Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

I had a thought today that his surviving could have been the actual program change.
I was thinking the same thing. Program change could also mean moving to a new timeline. Killing the president in front of the world would have released a lot of dark energy. Many people had the opportunity to make a change of direction in STO, as certain qualities such as gratitude, hope etc. can be awakened here.
I think there’s another potential piece of the puzzle that might point to a professional sniper having shot at least the first two or three shots: not only does it look like the first shot that hit Trumps ear was a bullseye shot but also that the second shot might have missed Trumps head just slightly, judged from the picture we have of it.
He does acknowledge that he seems to have overestimated the height of the bleachers, and used a sloppy method to do so. It's a very convincing video up until that assumption. That was revealed in response to this comment.

I think we can figure out the height of the bleachers to a fairly accurate degree, according to this link each step on bleachers is standardized to 7.75”-8”, and the photo from above shows 9 steps to top row. Therefore the floor of the highest bleacher is 5.8-6’ off the ground max

Screenshot 2024-07-20 213034.png

It appears to be a mobile bleacher from the company Bleachers On Demand
Screenshot 2024-07-20 210609.png
From About Us | Bleachers on Demand
  • Seat Capacity: 180-300
  • 10 Rows
  • 45 Feet Length
  • 11’2” Feet Height
  • 19’4” Feet Width
  • 13,700 lbs
  • 24” Standard Row Spacing
  • 4 Feet Guard Rails

However, looking at a supplier of these units (see here 10-Row Towable Aluminum Bleacher | Seats 300 | Mobile “Speedy Bleacher” | 45′ Length) the unfolded height is recorded as 12'2"

Closest schematic I could find looks like this:

So I make the floor at the top of the bleachers 6' to 6'4"
Using this image as reference:

And the video of the 'puff' from the bullet and where the guy in the white shirt was injured according to other footage (right lower ribs), that would put the impact at 11'2" to 12'2" in the air. The problem here is that inches matter (see below)

Trump is 6'3"
So what's the stage height? Anyone know?
Based on the following image it's not 6' - maybe 4'? 5'?
Screenshot 2024-07-20 224457.png

So (taking 1 inch off for Trumps ear) - we have 10'2" or 11'2"
Now I know those calculations are mostly bunk because I'm guessing the height of the stage. But you can see why knowing heights exactly (or as close as possible) is needed to work out what angle the shot came from.
Without more data, it's a toss up as to whether it came from the roof or the window.

I needed to find all this if I hope to create an accurate 3D model, otherwise the model is useless and can show anything I want it too.
So they've gone from one ladder to two ladders to... no ladders and he 'may have climbed up by hoisting himself onto an AC unit'.
Don't know if this is official or media incompetence, but the AC unit was introduced on the 15th by "local law enforcement," two days after. Maybe this was just the first "official" announcement of that bit of news?
Trump is 6'3"
So what's the stage height? Anyone know?
You might be able to find it out by using the approximate height of one step in a ladder of the type you see there and multiple that by the number of steps. BUT in this case the red walkway that is leading to the stage is already quite some way above ground (as you can see on some footage). So you would need to add that height on top of it.
Some more ideas on where the second shooter was located. The more I think about the Crooks character, the more I think he was just a patsy and to him, this was only a game (although I don't know why he would think that, as it points to somebody being incredibly niaive).

This, together with the audio analysis in which we hear the first three shots 'muffled', and the second set of 5/6 shots 'echoing', support each other for making the case that a 'pro team' was in the building behind Crooks, firing from an open window, and almost lined up behind him.

That the 'pro team' was indoors would have 'muffled' the sounds of their three rounds. Crooks then fired 5 or 6 shots from his position out in the open, which echoed off the building behind him.

As noted in the above analysis, the media has largely reported Crooks' position as being on the left of that rooftop, whereas his dead body is clearly seen on the right. The reason for this could well be that the trajectory of the bullet that hit Trump lines up with the left of that rooftop (and thus the open window behind it).
vector of influence to stop Trump being assassinated?
Yes, in line with option 2.) you suggested here.

