Faces of Caesar

Judging from the Twitter account's timeline, they were working on this recently, and so it seems this is a new attempt at Caesar. Pretty sure i haven't seen it on this thread yet either, but maybe i missed it.

At a quick glance, the account has about 10 other ancient figures they've also made over. There's no website or additional info about who they are or what they do.

Judging from the Twitter account's timeline, they were working on this recently, and so it seems this is a new attempt at Caesar. Pretty sure i haven't seen it on this thread yet either, but maybe i missed it.

At a quick glance, the account has about 10 other ancient figures they've also made over. There's no website or additional info about who they are or what they do.

What a handsome fellow.
Pierre went to the museum at Arles and purchased a couple copies of the Arles bust. We had discussed doing some kind of computer wizardry and creating a mold to make "whole head" copies (it is flat on the back, like the original) to make available to group members. So far, we don't know how to do this, what software, etc. I think I could take a mold of it and make a new copy with the full back of the head added or someone else who is talented could do that, so we could have a master mold. I'd also like to blow it up to life size. It's about 1/4 life size.

When I visited the museum with Chu and Niall several years ago, they also told us that whoever makes the copies used to make full-size copies too, but the museum stopped carrying them, I think because they didn't sell as well. Pretty sure we even got the contact info for whoever made the copies back then, but I don't think they replied. They've also had 3D scans made of the bust, so someone somewhere has all the stuff needed. I just wish we could get ahold of their files, and a copy of that full-size bust!
Someone (from France, I think) created a 3D file of the Arles bust and it can be downloaded for free! It's available here: Link Though the back of the head is missing. But maybe it's ok.

There are also other 3D files of Caesar available on another website, though not all of them look like him: Link
This one ("This colossal marble bust was found in Rome near the monastery of San Lorenzo") and this one look the closest I think.
I sent the 3D file to a 3D printing company. They were very helpful and added a bit on the bottom so that the bust could stand. I'm very happy with it! This one is printed in high resolution in PLA (thermoplastic). (See attached picture) It's about 18 cm (7 inches) in height, but you could go any size. If I understood correctly from this particular company, for a more detailed copy, they can print it using an SLS printer, though it'd be pricey. FWIW :-)


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I sent the 3D file to a 3D printing company. They were very helpful and added a bit on the bottom so that the bust could stand. I'm very happy with it! This one is printed in high resolution in PLA (thermoplastic). (See attached picture) It's about 18 cm (7 inches) in height, but you could go any size. If I understood correctly from this particular company, for a more detailed copy, they can print it using an SLS printer, though it'd be pricey. FWIW :-)
That's awesome! Now we just need someone to clean up the 3D file to restore Caesar's nose! ;-D
Someone (from France, I think) created a 3D file of the Arles bust and it can be downloaded for free! It's available here: Link Though the back of the head is missing. But maybe it's ok.

There are also other 3D files of Caesar available on another website, though not all of them look like him: Link
This one ("This colossal marble bust was found in Rome near the monastery of San Lorenzo") and this one look the closest I think.
Just for reference, here are a bunch more versions of the Arles bust on that site:
Presumptive portrait of Julius Caesar - 3D model by Musée départemental Arles antique (@museearlesantique) [9574e5b] (this one is uploaded by the museum)
JULIUS CAESAR - PHRYGIE TURKEY - Download Free 3D model by Arqueomodel3D (@juanbrualla) [f97f4c2] (an "optimized" version of the one you got printed)
You know that little small talks you sometimes have to take part of just that people don't take you as a weirdo.
The other day at work we were joking about who is attracted to who - from 'celebrity world' and when it was my turn to pick and name
my favorite kind (perfect, good looking, bla bla,...) of man
- you can imagine reaction when I said ' Well Julius Ceasar was an owesome guy for sure' :umm:
They said it's disturbing :rotfl:
At a quick glance, the account has about 10 other ancient figures they've also made over. There's no website or additional info about who they are or what they do.

There is also an additional animation of the same model:

I find busts, statues, paintings, black and white video have a kind of barrier and are separated from our reality. But add color, movement and suddenly those people are humanized. It's a strange transition but I've noticed the same when watching black and white video that has been colorized and sharpened (e.g., people going about their lives in old cities in the early 20th century, soldiers in ww1, ww2)....suddenly 100 years ago seems pretty recent. These models animated from 2000+ years ago, wow!
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