Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

xtended footage has now been uploaded by Dave / @realDJStew724:

His closing remark:

Looks like it was just Crooks shooting after all.
Don't see how you can draw that conclusion.
So I suppose a more precise conclusion is: it was just Crooks shooting... from that building.

One can now see the extent of how many police were drawn in around the building before shots were fired, yet other than the shell casings, there is no evidence of him actually firing (who saw - no one as of yet). If might be well assumed he did fire at least 5 rounds, a probability, yet the first three perhaps not. Shell casings were said to be 5 and then added upon to be an additional 3, for 8 shells casings over all, which is suppose to be case closed move along.

The sound is much clearer from this video, yet there is a still a difference between shots 1, 2 and 3 to the next 5 staccato burst rounds.
I find it pretty unlikely that the FBI would give back phones with any footage on it that could even slightly and potentially reveal/show “what really went on within/on that building“ close up, if they know that a second shooter was there. If they would know that, kind of the first thing you would do is to not give back any video/photos close and directly on that side of the building. And give that strict order down the ranks. Yeah, giving it back could have just been a mistake as well, but then you would kind of expect heavy censoring kicking into place. But that doesn’t seem to be the case either. So, the simplest solution would be that the FBI knows that within and on that side of the Crooks building was no other shooter in the first place.
At this point I would pretty much rule out that a potential second shooter shot from Crooks building. The higher roof to the right and behind Crooks building that Niall pointed out earlier might still be a real possibility followed by the (IMO) quite less likely higher building to the left and behind Crooks building (at most shot from the far right window of that building). But how would the potential second shooter get on Niall‘s mentioned roof and back down, quickly? Is or was there maybe a very high ladder behind that building, attached to it?

I think we run out of spaces where the second shooter could have been. Maybe from the exact opposite side? But that wouldn’t match the dead and injured people.
The ground floor is ruled out because people civilians and police were there - and visible to each other - before and during the shooting. Plus we now see that that fence obstructs shots from a ground-floor window.

Hard to say for sure if the fence obstructs a shot. You'd have to know the lay of the overall land between that window, the fence, and Trump's location.

Plus all those windows are visibly closed throughout.

Not so sure about that.

The 3rd window from the left is the only one with a light on and the blinds rolled up. Seen below at 4.16


As the camera pans right, a person is seen walking past the last window on the right, lights off, window closed.


At 4.47, the binds in that 3rd window from left are now half down. Is the window open?


At 4.50, the lights in that 3rd from left window are off and the blinds are up. 5 seconds before the first shot is heard.

During Trumps term in office, the Democrat ruled areas turned to chaos with BLM, antifa, police shootings, defund the police... A lot of crazy stuff.
Of course, everyone was aware these were democrat tactics as they happened in democrat areas. But Trump was in power. And his position seemed to be to play politics... Not call in the national guard to restore order, or use any measure to bring back stability... He just accepted that these were democrat areas, the ones suffering in these areas brought it upon themselves for being democrat, and he couldn't do anything about it, accept point at the democrats... He was ineffective.
So, this history is something to fear - for shop owners, police, the average citizen, when they are victimized by left/right politics. And a president in office has to keep order, rather than watch and laugh, and blame the democrats while America burns - even though it was unprecedented.

So, I wanted to mention this, as it is as likely for a crazy liberal to fear Trumps presidency as the Iranians, or Ukrainians, the Arab world, ect.
People should ask Trump what would he do in the event of his next term in office: what would he do differently, because the democrats might be just as radical.
As there have been numerous assassinations around the world lately, maybe the dems will tone down their radicalism.
Pretty sure this is crooks in that video, 2 seconds before the first shots. Gives a good idea of his position and direction he is aiming. From this perspective, his aim seems to be more or less above that 3rd window from the left of the face of the building.


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Do i calculate it correctly?
Video frame rate is 30fps, distance from water tower to edge of the roof an about 100m which object traverse in two frames
it looks like speed of the object is roughly 3600km/h, way to fast for the drone

Can't comment on your speed estimation, but there are some very fast drones out there.

(Pierre) What destroyed the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket when it was about to launch several weeks ago?

(Joe) Yeah, it's about to launch, and these 2 black dots zoom by the camera just before the rocket explodes on the launch pad. And Elon Musk was "confused" about it. One of the things they're looking into is that there's a competitor rocket launching company about a mile away that has a direct line of sight to the rocket.

A: Sabotage.

Q: (Joe) By a competitor. So what was this little black thing that flew by at literally 2000 miles per hour?

A: Drone type
Hard to say for sure if the fence obstructs a shot. You'd have to know the lay of the overall land between that window, the fence, and Trump's location.

Not so sure about that.

The 3rd window from the left is the only one with a light on and the blinds rolled up. Seen below at 4.16

View attachment 99054

As the camera pans right, a person is seen walking past the last window on the right, lights off, window closed.

View attachment 99061

At 4.47, the binds in that 3rd window from left are now half down. Is the window open?

View attachment 99057

At 4.50, the lights in that 3rd from left window are off and the blinds are up. 5 seconds before the first shot is heard.

View attachment 99059

Good catch! Curious. Might be worthwhile to examine that video more carefully and the windows in particular. For example, as mentioned earlier, reflections on the windows glass might give us a clue if a window was open or closed at any given time. Also the rectangle you are talking about could give us clues. Also the pointed light that seems to appear at some point on that same window.
Hard to say for sure if the fence obstructs a shot. You'd have to know the lay of the overall land between that window, the fence, and Trump's location.
The AGR building appears to be in a relative 'depression' (see grass 'rising' at the back of it), and the overall slope of the land appears to be 'upwards' towards the rally venue. Recall also the retaining wall Crooks sat on. The rally venue - and specifically the stage Trump was on - would have to be sufficiently elevated from here for there to be a clear line-of-sight over what looks to be a 2-meter-tall chain-link fence. I don't think it is but I could be wrong.

Also, in an earlier video (of the extended version of a body cam on a police officer walking into that building shortly after the shots) it appears like the windows in question could have been in a separated or several separated rooms within that building accessible through doors.
Can't comment on your speed estimation, but there are some very fast drones out there.

Yes and it is inherently difficult if not impossible to calculate the speed of an object if you don’t know how big and far away from the lens it is and in which angle it is flying. For example, a bug can fly quite close to the lens through a video and appear as a “UFO“. I think not that infrequently that is what we see in such types of “incredibly fast UFO“ videos.
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