Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Benny Johnson was with the congressmen who went to the site. He tweets:

Here's him summarizing what he learned:

Including that security tagged him as "looking like an Antifa member", and that SS denied requests from local law enforcement to use drones.
This is a terrible position for the snipers, they literally could just barely see the stage area and partially the other rooftops. Were they meant to be shooting at birds, or maybe Trump? I don't think the threat would come from the stage, right?

And yeah if this sequence of events is correct, it reads like a script for Home Alone or the 3 stooges. It just seems too incompetent to be real (or accidental). 9/11 is full of that stuff too - from absurd levels of incompetence and seeming confusion to incredibly unlikely and coincidental events like building 7 collapsing, 747 folding its wings and disappearing before hitting the Pentagon, finding Atta's passport on the rubble, etc.

When are people going to stop accepting a string of incredibly unlikely coincidences, including a paradoxical suspension of protocol and common sense from highly trained and qualified personnel? They just shrug and go "yeah, that's crazy!". Like no dude, it's not crazy, stuff like this doesn't just happen, you think Loki woke up and decided to gaslight us all today for shits and giggles or something?

Most people seem to be waiting for a smoking gun. But as long as what happened is only highly improbable instead of impossible, many will still accept it.

What's interesting is our own court system doesn't work like that either - it doesn't depend on smoking guns, you just prove beyond reasonable doubt. Absolute proof is not necessary nor possible often. What is unreasonable is just highly improbable based on what we know. It's not impossible, just improbable, and that's good enough.

Every time something new is revealed on this thread, it just pushes it further into a conspiracy, it doesn't bring it back. Whether it be the locked down cell phone, or cell phone connections to FBI or Israel, or the behavior of the snipers and SS, that kid being able to get on the roof with all this gear he brought, etc. It's like not one thing about that day makes me go "oh ok at least this makes sense, I could see how that could happen". Every new thing is like "are you f'n kidding me, this too?"

I guess I'm just ranting because this latest sequence of behaviors from the snipers was just yet another "are you kidding me" moment.
That 'tweet' by Trump was most unfortunate, even from a self-interest point of view. Doesn't he realize that it actually encourages another attempt on his life rather than the opposite??

RE Trump's relationship with Netanyahu, there's this clip that's making the rounds about Trump refusing his handshake, which isn't quite true:

My read on this situation (as well as other comments Trump has made) is that Trump truly hates Netanyahu's guts. Probably not for some deeply ideological reason (but who knows), but it's a sort of power play where Netanyahu completely disrespects him. Notice in the clip how N. initiates the handshake, and then gets up first, taking control of the situation, and Trump seems to resent that. He then sort of instinctively walks away, and has to be reminded to come back for the photo op.

Now from the recent meeting, we have this:

Clear power move on Trump's part: signalling that he has him in his hand.

Those two don't get along at all. This is a good thing for the Palestinians probably, given how Trump seems to fly by instinct. And obviously Netanyahu deserves a huge pile of hate, so in that regard Trump's instincts seem to work.
For what it's worth, I remember Larry Johnson saying early on that Crooks used a 'red dot' aiming thingy without magnification. He didn't say what his conclusion was based on. I think it was on Judge Napolitano's podcast.
I also remember that statement. Something that has intrigued me is, all the images of Crooks show him wearing glasses, indications of some degree of visual impairment, hence the need for corrective lenses.

I don't know, just saying, if a range finder was used, would it not need to be custom made to correct for visual impairment. Also, I remember the image of him lying prone on top of the roof, supposedly holding the rifle, and wearing his glasses at that time. Also the images of his body on the roof after he was shot, all the evidence around him, the rifle to the side, the remote control device and the backpack, but no glasses, all looked stged IMO.

Just my thoughts and 2 cents, could be something and nothing.
RE Trump's relationship with Netanyahu, there's this clip that's making the rounds about Trump refusing his handshake, which isn't quite true

Must have been from when Trump was President. I think he just received him at Mar-a-Lago either yesterday or today:


My read on this situation (as well as other comments Trump has made) is that Trump truly hates Netanyahu's guts.

