Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Also, in an earlier video (of the extended version of a body cam on a police officer walking into that building shortly after the shots) it appears like the windows in question could have been in a separated or several separated rooms within that building accessible through doors.

Yeah, at least on the building behind crooks, from a video we saw, the upstairs contains separate rooms. Remember, we're talking about a situation where it was legitimate for "security" teams in those buildings to have sniper teams inside them. A civilian or police officer walking past any one of them and seeing a sniper with a gun inside would not think it alarming. The first 3 shots took about 3 seconds. Sure, it's still unlikely that the shots came from one of those windows, due to the fence Niall mentioned and the fact that there were people milling around who would likely have noticed the sound of shots coming from there.

I'm just posting these pictures of analysis of the video to see if there is anything strange going on, not to say that that is where the shots came from, necessarily.
Would be good if someone here could download the above mentioned YouTube video in the best quality. Just in case it gets deleted. I can’t do it right now. I downloaded the earlier shorter version on X with the words obstructing what we can see.
So this is most likely one of the guys on that side of the building that was arrested - discussed by the SS agent and the local cop on the roof.

The guy with black suit and sun glasses on approaching the guy who shot the video (who then turns off his cellphone/camera) could be the same guy seen later in another video on the roof questioning people.
As the camera pans right, a person is seen walking past the last window on the right, lights off, window closed.
There's definitely someone walking past that last window!

It gives you an idea how large/tall those windows are. If a shooter were positioned back in one of those rooms, and perhaps on a platform, he would probably have sufficient height for line-of-sight over the fence.
Same window, 3rd from left. I'd like to know what that white thing is. There was obviously some activity at that window, both because of the movement up and down of the blinds and the light going on and off, and whatever that white thing is. It could be just the string for pulling the blinds. And they had to sling it over sideways rather than let it hand because it would be in the way of the shooter! :lol:

I've downloaded the video, and I'm now trying to stabilize it. First thing to note is that there is, surprise surprise, no one on the water tower. Second thing right in the beginning; It looks like the he might have captured another of those extremely fast moving UFO's flying there, pretty much, more or less, over Crooks building! The guy responded in the video chat that he will upload the video again without text overlay tomorrow.
I see a shadow appear on the water tower at the 3 second mark.
I don't think it's unreasonable to think that a 'secret team' could have had private access to one of those rooms with no one else allowed in. Still, we have no clear evidence that that window in question was open or removed at any time.
No matter where another sniper might have shot from, we still have the “tricky“ number of bullet casings issue on the roof:

Would be nice to see the full video without any cuts. Will we ever see it, though? ABC has it, it seems. Tried to find anything suspicious in the above, but at the first glance, I couldn't find anything. Tried to count and locate the casings that were visible, and tried to see if they were not visible at another point in the video at the same spot. Couldn't find something suspicious there. But, if we would have the full uncut video, we might see if one or several of those guys spread the casings.

I agree. If we apply occam's razor just to the bullet casing problem mentioned above, what would you conclude? Occam's razor states: "If you have two competing ideas to explain the same phenomenon, you should prefer the simpler one." So, we compare:

1: Additional bullet casing placement on the roof at any point before or after Crooks death, or 2: No additional bullet casing placement on the roof at any point before or after Crooks death. I would certainly say that option 2 is by far the more simple one.

And when we take all the other speculations about a second shooter near Crooks angle and compare it to Crooks having shot all bullets, we come to the same conclusion: Crooks having fired all bullets seems far simpler. But then again, if there was a second shooter, as we assume it, it naturally would confuse the issue in many respects, exactly as we see here.

As for displacing Crooks body on the roof after he was shot:

- I think there are a number of serious problems/difficulties with that idea, similar to the bullet casings issue. One problem is a lot of blood that can be seen flowing down on a WHITE looking roof that can be seen in the videos of people on the roof after the shooting. How would you displace the body and get rid of all the blood on a white roof so VERY quickly? Here again the much simpler solution that explains things seems to be that Crooks wasn’t moved after he was killed.

But there might be another relatively easy way that they could have quickly dispersed the right number of bullet casings on the roof:

- Real sniper/-s tells his supervisor via radio (or something) the number of shots he has fired. So, right after the real snipers shot his bullets, he says “3 shots“ into his radio. That’s it. Then somebody (probably a FBI agent but more likely, one police officer), who was already deliberately positioned relatively close to the ladder that goes up to the roof, gets the information “3 shots/bullets“ and is the first or close to the first person on the roof. Then he quickly pulls out 3 casings out of his pocket with plastic clothes on that hand and disperses them on the crime scene. His pockets were filled with quite a number of casings from the get-go. All he needs to do is to pull out the correct number of casings out of his pocket. And there you have it: the correct number of casings on the roof.
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So I suppose a more precise conclusion is: it was just Crooks shooting... from that building.

