Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Yesterday I tried to google/Yandex image search on her image with dark glasses from the video (and some clean up), the only result I got was people with sun glasses.:lol: I tried to remove her glasses, unfortunately i couldn't spend enough time to have a clean image. Her images on google, looks similar though not exactly same (with time and heat one can't expect the same as official portrait). We will see how it goes.
It looks that woman not FBI employee. It looks that woman contacted Candice Owen to reveal some details.
Based on the footage of the first shot hitting the railing, he estimates it's a rising shot. Meaning it was fired upwards (from the window)
This is one of the reasons I can't take this PhD seriously. He throws this out there without any supporting or disproving evidence. There's nothing wrong with speculating to try to come up with ideas to check out, but this is just lazy.

Here's a young woman who actually put in some work:

She modeled the shots coming from the rooftop. Here's one:

Screenshot 2024-07-20 at 11.32.46 AM.png
This matches the video taken from a guy standing in front of the stands to the left of Trump. He appears to be holding the phone above his head and providing some almost 360-degree coverage of the scene from that location. (You can see Comperatore leaning against the railing in some shots.) So the following shot is taken from probably around 7 feet above ground level:
Screenshot 2024-07-20 at 11.39.16 AM.png
You can see Dutch standing at the top of right stands below the level of Trump's head from this vantage point, matching the 3D model above.

Here's the approximate location of the guy filming this video, marked with a green star. The green line is his line of sight, which matches the above screenshot (Dutch and Copenhaver to the left of Trump's head):

Incidentally, from this angle you can see that there is a gap between Dutch and the guy to Dutch's left.
Screenshot 2024-07-20 at 12.05.53 PM.png
This may help in figuring out the trajectory of the bullet that seemed to hit the railing behind the guy in the red cap.
Senator Josh Hawley says whistleblowers have come forward.

Senator Josh Hawley says whistleblowers have come forward, alleges the Biden DHS assigned “unprepared and inexperienced personnel” to Trump who weren’t even Secret Service.“ Whistleblowers who have direct knowledge of the event have approached my office. According to the allegations, the July 13 rally was considered to be a loose' security event,” Hawley said in a letter to Mayorkas. “For example, detection canines were not used to monitor entry and detect threats in the usual manner. Individuals without proper designations were able to gain access to backstage areas.”

“Department personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer around the podium and were also not stationed at regular intervals around the event's security perimeter.” “In addition, whistleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not in fact USSS agents but instead drawn from the department's Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).” “This is especially concerning given that HSI agents were unfamiliar with standard protocols typically used at these types of events, according to the allegations.”
At this point I am taking the Popcorn Approach. Watching the movie unfold. The essential fact for me is a failed attempt on Trump by some faction and the kid is an unfortunate patsy. The rest of the details are a fascinating who-did-what-when-how, but the next move is probably about ready to be served up so I am positioning my stance to be alert to the next big thing. So I’m kinda done obsessing about the details of this astounding fail (as I see it).

Note-I’m not meaning to be saying to anyone to stop investigating or anything negative. Just, I’ll keep reading, thanks for what you are doing, but I’m finding myself obsessing to the point I’m letting my hand off the plow, so to speak, and that tells me I need to refocus and get back to work.
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