in every direction. He told me to summon the black sphere as that was the quickest way to get there. We would need to materialize human bodies around ourselves because we could not interact with them in our current state. I was apprehensive about all of this because I didn't really know what I was doing. He told me all I really needed was my mind. At some point, the sphere appeared somewhat unexpectedly, and I felt myself being pulled through another one of the color streams. We materialized in an alley, complete with wardrobe, and my mentor had transformed into a handsome and muscular middle-aged man. The city had a convoluted and discordant vibe, which made it seem like it really wasn't a good place to be and I would have rather stayed on the mist world. There were cobblestone streets and gas lamps, kind of neoclassical architecture and no cars to speak of. It felt like I was in Europe in 1910, but certain architectural details seemed off, like it was a parallel universe or something. We walked up to three women who were busy gossiping about these fancy new purses they had just bought. My mentor had put on the persona of being a jovial old chatterbox, but I wasn't particularly interested in their conversation and just drifted away. I can't remember much happening after that. When I woke up I thought it was a really interesting and vivid dream and hoped there would be an episode 2 so I could learn what happened, but there was never a continuation of that particular story. So what was it? It's another one of those take it or leave it type things.

If you're being attacked by entities, it seems that they often have to traverse some kind of "mindscape," which we experience as a dreamworld, in order to get to you. You can intercept them in the mindscape and do battle with them if necessary; what you can do is primarily limited by your state of awareness, and to a lesser extent the specific environment you find yourself in. I rarely enter the mindscape with my full conscious awareness, it is usually some diminished portion of myself with a fixed amount of energy, but enough to have some idea what is going on and how I dealt with sticky situations in other dreams. It seems to require a constant steady flow of energy to maintain one's physical form in the mindscape, which disintegrates after it is depleted and ejects you from the dream. Using any special powers accelerates your energy consumption dramtically, and you want to try to focus energy that is latent in the environment, which is nearly infinite, instead of depleting your own. The environment will respond to your thoughts, if there are boulders, use telekinesis to hurl them, concentrate energy out of the air and fashion it into a white lightning bolt over the target, etc. You can project energy barriers out of your hands and use telekinesis and teleportation to dodge projectiles. My expereince is that entities, assuming they're even real which I'll get to in a moment, suddenly become a whole lot more cautious when they realize they're dealing with something that can fight back. In fact the 2007 experience was the last one which I felt was really scary, and in the past 5 years I've only had a few minor scuffles. Also, I've found that alleged entities can't really kill you from the mindscape, the main purpose of the battles seems to be to wear you down and befuddle you, making you easier to control. Even if you die in the mindscape, you can still return to your physical body and so the stakes aren't that high, but I think it's better to deal with them there instead of allowing them to phase into your physical reality. Of course, take all of this with a huge grain of salt, if my tips & tricks happen to work for you, then great, but your mileage will vary.

It's difficult to assign any objective value to these experiences because there are no third party witnesses to corroborate what occurred in the overwhelming majority of cases, so no one can really know. A lot of the symbology and depiction of the events occurring seems somewhat subjective to the participants involved. While it is my hypothesis that much of what I have described is sort of a preview of 4D realities, someone is going to have to know how to deal with this stuff after the transition occurs, it is as of yet untestable, which makes it worthless as far as this forum is concerned. While it makes for some interesting storytelling, I don't think a lot of people on this forum really care because it doesn't help you much in the here and now. It does open your mind to wider possibilities and maybe provide you with some subtle hints regarding the true nature of your reality, but it won't help you hold a job or generally navigate 3D life at its most basic functional levels. While these experiences are interesting to me, I'm not emotionally attached to them, I just let them happen and record them for later reflection. The paranormal is tricky, entities can make you see what they want you to see and make you believe what they want you to believe. You can do it to yourself too. For all I know, "mentor" was giving me a fun fantasy to play around in while he was collecting the emotional energy it generated. I consider this highly unlikely given the circumstances, but it is a possibility. In conclusion, ascribing this stuff to lightbody integration is an inductive leap which cannot be supported by evidence, although it cannot be totally disproven either.

Disclosure: I've never taken any illicit or psychotropic drugs (well, I did take a Xanax tablet once) and am kind of afraid to because my reality can get trippy enough as is.
I have problems with differentiation. You write that you were born a woman, also with female genitals. Then you write that you have had an operation. So removal of the uterus? Or what was operated on and why? If you make female hormones, the ovaries are still there. Since the ovaries are created, all female hormones are produced normally. It's just the reproductive organ that's missing. Or? Where should the reference to transgender be here? When I was 15, both of my ovaries were partially removed, which pretty much disturbed my hormonal balance. I lost my uterus to cancer much later. Ironically, I describe myself as transgender and the question would have to be asked personally for everyone. My parents allowed me to live out my interests from childhood and these were purely male-oriented. Of course, this direction was promoted by my father, who absolutely wanted to have a son but only had 3 daughters. My siblings are all "female". And I never feel wrong in my inner and outer expression. It is my core and my inner disposition to be like this and I live out what my core has deposited in my genetics. Of course I can also be a woman. Also the definition: symptoms of ascent are extremely questionable. Most of the symptoms discussed here are of a general nature and can either be assessed as general, as illness-related, as weather-related, as stress-related, as nutritional. If several people have these symptoms in the forum at the same time, you could consider it a certain sign but without reliability. I have had a strange symptom for myself since last year - a strong burning sensation on both temples combined with an extreme feeling of heat with emotional thoughts. There is no medical indication as it has been neurologically clarified. It came out of nowhere and remains to this day. I can only guess whether this is an ascent symptom - I can not know anything. That's why I rate physical symptoms rather little
I think the reason that this thread is not going the way you would like is because you are so sure that your symptoms are ascension related that you have established that as your starting point and are attempting to frame all of our responses to fit that narrative when we are not at all sure that is correct, or even a reasonable hypothesis. This is the same dynamic that occurred in some of the early sessions when Laura asked the Cassiopaeans questions that were loaded with assumptions and they got a bit snippy with her. The answer was never going to be exactly what she wanted to hear, and they end up dancing round and round each other having an incomplete dialog or the question became just plain unanswerable, depending on the severity of the assumptions. With this in mind, I would echo what others have said about diet, hormones, and the more prosaic explanations first. Also 99% of the time, running female software on male hardware is just asking for problems. You yourself admitted to how difficult and traumatic the transition is on the body in the transgenderism thread.