130-150 meters with clear line of sight is child's play for pro shooters. All the more so because the entire US government apparatus is so thoroughly controlled, and the US population as a whole is so thoroughly gullible, that the head of the SS can get on TV and say, with a straight face, that sloped roofs are dangerous for her agents.

Trump could have been whacked at any time in the last 8 years.

They didn't do it until now because they preferred not to have to do that, and saved the 'kill shot' as a 'last option' - on literally the last day before the RNC.

Then they decided to do it.

But they were 'messed with'. The 'quorum' has apparently decided it's better to use Trump than ditch him for the coming 'end of days'.
As noted in the above analysis, the media has largely reported Crooks' position as being on the left of that rooftop, whereas his dead body is clearly seen on the right. The reason for this could well be that the trajectory of the bullet that hit Trump lines up with the left of that rooftop (and thus the open window behind it).

As noted in the above analysis, the media has largely reported Crooks' position as being on the left of that rooftop, whereas his dead body is clearly seen on the right. The reason for this could well be that the trajectory of the bullet that hit Trump lines up with the left of that rooftop (and thus the open window behind it).

If Crooks body was really moved to another location after he was shot and we can be sure of that (?) then it is pretty revealing and strongly suggest a coverup and likely exactly the type you are proposing (aligning the body with the shooting angle of the real sniper).

On the other hand, there is another element that I don’t quite understand if we are looking at a conspiracy of that sort: Why would Crooks handlers allow him to shoot with a weapon that isn’t really meant for what he did (a sniper type shot) while also not having a big and visible/obvious scope on that weapon? Why wouldn’t you want to equip your patsy with equipment that is consistent with the official story? Why wasn’t he equipping with a sniper rifle and scope? Sounds kinda strange to me if you want to pin it on Crooks as the patsy.
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Yep, all of that speaks to someone wanting chaos. But that then brings up the question of what went wrong? Why did he survive?

Since we all into "the divine" here, what's our take on the, now popular, idea that it was "divine intervention"?

Seems to me there are four general options there:

1) Just luck (see number 3)
2) Divine intervention
3)Trump's "higher self" stepping in because "it wasn't his time".
I think 2 and 3 could be the same in certain circumstances. I've heard a bunch of crazy stories of people being saved from certain death through what they interpret as "divine intervention" or their "guardian angels." No way to know, but I didn't get the impression these events would've been orchestrated by 4D STS - though that no doubt also happens.

Divine intervention was brought up a couple time in the sessions:

Q: (L) What occurred to make my pool clear up?

A: You restored your own energy.

Q: (L) And it had nothing to do with rituals?

A: Correct. In spite of rituals but you were lucky could have gone the other way.

Q: (L) What prevented this from happening?

A: Divine intervention. [energy surge]

Q: (L) Well, my life seems to have been full of incidents of Divine intervention. Is this true?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is the purpose of this intervention?

A: To preserve and prepare you for work.

Q: (L) What is this work?

A: You are extremely valuable to all on your planet.
Q: (L) One session I asked about some things that happened to me in the past and I was told that what saved my buns from the fire was divine intervention.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can you tell us about divine intervention?

A: Multi faceted.

Q: (L) Was this divine intervention enacted to protect me from direful consequences that would have prevented me from doing whatever work is forming up for me in the future?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does it not seem that being under attack as we are now might further prevent me, as well as my compatriots from doing our work?

A: Of course.

Q: (L) Well, does it not then behoove this same divine intervention enacted at these other times to act at this time, or is the threat less?

A: Divine intervention cannot be arranged by 3rd level beings.

Q: (L) What level beings arrange divine intervention?

A: 4th through 7th.

(T) So, we are just shy of a level to do that! We can do some quasi-divine intervention!

A: You cannot do this divine intervention. You can do 3rd level intervention.

Q: (Laura, Jan) What is third level intervention? {Pause} (T) They're accessing the cosmic retrieval system.

A: Discover.

Q: (L) give us a hint!

A: You should know!

Q: (T) Knowledge protects! So when we find ourselves a fourth density being, things are gonna roll!

A: You do 3rd intervention all the "time."

Q: (L) Do you mean spirit release and cleansing?

