
I just recently opened an FB account for the sole purpose of networking. Been very wary not to post anything personal.

But... since my network of friends, family and acquaintances are all "friends" in FB, it seems to me that I can't help but be personal, albeit very limited!

I suppose it is very easy to get drawn in the foray... :/
Starlight said:
But... since my network of friends, family and acquaintances are all "friends" in FB, it seems to me that I can't help but be personal, albeit very limited!

Starlight, you may want to explore your privacy settings and ways of setting up groups of people. You can set up a "circle of friends" that are privy only to certain types of posts you make, and other "acquaintances" that you network with can be put into another group. When setting up your privacy settings, you can view how your page looks from selected person's POV, so you know when you've set them up the way you want.
Im amazed that people on this website cant see how damaging Facebook is.
People on here are no more aware than anyone else.
melatonin said:
Im amazed that people on this website cant see how damaging Facebook is.
People on here are no more aware than anyone else.

Hi melatonin. There is a difference between utilizing a resource for the benefit of others and getting 'taken in' by it. You appear to be either unwilling or unable to recognize this difference. The reason people on this forum are currently utilizing facebook has been discussed in detail, yet, you keep missing the point.

Have you had a chance to read the diet and health section yet, in order to understand why removing gluten and dairy is so vital to being able to think clearly and have a truly healthy body? Such a dietary change might go a long way in helping you to see the bigger picture.
hidden 'delete account' form

Probably will not delete you from their records , but it deletes your account.

anart said:
melatonin said:
Im amazed that people on this website cant see how damaging Facebook is.
People on here are no more aware than anyone else.

Hi melatonin. There is a difference between utilizing a resource for the benefit of others and getting 'taken in' by it. You appear to be either unwilling or unable to recognize this difference. The reason people on this forum are currently utilizing facebook has been discussed in detail, yet, you keep missing the point.

Have you had a chance to read the diet and health section yet, in order to understand why removing gluten and dairy is so vital to being able to think clearly and have a truly healthy body? Such a dietary change might go a long way in helping you to see the bigger picture.

I apologise for that comment. I can now see that it says alot about ME, and my state of mind. I feel isolated in my life. I can see that i learn just as much about myself by what i dislike, as i do with what i like.
Im trying to cut out gluten and dairy.
I now eat no gluten.
But im finding the dairy harder to remove. I like natural yoghurt. Soya yoghurt is nice, but higher in fat. And ive read that too much soya is bad for the liver. Is there a 'can eat/cant eat' thread on here for the diet?
melatonin said:
Is there a 'can eat/cant eat' thread on here for the diet?

I don't think you're going to find much of a "can / can't do" list for -anything- on here. Information is provided, and it's up to the individual to research and make decisions about what to do with their lives. I still eat gluten, even though there's a large body of evidence that it does damage. I haven't noticed any problems with my intestines, but I haven't tried removing it to see if I feel "better". My dad used to say that the best part of hitting yourself with a 2"x4" is that it feels so good when you stop. Maybe I should give it a try...but as far as do's and don'ts, I haven't seen that here.
Thanks for the heads-up WhiteBear.

Im finding a gluten and dairy free diet hard. Ive found there isnt enough variety.
melatonin said:
Thanks for the heads-up WhiteBear.

Im finding a gluten and dairy free diet hard. Ive found there isnt enough variety.

I'm a foodie, so when I ran across this author in one of the SOTT articles, I went to his site to check it out. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/definitive-guide-primal-blueprint/

Mark Sisson said:
The Original Primal Blueprint® – The Rules of Living 10,000 Years Ago:
1. Eat lots of animals, insects and plants.

This is the basic description of everything our ancestors ate to get the protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phenols, fiber, water and other nutrients necessary to sustain life. But it was a huge list of individual foods – some anthropologists say it may have been 200 or 300 food choices at a time depending upon the geographic area.

I love trying new things, and want to have a good line-up of options ready before I take the plunge and start removing items from my diet...there's a free eBook available at his site, so I think I'm going to grab that and check it out.
I dont have a problem with removing gluten, in fact i have. Its just that ive read quite a bit about soya not being great for the liver either. This was when i used to take choline supplements that were made from soya.
Also there no fat-free soya yoghurt that doesnt cost a small fortune, and nothing thats really an alternative to cottage cheese - which i really like. :)
I am now only eating small amounts of cottage cheese, otherwise i have an excellent diet. (ill evetually get rid of CC, but its hard)
Swapped diary yoghurt for Soya. Soya yogurt is LOVELY! :cool: Very creamy, nutty, and very very low in calories. (the natural one). :D

I also joined facbook, and have totally changed my opinion of it. Its just another vehicle for people to be what they are at the present time.
I enjoy reading the latest articles from SOTT and Laura.
melatonin said:
I also joined facbook, and have totally changed my opinion of it. Its just another vehicle for people to be what they are at the present time.
I enjoy reading the latest articles from SOTT and Laura.

Yes their's a difference with other tools, the easiness for the PTB to have a map of who is linked with who. Do not fall onto the other side. Keep this in mind, be wise when using it.
melatonin said:
I am now only eating small amounts of cottage cheese, otherwise i have an excellent diet. (ill evetually get rid of CC, but its hard)
Swapped diary yoghurt for Soya. Soya yogurt is LOVELY! :cool: Very creamy, nutty, and very very low in calories. (the natural one). :D

I also joined facbook, and have totally changed my opinion of it. Its just another vehicle for people to be what they are at the present time.
I enjoy reading the latest articles from SOTT and Laura.

Just a fwiwm melatonin, but soy is dangerous, too. There are articles on it in the Health and Diet section. here is one, but there are several others to choose from. Just go the the Health and Diet board and type in soy.
Soy is really bad for you - plus like 96% of all soy produced at this point is genetically modified - and it's estrogenic. :evil: Run from the soy!!!

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