Now if you've investigated all of that and moved past it, which appears unlikely based on how you framed the question, I can see where these answers would be unsatisfactory to you and so I will give you a little of what you want. It turns out that I've had all of the symptoms that you've described at one point or another except for the "etheric body viewing," many of them years ago and some this year, and I haven't materially ascended to any degree. It is my opinion that these experiences are tests and trainings for 4D, and not ascension side effects, per se. The paranormal possibilities that hyperdimensional realities provide are subtle and only occur around the periphery of our reality, for the most part it is very solid and subject to fixed "natural laws," and so if you can't handle the occasional artefact that these realities create when they intersect with ours, you have no chance at all surviving in a reality where what we call paranormal is king. Also, there is a war going on on our planet between 4D STS and 4D STO. As far as their battles are concerned, we're just being dragged along with it until we reach 4D awareness, which in large part is what the war seems to be over, at which point we will become caught up in it. If your consciousness does not have the discipline of a warrior-ascetic, you will not survive, or you will get absorbed by 4D STS. Now with that in mind, I will go through your experiences, when they happened to me, and how I dealt with it.

Hot Flashes-2020 This occurred to me while I was watching some old episodes of Star Trek Deep Space 9. Now DS9 had always been my least favorite Star Trek, it didn't have near the exploration aspect that the others did and it seemed very political. The politics weren't even that interesting and seemed dry compared to something like Game of Thrones. I've kind of gotten my grandma turned on to sci-fi, but we had watched all of the series that I considered worthwhile up to this point, so I decided to revisit DS9 since I was now a lot older and could appreciate it more. Well, after about 10 episodes, it just wasn't happening. My boredom was creating this warm feeling that would bubble up from my legs and move into my head. On subsequent nights I skipped around, bypassing the most obviously boring episodes, and moved through a couple of seasons, occasionally finding a good episode, but overall I felt like I was wasting my time. One night, while I was on the fence about continuing, the warm feeling suddenly ignited and I had a "flash fever" somewhat reminiscent of a severe flu where it felt like I was going to burn out of my own skin and I almost passed out. I actually started sweating slightly. Now usually when I'm watching something intellectually stimulating I have this cool electrical feeling in my body/brain. It's like there was too much resistance building up in my energy system from doing something that I knew wasn't really in my best interest, and something overheated. I got the message and immediately ceased watching the program. The hot flashes ceased as well. Was it a message from the universe, or some 4D being giving me a poke or some future version myself, or some kind of subconscious feedback system? Maybe. Who knows? There was definitely a message and I took it to heart.

As for depression, yeah that comes and goes and I'm not going to go into any specific examples of that, some are posted here on the forum. I'd say it's related to the hot flashes and the severe, debilitating kind of depression that makes you want to die usually results from not doing something you should be doing and expanding your horizons; you're not putting enough into life and you become "stuck." All imbalances will be resolved one way or another, and you want to be the one who chooses how that's done rather than being subjected to the universal cleaning and recycling program.

Out of Body Experience-2009 This occurred after I was having a dream about gathering different "spirit essences," mainly from plants. I returned from my "shamanic journey" or at least I thought I did, but I was still dreaming. I saw some kind of greyish tunnel/wormhole in my wall and there was some sort of sound/signal be emitted through it that sounded kind of like a radio buzz/squeal. At some point after that my focus changed and I really did wake up, however I had this intense tingling sensation in my body. I realized that my vantage point was about a foot higher than it should be and that I was kind of floating. My post-sleep grogginess suddenly wore off and I frenetically thought, "Floating! Now what am I supposed to do? How can I exist in this state? What's happening?" Fear overtook me and then SNAP! Like a rubber band suddenly contracting back to its original shape I was back in my body and spent most of the next day wondering if that really happened. Fortunately there wasn't a wormhole in my wall or I probably would've lost it. I'm a bit disappointed that it hasn't happened since, because I will be more prepared for it next time and maybe have some fun with it, but such is life. So was the wormhole some kind of roadway for me to travel to the other realm where I was communing with plant spirits? Who knows, and it probably isn't that important. The main takeaway from these types of experiences is that it opens one's mind to unlimited possibilities, and maybe I won't be so lost in 4D if I ever get there.

Entity Visitations- Now this one depends on what your threshold is for such as a "visitation." I have three experiences here that I'll illustrate. 90% of dealing with these "visitations" is your state of mind.

