Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Well the first consideration would be the fact that he presumably went up there without test firing the weapon. The scope is essentially useless if distance and wind aren’t dialed in. In theory one could add a click or two by watching a flag to determine wind speed. Otherwise you’re just putting a red dot on what might be the target, or could just as easily be 5 up and left. This is where iron sights would be a step up. First shot misses, you adjust your aim. Relying on the scope, you adjust the wheels on the side and top to move the dot onto your target. Pointless fiddling if you’re in a hurry. If I miss the first shot and I’m in a hurry, I move the gun, not adjust the sights. No time for that nonsense. Just my opinion, but in that situation it’s better and quicker to adjust your aim as you would a handgun. Actual snipers work in teams with a spotter who watches the wing speed and direction, uses the rangefinder, and calls the adjustments to the shooter who then dials in the scope based on his partner’s observations.

More points that make it even less likely that Crooks shot those initial 2-3 bullets.
There is also some not-so-great messaging coming from Trump:

In his post he has a short clip of Netanyahu referring to the plot that Iran threatened to assassinate Donald Trump. Obvious propaganda. But, when I first heard these words in his speech they suggested to me that this was the plan all along - kill Trump, blame it on Iran, and off we go to WWIII.

But upon seeing this tweet I wondered if perhaps the "divine intervention" that led to Trump surviving assassination might be interpreted by him as anointment by "Yahweh", and all that that might entail. We know very well that many die-hard Christians believe that the end of the world and the return of Jesus is predicated on the destruction of Israel via conflagration in the Middle East. As Laura wrote 16 years ago:

This is an hypothesis I will hold in medium-to-low regard, seeing as how I believe Trump to be much more down-to-earth and peace-seeking than those die hard Evangelical lunatics. But it is still a possibility, so I'll mark it down.

That said, there are some white pills coming from Senator Dick Black, US Army veteran who served as Senator from Virginia. The below is a really interesting interview from a sober elder statesmen.

He discusses the many drastic changes to the US political landscape since the first Trump administration. Some bullet points:
  • JD Vance is a good pick, being extremely skeptical of NATO leadership
    • NATO being the means by which the US controls all of Europe
  • Trump's first term was blocked by a vast conspiracy, beginning with the sabotage of General Michael Flynn his national security director, which immediately handicapped his administration
  • The Republicans elected along with Trump were all globalists who worshiped the Deep State
  • Since then there has been a dramatic change in Congress - anti-Trumpers face serious pressure from MAGA Republicans
    • MAGA is not as socially conservative as many want, but they wish to tie the branches of the government back to their Constitutional basis
  • The Supreme Court has even revoked the Deep State's power to unilaterally impose laws on the country by revoking the Chevron Deference in July 2024, which allows federal agencies to issue regulations outside of the legislative branch
    • This constricts the bureaucracies
  • The question of what Trump can do in Gaza is a tremendously difficult question (54:20) due to extreme opposition against him within Israel
  • He thinks Trump would want nothing more than to end the conflict, and will probably do everything he reasonably can to end the war

I quote Hesper‘s theory above here from another thread since I think something like that wasn’t mentioned here.

I think it is an interesting idea. The one big problem I have with it though, is that it can sort of imply that Trumps head just barely being missed (possibly even as precise as his ear getting shot!) was the plan all along. If so, I can hardly imagine that any kind of 3D structure could ever hope to implement such a crazy plan. But 4D might?
A few new videos.

This guy flew drone footage and got a nice shot of how Crooks's location was obscured from the north sniper team (but not the south one).

You can tell Bell is an atheist debunker just from a few things he says, but there's some good stuff here, like a line of sight from the top of the water tower, showing the screen completely obscures the view to Trump. He models the bullet trajectories/shockwaves/muzzle blasts in a pretty cool way. Also, while he claims this video "proves" his case, all it does is show that the evidence is consistent with 1) Crooks shooting multiple shots from that location and 2) the south snipers firing the 9th shot immediately following the initial 8. There may be other possible "matches" to the recordings, but at the very least he shows a plausible reconstruction. I hope he adds more video/audio sources, because it would be nice to have more supporting evidence that that 9th shot came from the south team, for example.

