Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Another thing; was there not an opening in the fence that later was covered with yellow ‘police tape’? I think this could be seen in the body camera footage. Would this opening in the fence be suitably aligned with someone shooting from some of the windows?
Okay, I've now checked the position of this "do not cross" yellow tape from the bodycam video, and it's clear that it was too far to the left (from shooter's perspective) to be in any way useful (see image below).
Another thing I noticed was that at the second fence, there was an opening right at the parked car you see in the image above. Below is another image of this as the officers are about to go through it. I don't know if the fence was 'rammed' after the shooting to create an opening or if it was there from the start. But the opening does align pretty 'nicely' with a possible shooter from the building.


Looking at 'Dave's' footage, it does appear that the closest fence is high enough to obscure the line of fire from the windows at ground floor. Still, I find it curious that this one guy was trying to get the people at the fence to move away from the fence just prior to the shooting. What do our gun experts say, could you shoot trough the openings of such a fence, would it be a conciderable problem?

Another thing, as Joe pointed out, I don't see why any reports of 'SWAT officers' in the 2nd floor room would negate the possibility of a 2nd shooter shooting from there. Actually, I see it as a typical cover story for such a setup.


  • second-fence-opening-1.png
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Good points, that possibly point to that mentioned window with the strip on it to be a window that can’t be opened. But just possibly, not necessarily. Also, as far as I can see, we don’t know in which direction the windows in question on Crooks building can be opened (if they can be opened). The one you are showing is from the other higher building.

The windows of both buildings are the same type. The one's of building #6 have the addition of the sensor strips. I'm assuming they can be opened because the windows on the parking lot side have the black box at the top which houses the contacts joining electrically to the contacts of the black box in the frame. If this box wasn't there, it would be a strong indication that the window couldn't be opened and the sensor strips were hard wired.

I'm also using the video of the window of the higher building as a reference to show how wide the window might have to be for a sniper to fire a clear shot at Trump out of. It looks maybe 60º/70º. A window quickly opening at even 45º, left open while sounds of shots pierce the air, and then quickly closing would be noticeable, I think, on the lower building. Which direction the windows open, left or right, is irrelevant, imo. It's time consuming either way.

You know what they say about machines: the more complex you make them, the more parts on them can break.
Okay, I've now checked the position of this "do not cross" yellow tape from the bodycam video, and it's clear that it was too far to the left (from shooter's perspective) to be in any way useful (see image below).
View attachment 99180
Another thing I noticed was that at the second fence, there was an opening right at the parked car you see in the image above. Below is another image of this as the officers are about to go through it. I don't know if the fence was 'rammed' after the shooting to create an opening or if it was there from the start. But the opening does align pretty 'nicely' with a possible shooter from the building.

View attachment 99182

Looking at 'Dave's' footage, it does appear that the closest fence is high enough to obscure the line of fire from the windows at ground floor. Still, I find it curious that this one guy was trying to get the people at the fence to move away from the fence just prior to the shooting. What do our gun experts say, could you shoot trough the openings of such a fence, would it be a conciderable problem?

Another thing, as Joe pointed out, I don't see why any reports of 'SWAT officers' in the 2nd floor room would negate the possibility of a 2nd shooter shooting from there. Actually, I see it as a typical cover story for such a setup.

The fence issue remains a pretty hard thing to determine: Would the fence be in the way of a shot or not? To really know that we would need a number of pretty precise measurements, such as:

- The exact height of the highest point of the fence measured from the local ground there.

- The exact height of the highest point of all of the proposed windows on Crooks building measured from the local ground there.

- The exact height of the lowest point of all of the proposed windows on Crooks building measured from the local ground there.

- The exact height of the Trumps head measured from the local ground there.

- The distance from the fence to the windows.

- The distance to Trumps head.

- The ballistic trajectory of the bullet.

If the fence was in any way close to obstructing the line of sight to Trumps head, I think we can rule out those windows. It is very unlikely that a professional sniper would should through any fence, period. We don’t know if the fence obstructs the line of sight or not, though.
The fence issue remains a pretty hard thing to determine: Would the fence be in the way of a shot or not? To really know that we would need a number of pretty precise measurements, such as:

- The exact height of the highest point of the fence measured from the local ground there.