Possession Attempt-2007 This is the only one I'm pretty sure was a real incursion, however it also happened in that in between waking and dream state, and carries that element of unreality to it. I was having a "dark man dream" where I was being chased by semi-solid amorphous shadowy humanoid creatures. In the dream there was a city which had risen out of the ocean near an island. I grabbed a boat and ran into some tunnels underneath the city. At some point I got kind of cornered and pulled some kind of grate off the floor, diving into it as a last desperate attempt to get away. Then the dream was interrupted, I heard a crash on the bathroom floor, but was sure no one was there because I was the only one who used that bathroom. I woke up, I think. An icy cold presence enveloped the room and then I felt it flood into my body and I felt myself slipping away. I decided to resist it. Once it felt my resistance my body started convulsing and I started some incoherent guttural babbling while my head was rolling back and forth. I kept trying to gain control of my body and tell it to f*ck off but all I could do is interrupt the babbling and move my mouth a bit. I snapped into another dream where I was inside a house at night with a storm raging. I could see the silhouettes of the shadowy humanoids circling around the house illuminated against the lightning. I decided to go outside and confront them. I basically ended up channeling and directing the lightning and zapping them all. The scene then snapped back to my bedroom and this time it was easier to interrupt the babbling and stop the convulsing. After a few rounds of babbling I finally managed to tell the thing to f*ck off and threatened to destroy it. I regained full control of my body and the cold field dissipated. Some time later I woke up for the final time, but felt kind of groggy and out of it like I didn't get that much sleep that night.

Alien Gym-2008 This one is similar to the last one in many ways, except not quite as intense. I was inside some type of military base, all of the rooms seemed to be made out of a smooth metal alloy and there were fiber optic looking controls. The place had a very Star Trek feel to it. At the front of the facility there were two or three entities that looked kind of like Greys, who were tagging people and sorting them into different categories. Now when the Greys appear in my dreams, I usually want to be some place that they aren't, because I find them creepy and not very fun to be around at all. This almost always results in some kind of fight or flight situation. So I only saw them for a moment and didn't pay too much attention to what they were doing. The facility was divided into a series of "gymnasiums," large rooms where people with different types of psychic abilities were congregating. The first one was the telepathy gym, where everyone was learning to talk telepathically and how to control it. I remember getting kind of annoyed by hearing everyone's thoughts and I left. The next one was electrokinesis, and I entertained myself with condensing orbs of energy out of the air and try to make them turn different colors. I walked into a few more; it turned out that whatever room I walked into I was able to learn the ability being studied after briefly interacting with the people there. Everything was fine until I walked into the telekinesis room. I was using telekinesis to fly around and apparently somehow ended up upsetting one of the aliens. The dream abruptly ended, maybe, and I found myself back in bed, but with severe sleep paralysis, I couldn't move, and I was tingling all over. I fought it, and was able to sort of flop out of bed and then stumble into the bathroom. On my way back to bed, I noted the time on the alarm clock, it was like 3:40, almost 4 in the morning. I immediately fell into another dream, I was in a deep dark misty forest, with a sort of pale yellowish shadowy light filtering through the trees. Everything had the curious feature of being two dimensional, like cardboard cutouts, and I found the place foreboding and moved quickly. Eventually, I encountered something resembling a dragon and attempted to conjure my lightning bolt on it, but the dream ended and I woke up, or not. I had sleep paralysis again, but felt a presence in the room and felt pinned to the bed. I felt this sharp coldness inside my body like something was reaching around in there. Fearing that it was some kind of incursion, I told it to f*ck off, at which point the icy dagger in my body became much more intense and I felt like it was squeezing my heart. There was an audible hiss, like a giant serpent standing next to the bed, but I could move my eyes around the room and nothing was there. I fell asleep again, or woke up, by this time it was becoming hard to tell. I was in bed, no sleep paralysis, and the alarm clock read just a few minutes before 2AM. So, was I dreaming earlier that it was 4, or was I dreaming now that it was 2? I was too tired to care and went back to sleep or...something. The next thing that happened was that I was paralyzed again along with Hissy, who was doing his thing and I once again expressed my displeasure. I blacked out again and woke up (not really) and stared at the alarm clock and saw that it was almost 11:30. I was going to be late for class. Finally I woke up for real this time partially paralyzed, with a lingering tightness in the chest from where Hissy had grabbed it. It was now 9AM. The feelings quickly subsided and I took a walk outside the apartment and was able to go about the rest of my day without any more time skips. Other than feeling drained and like I hadn't really gotten any sleep like the previous experience, I was really no worse for wear. By this time I was extremely familiar with missing time and alien abduction and how higher dimensions kind of violate causality and I wondered if that's what had really happened. Hissy was more annoying than frightening, and I found the whole thing rather exciting once I became reanchored in 3D reality.

Realm Traveling Mentor 2018- I dreamed that I was standing in a misty grey void. Some sort of humanoid coalesced out of the mist and asked (telepathically) if I wanted to come with him. If you can imagine a man made out of mist, a bit blurry and without distinct features, occasionally flickering a bit, that is what he looked like. I agreed to come with him; it was better than standing in this somewhere-in-between place with no frame of reference and nothing to do. I could feel some kind of intense mental energy coming from him and suddenly found myself inside a black sphere that paradoxically seemed infinite and infinitesimal at the same time. Inside this space you could not really move relative to the sphere, you could only look at it and experience its "aroundness." On the "interior surface" of the sphere were all of these neon lights and colors, waves intersecting with each other and vibrating around. I could feel the entity focus on a particular part of the sphere and suddenly we were drawn into one of the colors which "opened up" into a whole physical universe; stars and planets rushed around me until we popped out a few feet over a field and my feet gracefully floated down onto the grass. This whole process of being projected out of the sphere took maybe half a second. We took a short walk (more like a float really) over to his village which was situated on the bank of a lake that was smooth as glass and almost mirror-like in appearance. It really wasn't much to look at honestly, a few huts with some purposefully placed driftwood and a curious abundance of stones neatly organized into different patterns. Another oddity I noticed was was with the trees, they all seemed blurred together into one entity, yet there was still a sense of manyness. A fairly thick white mist covered the lake and surrounding area and other mist beings were milling about. This lake seemed to be the center of their domain and I got the impression that they were nature spirits. The whole place had a simple, raw, and primal feel to it. At some point the guy I was following mentioned "the fisherman" and I became rather curious how a mist being goes about fishing. He told me that he was out on the lake and I stepped out into the water, except that the surface tension was enough to hold me up. It was at this point I looked down and realized I had a mist body too. I walked into the mist and become surrounded by it, with the lake underneath my feet. Shortly thereafter, I emerged at a rather ordinary dinghy with a mist being who was holding an ornately carved stick. I looked into his boat and saw the "fish." They appeared to be like rough gemstones, except they had an iridescent glow and intermittently emitted faint rays of light. They had a generally fishlike appearance, but were more like crystals which had grown together in the shape of a fish.

