Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

The 'police snipers' in the building behind Crooks are now my top suspects. As accomplices, if not actual assassins.
That was my thought too. A 3 sniper team. One decides to just leave (because he is the real shooter or to help the real shooter?), then another one leaves (to help the first sniper who left and/or assist the real shooter), leaving only one left. The last guy standing could have been the real shooter too or a spotter, making sure the real shooter was undisturbed or to raise alarm if needed.

It would be interesting to know who those 3 guys were in the 'police' sniper team and their backgrounds/previous experiences etc.

A question for the C's would be how many people were involved/informed in this assassination attempt (from planning, execution to clean up and muddling of the waters). It could well be in the hundreds, though many of which would be on a hierarchical need to know basis.
That was my thought too. A 3 sniper team. One decides to just leave (because he is the real shooter or to help the real shooter?), then another one leaves (to help the first sniper who left and/or assist the real shooter), leaving only one left. The last guy standing could have been the real shooter too or a spotter, making sure the real shooter was undisturbed or to raise alarm if needed.
Considering Aragorn's post just before yours, now I'm thinking that one of these guys is the one who put the bullet in Crooks. Perhaps a suppressed pistol from relatively close range, although how no one saw that person on the roof is the hole in that theory.

I know the local/state police seem to be not in on the conspiracy, but difficult to pull it off without having a few of those guys in your pocket. Like in Dallas in '63, you need some control over the local LEOs.
Considering Aragorn's post just before yours, now I'm thinking that one of these guys is the one who put the bullet in Crooks. Perhaps a suppressed pistol from relatively close range, although how no one saw that person on the roof is the hole in that theory.

I know the local/state police seem to be not in on the conspiracy, but difficult to pull it off without having a few of those guys in your pocket. Like in Dallas in '63, you need some control over the local LEOs.
That’s my suspicion also. However, according to Martenson the last sniper’s shot made a significant peak i Trump’s speaker microphone, which he attributes to it flying close by the podium in the direction of Crooks, shot by Sniper team 2. I think Martenson’s intentions are good but he relies a bit too much on what can be concluded from the audio recordings. Still, it appears a mystery why Trump’s mic would pick up that last shot so clearly (I haven’t verified it actually did), if it would’ve been shot at close range near Crooks.
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