- The exact height of the highest point of all of the proposed windows on Crooks building measured from the local ground there.

- The exact height of the lowest point of all of the proposed windows on Crooks building measured from the local ground there.

- The exact height of the Trumps head measured from the local ground there.

- The distance from the fence to the windows.

- The distance to Trumps head.

- The ballistic trajectory of the bullet.

If the fence was in any way close to obstructing the line of sight to Trumps head, I think we can rule out those windows. It is very unlikely that a professional sniper would should through any fence, period. We don’t know if the fence obstructs the line of sight or not, though.

Here you can visualize how difficult it is to say if any of the windows were in line of sight of Trumps head with or without the fence obstructing:

It looks like a pretty close call either way! That’s why I think only such precise measurements like mentioned above can give us any certainty in either direction there. Therefore, unless we can get those precise measurements, I don’t think we can use that fence thing as much of an argument for or against the idea.

But having said that, looking at the above, just from a feeling kind of way, of where the lines would lead to near Trumps area: It looks like the fence would obstruct the line of sight, if shot from any part of the windows.
Because in the rifle on the scene they will find 5 unfired bullets! Now they count 5 unfired bullets in the weapon + 8 bullet casings on the roof = 13. BUT the weapon can only hold a maximum of 10 bullets, so they immediately notice that there are additional 3 bullet casings on the roof which doesn’t add up. You can adjust those numbers in any direction and you get to the same problem IF YOU DON‘T STRICTLY CONTROL the 3 above mentioned points BEFORE the operation starts.

I don't think most people here understand that extent to which these 'deep state' types have access and control over local law enforcement. There was very probably a team of people involved in this, maybe 10, 15 or 20 in total.
I don't know much about ballistics nor how the bodies of people who have been shot react, but was curious about Crooks body position before and after his being shot and whether or not that lines up with the direction that the sniper that supposedly hit him shot from as we have gathered so far.

This is the position that Crooks was in before being shot - on his stomach. Notice that his hair looks a lot darker in this shot rather than the one that was apparently taken of him sitting on the cement wall.

Photo 1.
crooks bullet injury 3.png

Then we have a view of him from the ground after he has been shot, his lower body has rolled to the right so that his foot is facing up and his upper body is on it's left side.

Photo 2.
crooks bullet injury 4.png

Then we have police and special forces (the camouflage uniform is apparently special forces) on the roof with Crooks body.

Photo 3.
crooks bullet injury 6.png

In the next image, one of the police is taking Crooks gun away from him and the action seems to roll his head to the right.

Photo 4.
crooks bullet injury 5.png

Photo of Crooks injuries. I can't make this photo make sense with the above. It seems as though the blood dried on Crooks face while he was face down or that he has been rolled out of the blood pool next to his head, but it looks as though he was rolled in the opposite direction from the above shots, or onto his right side. Or is the blood to the left of his face consistent with a spray pattern from the exit wound?

Photo 5.
crooks bullet injury.png

Comparing the blood patterns with details from Photo 3 above, original on left and markups showing the differences with the blood patterns in Photo 5 on the right.

crooks bullet injury 8.pngcrooks bullet injury 8 markup.png

The next curious thing is that we have pictures of special forces on the roof with Crooks body in Photos 3 & 4, but we don't have pictures of them anywhere else from what I recall. Were they only deployed after the shooting? Or were they the ones that were supposed to be in the building either below or behind Crooks?

The snipers on the roof behind Trump are police snipers.

crooks bullet injury 7.png

Not sure if there's anything worthwhile noting in the above since I don't know a lot about guns and being shot, but figured those who are might be able to clear up any suspicions if I'm on a goose chase. I wonder if there's indication that the police snipers on the roof behind Trump didn't fire the shot that killed Crooks?