Some time later my "mentor" informed me that he had to travel to a human realm in order to gather some sort of information. It was determined that I should come along. We began floating up into the sky several hundred feet above the lake and we were looking down upon the mist beings' pristine green world with unbroken water and forests in every direction. He told me to summon the black sphere as that was the quickest way to get there. We would need to materialize human bodies around ourselves because we could not interact with them in our current state. I was apprehensive about all of this because I didn't really know what I was doing. He told me all I really needed was my mind. At some point, the sphere appeared somewhat unexpectedly, and I felt myself being pulled through another one of the color streams. We materialized in an alley, complete with wardrobe, and my mentor had transformed into a handsome and muscular middle-aged man. The city had a convoluted and discordant vibe, which made it seem like it really wasn't a good place to be and I would have rather stayed on the mist world. There were cobblestone streets and gas lamps, kind of neoclassical architecture and no cars to speak of. It felt like I was in Europe in 1910, but certain architectural details seemed off, like it was a parallel universe or something. We walked up to three women who were busy gossiping about these fancy new purses they had just bought. My mentor had put on the persona of being a jovial old chatterbox, but I wasn't particularly interested in their conversation and just drifted away. I can't remember much happening after that. When I woke up I thought it was a really interesting and vivid dream and hoped there would be an episode 2 so I could learn what happened, but there was never a continuation of that particular story. So what was it? It's another one of those take it or leave it type things.

If you're being attacked by entities, it seems that they often have to traverse some kind of "mindscape," which we experience as a dreamworld, in order to get to you. You can intercept them in the mindscape and do battle with them if necessary; what you can do is primarily limited by your state of awareness, and to a lesser extent the specific environment you find yourself in. I rarely enter the mindscape with my full conscious awareness, it is usually some diminished portion of myself with a fixed amount of energy, but enough to have some idea what is going on and how I dealt with sticky situations in other dreams. It seems to require a constant steady flow of energy to maintain one's physical form in the mindscape, which disintegrates after it is depleted and ejects you from the dream. Using any special powers accelerates your energy consumption dramtically, and you want to try to focus energy that is latent in the environment, which is nearly infinite, instead of depleting your own. The environment will respond to your thoughts, if there are boulders, use telekinesis to hurl them, concentrate energy out of the air and fashion it into a white lightning bolt over the target, etc. You can project energy barriers out of your hands and use telekinesis and teleportation to dodge projectiles. My expereince is that entities, assuming they're even real which I'll get to in a moment, suddenly become a whole lot more cautious when they realize they're dealing with something that can fight back. In fact the 2007 experience was the last one which I felt was really scary, and in the past 5 years I've only had a few minor scuffles. Also, I've found that alleged entities can't really kill you from the mindscape, the main purpose of the battles seems to be to wear you down and befuddle you, making you easier to control. Even if you die in the mindscape, you can still return to your physical body and so the stakes aren't that high, but I think it's better to deal with them there instead of allowing them to phase into your physical reality. Of course, take all of this with a huge grain of salt, if my tips & tricks happen to work for you, then great, but your mileage will vary.

It's difficult to assign any objective value to these experiences because there are no third party witnesses to corroborate what occurred in the overwhelming majority of cases, so no one can really know. A lot of the symbology and depiction of the events occurring seems somewhat subjective to the participants involved. While it is my hypothesis that much of what I have described is sort of a preview of 4D realities, someone is going to have to know how to deal with this stuff after the transition occurs, it is as of yet untestable, which makes it worthless as far as this forum is concerned. While it makes for some interesting storytelling, I don't think a lot of people on this forum really care because it doesn't help you much in the here and now. It does open your mind to wider possibilities and maybe provide you with some subtle hints regarding the true nature of your reality, but it won't help you hold a job or generally navigate 3D life at its most basic functional levels. While these experiences are interesting to me, I'm not emotionally attached to them, I just let them happen and record them for later reflection. The paranormal is tricky, entities can make you see what they want you to see and make you believe what they want you to believe. You can do it to yourself too. For all I know, "mentor" was giving me a fun fantasy to play around in while he was collecting the emotional energy it generated. I consider this highly unlikely given the circumstances, but it is a possibility. In conclusion, ascribing this stuff to lightbody integration is an inductive leap which cannot be supported by evidence, although it cannot be totally disproven either.

Disclosure: I've never taken any illicit or psychotropic drugs (well, I did take a Xanax tablet once) and am kind of afraid to because my reality can get trippy enough as is.
I resonate with your post, and I think your "intuition" serves you "well".🤔
Hi Shirannah,

I am happy you are reaching out for feedback and I hope my 2cents will be helpful.

Whenever a patient came in with weird symptoms plus had normal blood, urine or other clinical tests it always boiled down to fatigue.