I think A LOT of members of Congress, Senators and business people like Musk hate the guy and the situation they've been put on. Its not respect, is fear. They have been bought up, blackmailed, threatened and bullied for a long time. Netanyahu has been to the US Congress since the 90s!
Regarding the hyperdimensional aspect of the event: Like everyone else, I also thought of divine intervention, although I initially assumed it was one of those exceptional circumstances in which a 'positive' force intervened. However, now I'm inclined to think it was rather the STS side of the 'divine' for reasons we cannot know of the timeline being affected.
Normally STO 4D forces don't meddle in 3D affairs, but STS forces do. A basic question set for the C's would be: were there hyperdimensional forces at work during the assassination? If so were they STS or STO?

I don't exactly know what to think of Trump's near ear miss. There should have been more blood it seems. I am not saying it was faked, I just don't know. There seems to be a 'stigmata' aspect, I get that impression. Trump also could have been 'touched' by something, (or some 4D being). If something like that happened then Trump would probably not be aware of it, (or he won't speak of it).

Or the bullet just grazed Trump's ear. It was an 'unlikely' shot, but unlikely things happen, just not very often. One should really, really take notice when multiple unlikely things in the data around an event start showing up, however.
RE Trump's relationship with Netanyahu, there's this clip that's making the rounds about Trump refusing his handshake, which isn't quite true:

My read on this situation (as well as other comments Trump has made) is that Trump truly hates Netanyahu's guts. Probably not for some deeply ideological reason (but who knows), but it's a sort of power play where Netanyahu completely disrespects him. Notice in the clip how N. initiates the handshake, and then gets up first, taking control of the situation, and Trump seems to resent that. He then sort of instinctively walks away, and has to be reminded to come back for the photo op.

Now from the recent meeting, we have this:

Clear power move on Trump's part: signalling that he has him in his hand.

Those two don't get along at all. This is a good thing for the Palestinians probably, given how Trump seems to fly by instinct. And obviously Netanyahu deserves a huge pile of hate, so in that regard Trump's instincts seem to work.
This old tape of Trump describing peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine combined with Trumps recent Truth Social post of Abbas' letter & his reply seem to corroborate or at least present nuance to the relationships.
Or the bullet just grazed Trump's ear. It was an 'unlikely' shot, but unlikely things happen, just not very often. One should really, really take notice when multiple unlikely things in the data around an event start showing up, however.
Maybe, assuming Crooks was the lone shooter and he is not a particularly good shot, he was aiming center mass but only managed to get a bit of an ear...
Right. But the 'tweet' wasn't very well thought at all: My point is that by saying "America should erase Iran off the map if I get assassinated", he's inviting CIA/Mossad/'someone' to do the just that! Bibi must be licking his chops. "Ok then!", I hear him say. It's not just Israel, but US Neocons and some elements of the Deep State and intel agencies who would love to see that war happen. Could it be that Trump is really sooo naive that he doesn't think 'they' would take him out just to push the war agenda? I mean, he literally just dodged a bullet - does he really think he can trust those people not to send another his way?? Seriously!

4D STS now will have to work long hours if they still want to keep Trump alive and prevent a nuclear war in the Middle East.

Kind of makes me wonder whether Trump has an inkling who really was behind the attempt on his life.
RE Trump's relationship with Netanyahu, there's this clip that's making the rounds about Trump refusing his handshake, which isn't quite true:

My read on this situation (as well as other comments Trump has made) is that Trump truly hates Netanyahu's guts. Probably not for some deeply ideological reason (but who knows), but it's a sort of power play where Netanyahu completely disrespects him. Notice in the clip how N. initiates the handshake, and then gets up first, taking control of the situation, and Trump seems to resent that. He then sort of instinctively walks away, and has to be reminded to come back for the photo op.

Now from the recent meeting, we have this:

Clear power move on Trump's part: signalling that he has him in his hand.

Those two don't get along at all. This is a good thing for the Palestinians probably, given how Trump seems to fly by instinct. And obviously Netanyahu deserves a huge pile of hate, so in that regard Trump's instincts seem to work.

