Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

The 'police snipers' in the building behind Crooks are now my top suspects. As accomplices, if not actual assassins.
That was my thought too. A 3 sniper team. One decides to just leave (because he is the real shooter or to help the real shooter?), then another one leaves (to help the first sniper who left and/or assist the real shooter), leaving only one left. The last guy standing could have been the real shooter too or a spotter, making sure the real shooter was undisturbed or to raise alarm if needed.

It would be interesting to know who those 3 guys were in the 'police' sniper team and their backgrounds/previous experiences etc.

A question for the C's would be how many people were involved/informed in this assassination attempt (from planning, execution to clean up and muddling of the waters). It could well be in the hundreds, though many of which would be on a hierarchical need to know basis.
That was my thought too. A 3 sniper team. One decides to just leave (because he is the real shooter or to help the real shooter?), then another one leaves (to help the first sniper who left and/or assist the real shooter), leaving only one left. The last guy standing could have been the real shooter too or a spotter, making sure the real shooter was undisturbed or to raise alarm if needed.
Considering Aragorn's post just before yours, now I'm thinking that one of these guys is the one who put the bullet in Crooks. Perhaps a suppressed pistol from relatively close range, although how no one saw that person on the roof is the hole in that theory.

I know the local/state police seem to be not in on the conspiracy, but difficult to pull it off without having a few of those guys in your pocket. Like in Dallas in '63, you need some control over the local LEOs.
Considering Aragorn's post just before yours, now I'm thinking that one of these guys is the one who put the bullet in Crooks. Perhaps a suppressed pistol from relatively close range, although how no one saw that person on the roof is the hole in that theory.

I know the local/state police seem to be not in on the conspiracy, but difficult to pull it off without having a few of those guys in your pocket. Like in Dallas in '63, you need some control over the local LEOs.
That’s my suspicion also. However, according to Martenson the last sniper’s shot made a significant peak i Trump’s speaker microphone, which he attributes to it flying close by the podium in the direction of Crooks, shot by Sniper team 2. I think Martenson’s intentions are good but he relies a bit too much on what can be concluded from the audio recordings. Still, it appears a mystery why Trump’s mic would pick up that last shot so clearly (I haven’t verified it actually did), if it would’ve been shot at close range near Crooks.
This is an interesting video from the Dark Journalist channel in discussion with Joseph Farrell, I am not a fan of either, just watch or listen to their analysis occasionally , presented to a wondrous fan base and shake my head.
The reason for this post is because Farrell, makes some interesting comments and observations with previous Us presidential assassination attempts, the geopolitical climate surrounding events going back to previous administrations since JFK. Continuity of government, the issue of Iran. And the relationship between Iran, Putin Xi and Modi. The possibility of another false flag before the election and more. I thought it was interesting to show another alternative analysis and points made with historical perspectives.

Right. But the 'tweet' wasn't very well thought at all: My point is that by saying "America should erase Iran off the map if I get assassinated", he's inviting CIA/Mossad/'someone' to do the just that! Bibi must be licking his chops. "Ok then!", I hear him say. It's not just Israel, but US Neocons and some elements of the Deep State and intel agencies who would love to see that war happen. Could it be that Trump is really sooo naive that he doesn't think 'they' would take him out just to push the war agenda? I mean, he literally just dodged a bullet - does he really think he can trust those people not to send another his way?? Seriously!
Well, I suspect psychological games going on, like by posting that and going along with the 'Iran is behind it' story he is buying himself some time and even doing an extra mile to play on their (false) sense of security that he (naively) doesn't doubt the lies they presented him with.

Because, expanding on what you said, nobody in their right mind even remotely suspecting Deep State and its offshoots would say something like that and basically invite them to repeat the deed. Considering everything he went through since 2016, and the things he saw (if he wanted to see them) in relation to the Deep State and its operation/functioning while being in the White House, and his previous successful bussiness track record, Trump does not appear to be a guy who does not know how to add two and two right in front of his face. Or next to his ear. ;-D

Well, I could also be biased and interpreting the situation through wishful thinking lenses/glasses and maybe Trump really has a huuuge blind spot vis-a-vis Israel (and Iran), but it doesn't smell that way at least for now.
Yes, he should hold it in another place with much better security. Don't tempt fate again.
While I agree in principle that it’s risky, from a political point of view it’s a baller move. The focus swung so quickly over to Kamala, and with Christopher Wray of the FBI trying to memory hole the assassination attempt into a non event, Trump returning to the scene of the crime is guaranteed to pull the focus back his way, remind people what they saw, and put “Fight fight fight” back in the public consciousness. There’s no better move than to take that same stage in defiance.
New footage of and by X user 'Dave', @realDJStew724, who was there in Butler to see the rally, but not within the boundary of the event. He was one of those beyond the fence-line and just in front of the first AGR building (the one Crooks got onto).

First clip is taken by someone else from in the stands/bleachers around Trump. Dave, in the red t-shirt, is running and filming in front of the building Crooks is on:

He and others clearly know something is about to happen, which, again, is damning in itself for the police/Secret Service.

Here's Dave's footage, which opens with him 'taking cover', and encouraging others to do so, before the first shots are fired:

It's shaky footage because he's bear-crawling to get behind the tree in front of that building, but the audio could be useful. Note the final 'crack' occurring some 10 seconds after the penultimate gunshot.