A: And other.

Q: (T) Well we've done spirit release and cleansing, which has prepared us somewhat. (L) Do we need to do this over and over again to constantly keep it up?

A: Open.

Q: (T) When I am on my lunch break, I go walking around the complex. As I am walking along, every so often I get an image, not a visual, it is like a perceived image, of the forms and shapes encountered when doing spirit release work. I can see these things coming toward me. As they come toward me I just send them to the light. I say, "Hello, how are ya, go to the light!" And they will swirl around me and disappear. So, I don't know if that is part of what we are supposed to be doing; being prepared by keeping all of the stuff off of us, by always setting up a field... (F) You are protecting yourself against attachment, is what you are doing. (T) But, it is also setting up a field that automatically intercedes... (L) Okay, you say that I do 3rd level intervention all the time. Now, obviously this is partly the release work. Let me ask, is Susan's work in moving this stuff out of the tissue base, is that part of this intervention.

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Is that a collective?

A: So is writing letters and yelling at people over the phone!
So divine intervention can come through 4d-7d, which includes STO. Maybe it is simply the means used that differentiates STS and STO influences?
If Trump had been killed, would that have qualified as a "program change"?
I'd say yes. It would have ranked up there with 1963 and 9/11 in terms of American disasters.
In the last session they said that the quorum was meeting to effect changes to control people more, but that control would lead to more resistance, and that was needed because more balance is needed.
There still might be some room for interpretation. Three of the questions were answered with "close," which leaves things open a bit:
Q: (L) Does it mean that from our perspective they're going to effect, or make some nefarious plans in the direction of greater control of human beings?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is it because there is too much resistance against the increasing control, or not enough?

A: Not enough for balance.

Q: (L) So, based on things you've said in the past, does that mean there needs to be more suffering so that more people wake up?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Well, swell! (Joe) So the meeting that they're having, the decision that they're coming to will determine the future of Earth in a definitive way, or is it just another step?

A: Not as you suggest, no.

Q: (Gaby) It's more about the future of humanity... (Joe) Or the future trajectory, or the next step in the...

A: There needs to be balance.

Q: (Joe) There needs to be balance, but they said there's not enough resistance from people, right? (Chu) Yeah. (Joe) And there's not enough resistance for balance. And there needs to be balance. So... (L) They need to make more resistance. (Joe) Well, these people aren't intending to produce more resistance. They're probably intending to create more control, but by trying to do that, they'll provoke more resistance.

A: Yes. [This would apply generally to all STS forces, so it may not be directly relevant to any Quorum decisions, IMO.]

(L) So the controls may get tighter. (Joe) And then people will rebel more. (L) Well, swell! There went my retirement! (Joe) It's kind of funny how someone would want more control, but that to get there, and in trying to get more control, they're not aware that they're going to get more resistance. (L) Yeah, well, isn't that what Mephistopheles said in Faust? You know, he who intends evil, but... something along the lines. Somebody find that quote from Faust. "He who intends evil but ends up doing good..." or whatever. ["I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good"]. (Joe) So does that relate to the program change that they talked about in the last session?

A: Yes, indirectly. [Would like this answer unpacked.]

(PoB) Does "future of Earth" also involve things like Earth changes, climate and...?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So, what is within the purview of this Quorum people is basically control of human beings rather than... (Chu) Well, if they're in 4D, they might be controlling the weather too. (Joe) But can they effect changes like cataclysms? Can they induce or provoke cataclysms?

A: Yes to all.

Q: (Joe) So we're looking at something more along the lines of Earth changes then... [Laughter]

A: No dice!

Q: (Joe) So, we're looking then at stuff more along the lines of more control over human beings, which provokes Earth changes because of the...

A: Close.
The only really definitive answers here were that it had to do with creating the necessary balance, and is "indirectly" related to the program change.
Question is: are the quorum people aware that they will achieve more resistance and therefore balance by their actions? Are they intending that?
My guess would be yes. The Quorum itself is all about balance, so it makes sense that that is what they would seek. E.g.
A: Quorum mostly alien; illuminati mostly human.