  • crooks bullet injury 8.png
    crooks bullet injury 8.png
    98.5 KB · Views: 7
I don't know much about ballistics nor how the bodies of people who have been shot react, but was curious about Crooks body position before and after his being shot and whether or not that lines up with the direction that the sniper that supposedly hit him shot from as we have gathered so far.

This is the position that Crooks was in before being shot - on his stomach. Notice that his hair looks a lot darker in this shot rather than the one that was apparently taken of him sitting on the cement wall.

Photo 1.
View attachment 99194

Then we have a view of him from the ground after he has been shot, his lower body has rolled to the right so that his foot is facing up and his upper body is on it's left side.

Photo 2.
View attachment 99195

Then we have police and special forces (the camouflage uniform is apparently special forces) on the roof with Crooks body.

Photo 3.
View attachment 99200

In the next image, one of the police is taking Crooks gun away from him and the action seems to roll his head to the right.

Photo 4.
View attachment 99201

Photo of Crooks injuries. I can't make this photo make sense with the above. It seems as though the blood dried on Crooks face while he was face down or that he has been rolled out of the blood pool next to his head, but it looks as though he was rolled in the opposite direction from the above shots, or onto his right side. Or is the blood to the left of his face consistent with a spray pattern from the exit wound?

Photo 5.
View attachment 99202

Comparing the blood patterns with details from Photo 3 above, original on left and markups showing the differences with the blood patterns in Photo 5 on the right.

View attachment 99206View attachment 99207

The next curious thing is that we have pictures of special forces on the roof with Crooks body in Photos 3 & 4, but we don't have pictures of them anywhere else from what I recall. Were they only deployed after the shooting? Or were they the ones that were supposed to be in the building either below or behind Crooks?

The snipers on the roof behind Trump are police snipers.

View attachment 99203

Not sure if there's anything worthwhile noting in the above since I don't know a lot about guns and being shot, but figured those who are might be able to clear up any suspicions if I'm on a goose chase. I wonder if there's indication that the police snipers on the roof behind Trump didn't fire the shot that killed Crooks?
this is an interesting analysis. thank you. and thank you for not warning us about "senstive content" and requiring our age before viewing ( youtube hypocrisy). the truth must remain unadulterated to be valuable.
poor crooks. merci again.
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I can't make this photo make sense with the above. It seems as though the blood dried on Crooks face while he was face down or that he has been rolled out of the blood pool next to his head, but it looks as though he was rolled in the opposite direction from the above shots, or onto his right side. Or is the blood to the left of his face consistent with a spray pattern from the exit wound?

Photo 5.
crooks bullet injury.png
That photo 5 was created from editing by me in an attempt to get clarity of shooters face. This was done few hours after the shooting when Crooks hasn't been "concluded " as the shooter yet and there is lot of confusion.
Editing including, image flipping, rotating, repeated ai cleanup to get some clarity on the face. Drying of blood is due to software editing de-noising, auto enhancing etc. So you can't get direction from that image
That photo 5 was created from editing by me in an attempt to get clarity of shooters face. This was done few hours after the shooting when Crooks hasn't been "concluded " as the shooter yet and there is lot of confusion.
Editing including, image flipping, rotating, repeated ai cleanup to get some clarity on the face. Drying of blood is due to software editing de-noising, auto enhancing etc. So you can't get direction from that image

Well, someone else has used your photo then! I got it from this article!
I can't access the page even if I do a search and click the link in firefox. It won't load. Looks like it was taken off line?
I am still able to access it so I copied the text from the Beaver County website:

Tony is a lifelong resident of Beaver County. He graduated from Quigley High School in 1979. Tony has been married to his wife Sylvia (Zoiti) for 28 years and they currently reside in Hopewell. They have a married daughter, Marissa Hayward (Zack) and a one year old grandson, Cooper.

Tony entered the Pennsylvania State Police Academy in Hershey, Pa in July of 1984 as a member of the 56th Cadet Class. Upon graduation he was assigned to the Patrol Unit in Uniontown, Fayette County. The Uniontown station was the busiest State Police installation in the Commonwealth. He responded to every kind of police call including homicides, robberies, domestic incidents, motor vehicle accidents, DUI’s, etc. In 1986 Tony transferred to the New Castle station where he spent 3 years as a member of the Patrol Unit, responding to the same types of calls.