It's possible the first three shots were fired from the building behind Crooks, but all we've got is 2/3 SS agents behaving strangely.

Which is our only clue to a simple and bold scenario: they were in fact planted among the overall security arrangement to fire off the first three shots, and them 'going walkabout' to 'find Crooks' and 'forget their access card' is straight-up BS because they were in position the whole time to fire the initial shots and 'trigger' Crooks.

IF (a big one) the reports of some officer climbed up to the roof and been shot at a few times, then fell down and injured his ankle (and then disappeared) were true, then the first 3 shots would be the ones, and the next 5 at Trump and the crowd, with the final deadly one by the counter-sniper. Again, a big IF.


Shortly after the FBI revealed that Thomas Matthew Crooks was the gunman at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, who shot President Trump and killed former fire chief Corey Comparatore, hundreds of users on X speculated Crooks may have been part of a CIA MKUltra experiment. ...

In response to the recent claims that Crooks was part of a CIA MKUltra experiment, the CIA has issued a rare comment refuting the claims.

A CIA spokesperson told Gizmodo, “These claims are utterly false, absurd, and damaging.”

The spokesperson added, “The CIA had no relationship whatsoever with Thomas Crooks. Regarding MKULTRA, the CIA’s program was shut down more than 40 years ago, and declassified information about the program is publicly available on”

CIA Denies Conspiracy Theory That It Used MKUltra on Trump Shooter CIA Denies Conspiracy Theory That It Used MKUltra on Trump Shooter
— Gizmodo (@Gizmodo) July 27, 2024


The CIA has officially denied claims that the Trump shooter was an MKUltra plant…

Now it seems even more likely he was.

— Chase Geiser (@realchasegeiser) July 28, 2024
The 3rd window from the left is the only one with a light on and the blinds rolled up. Seen below at 4.16

Here is screen shot at 5:04 minutes of the same video - raw screen shot first one. I think it is from 3rd window from the left.

little cleaned

Is it 2 tube lights inside? or barrels out of window with some sun reflection?. Look at the right side one, there is white line misalignment ( may be some attachment to the gun)
Maybe, assuming Crooks was the lone shooter and he is not a particularly good shot, he was aiming center mass but only managed to get a bit of an ear...
Yes, I'm fairly certain he attempted to aim center mass on the shot that grazed his ear. If he had missed entirely, the shot would not have had the symbolic significance it took on - highlighting how near to being deadly the shot was. He was not aiming for the ear to begin with.

All those windows have 'glass break sensor strips' like the one I posted here on the parking lot side of the building. You can see that the strip starts and ends in a little black box at the top. On the frame of the window (inside, can't be seen from the outside) is another black box with corresponding sensors with the one on the window that are hard wired electrically to a central hub inside the building. If the window is opened, or the glass is broken, the electrical current between the contacts is disrupted and an alarm sounds. You have to turn the system off in order to open the window. I don't know if there is a 'local window shutoff', all the ones I have seen during my renovation and window washing days don't have a local shutoff. Usually, these were windows that did not open and were hardwired directly through the frame with no sensor box. Others that could open, were also (increasingly) subject to vibrations like tapping, doors closing, dogs barking usually due to separation of the contact points via contraction (age). To open these windows, the sensor has to be turned off.

Did nobody notice windows opening and closing? Because to shoot at Trump, the window would have to be open, maybe not 90º but a fair amount. Look at the video of the roof and field from the second floor meeting room. The window was open a fair way. Because the windows in question all face the same direction, the first floor window would have to be open close to the degree of the second floor window. These are crank windows. They take some time to open and close.

Even worse! Look at the crank. I don't know what it's called but it's like a 'key' crank, not the usual handle crank! I've never seen that. Sooo annoying, I think. (@0:09)

Key Crank Window.jpg

If one sniper was doing it, he'd have to open the window with that god-awful crank, line up his shot, fire three times, and close the window. Or, to save time, his rifle was already on a tripod pointing towards Trump. He would have to still open the window, fine tune his shot, shoot three times and close the window. How long would the window be open for? If it was open for 'that long' and the cops saw it (and saw it close?) would they ask any questions, or, since they would already know there was a sniper team inside, just reason that it was someone legitimate and ignore it as a threat since the obvious threat was on the roof?
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