And, at 24 seconds, is there a light coming from behind the first window right of the air vents? Could be a reflection from outside, but it stands out...


Also, he may have caught the UFO (or one of them!) from another angle, at about 6/7 seconds in, zipping from behind the watertower then over Crooks' location, about 8 seconds before the first shots were fired:

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New footage of and by X user 'Dave', @realDJStew724, who was there in Butler to see the rally, but not within the boundary of the event. He was one of those beyond the fence-line and just in front of the first AGR building (the one Crooks got onto).

First clip is taken by someone else from in the stands/bleachers around Trump. Dave, in the red t-shirt, is running and filming in front of the building Crooks is on:

He and others clearly know something is about to happen, which, again, is damning in itself for the police/Secret Service.

Here's Dave's footage, which opens with him 'taking cover', and encouraging others to do so, before the first shots are fired:

It's shaky footage because he's bear-crawling to get behind the tree in front of that building, but the audio could be useful. Note the final 'crack' occurring some 10 seconds after the penultimate gunshot.

And, at 24 seconds, is there a light coming from behind the first window right of the air vents? Could be a reflection from outside, but it stands out...

View attachment 99023

Now, it would be really interesting to see the longer clip above with a stabilization software! Can somebody do that here? That footage should be quite favorable for stabilization.
I think I can hear something that sounds like a silenced shot at the beginning of the video, before the series of first 3 shots, or I am wrong?
If you mean the slight 'thump' at 7 seconds, I think it's just the microphone on Dave's device bumping against something.

Having said that, it does coincide with the overflight of the UFO!
New footage of and by X user 'Dave', @realDJStew724, who was there in Butler to see the rally, but not within the boundary of the event. He was one of those beyond the fence-line and just in front of the first AGR building (the one Crooks got onto).

First clip is taken by someone else from in the stands/bleachers around Trump. Dave, in the red t-shirt, is running and filming in front of the building Crooks is on:

He and others clearly know something is about to happen, which, again, is damning in itself for the police/Secret Service.

Here's Dave's footage, which opens with him 'taking cover', and encouraging others to do so, before the first shots are fired:

It's shaky footage because he's bear-crawling to get behind the tree in front of that building, but the audio could be useful. Note the final 'crack' occurring some 10 seconds after the penultimate gunshot.

And, at 24 seconds, is there a light coming from behind the first window right of the air vents? Could be a reflection from outside, but it stands out...

View attachment 99023

Also, he may have caught the UFO (or one of them!) from another angle, at about 6/7 seconds in, zipping from behind the watertower then over Crooks' location, about 8 seconds before the first shots were fired:

View attachment 99025

Now, it would be really interesting to see the longer clip above with a stabilization software! Can somebody do that here? That footage should be quite favorable for stabilization.

I've downloaded the video, and I'm now trying to stabilize it. First thing to note is that there is, surprise surprise, no one on the water tower. Second thing right in the beginning; It looks like the he might have captured another of those extremely fast moving UFO's flying there, pretty much, more or less, over Crooks building! The guy responded in the video chat that he will upload the video again without text overlay tomorrow.
Tried to look at it frame by frame. It is really hard to tell, but it looks like any of the three windows utmost to the right side of Crooks building could have been open before, during and right after the first three shots were fired, and then they were closed right after that. But is a really hard call because the only real thing you can go by is the reflection in the glass that only seems to be present right after the first three shots are shot. But the guy filming is changing the viewing angle between what we can see, so it is hard to tell if the reflections in the windows (and the lack thereof) were caused by that change of angle. Here you can see the three windows in question (the two Joe marked and the last on that Joe didn't mark and is on the utmost right of the building):

I've done a bit more cross-referencing and comparing angles also with my previous analysis of Trumps ear shot. Without going into any details, my analyses also strongly suggests that either of the two windows you marked above could have been where the real sniper was (or close to that angle somewhere). At this point, I don't think the shot that hit Trumps ear (and possibly the other two) could have come much further to the left or right (so, NOT the higher building that is left and behind Crooks building). Which means for me that either of the two videos above are also my prime suspicion for the location of the real sniper (or some kind of opening within that building near those windows). The only other place that seems possible for me is the one Niall mentioned, which is at about the same line of sight; The building in the background:

In short: I can't find anything more or less conclusive with that footage, besides, maybe, the UFO that has been captured in that footage as well. I think we now have something like 3 or 4 different videos showing what looks like UFO's of different sorts.
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Now, it would be really interesting to see the longer clip above with a stabilization software! Can somebody do that here? That footage should be quite favorable for stabilization.
Stabilizing means cropping the footage and since it is just in low resolution, you mainly see the center in the end, and it is still shaky at points.

I rather doubt that the reflection is neither a shot nor a reflection from the scope. The scopes have certain coatings to prevent it (especially when a sniper uses it), plus a build in "lens hood". Anyway, just my opinion.

Maybe it was discussed before, I'm still not sure if someone can shoot from the lower windows because there are fences further away. Depending on the bullet it still could pass them, nonetheless deteriorate the trail.
Maybe it was discussed before, I'm still not sure if someone can shoot from the lower windows because there are fences further away. Depending on the bullet it still could pass them, nonetheless deteriorate the trail.

It is hard to tell, but the fence could or could not be in line of sight of Trumps head on either of the three windows in question on Crooks building. It is hard to judge.
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