The best way to understand fatigue is to think of it as having your energy credit card maxed out and your bank balance only able to pay the essential bills. Not bankrupt but not able to spend either.

You will have to make sleeping, especially the stage 4 sleep, your priority. To improve your sleeping, you’ll need to do aerobic exercises to flush your blood with fresh air. If you’re not sleeping well, you’re not exercising well.

Stages of Sleep: Your Complete Guide

The body and brain do not function normally while in the fatigue state so weird is what you get from a poorly functioning body/brain. The body/brain has the behavior pattern of a 3yr old child. All you have to do is watch a tired 3yr old for 15 minutes to understand what your body/brain is doing when you are fatigued.

The current level of sleep deprivation among adults is about 24hrs. It usually takes 2 years to recover for said deprivation so do not expect your recovery to be quick, and it may be longer.

Your diet and supplementation will not be as effective while you are dealing with this fatigue. However, as your energy improves then the benefits from your diet and supplementation will also improve.

Bottom-line: sleep deeper & more aerobic exercises.
I was reading more of the wave earlier (chapter 22) and the C's said something not unlike Neil's eloquent post above:

"The problem with these questions is that they attempt to construct the beginning at the middle: presumptuous!! If one truly wishes to learn, one must be open to all possibilities."

Now the context is slightly different but the meaning is clear. In your case, Shirannah, you would be better served by exploring this with an open mind rather than with the presumption that it is 'extreme ascension symptoms'.

I wish you well.
I think the reason that this thread is not going the way you would like is because you are so sure that your symptoms are ascension related that you have established that as your starting point and are attempting to frame all of our responses to fit that narrative when we are not at all sure that is correct, or even a reasonable hypothesis. This is the same dynamic that occurred in some of the early sessions when Laura asked the Cassiopaeans questions that were loaded with assumptions and they got a bit snippy with her. The answer was never going to be exactly what she wanted to hear, and they end up dancing round and round each other having an incomplete dialog or the question became just plain unanswerable, depending on the severity of the assumptions. With this in mind, I would echo what others have said about diet, hormones, and the more prosaic explanations first. Also 99% of the time, running female software on male hardware is just asking for problems. You yourself admitted to how difficult and traumatic the transition is on the body in the transgenderism thread.

Now if you've investigated all of that and moved past it, which appears unlikely based on how you framed the question, I can see where these answers would be unsatisfactory to you and so I will give you a little of what you want. It turns out that I've had all of the symptoms that you've described at one point or another except for the "etheric body viewing," many of them years ago and some this year, and I haven't materially ascended to any degree. It is my opinion that these experiences are tests and trainings for 4D, and not ascension side effects, per se. The paranormal possibilities that hyperdimensional realities provide are subtle and only occur around the periphery of our reality, for the most part it is very solid and subject to fixed "natural laws," and so if you can't handle the occasional artefact that these realities create when they intersect with ours, you have no chance at all surviving in a reality where what we call paranormal is king. Also, there is a war going on on our planet between 4D STS and 4D STO. As far as their battles are concerned, we're just being dragged along with it until we reach 4D awareness, which in large part is what the war seems to be over, at which point we will become caught up in it. If your consciousness does not have the discipline of a warrior-ascetic, you will not survive, or you will get absorbed by 4D STS. Now with that in mind, I will go through your experiences, when they happened to me, and how I dealt with it.

Hot Flashes-2020 This occurred to me while I was watching some old episodes of Star Trek Deep Space 9. Now DS9 had always been my least favorite Star Trek, it didn't have near the exploration aspect that the others did and it seemed very political. The politics weren't even that interesting and seemed dry compared to something like Game of Thrones. I've kind of gotten my grandma turned on to sci-fi, but we had watched all of the series that I considered worthwhile up to this point, so I decided to revisit DS9 since I was now a lot older and could appreciate it more. Well, after about 10 episodes, it just wasn't happening. My boredom was creating this warm feeling that would bubble up from my legs and move into my head. On subsequent nights I skipped around, bypassing the most obviously boring episodes, and moved through a couple of seasons, occasionally finding a good episode, but overall I felt like I was wasting my time. One night, while I was on the fence about continuing, the warm feeling suddenly ignited and I had a "flash fever" somewhat reminiscent of a severe flu where it felt like I was going to burn out of my own skin and I almost passed out. I actually started sweating slightly. Now usually when I'm watching something intellectually stimulating I have this cool electrical feeling in my body/brain. It's like there was too much resistance building up in my energy system from doing something that I knew wasn't really in my best interest, and something overheated. I got the message and immediately ceased watching the program. The hot flashes ceased as well. Was it a message from the universe, or some 4D being giving me a poke or some future version myself, or some kind of subconscious feedback system? Maybe. Who knows? There was definitely a message and I took it to heart.

As for depression, yeah that comes and goes and I'm not going to go into any specific examples of that, some are posted here on the forum. I'd say it's related to the hot flashes and the severe, debilitating kind of depression that makes you want to die usually results from not doing something you should be doing and expanding your horizons; you're not putting enough into life and you become "stuck." All imbalances will be resolved one way or another, and you want to be the one who chooses how that's done rather than being subjected to the universal cleaning and recycling program.