Azget shows a possible location Crooks might have used to climb onto the roof - more plausible than Jeff Ostroff's (that he used the AC unit underneath the local sniper window).
Very useful. I'll be adding the new drone footage to the 3D model I'm rendering. I've yet to add in the stage/Trump, but think I have enough footage/photos to do so. The aim is to have everything generate the correct heights/distances/topology (proportionally speaking).
So far the reconstruction is looking pretty good. What I hadn't noticed until recent videos/photos taken from people visiting the building Crooks was on is that the building sits lower than the ground level (the 3D model shows it too).
So it's possible that the rising shot is a result of the roof line sitting lower than Trump.Screenshot 2024-07-26 104544.pngScreenshot 2024-07-26 104639.pngScreenshot 2024-07-26 104804.png
Very useful. I'll be adding the new drone footage to the 3D model I'm rendering. I've yet to add in the stage/Trump, but think I have enough footage/photos to do so. The aim is to have everything generate the correct heights/distances/topology (proportionally speaking).
So far the reconstruction is looking pretty good. What I hadn't noticed until recent videos/photos taken from people visiting the building Crooks was on is that the building sits lower than the ground level (the 3D model shows it too).
So it's possible that the rising shot is a result of the roof line sitting lower than Trump.View attachment 98862View attachment 98863View attachment 98864

Looks cool! Quick question (you don’t need to explain in detail):

- How do you determine where each point/object is located in 3D? Do you for example use GPS data (or something similar) for each point/object? How does it work?
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I think we may be staring the discussed 'program change' right in the face as it seems to have a number of the main elements. Only, if it was (and that's a big if), it may have been thwarted, throttled and perhaps forestalled somewhat. For one, if the assassination attempt against Trump was successful, and then pinned on Iran as you suggest Aeneas, you'd have the more gullible percentage of pro-Trump America (whatever that percent is) focused off the domestic issues Trump was championing, and baying for blood against Iran (though I imagine many wouldn't buy it). The killing of Soleimani, as others have pointed out, feeding into the "Iran is taking revenge" factor and would have made Iran, the nation, become the Osama bin Laden/Lee Harvey Oswald of this narrative in the normie media. Couple this with a possible false flag attack on Israeli athletes at the Olympics, and we would have seen one heck of a one-two punch in the direction of Israel inducing the West into helping it attack Iran. Whatever the case may be though, this isn't over yet by any stretch.
I feel that at this point in time, America and Americans are getting more than a little angry at Israel's behaviour towards the Palestinians. If Israel wants 'Western' support for an attack against Iran, then the victim/s need to be American (just like 9/11). They had a singular victim in Trump who is very popular at the moment, for a variety of reasons. I'm not sure how Israel would be able to 'set up' a mass shooting or hijacking of Americans, in order to blame it on Iran. I don't think Israel will be killing any more of their own, since they've already been accused of doing that during the events of the 7th of October 2023.
It was announced at the beginning of this month, that he would expect to meet Biden later in July.

This article is from 2nd July

The visit to the US and address to Congress was planned before that. This is from June 6th. The day before that is when Congressional leaders announced the date of the address.

The letter of invitation by Congress to Netanyahu was announced May 30th.

So well over a month before the assassination attempt. I think it's reasonable to say that someone was expecting him to be visiting in very different circumstances. How much he knew about that, it's hard to say, but he definitely made the most of the opportunity to mention it in connection with Iran.
I understand that he is staying at The Watergate Hotel, which I find odd given his position. I was there about 2 years ago. They've got (or had) bedbugs. I got eaten up!
I feel that at this point in time, America and Americans are getting more than a little angry at Israel's behaviour towards the Palestinians. If Israel wants 'Western' support for an attack against Iran, then the victim/s need to be American (just like 9/11). They had a singular victim in Trump who is very popular at the moment, for a variety of reasons. I'm not sure how Israel would be able to 'set up' a mass shooting or hijacking of Americans, in order to blame it on Iran. I don't think Israel will be killing any more of their own, since they've already been accused of doing that during the events of the 7th of October 2023.

Wasn't suggesting that Israel was going to set up some sort of a hijacking of Americans. As far as killing their own to achieve their ends, I don't think that most people in the West understand what actually occurred on Oct. 7th. - especially where it concerns the 'Hannibal directive'; Israel's killing of their own to prevent the hostage taking of IDF soldiers. Also, if those in power in Israel are as desperate to start a war with Iran as they appear, with their reputation on the world stage already in tatters, and brazenly lying through their teeth about nearly everything - I don't see how killing several dozen of their own (at the Olympics or anywhere else) to help get them there, could possibly deter them.
Following our speculations about the Iran connection (false flag to blame them), in hindsight, that fact that almost the whole head of the Iranian government was killed just a couple of months ago, might have been part of the plan?
Since the C's confirmed the following in the July 6, 2024 session, this lends legitimacy to this line of speculation:
(Cosmos) On 19 May, 2024, a helicopter crashed in Iran and killed the president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and six other people. What caused the crash?


Q: (Niall) Does the Iranian government know that?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And how was it done?

A: Jamming and signals sent into the prepared mind of the pilot.

Q: (Joe) So, the Iranian government didn't mention that it was sabotage. They said it was an accident and they didn’t in any way suggest there was any skullduggery involved. Is that because they didn't have any evidence?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) But they just suspect, I suppose, that it was CIA?

A: Yes
I think it is an interesting idea. The one big problem I have with it though, is that it can sort of imply that Trumps head just barely being missed (possibly even as precise as his ear getting shot!) was the plan all along. If so, I can hardly imagine that any kind of 3D structure could ever hope to implement such a crazy plan. But 4D might?