Q: (L) Well, the quorum has been described…

A: Meet; two halves of whole.
Q: (L) Are you saying that some of the Quorum are good guys and bad guys and the same for the Illuminati because the two are on opposing sides of the circle but at the point of blending one is weighted more to one side and the other to the other side? And these organizations are where the interactions come together?

A: Closer.
Q: (L) Okay, the ones in the quorum are those who are focused on service to others and they, in their pathway of service to others begin to understand that some service to self is service to others.

A: Close.

(L) And the whole idea is to blend both pathways no matter which direction you come to it from?

A: Service to others provides the perfect balance of those two realities; service to self is the diametrical opposite closing the grand cycle in perfect balance.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have a pathway of service to self in order for the pathway of service to others to exist?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And those who are in the quorum and the illuminati …

A: Blends in middle.
Are SOME of them intending that?
Good inspiration for more questioning on the nature of the Quorum. Are they in alignment on their decisions and intentions despite their STS vs. STO natures?
And now we have a UFO(s) spotted over the assassination attempt. Watching? Facilitating? Or preventing?
All of the above?

My impression based on the timing of those statements in the sessions is that this Trump event is related, given how potentially huge and destabilizing it could've been. This could be wrong, but I got the impression that the Quorum meeting (which the Cs brought up without prompting, suggesting its importance) would not merely be to confirm what was already planned with the "program change." Why "call" a meeting when the plan was already in motion? That suggests to me that perhaps something changed with the Quorum meeting.

Was Trump originally slated to die, either in this way or some other (e.g. heart attack)? And how might that achieve some level of balance?

I've noticed a couple changes since the assassination attempt, which may or may not be relevant. First, Trump seems a bit more subdued and serene. He made a point of focusing on unity, being president for "all Americans." And his enemies have been forced to tone down the rhetoric. You won't find any of the high-level people saying they wished he had died. Their own fake political values force them to pray and express sympathy for a man who they previously equated to Hitler. That's not good messaging. It tells their followers that Trump ISN'T Hitler, and some are already coming around and "converting" to Trump.
If Crooks body was really moved to another location after he was shot and we can be sure of that (?) then it is pretty revealing and strongly suggest a coverup and likely exactly the type you are proposing (aligning the body with the shooting angle of the real sniper).

On the other hand, there is another element that I don’t quite understand if we are looking at a conspiracy of that sort: Why would Crooks handlers allow him to shoot with a weapon that isn’t really meant for what he did (a sniper type shot) while also not having a big and visible/obvious scope on that weapon? Why wouldn’t you want to equip your patsy with equipment that is consistent with the official story? Why wasn’t he equipping with a sniper rifle and scope? Sounds kinda strange to me if you want to pin it on Crooks as the patsy.

Good points. My guess at the moment is that the handlers are so arrogant that they also know that few people will dare to do their own research and go one inch further than the version of the facts released by the media.

After all most people still cling to that normalcy boas that prevent them for trusting a "conspiracy theory".

The fact that they wouldn't equip him appropriately just reinforces the possibility of Crooks being, to the public, one more deranged, amateur and lone sniper to appear in America. One who supposedly acted alone and therefore was prone to miscalculate.
Here is a video of a woman being carried off the field because she had passed out. Watching some other videos, apparently it was a very hot day.

But, a bit later, you see a blood pool on the stands. It's a bit grotesque but it's to show where Comperator was. Remember that the report was that he was not standing but was already down, shielding his wife and daughter, which means he was not hit from the first shot because he was reacting. The report from the attending surgeon was that Comperator had 'spun around' and was wedged between the seats.

You can see the blood on the 6th riser.

Comperator Blood.jpg

Also, I can't find any evidence of a bullet grazing the neck of the nephew who was sitting in the front row near Trump. I realise now that 'front row' could also mean the sides because the seating around the stage was sort of horseshoe shaped, so the front row could be on one of the sides. Still, I haven't found anything.

A quick (and probably stupid) question. Could a person load a gun cartridge with different types of ammo? Bullets and tracer rounds, sure, but, say, supersonic and subsonic rounds in the same cartridge?
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