Out of Body Experience-2009 This occurred after I was having a dream about gathering different "spirit essences," mainly from plants. I returned from my "shamanic journey" or at least I thought I did, but I was still dreaming. I saw some kind of greyish tunnel/wormhole in my wall and there was some sort of sound/signal be emitted through it that sounded kind of like a radio buzz/squeal. At some point after that my focus changed and I really did wake up, however I had this intense tingling sensation in my body. I realized that my vantage point was about a foot higher than it should be and that I was kind of floating. My post-sleep grogginess suddenly wore off and I frenetically thought, "Floating! Now what am I supposed to do? How can I exist in this state? What's happening?" Fear overtook me and then SNAP! Like a rubber band suddenly contracting back to its original shape I was back in my body and spent most of the next day wondering if that really happened. Fortunately there wasn't a wormhole in my wall or I probably would've lost it. I'm a bit disappointed that it hasn't happened since, because I will be more prepared for it next time and maybe have some fun with it, but such is life. So was the wormhole some kind of roadway for me to travel to the other realm where I was communing with plant spirits? Who knows, and it probably isn't that important. The main takeaway from these types of experiences is that it opens one's mind to unlimited possibilities, and maybe I won't be so lost in 4D if I ever get there.

Entity Visitations- Now this one depends on what your threshold is for such as a "visitation." I have three experiences here that I'll illustrate. 90% of dealing with these "visitations" is your state of mind.

Possession Attempt-2007 This is the only one I'm pretty sure was a real incursion, however it also happened in that in between waking and dream state, and carries that element of unreality to it. I was having a "dark man dream" where I was being chased by semi-solid amorphous shadowy humanoid creatures. In the dream there was a city which had risen out of the ocean near an island. I grabbed a boat and ran into some tunnels underneath the city. At some point I got kind of cornered and pulled some kind of grate off the floor, diving into it as a last desperate attempt to get away. Then the dream was interrupted, I heard a crash on the bathroom floor, but was sure no one was there because I was the only one who used that bathroom. I woke up, I think. An icy cold presence enveloped the room and then I felt it flood into my body and I felt myself slipping away. I decided to resist it. Once it felt my resistance my body started convulsing and I started some incoherent guttural babbling while my head was rolling back and forth. I kept trying to gain control of my body and tell it to f*ck off but all I could do is interrupt the babbling and move my mouth a bit. I snapped into another dream where I was inside a house at night with a storm raging. I could see the silhouettes of the shadowy humanoids circling around the house illuminated against the lightning. I decided to go outside and confront them. I basically ended up channeling and directing the lightning and zapping them all. The scene then snapped back to my bedroom and this time it was easier to interrupt the babbling and stop the convulsing. After a few rounds of babbling I finally managed to tell the thing to f*ck off and threatened to destroy it. I regained full control of my body and the cold field dissipated. Some time later I woke up for the final time, but felt kind of groggy and out of it like I didn't get that much sleep that night.

Alien Gym-2008 This one is similar to the last one in many ways, except not quite as intense. I was inside some type of military base, all of the rooms seemed to be made out of a smooth metal alloy and there were fiber optic looking controls. The place had a very Star Trek feel to it. At the front of the facility there were two or three entities that looked kind of like Greys, who were tagging people and sorting them into different categories. Now when the Greys appear in my dreams, I usually want to be some place that they aren't, because I find them creepy and not very fun to be around at all. This almost always results in some kind of fight or flight situation. So I only saw them for a moment and didn't pay too much attention to what they were doing. The facility was divided into a series of "gymnasiums," large rooms where people with different types of psychic abilities were congregating. The first one was the telepathy gym, where everyone was learning to talk telepathically and how to control it. I remember getting kind of annoyed by hearing everyone's thoughts and I left. The next one was electrokinesis, and I entertained myself with condensing orbs of energy out of the air and try to make them turn different colors. I walked into a few more; it turned out that whatever room I walked into I was able to learn the ability being studied after briefly interacting with the people there. Everything was fine until I walked into the telekinesis room. I was using telekinesis to fly around and apparently somehow ended up upsetting one of the aliens. The dream abruptly ended, maybe, and I found myself back in bed, but with severe sleep paralysis, I couldn't move, and I was tingling all over. I fought it, and was able to sort of flop out of bed and then stumble into the bathroom. On my way back to bed, I noted the time on the alarm clock, it was like 3:40, almost 4 in the morning. I immediately fell into another dream, I was in a deep dark misty forest, with a sort of pale yellowish shadowy light filtering through the trees. Everything had the curious feature of being two dimensional, like cardboard cutouts, and I found the place foreboding and moved quickly. Eventually, I encountered something resembling a dragon and attempted to conjure my lightning bolt on it, but the dream ended and I woke up, or not. I had sleep paralysis again, but felt a presence in the room and felt pinned to the bed. I felt this sharp coldness inside my body like something was reaching around in there. Fearing that it was some kind of incursion, I told it to f*ck off, at which point the icy dagger in my body became much more intense and I felt like it was squeezing my heart. There was an audible hiss, like a giant serpent standing next to the bed, but I could move my eyes around the room and nothing was there. I fell asleep again, or woke up, by this time it was becoming hard to tell. I was in bed, no sleep paralysis, and the alarm clock read just a few minutes before 2AM. So, was I dreaming earlier that it was 4, or was I dreaming now that it was 2? I was too tired to care and went back to sleep or...something. The next thing that happened was that I was paralyzed again along with Hissy, who was doing his thing and I once again expressed my displeasure. I blacked out again and woke up (not really) and stared at the alarm clock and saw that it was almost 11:30. I was going to be late for class. Finally I woke up for real this time partially paralyzed, with a lingering tightness in the chest from where Hissy had grabbed it. It was now 9AM. The feelings quickly subsided and I took a walk outside the apartment and was able to go about the rest of my day without any more time skips. Other than feeling drained and like I hadn't really gotten any sleep like the previous experience, I was really no worse for wear. By this time I was extremely familiar with missing time and alien abduction and how higher dimensions kind of violate causality and I wondered if that's what had really happened. Hissy was more annoying than frightening, and I found the whole thing rather exciting once I became reanchored in 3D reality.