I dont think this hypothesis relies on 4D intervention, though that would definitely bolster it. I would argue that it really relies on Trump's interpretation of God and the implications of him only being here by the grace of God. I'm thinking of it as a sort of 4D STS failsafe built into modern Christianity and amped up with decades of anti-Muslim propaganda and weaponized migration.

However his track record makes it pretty clear that he is on a mission for peace. If he weren't I think we would start to see the media get the script to warm up to him, which we haven't yet.

This messaging, which spins 180 degrees from his previous posts, could just as easily be his way of telling Israel he knows exactly what their plan was/is.
Red dots are not really used for hunting, they are typically for self defense platforms at close range or range shooting once you get past the magic 45 years old and iron sights become less useful versus a larger viewing field of a red dot optic due to natural vision degradation.

Thank you. There are global differences, here are red dots mainly used for hunting and police special forces/army, since driven hunts are very common :-).
This messaging, which spins 180 degrees from his previous posts, could just as easily be his way of telling Israel he knows exactly what their plan was/is.

And probably because he will meet Netanyahu face to face tomorrow, or so, as I heard on the radio today. I would bet on a strategic “I love Israel“ move by Trump although I have to say that what he said is kind of an extreme thing to say. If I were in the situation, I would not do so, and be more ambiguous.
Looks cool! Quick question (you don’t need to explain in detail):

- How do you determine where each point/object is located in 3D? Do you for example use GPS data (or something similar) for each point/object? How does it work?
I'm using photogrammetry to construct the scene from the drone footage.
Photogrammetry is the art, science, and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through processes of recording, measuring, and interpreting photographic images and patterns of recorded radiant electromagnetic energy and other phenomena (Wolf and Dewitt, 2000; McGlone, 2004). Photogrammetry is nearly as old as photography itself. Since its development approximately 150 years ago, photogrammetry has moved from a purely analog, optical–mechanical technique to analytical methods based on computer-aided solution of mathematical algorithms and finally to digital or softcopy photogrammetry based on digital imagery and computer vision, which is devoid of any opto-mechanical hardware. Photogrammetry is primarily concerned with making precise measurements of three-dimensional objects and terrain features from two-dimensional photographs. Applications include the measuring of coordinates; the quantification of distances, heights, areas, and volumes; the preparation of topographic maps; and the generation of digital elevation models and orthophotographs.

Two general types of photogrammetry exist: aerial (with the camera in the air) and terrestrial (with the camera handheld or on a tripod). Terrestrial photogrammetry dealing with object distances up to ca. 200 m is also termed close-range photogrammetry. Small-format aerial photogrammetry in a way takes place between these two types, combining the aerial vantage point with close object distances and high image detail.

Here's an example of what it can do

For reference I'm using RealityCapture (which is free), but don't have GPS data from any of the photos/videos - so there is the potential for errors over distance.
Having said that I have a whole bunch of drone footage (and the model I've shown is only from 1 drone), so I'm hoping that the large amount will reduce errors.
I'll combine them with the on the ground photos/videos that people have taken and see if I can get a base model done.
The more photos the better, but there is a lot of work involved with telling the program where things connect (it doesn't always know).

Next will be drone footage/photos of the stands/podium etc. I'll add the bodycam footage to this and see how it goes. I don't yet know how it handles adding things together, so may need to create a few models and do so manually.

Lastly I'd try focusing on Trump at the sound of the first or second shot, as there are a few angles of photos/videos available (more is always better) to create a model of him on the podium. And then stitch all of those together.
I'm using photogrammetry to construct the scene from the drone footage.

Here's an example of what it can do

For reference I'm using RealityCapture (which is free), but don't have GPS data from any of the photos/videos - so there is the potential for errors over distance.
Having said that I have a whole bunch of drone footage (and the model I've shown is only from 1 drone), so I'm hoping that the large amount will reduce errors.
I'll combine them with the on the ground photos/videos that people have taken and see if I can get a base model done.
The more photos the better, but there is a lot of work involved with telling the program where things connect (it doesn't always know).

Next will be drone footage/photos of the stands/podium etc. I'll add the bodycam footage to this and see how it goes. I don't yet know how it handles adding things together, so may need to create a few models and do so manually.

Lastly I'd try focusing on Trump at the sound of the first or second shot, as there are a few angles of photos/videos available (more is always better) to create a model of him on the podium. And then stitch all of those together.

Sounds very interesting and I‘m looking forward seeing what you can come up with! Will have a closer looks at photogrammetry later.
It is unfortunate that I can’t find the close up high quality picture anymore where we can see the proposed two windows for the real sniper on Crooks building. I deleted it by accident and haven’t been able to find it again since. Would be nice to have that in the 3D Modell.
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