
Thanks for the link drygol ! I'm not on the facebook and a lot of my friends are always trying to convince me to join. Now I'll send them
that link in hopes that they be more aware and quit bugging me! ;)
SilverJeep said:
I will say this, I've re-connected with a lot of people I haven't seen in 20 years or more. Some good friends that I drifted away from but now can count on.

It's a great way to see what's going on with a lot of people, without having to spend a lot of time on the phone.


FB can be a nice way to find people again, but it's quite silly how all that searching goes through personal information filled in by people - if *I* can track down a person I went to school with 10 years ago, then I don't want to know how easy it is for 'organisations' to get access to your personal information, whereabouts and of course, 'what are you doing right now' s.

I do have a FB, but there's practically nothing on there - I use it every now and then for messages from my Japanese teachers (who solely swear by FB communication, quite frustrating!).
Facebook hits 500 million users:

It does seem to me that facebook is part of the big brother world and is more of a tool for corporations to
keep track of employees. Wanting people to behave in ways that fit the company rather then what the individual needs.


'Ill' worker fired over Facebook

A Swiss woman has lost her job after her employers spotted she was using the Facebook website when she had claimed to be too ill to use a computer.

The unnamed woman was suffering a migraine and had told her employer, Nationale Suisse, she needed to lie in a darkened room.

The company said its discovery that she was also using Facebook destroyed its trust in her and prompted her sacking.

But the woman told a Swiss newspaper she was innocent.

The woman, who is from Basle, said she had been accessing the internet on her iPhone while in bed.

She said she did not believe the company's assertion that a colleague had inadvertently noticed her using Facebook, accusing it instead of spying on her.

She said the company had created a fictitious Facebook persona which become "friends" with her, allowing the company to monitor her online activity.

Her suspicions were raised when the "friend" suddenly disappeared after she was fired, the woman told 20 Minuten daily.

But the company says it followed a simple logic: that those who are well enough to use Facebook with a migraine are well enough to work with a migraine.

It is not the first time Facebook has been involved in a workplace controversy. Some companies have banned it altogether, while others have fired employees over statements they make about work while online.

This reminds me just how much they don't see employees as humans beings.
Just a heads up. There's a fb site called Mom jailed after uploading this drug photo of her baby. When I clicked on the link to see what this was all about (because several friends had it on their pages), it asks you a couple of questions to make sure you're human. It then shows a disturbing pic of a baby smoking something. At the same time, with no warning, it posts the link automatically to your page as if you're promoting it.
truth seeker said:
Just a heads up. There's a fb site called Mom jailed after uploading this drug photo of her baby. When I clicked on the link to see what this was all about (because several friends had it on their pages), it asks you a couple of questions to make sure you're human. It then shows a disturbing pic of a baby smoking something. At the same time, with no warning, it posts the link automatically to your page as if you're promoting it.

Thanks for the heads up truth seeker. I saw this too, but didn't click on it because it sounded somewhat dubious.
just a small update on what is going on with FB on seclists :)

RyanX said:
truth seeker said:
Just a heads up. There's a fb site called Mom jailed after uploading this drug photo of her baby. When I clicked on the link to see what this was all about (because several friends had it on their pages), it asks you a couple of questions to make sure you're human. It then shows a disturbing pic of a baby smoking something. At the same time, with no warning, it posts the link automatically to your page as if you're promoting it.

Thanks for the heads up truth seeker. I saw this too, but didn't click on it because it sounded somewhat dubious.

the way people are dumping their private stuff on facebook, it is more sounding like un conscious act rather than conscious act with critical thinking. Nothing surprising , when they sold useless, poisonous un necessary crap on credit for hundreads of years for billions of people.
Another violation of F.B

"To continue, we need you to provide your phone number. This quick security check helps keep Facebook a community of real people who connect and share using their real identities."

The facebook now calls phone number to verify the identity of the person. This does not amount to violation of privacy? When checking my account automatically F.B send me a code to my phone, to acces to my count F.B. The detail is that Venezuela does not appear in the list (Not is a rare thing) now if facebook violates the privacy of the location of a person, we are now going to be located directly by the cell phone? .. interesting. I can not enter to my count, until I not give them my phone number. :thdown:

Given that the technologies are now being placed on purpose as gold waiting to be found "Be closer to your friends and if you're in another country in the world, find out where they are so they are more united"

Despite having a button that says "Or use a different verification method", There not is another window that leads to "other option".
What sums up facebook for me.
An old ex-gf of mine was on phone complaining about her life, and saying she only had one real friend she could rely on - and that even she was being unfair to her.
I looked on her facebook page, and she had 500 'friends' and was telling everyone how great life was.

I have one 3D friend who tells me to join to keep in touch with all the latest 'awareness info'. He says hes fed up of being scared, and will freely spread info over facebook and that 'they' are feeling threatened by this. Ive never laughed so hard before.

I love that 'being aware' is seen as being powerful! Ill remember to tell that to the school geek whos getting bullied. " you know if your aware that your getting punched in your face, it stops it mate!".
Hi melatonin,

Have you read the Wave Series or any of the works of G.I. Gurdjieff?
Hi anart,

Ive bought a cd-rom with all Gurdeffs work on, and similar stuff. Will be reading it when i have the time. And im awaiting delivery of the wave (1st one).
Do not have a FB account and have been considering and reading here about the pitfalls and such, and in the Post 'FB must die'. Remembered articles concerning an alternative called 'Diaspora' and reviewed the references there and here. From what can be gathered, this was scheduled to come online in September.

Being that it is November and not catching any new references here or elsewhere, other than it apparently released source codes in September - is this something that one should hold off and see what develops, will it be a good alternative to FB?

Thanks :)
Here's the latest news from Diaspora Parallax;

Diaspora said:
29 October 2010

Hey Everyone,

Diaspora is getting better every day. Here are some of the features we’ve added over the last month:

* Public messages are can now be posted to Twitter and Facebook
* Friends can now be in multiple aspects
* Re-sharing of status messages to aspects other than the one originally posted to
* An invite system for inviting your friends not hip to Diaspora yet
* Email notifications on new friend request and acceptance
* Account data is exportable
* A more friendly “getting started” experience

Our basic feature set is almost done. Once that is stable, we’ll set up an alpha server so that anyone, not just developers, can try Diaspora and help us improve it. We’re shooting to do this before Thanksgiving.

Developers, if you haven’t already, please join the google group as I will be posting a more technical update in the next couple of days.


Ilya + Maxwell, Daniel, Raphael

I personally can't wait to check it out myself but it seems as if it might still be some time.
Pete02 said:
Here's the latest news from Diaspora Parallax;

Diaspora said:
29 October 2010

Hey Everyone,

Diaspora is getting better every day. Here are some of the features we’ve added over the last month:

* Public messages are can now be posted to Twitter and Facebook
* Friends can now be in multiple aspects
* Re-sharing of status messages to aspects other than the one originally posted to
* An invite system for inviting your friends not hip to Diaspora yet
* Email notifications on new friend request and acceptance
* Account data is exportable
* A more friendly “getting started” experience

Our basic feature set is almost done. Once that is stable, we’ll set up an alpha server so that anyone, not just developers, can try Diaspora and help us improve it. We’re shooting to do this before Thanksgiving.

Developers, if you haven’t already, please join the google group as I will be posting a more technical update in the next couple of days.


Ilya + Maxwell, Daniel, Raphael

I personally can't wait to check it out myself but it seems as if it might still be some time.

Well thank you Pete02 :), sounds like perhaps I should wait to see what happens, and let those here who know evaluate things before jumping in to either choice.

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