In 1989 the State Police re-established their Motorcycle Patrol Unit. Tony was in the first group selected to attend a 2 week training regimen with the US Park Police in Washington D.C. and upon successful completion was assigned to the Motorcycle Patrol at Findlay, patrolling the Pittsburgh Parkway.

Tony again expanded his police experience and in 1992 was selected to become a member of the Troop B Vice Unit, conducting undercover Drug, Gambling, and Prostitution investigations. Over the next 2 ½ years he made well over 100 felony arrests and received a Troop Commander’s Letter of Commendation for “Exceptional Effort” in numerous drug investigations.

In 1995 Tony went through a rigorous physical, mental, and tactical selection process and was chosen to join the State Police Special Emergency Response Team (SERT). SERT responds to incidents such as barricaded gunmen, hostage situations, high-risk warrant service, executive protection, and crowd/riot control situations. Tony progressed in the unit from a point man on a 4 man entry team, to a Team Leader, to the Assistant Coordinator for the Western half of Pennsylvania, overseeing a 34 man unit that included 24 tactical members and 10 negotiators. As the Assistant Coordinator, he was responsible for training the team, interacting with heads of other agencies requesting service, and acting as site commander for numerous high-risk incidents. Because it is a part time unit, he remained on SERT through the end of his State Police career, training 3-4 days a month with the team and being on 24 hour call for in-progress incidents. Tony has taken part in the security details for two National Governors Association Conferences (State College and Philadelphia), the Pittsburgh G20 Conference, numerous Presidential Executive Protection Details, and Super Bowl/Stanley Cup crowd control details. During the last 3 years of his career, SERT West averaged approximately 60 calls per year.
Leaving the Vice Unit in 1996, Tony was selected to become the Troop B, Polygraph Examiner. He completed an eleven-week course of study with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Ottawa, Canada, graduating first in his class. For the next ten years he conducted over a thousand Polygraph Examinations, assisting investigators in cases such as Homicides, Robberies, and Child Sexual Assaults. He also became a part of the Cadet Selection Process by administering pre-employment tests to potential new hires. Tony was awarded another Troop Commander’s Letter of Commendation for his polygraph work on the Officer James Naim homicide investigation. He received a 3rd Troop Commander’s Letter of Commendation for admissions he obtained during a polygraph procedure, leading to the arrest of a woman for the murder of her 2 year old son 30 years prior.

After the “Attack on America” on September 11, 2001 Tony was assigned as a part of the security structure during the investigation of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa. Subsequently he was briefly assigned to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force until a Trooper could be assigned full time.

During his tenure as a polygraph examiner Tony was promoted “in-place” to Corporal. In 2007 he was promoted to Sergeant and oversaw Patrol Units in Dunmore, Indiana, and Uniontown, commanding as many as 60 Troopers and Corporals.

Tony’s last assignment with the State Police was as the Criminal Investigations Section Supervisor overseeing more than 25 members including Criminal Investigators, Vice Unit members, Fire Marshalls, Crime Scene Investigators, Polygraph Examiners, and Criminal Intelligence Unit members.

After retirement and prior to election as Beaver County Sheriff Tony has worked as a private contract security officer.

Tony is an active member of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church where he is a Religious Education instructor, teaching 8thgraders. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus (2nd degree).

Tony is a Life Member of the Fraternal Order of Police and served for four years as the Secretary of Lodge 47.

He is a Life Member of the NRA, the Firearm Owners Against Crime, and a member of the National Tactical Officer’s Association.

Tony served two years as an appointed Director of the Hopewell Area School Board.

Tony is an avid World War II buff and has traveled to Normandy, France and other European WWII sites on three occasions to indulge his love of history and the “Greatest Generation”.

He has twice run the Pittsburgh Half Marathon and has also completed the Pittsburgh two “Tough Mudders”.
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