Realm Traveling Mentor 2018- I dreamed that I was standing in a misty grey void. Some sort of humanoid coalesced out of the mist and asked (telepathically) if I wanted to come with him. If you can imagine a man made out of mist, a bit blurry and without distinct features, occasionally flickering a bit, that is what he looked like. I agreed to come with him; it was better than standing in this somewhere-in-between place with no frame of reference and nothing to do. I could feel some kind of intense mental energy coming from him and suddenly found myself inside a black sphere that paradoxically seemed infinite and infinitesimal at the same time. Inside this space you could not really move relative to the sphere, you could only look at it and experience its "aroundness." On the "interior surface" of the sphere were all of these neon lights and colors, waves intersecting with each other and vibrating around. I could feel the entity focus on a particular part of the sphere and suddenly we were drawn into one of the colors which "opened up" into a whole physical universe; stars and planets rushed around me until we popped out a few feet over a field and my feet gracefully floated down onto the grass. This whole process of being projected out of the sphere took maybe half a second. We took a short walk (more like a float really) over to his village which was situated on the bank of a lake that was smooth as glass and almost mirror-like in appearance. It really wasn't much to look at honestly, a few huts with some purposefully placed driftwood and a curious abundance of stones neatly organized into different patterns. Another oddity I noticed was was with the trees, they all seemed blurred together into one entity, yet there was still a sense of manyness. A fairly thick white mist covered the lake and surrounding area and other mist beings were milling about. This lake seemed to be the center of their domain and I got the impression that they were nature spirits. The whole place had a simple, raw, and primal feel to it. At some point the guy I was following mentioned "the fisherman" and I became rather curious how a mist being goes about fishing. He told me that he was out on the lake and I stepped out into the water, except that the surface tension was enough to hold me up. It was at this point I looked down and realized I had a mist body too. I walked into the mist and become surrounded by it, with the lake underneath my feet. Shortly thereafter, I emerged at a rather ordinary dinghy with a mist being who was holding an ornately carved stick. I looked into his boat and saw the "fish." They appeared to be like rough gemstones, except they had an iridescent glow and intermittently emitted faint rays of light. They had a generally fishlike appearance, but were more like crystals which had grown together in the shape of a fish.

Some time later my "mentor" informed me that he had to travel to a human realm in order to gather some sort of information. It was determined that I should come along. We began floating up into the sky several hundred feet above the lake and we were looking down upon the mist beings' pristine green world with unbroken water and forests in every direction. He told me to summon the black sphere as that was the quickest way to get there. We would need to materialize human bodies around ourselves because we could not interact with them in our current state. I was apprehensive about all of this because I didn't really know what I was doing. He told me all I really needed was my mind. At some point, the sphere appeared somewhat unexpectedly, and I felt myself being pulled through another one of the color streams. We materialized in an alley, complete with wardrobe, and my mentor had transformed into a handsome and muscular middle-aged man. The city had a convoluted and discordant vibe, which made it seem like it really wasn't a good place to be and I would have rather stayed on the mist world. There were cobblestone streets and gas lamps, kind of neoclassical architecture and no cars to speak of. It felt like I was in Europe in 1910, but certain architectural details seemed off, like it was a parallel universe or something. We walked up to three women who were busy gossiping about these fancy new purses they had just bought. My mentor had put on the persona of being a jovial old chatterbox, but I wasn't particularly interested in their conversation and just drifted away. I can't remember much happening after that. When I woke up I thought it was a really interesting and vivid dream and hoped there would be an episode 2 so I could learn what happened, but there was never a continuation of that particular story. So what was it? It's another one of those take it or leave it type things.

If you're being attacked by entities, it seems that they often have to traverse some kind of "mindscape," which we experience as a dreamworld, in order to get to you. You can intercept them in the mindscape and do battle with them if necessary; what you can do is primarily limited by your state of awareness, and to a lesser extent the specific environment you find yourself in. I rarely enter the mindscape with my full conscious awareness, it is usually some diminished portion of myself with a fixed amount of energy, but enough to have some idea what is going on and how I dealt with sticky situations in other dreams. It seems to require a constant steady flow of energy to maintain one's physical form in the mindscape, which disintegrates after it is depleted and ejects you from the dream. Using any special powers accelerates your energy consumption dramtically, and you want to try to focus energy that is latent in the environment, which is nearly infinite, instead of depleting your own. The environment will respond to your thoughts, if there are boulders, use telekinesis to hurl them, concentrate energy out of the air and fashion it into a white lightning bolt over the target, etc. You can project energy barriers out of your hands and use telekinesis and teleportation to dodge projectiles. My expereince is that entities, assuming they're even real which I'll get to in a moment, suddenly become a whole lot more cautious when they realize they're dealing with something that can fight back. In fact the 2007 experience was the last one which I felt was really scary, and in the past 5 years I've only had a few minor scuffles. Also, I've found that alleged entities can't really kill you from the mindscape, the main purpose of the battles seems to be to wear you down and befuddle you, making you easier to control. Even if you die in the mindscape, you can still return to your physical body and so the stakes aren't that high, but I think it's better to deal with them there instead of allowing them to phase into your physical reality. Of course, take all of this with a huge grain of salt, if my tips & tricks happen to work for you, then great, but your mileage will vary.