Yeah, I think Trump hates Netanyahu and can sometimes barely keep his disgust about him under wraps. Here is a short from their meeting today, notice how Trump looks at Netanyahu at the end and how he reacts when Netanyahu tells him about a toddler in a picture and presenting that picture to him. I think we can see Trump starring at Netanyahu, in sheer disbelief that this disgusting human being is really doing that right now:

SCOOP: The REAL Reason Trump’s Assassin was not Eliminated on the Rooftop before Firing on TrumpThis Information comes from a first-hand source of highest credentials.The attached video is a view from the second story window of the AGR building in Butler, Pennsylvania. The rooftop it overlooks is where Crooks fired on Trump. This room was the overwatch view where a Butler County SWAT sniper team was stationed at the direction of the Secret Service for the Trump rally.The Secret Service is responsible for stationing all protective teams for the President. Local and State law enforcement officers go where they’re told.The snipers in this location should have *easily* been able to engage Crooks before he ever came close to scope site of Trump.Yet, Crooks was able to fire that day without anyone engaging from this position. Why?That answer is total and complete incompetence from Secret Service.There was a three man SWAT sniper team located in this position. One member of the team went home early — not sure how this was allowed but it happened. The remaining two snipers positioned in this room were notified that a suspicious individual [Crooks] was lurking outside the building. One team member left his position to investigate, leaving just one sniper with overwatch of the roof. The investigating team member found nothing and in the process of returning to his position realized he had forgotten his access card into the building. The last remaining sniper with overwatch LEFT [!!!] the position to retrieve his team member locked outside.Crooks crawled across the roof and fired on Trump while this fully-equipped sniper nest with a perfect view of Crooks assassin position was left completely UNMANNED.Obvious infuriating questions: - Who was running command that allowed this fatal tactical error?- Who gave the order to abandon post? - How was there not an officer on the roof who could engage Crooks directly?- Why was there not overwatch from the water tower - a far superior position than this?We need a Congressional Select Committee to investigate the Trump Assassination immediately.
This is textbook dissembling. The 'police snipers' in the building behind Crooks are now my top suspects. As accomplices, if not actual assassins.
Yeah, I think Trump hates Netanyahu and can sometimes barely keep his disgust about him under wraps. Here is a short from their meeting today, notice how Trump looks at Netanyahu at the end and how he reacts when Netanyahu tells him about a toddler in a picture and presenting that picture to him. I think we can see Trump starring at Netanyahu, in sheer disbelief that this disgusting human being is really doing that right now:

Interesting to look at his body language also, Trumps right shoulder is in a blocking position as he gives a thumbs up. Also you can see three times he reminds himself to force a smile, it clearly isn’t coming naturally.
I was told Trump will hold another rally at Butler, Pennsylvania to honor the killed and wounded. If that is true, I think it's a bad idea with the negative energy there.
It's true
Just learned of the existence of this recreation of the Trump shooting in Chris Martenson's latest video. In it, the Youtuber Brandon Herrera shows:

1) how it would look like from Crook's perspective to shoot with the gun and scope (red dot w/o magnification) he alledgedly used, and how utterly ridiculous it is to claim that he would've been able to purposefully hit Trump's earlobe (as in if the shooting was staged to prop Trump's popularity). Actually, you see that at 130 yeards, the red dot covers 'Trump's' head almost completely.

2) that shooting through the earlobe with a lower caliber rifle doesn't 'make the whole head explode', it just goes thorugh. However, it does make the earlobe momentarily expand and deform significantly

3) shooting a head with the sniper's heavy caliber, heavy-duty rifle will make the whole head explode, and matter will be ejected all over. Martenson's points out that on the roof where Crook's alledgedly was shot by sniper team 2, there is no trace of a head explosion, just a narrow trace of blood

I think Herrera's video is helpful in expelling some of the wrong beliefs regarding shooting with a rifle. At least for a total amateur like me, it was surprising to see how difficult the shot with the AR-15/red scope rifle appeared. Gun experts keep saying that that kind of a shot is easy-peasy, but at least to me it looks incredibly difficult.

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