It's difficult to assign any objective value to these experiences because there are no third party witnesses to corroborate what occurred in the overwhelming majority of cases, so no one can really know. A lot of the symbology and depiction of the events occurring seems somewhat subjective to the participants involved. While it is my hypothesis that much of what I have described is sort of a preview of 4D realities, someone is going to have to know how to deal with this stuff after the transition occurs, it is as of yet untestable, which makes it worthless as far as this forum is concerned. While it makes for some interesting storytelling, I don't think a lot of people on this forum really care because it doesn't help you much in the here and now. It does open your mind to wider possibilities and maybe provide you with some subtle hints regarding the true nature of your reality, but it won't help you hold a job or generally navigate 3D life at its most basic functional levels. While these experiences are interesting to me, I'm not emotionally attached to them, I just let them happen and record them for later reflection. The paranormal is tricky, entities can make you see what they want you to see and make you believe what they want you to believe. You can do it to yourself too. For all I know, "mentor" was giving me a fun fantasy to play around in while he was collecting the emotional energy it generated. I consider this highly unlikely given the circumstances, but it is a possibility. In conclusion, ascribing this stuff to lightbody integration is an inductive leap which cannot be supported by evidence, although it cannot be totally disproven either.

Disclosure: I've never taken any illicit or psychotropic drugs (well, I did take a Xanax tablet once) and am kind of afraid to because my reality can get trippy enough as is.
Yes good post.
I too have had glimpses at what could be 4D reality, but also know that my mind is tricky territory to negotiate.
I think the important thing everyone is saying is to not become attached to an expectation of what the experience is. Be critical and a disciplined thinker and then Think!
I have started to understand which of my experiences is a distraction from what’s real and which experiences contain information and insights. To sum it up when I have had a fully conscious experience that I think “wow that’s cool” then I can trust it more. The floaty buzzy ones I am very careful about letting myself get carried away with. They are seductive, even for want of a better word, orgasmic, and feel like some kind of high (never done drugs in my life). I am watchful of those because sometimes I feel myself dissociating from my body in a blissful state. The last time it happened I pulled myself out, tread carefully friends.... stay alert.
Hi people
Since the beginning of january, untill now i keep have extreme ascension/lightbody integration symptoms.
Extreme hot and cold flashes. Flu like symptoms, but i never got sick.
It feels like dying in the body. And depression hitting me 1 month ago. The strange and odd feeling like snapping out of the body for a second.
Extreme hunger which flows from not being hungry at all. Now i had such symptoms for the last 2 years...but ohh boy but never on such a horrible scale like this. I also started a ketosis diet in january did that for 2 months like being thrown into the pits of hell 😂 But it never went away.
Strange sensations over the body, including having visions seeing and reading my etheric body. Getting massive spirit visitations.
Like the kundalini being kicked online, Please is anyone else having these extreme feelings and visions? help!!

Shirannah, I had included you in my early morning Prayer Vigil after reading your Post above and detecting "real deep seeded stress and confusion" - which I first interpreted "as a state of delirium". I apologize - I read "the signs" wrong! What started out as "a Prayer for Protection and Guidance" on your behalf, has evolved into several sessions of deep meditative thought over the past few days. I feel, I have a better understanding - what you have been going through?

Before I go into a brief description of what I perceive ... I want to send you a gentle Hug and a Golden Heart 💛 for courage. As the C's have expressed, "Nobody is a Nobody" - the development of each Soul Essence is nurtured from the Spiritual realm. We never walk alone.

Notice the theme of "opposites" in the Post above. This dual polarity runs through your narrative in your responses - not only in this Thread but in the Transgender Thread, as well. The Mind-Body is in conflict because "the Spirit - Soul Essence" has not been fully integrated into the physical body (not fully grounded - seeded).

Let me try to explain myself in simpler terms. To fully experience lessons in 3D Earth, we need to incarnate as both, a male and a female, separately, to begin the integration of the masculine and feminine qualities. The full embodiment of Mind-Body-Spirit, in perfect harmony, is what "ascends the Soul" to the next level.

What I suspect, Shirannah, is that you have lived several lifetimes "as female" in close succession, creating an imbalance and now, in this incarnation, you were born Male - to help bridge the gap and bring balance to the energies? The extreme desire "to be Female" is embedded in your DNA and cell memory but strong Male testosterone levels are running throughout your body. Normally, we would be prompted to work with the male energies. As the body matured into adulthood, the testosterone levels would be the strongest, strengthening the Mind-Body (and Spirit) connection.

Surgical intervention and Hormone replacement therapy changed the dynamics. There is an internal physical battle between the Endocrine system, neurons in the brain and the Pituitary Glands. It's easy to imagine the conflict going on in the mind, due to cross signals and the Hormones veering for chemical dominance in the brain.

Hormones: Communication between the Brain and the Body

While the nervous system uses neurotransmitters as its chemical signals, the endocrine system uses hormones. The endocrine system works in large part by acting on neurons in the brain, which controls the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland secretes factors into the blood that act on the endocrine glands to either increase or decrease hormone production. This is referred to as a feedback loop, and it involves communication from the brain to the pituitary to an endocrine gland and back to the brain.
This system is very important for the activation and control of basic behavioral activities, such as sex; emotion; responses to stress; and eating, drinking, and the regulation of body functions, including growth, reproduction, energy use, and metabolism. The way the brain responds to hormones indicates that the brain is very malleable and capable of responding to environmental signals.

I'm not sure, what would be the best solution or therapy that would help neutralize the symptoms being experienced? Maybe other's
could offer some suggestions? What comes to mind, maybe acknowledging "the Male-part-of-self" and using "it's strength" in over riding the Female persistence to fully "dominate" - so there would be a some what equal exchange of the energies that control the body? I'm open for suggestions?
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